Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I did Turbo Fire Hiit 20 & walked on the treadmill. Yesterday I took a rest day. It was such a dreary day today, hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Belinda - I'll check out facebook. I miss Cookie too, she used to love being a part of our group:( You can probably use your tower for barre workouts.

Kristin - Great gifts, especially the Lady Gaga tickets! Sorry you Dad can't watch Baxter:( Enjoy your vacation, everything will work out.


Today I did Turbo Fire 45 EZ. Next week I start STS Meso 2. It was a hot day at my in-laws for a bbq, I didn't bring my bathing suit but should have:confused:

Belinda - Today was the 1st day at the Farmer's Market but not all the vendors were there this week. I still was able to get some vegetables & yogurt.

Kristin - Hope you enjoyed your birthday!!

Good morning,

Sorry for not checking in this weekend. Both my kids came this weekend. We had a blast.

Debbie - I hope Cookie is ok. Haven't heard from her in month. Your framers market has yogurt? That is so cool. DH and I went to our local Farmers Market this Saturday, we ended up walking around for 3 hours. They had blocked off a few streets in town, they had lots of different vendors (cloth, hand made stuff). It was so hot outside yesterday. We bbq yesterday, it was so hot outside. I don't like using the tower for barre workouts, they thing that goes across the floor gets into my way. I can feel lit under my feet.

Today I will do D7.

I will be back later.
Hey guys. I just finished Plyo Hiit 2 plus abs 2. I don't know if it is that I turned 40 or that I am just dragging from the school year, but I feel tired these days. Hopefully it is school year ending and not that I just turned 40, lol. 6 more days until our cruise!!!

Belinda- I miss seeing Cookie on here too. Nice job on your workouts. You guys are making me want to do STS, lol. I am not ready to commit to it though.

Deb- I was upset about having to put Baxter in someone else's house for the week, but I am over it. I sooooo need this vacation and time away.


Hallo everyone,

DH and I did D7 and walked 4 miles.

Kirstin - I really miss Cookie on here :( She hasn't checked in in so long. You know what I noticed, a lot of people that checked in a few years ago kinda disappeared from the forum. I also miss Lori, she post on FB. I know she is busy with her new baby/kids. Even the OF slowed down big times. I am loving STS and so does my husband. You should start :)

Debbie - you are starting M2 this week. I can't wait for M2. My chest is fried from all those push ups, lol.

Waving Hallo to everyone that checks in after me. Good night!

Today I did M2 D13 Chest, shoulders & tri's. I forgot how much I really like M2, the time goes so fast:) We were supposed to get bad storms but we didn't. Our A/C is still not fixed last night was tough. Apparently a mouse built a nest (on the outside) & it messed up a part that will be in tomorrow.

Belinda - It does seem like people really don't do check-ins as much even on FB. I think it is a great motivator:) I miss everyone that was on our thread too:(

Kristin - I'm sure it's that you need a vacation & not turning 40 LOL. You did plan it perfectly:) Baxter will be fine and it will be a nice reunion when you get back.

Good morning,

Cardio Slam Modification premix #2 = 62 min is done.

Debbie - I totally agree with you on the check ins :( Cathe doesn't post anymore like she use too :( Hope the all doing ok! I think in a few years all those that are left check ins will disappear completely. Good job on D13. Can't wait for M2.

Hallo Kirstin!

That's it for me today. Have a great day and workout everyone.

Today I did sprints at the gym, ouch my legs are sore already. They finally fixed our a/c (happy dance)!

Belinda - Cardio slam is tough but fun!

Waves hi to Kristin:)

Good morning,

D8 Triceps & Back is done.

Debbie - Cardio Slam is a fun workout. Yeah, on the AC!

Kirstin - hope you have a great workout.

That is it for me today. Happy Hump Day, everyone!

Today I switched things around & did STS M2 D15 Back & bi's. I will do legs later in the week.

Belinda - I forgot to say happy that M2 doesn't have as many push-ups:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Hey guys,

Today my friend and I did CL Kickboxing & Barre. That one was very fun.

Debbie - I know :) I am so happy with I do M2. Nice job on D15 yesterday.

Have a great evening.

Today I did Turbo Fire 30. The one thing about STS it does make me sleep better at night:)

Belinda - I really liked CL Kickboxing & barre but it was awhile ago. Maybe will do that on Sunday:)

Kristin - I saw a lot of families at the mall so most schools must be out:eek: but :cool: for you!

Hey girls,

I did my workout this morning. I walked 5 miles. My back hurts. I picked up my dog Brawler the wrong way. I will do D9 tomorrow.

Debbie - I like that one too. My inner/outer thighs are sore today. Good job yesterday.

Have a great Friday, everyone.
Hey guys! SCHOOL IS OUT!!!!! Today was officially the last day. I took my younger son in with me to help me empty out my room. My building is hosting summer school and I wanted to make sure I locked up all my belongings and took home what I couldn't lock up. Almost everything in my room has been bought with my own money after all. As we were leaving I found out the next victim of my principal. . . one of the guidance counselors was given notice that she will be transferred to the high school next year. It was sad. I am glad to be out of there. Looking forward to the cruise. We leave on Sunday and I still have packing to do!

Wednesday I did go to hot yoga. It was exactly what I needed. I may take a yoga class on the cruise. Today I did not feel like working out, but I forced myself into ICE LIS Cardio 1 plus core 1. Tomorrow I will finish packing and try to sleep, lol.

I decided to start STS when I get back. You guys made me miss it, lol. I may not do MESO 3. I am thinking of doing Meso I and 2 and then ending with 2 weeks from Meso 2 and 2 weeks from Meso 1. I am not sure yet.

Belinda- I agree that the forum seems to be less active. I have been on here since 2008 and the posts and people seem to have slowed down a lot. I am thankful for this check-in and that is why I stick around. I see that the new workouts are being shipped out. You should be getting them soon!

Deb- I am happy to be free!!!!! Nice job on your workouts! I will take your advice and think of the reunion I will have with Baxter when I get back. Poor guy has no idea, lol.

BB tomorrow!

Hallo everyone,

DH and I went to the Farmers Market this morning :) Just got my workout in. D9 is done. I had to modify the the deadlifts, I did leg curls instead. My back is still bordering me, can't bent over :(

Kirstin - YEAH, on school is out :) Enjoy your summer. I agree with you on the forum and it helps me too. Have fun packing for Sunday.

Debbie - what are your plans?

Have a great weekend, everyone.

Yesterday I did M2 D14 Legs. I was fine but afterwards while cleaning the shower, I hurt something in my lower back it is tight. I just walked on the treadmill today & plan to try and stretch it out & use the roller as well. We went to my in-laws pool today.

Belinda - I think I might have put the barbell down incorrectly or possibly deadlifts? Sorry you hurt your back too:(

Kristin - Enjoy the cruise, look forward to hearing all about it:) A great way to celebrate your birthday & the end of the school year:cool: Meso 3 is my least favorite.


Today I did Piyo Sculpt & stretches. My back is feeling better just when I wake up, so still taking it easy.

Belinda - I hope your back is better.

Kristin - Bon Voyage!!!!

Good morning,

Yesterday I walked over 6 miles. Today I did STS M1 W4 D10.

Debbie - thank you! Glad your back is starting to feel better too. Need to get more stretches in. Thanks for the reminder. Hope you had fun at the pool

Kirstin - have fun on your vacation.

That's it for me today. Have a great Monday. I may walk a little later today.

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