Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Yesterday I took a hot yoga class & the treadmill. Today was the treadmill. The weather was beautiful today:)

Belinda - There are a lot of Cathe Live workouts now. It's funny that you friend does Cathe workouts. Did she ever go to a Cathe roadtrip?

Kristin - Happy Birthday to your son! The restaurant sounds :cool: hope you enjoyed:)

Hey guys. I ended up taking rest days Friday and Saturday. Friday was my younger DS's birthday. After work we took him out to dinner with my dad. Did not feel like working out after that, plus I had two drinks, lol. Saturday I chaperoned the 7th grade trip to Splish Splash, a waterpark out east. I didn't "work out" but I did a ton of walking, and I think that counts for something. My colleague's wife was bringing his kids to the park too and she sent me a message offering to take my boys with her. They ended up meeting us at the park. My sons mingled with my students, which was so cute. We went on rides together with the students. . . it really was a great day. When I came home, I had intended on doing a workout. I ended up falling asleep on the couch with my younger DS.

Deb- Summer is finally here! I was worried it would be cold or rainy for our trip, but it was beautiful weather. Hot enough to enjoy the rides and not a cloud in sight!

Belinda- I LOL when I read your comment about your CC being safe. Now that you are both doing STS you are making me want to do it too, lol. Maybe after the cruise. I was thinking of doing a 4DS rotation and then RWH rotation for July and August. . . maybe STS instead. . . I need to lean out though. Food is getting in the way. I am trying to stay razor-sharp focused on eating the next two weeks. This way on the cruise I can indulge and not feel that guilty about it.


Hey girls,

My neighbor across the street had a yard sale on Friday and Saturday. I already had some stuff for donations in my garage. I figured, why not try to get rid off it. I pulled out my stuff from the garage:p Me having a yard sale was unplanned, but I pulled it off anyway.We usually have a community yard sale twice a year. For some reason, there wasn't one this year. I wanted this stuff out, so I sat up my stuff too:D I only sat up for a few hours each day. I still got my workouts in and had to take care of my pups. My neighbor was out there 8 a.m. sharp! Every Saturday's I go to our local Farmers Market. Love going there! I get my organic veg, fruits, meats fresh and Kambucha tea from the farmers. After the market DH and I had our yard sale, lol.

Saturday was a rest day. Had enough running with the yard sale.
Today I walked 4 miles. I am at 16K.

Debbie - my friend does Cathe because of me :) I invited her to workout with me one day and she really liked Cathe's style. Plus, she liked the idea of working out at home.

Kirstin - happy birthday to your DS. Glad he had fun. LOL, my CC is safe :) I have the tower. But really trying not to add anymore dvd's. I probably will sign up a month on Cathe OnDemand to try them out later this year or next year. Right now, I am doing STS and loving it. I hear you on the food. I been eating really clean

Have a great Sunday, everyone.

Today I did the bonus leg workout on D12 & the leg conditioning drills from Kickmax. I opened the water line for my hose outside and wouldn't you know it, it's leaking in our basement. Ugh, need to call a plumber:(

I covering for the NYC girl this week, but only 3 days. TG, because they are repairing the tracks & said to expect delays.

Belinda - I hope you made a lot of unexpected money too:) Our Farmer's Market opens next Sunday, I can't wait!! They tease me because I get their about an 1 1/2 before closing, but this year I will try hard to go earlier;)

Kristin - That is great that the kids were able to come along for the school trip:) I hope your classroom isn't too hot tomorrow. Do they have fans?

Hallo ladies,

STS M1 D4 plus STS yoga abs is done. I also walked 3 miles.

Debbie - I was hoping to sell everything, that didn't happened. I made some $$. Wished more people have showed up. Oh well! Saturday's I go very early to the Farmers Market. They open at 8 am and close at 12. They usually run out of salads or eggs if you go later. OH NO, on the leak in your basement :( I hope the plumber fixed it.

Have a great Monday, everyone.
Hey guys. Just finished my workout. I did Low Max premix of combos 1-4, and then I did Athletic Training express premix. I had originally wanted to do all of Low Max, but I got bored and was on the verge of stopping the workout, so I switched in AT. I think I was just tired, lol. Anyway, the amount of workout time was the same and my legs are spent.

Today was sooooo hot. I was happy to get home after visiting my mom and jumping in my pool with the boys. Tomorrow is supposed to be just as hot.

My dad just found out he has a hernia. He is going to see the specialist on Wednesday. Hopefully, it is a short in-and-out procedure. He is supposed to watch Baxter when we go away, but now we don't know if he will be able to do so. I did not really like how Baxter lost weight when he stayed with my dog trainer, so I am checking out a boarding kennel that a friend of mine recommended. She has a Kane Cors0 (not sure if I am spelling it correctly). It is a BIG dog. She says he is always happy to go there. I don't want to board him, but I may be out of options.

