Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I started Week 3 of M2 D19 Chest, shoulders & tri's. I have most of this week off, we have a light schedule this month:) I'm getting my older ds's room ready, he is moving back in with us for awhile. I put some of my things in their so need to get them out:oops:

Belinda - I hope your having fun in DC:)

Kristin - That is too early to workout:eek: after work must be better. That is so sad about your neighborhood dogs, I hope they come home:(

STS M1 D2, Back and triceps all done.

It's kind of a gloomy day, but I have a lot of cleaning and unpacking to do, so I am fine with it, lol. I am also doing curriculum writing for the new textbook we will be using this year, so I have a lot to keep me busy inside. I dropped off the boys to help my dad. My older DS is cutting his grass, and my younger DS is going to be his little helper. I am going to pick them up after posting this.

Deb- Are you doing all mesocycles of STS or are you skipping three? Not sure what I want to do yet. I was thinking of doing 1 and 2, then repeating 2 instead of doing three, just inserting plyo legs in instead of Meso 2 legs. Now I am thinking I might just do the program straight through. I guess I have plenty of time to decide.

Belinda- Having fun in DC? The fireworks are probably amazing there.


Good morning,

DH and I came home late last night. We did a lot of walking. We had a lot of fun for the 4th of July. Watched the fireworks from my kids roof top. We saw the fireworks from the National mall and around DC. We also bbq before the fireworks, they have grills, lounge chairs on the roof top. Alesia and I lay out in the sun at the roof top, hardly anyone is up there. They do have 2 or 3 pools outside, we still like the being at the roof top.

Today I did JS BellyFat 3mi Flat Abs Walk Premix = 58 min walk.

Kirstin - It's kind of a gloomy day here too. DH took a week leave, go figure! We plan on cleaning/decluttering the basement later. Good job with D2.

Debbie - wow, can't believe you already in M2 week 3. Time goes by so fast. How long is your son staying?

Good job, everyone.

Today I did STS M2 D20 Legs. We went to the cemetery with my Mom for my step-dad. We also had a nice dinner. It always rains or snows when we go but it cleared up this time.

Belinda - Your 4th of July was awesome, I would love to watch the fireworks from the rooftop:) Growing up in Brooklyn we sunbathed on the rooftops but they were black taro_O I know I'm 1/2 way done with STS! Not sure how long our older son will stay. I thought your DH was retired?

Kristin - It sounds like a fun day for the boy's:) My plan is to do all of STS & go back and do Meso 2 afterwards. I too thought about skipping Meso 3:confused: Maybe I will do at least one week of M3 and make a decision afterwards.

Hey guys. Just finished my workout for today, Rock 'Em Sock 'Em with bonus abs icy core #1. My back is sore from, yesterday's workout.

I am almost done with the curriculum writing. I think I will finish it today, as it is gloomy and raining again. Next week I am writing the quarterly exams with a colleague at her house with her in-ground pool. Now that's the way to work ;).

Tonight we are going to the car dealership. My lease is up this month. I will upgrade only if they give me the same payment. If not, I will keep this truck and finance it. We shall see. I am hoping for the upgrade, lol.

Deb- I am thinking the same thing. Doing Meso 3 for 1-2 weeks and then deciding if I want to stick with it or go back to Meso 2. I already love how I am feeling with STS. The DOMs are talking to me. I haven't lifted like this in a while. It'll be interesting to see what results come of it.

Belinda- Sounds like you had a good fourth of July. Some buildings in NYC have nice rooftops that tenants can access now. Very cool.


Hey girls,

I messed up my back again, I am in a lot of pain. Been taking it easy today. Not sure, what I am doing lately?

Kirstin - it was an amazing view from the rooftop. We plan on doing it next year again. Couldn't beat the view. Good job on your workout.

Debbie - I'll bet you had an amazing view too. Good job on D20 yesterday. You are almost done. I hope I make it that far, lol

I hope I get a walk in tomorrow. Been doing lots of stretching and taking meds for my back. BBL!
STS M1 D3 Legs done. I was able to keep up and keep the weights suggested by the workout card for everything except those lunge kicks. Those I did without weights because I needed my hands on my waist to balance. Week one done! Tomorrow is a rest day. I may just do some yoga or take Baxter for a long morning walk.

My lease was up on my Ford Explorer. I went to the dealership to see if I could lease a new model, but what they wanted was astronomical. Then I tried to see what it would cost to keep my current Explorer and the payments would have be $20 more a month, with me putting $2000 down. We left without making a deal. I had been interested in Jeep Grand Cherokee, went to the dealership and got a deal on a 2017 Limited. My payment is the same and I have even more features that I did on the Explorer including a heated steering wheel and second row heated seats. No brainer. They are taking care of the lease for me too.

Anyway. . . not much else to report.

Belinda- I hope your back is feeling better today.

Waving hello to Deb.

Hey everyone,

No workout for me today besides a few short walks. My back is still hurting, I am almost afraid I have a slipped disc. If my back doesn't get any better I will make an appointment with my doc on Monday. Good news, our washer/dryer is shipped. It should be here by the end of next week.

Kirstin - thank you! We never least a car, we always buy it instead. Maybe you look into buying instead of leasing? At least you own it. Nice job on D3 today.

Hallo Debbie!!

Have a great weekend, everyone.

Yesterday I ran/walked on the treadmill. DH has an older convertible so last week took it to the shop to replace the roof to avoid any leaks. We took it to dinner last night and on the way it started to pour:(. We pulled over to put the top up but it wouldn't go up:eek:. At that point, we were soaked from head to toe. We went back home to change & dry off. I can't even imagine what the other drivers thought. We just started laughing because it was so crazy.

Today I did STS M2 D21 Back & bi's.

Belinda - I'm so sorry your back is hurt:( I hope it isn't anything serious, take it easy.

Kristin - Working by the pool sounds :cool:. Heated steering wheel & seats will be nice in the winter;) I've been getting a lot of DOMS from the leg workouts.

My legs are super sore today from DOMs. I decided to do Yoga Relax to try to stretch them out a bit. Still sore now, lol.

Having my dad over for dinner later. I went to visit my mom today. She was happy to see me. I thought there would be more visitors there for the weekend, but there weren't. I feel badly for many of the residents there.

Belinda- I know what you mean about leasing vs. buying. My plan the first time was to lease and then buy, cheaper payments. However, Ford didn't offer me a cheaper payment. The interest rate was very high and I have an excellent credit score. With Jeep, I am leasing, but I plan to either buy this one when the agreement is up, keeping a lower payment, or buying the next one. I did not have $$ for a down payment, otherwise I could have just bought it this time around. You are definitely right, better to buy.

Deb- I forgot how intense the leg workouts are in STS. I am hoping this means I will get some muscle definition back in my legs :).

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

BB tomorrow.


Today I did one of the new Fit tower workouts legs, glutes & core. I really liked it, one set of exercises are done on your knees but Cathe said you can do them standing up, next time I will stand. It is too much on my knees.

Belinda - I hope your feeling better.

Kristin - Last week I watched the Notebook they were showing it on TV for the 13th anniversary. I love the movie but find it so sad thinking about the families that must deal with this disease:( I'm feeling even more DOMS in Meso 2:eek:

Hi everyone,

STS M2 D13 plus walk is done. DH really likes the format of M2.

Kirstin - I am glad you worked the car situation out. I am not familiar with leasing at all. Had no idea you can buy, which is nice if you want to buy. Good job yesterday.

Debbie - thank you! My back still hurts when I bent over or do sudden moves? Just don't get it. I was very carful with D13 today. DH reminded me constantly to be careful, lol. Glad you liked the workout yesterday. Still haven't done that one.

I am done today, have a great Monday.
Hey guys. I just finished STS M1 D4, chest, shoulders and biceps. The weights were perfect for each exercise. I remember the first time I did the program some weights were too heavy.