Deb- I bought my own fans in the past. This year I had a student with a 504 that required a/c. At first, they were making me move into a different classroom for one period. When I pointed out that I had an autistic student in the class that needs the anchor charts and structure instead of moving around when it is hot out, they added the a/c in my room :). It took me 18 years, but I finally have a/c! I hope the leak in your basement is nothing major, fingers crossed.

Belinda- GLad you made some money. Maybe everyone was at the beach? It was such a beautiful weekend after all the rain. Not sure if you had what we had up here, but we had about 2 weeks of clouds and rain. It was depressing. Nice job on STS. One day I will get Cathe Live.

BB tomorrow,


Today I did Turbo Fire/Fire 30. I forgot how fast moving these workouts are. I turned the water pipe that was leaking off till the plumber comes sometime this week.

At NYC Macy's the store was so quiet and not a lot of merchandise in stockrooms:confused: Retail is taking a big hit because of on-line shopping.

Belinda - I'll have to see if anyone at our Farmer's Market sells tea:) Great job with your workouts!

Kristin - A/C in your room:cool: It looks like a good sign if the dog likes the boarding kennel. If you lived closer I could have doggie sat;) I liked the way you mixed up your workouts today.

Hi everyone,

I did another CL with my friend :( I think all that high impact is flaring up my PF :( Not happy with that. Anyway we did Warrior KB. It was a lot of fun, had to keep most low impact. Cathe's live workouts are very similar to her dvd's, IMO! I love the ab section on the end.

Debbie - the girl at the farmer market makes her own Kambucha tea. She has different flavors every week. We buy a growler (?) every week. DH swears by it. He was on meds for his stomach, now he hardly takes meds anymore. The girl is so sweet, she is very young too and brings her daughter too. Every time she sees me, she gives me a hug :) All the farmers are very nice. Our Farmer Market isn't that huge. I think there are less than 30 farmers selling their stuff. They also have live music and coffee. People bring their dogs. The farmers that I buy from always inviting us to their farms :) They always say if I am near their farms, just to stop by :) I also do a lot off online shopping :) The other day I went to Martinsburg, VA, JCP is closing :( you really find things cheaper online.

That's it for me today, I am pretty beat.

Have a great workout everyone.
Hey guys. It was even hotter in my building today. I am exhausted. I did go in the pool when I got home and played with my dog. I also checked out a boarding place for Baxter. It was good. I just rather he stay home where he is comfortable. My dad is going to see the specialist tomorrow. This should determine whether or not we have to board him. I am hoping we do not have to board him, obviously.

I pushed through Xtrain hardstrikes, but it wasn't my best workout. I just was not feeling it tonight.

Belinda- How wonderful that the tea has helped your husband more than any medication could/would. I love to hear stories like that. I need to drink more tea myself.

Deb- I wish you lived closer so you could dog sit.



Today I did STS Total Body Lower body premix & Turbo Fire Hiit 15. I guess because it was so hot I was really sweating even with a/c on doing lower body premix:confused:

I'm back to NYC for the day.

Belinda - Your Farmer's market sounds like ours not too big either. The girl that I go to for pedicures, is going part time to help her DH because they have an organic farm on their property and it is very successful with the restaurants in the area. She invited me to her house, I would love to see it:)

Kristin - Depending on the hernia, you can sometimes wait to have the surgery (fingers crossed). I can't even imagine how hot your school was. You must be so happy to have a pool:D

Today I wanted to do something different, so I did 21 Day Fix Extreme Challenge Fix. Love this workout. It is so different.

One more day of classes. . . I can do this. . . then it's finals and bon voyage, literally because I am going on a cruise.

My dad just called me and told me that his hernia surgery will be a one-day thing, in and out. He can either go the 23rd, which is right before my cruise, or the 30th. We are hoping he gets the 23rd. Then he can stay at my house and watch Baxter.

Belinda- That's odd that they messed up the price on the presale. It is expensive for a 3 disc series, but the tower itself is an expense too.

Deb- thankfully the temps cooled down a bit. Didn't stop my boys from going in the pool today, lol.

BB tomorrow.


Today I did STS total body upper body premix. We took my nephew out to the park and dinner. If was a fun night but so tired, 4 year olds are a lot of work;)

Belinda - I never know what to do on STS active rest week . . . napping comes to mind:D Does STS feel different this time around?

Kristin - Hopefully your Dad can watch Baxter. How exciting school is ending & the cruise is so close:)

Hi everyone,

I did Intensity premix #1 1. Maximum Intensity - 70:21.

Debbie - you can do cardio, walking, yoga, pilates or take an entire week off. I probably make sure I get my 10K in and that's it. NO weight training. Actually, I like your idea :D Napping sounds good to me :D

Kirstin - that was odd they posted the wrong prices. I am surprised nobody else noticed, lol. I guess, everyone just whipped out there CC, and thought they get a great deal on the single dvd :p I was looking at the total amount from the downloads, I am like how do they come up with that price? $10.99 x 3 = not 37. And the price was up there for awhile too until I pointed it out the other day. They changed the price so fast, lol. I am an accountant/bookkeeper :) I agree, the presale is a lot higher than her usually presale prices. At least at seems like it! Cathe does runs 40% off deals a few times a year. Maybe it comes out cheaper later on? Who knows :) I hope things workout with your dad and Baxter. Good luck with your dads surgery.

Have a great day everyone.
The last few day's, I been talking so much about the Fit tower workouts to my husband. He just ordered them, he said he got tired of hearing about them :) Since we do have a Fit Tower, he though it would be a great idea to order. We could do different exercises on it, instead using it for a barbell rack :) He really likes Cathe STS :) If we don't like the dvd's I will resale them.
Hey guys. I finally made it to the last day of classes. What a sh*t show it was at school today. The principal did not know which way was up. She never went over the end of the year procedures. We had raffle tickets to give out to kids in homeroom with no explanation to what they were for. It turns out they were for free ice cream from Cold Stone Creamery, courtesy of the PTA. half the teachers did not even give out the tickets because they were so small and they did not see them in their mailboxes in the morning. In years past, we would have a shortened bell schedule at the end of the day and then have students return to homeroom to return their locks. Well, she did not think to plan for this so she had the kids empty their lockers in the beginning of the day and turn in their locks. That caused a major problem with backpacks. For safety reasons (weapons) kids are not allowed to carry backpacks in the building during the day. Now everyone had their backpack all day. Then 8th grade homerooms had to go to the auditorium to review the moving up ceremony. It was utter chaos in there. She never turned the bells off, so when I was in the auditorium with me 8th grade homeroom, my first period, 7th grade class was unattended in my classroom, along with a bunch of other classes whose teachers were in the auditorium. She had to make an announcement for 7th and 6th grade teachers with 8th grade homerooms to return to their classrooms. . . which left the entire 8th grade in the auditorium with very few adults. Priceless. . . and the assistant superintendent was there to witness it all. This was all before the end of the first period of the day!!!!!

Oh. . . on a side note, my dad found out he can have the surgery on the 23rd, which means he will watch Baxter for us. So relieved for this!

Belinda- That is funny your DH just ordered them for you. I bet you will love them. Do you have the new bar or the one from STS?

Deb- 4 year olds are a lot of work. I love the age my kids are at now (9 and 11 going on 12), even though the older one is getting to be very hormonal these days.



Today I did Turbo Fire 55 EZ. My week in NYC is over and my feet are very thankful LOL. Macy's stores are getting so old not sure what is worse the bathrooms or escalators that don't work:confused:

Belinda - Do you use your fit tower for other workouts? I bet you will like them.

Kristin - You wonder how your principal made it this far:confused: The good things are someone witnessed it and it was your last day of school:) Baxter and your Dad will be so happy. How is your Mom?

Hey girls,

Today was STS D6 legs.

Kirstin - Happy birthday! Hope you have a fantastic and fulfilled day. Like gifts too :) Your printipal sounds like Aleisa's boss. Makes me wonder how they made it this far??

Debbie - I hope I like the new workouts. Really didn't needed them. It was very sweet of my husband to order them :) I am getting ready to post more BB sets on FB and other sites soon. If anyone is interested let me know. I use the Fit tower more now since I decided to keep it. I use it more for triceps dips (my husband used the tower for triceps dips and I really liked it).

Cookie - where are you? I miss you :(

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great evening.
Lean Legs and Abs done! Going out to a birthday dinner with DH. My dad is watching the boys.

So as it turns out my dad cannot watch Baxter. They moved his surgery to the 30th and there is nothing he can do about it. I was not impressed with the kennel I checked out. I decided to board him with my dog trainer. At least he knows her and has been there before. Maybe he will be more comfortable there this time around. I am upset about it but there is nothing I can do. I am even more upset that I won't be around for my dad's surgery. Even though it is an easy surgery, I would have liked to have been there for him.

Belinda- thank you. I cannot believe I am 40. When it comes to bosses, the expression holds true often: sh*t rises to the top. My principal was an AP before she took over our building. She was not ready for "prime time," as a friend of mine says.

Deb- my mom is doing okay. She is adjusting there.



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