Anyway, not much else to report. I did some cleaning. I am trying to stay on track with food.

Deb- the notebook was a movie that my mom loved before she was ever diagnosed or showed symptoms. Have you ever watched Still Alice? That one gets me. It is with Julianne Moore. She is diagnosed with early onset alzheimer's disease. It shows you what it is like for the person who has it, so sad.

Belinda- Meso 2 is my favorite. I cannot wait to get to it :). Take it easy with the back.



Today I did a run/walk on the treadmill. I have off tomorrow but have a lot of work to do around the house.

Belinda - It's funny how we all like Meso 2 the best. It's nice that you have DH to remind you about your back, because it is easy to forget. I have been using dumbbells more with legs because a heavy barbell usually throws my back out.

Kristin - I saw Still Alice on the plane, it was sad and I liked that they casted Julianne Moore because she played the part great. It's not a movie I would want to see again, certain parts still stay with me. I forgot to tell you awhile ago you mentioned "Pete's Dragon" and it finally came up on my Netflix acct. I almost returned it without watching it thinking I needed a child to watch it with. I'm happy I didn't because I really liked the movie:)

Hey guys. I just finished Xtrain All Out plus core #1. My legs are still a little sore from STS Legs on Saturday, but I was able to do the moves with proper form, so I guess it is getting better.

Last night DH took the boys to a friend's house to watch the homerun derby, which left me with a quiet house. I took Baxter for an evening walk and then went night-swimming by myself. It was so peaceful, lol.

Today I have some cleaning to do and then if the sun stays out, I might go in the pool and relax for a bit.

Deb- It was a good movie. The original will always have a special place in my heart. I loved the songs so much and I had the record.

Belinda- How is your back? What are you up to today?


Good evening,

I walked for 30 min + did some ab work. That's it!

Kirstin - thanks for asking. My back still hurts, but I am taking it easy. Eventually it needs to stop. I am very carful with my back. DH is lifting Brawler for me. That helps!

Debbie - I am glad he reminds me on my back. I sometimes forget about it. He also has his share on slipped discs and back problems. Nice job on that run.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.

Today I took a rest day, I did a lot of decluttering and filled a lot of garbage bags so didn't want to stop. I'll have to catch up with STS tomorrow.

Belinda - I'm sure Brawler is tough to carry even for your DH. I remember when our dog was sick, she was hard to pick up for the both of us.

Kristin - The strange thing is don't think we saw the original movie:confused:. So what do you think of Judge? I think he could be the next Derek Jeter the rest of my family says it's too soon.

Hey girls,

STS D14 Legs is done.

Debbie - good for you for decluttering your house. Can you believe this? I am trying to give away my dryer (we bought a new set), call Habitat for Humanity a few times since yesterday...they still haven't called us back, WTH? Every time I want want to give something away for FREE, no-one wants it :( If they don't call us tomorrow, I will try to sell the dryer. Some thing happened to my couch. Just don't get it?

Good job, everyone.

Today I did STS M2 D22 Chest, shoulders & tri's. It went by so fast. What do you think the benefit of drop sets are? Just wondering, maybe it's in the guide book:confused:

Belinda - That does sound crazy, you would think they would jump at the chance for a free item. Does your back hurt when you exercise? My back tends to hurt after sleeping all night but gets better during the day:confused: I think I lifted to many boxes yesterday.

Kristin - Tomorrow you may want to spend the day in the pool, temps real high:eek:

Hey guys. I did not have time to check in yesterday, but I did get my workouts in. I did STS M1 D5 Back and triceps. Then later, in the evening, I went to hot yoga. She lowered the temp a bit in the room, so at first it only felt like warm yoga, but then suddenly the humidity got us all drenched.

I spent the day writing quarterly exams with my colleague and friend. She has an inground pool, so the boys were swimming as we were planning and writing. Then I rushed home to eat something and go to yoga. DS had a baseball game last night, but it was canceled in the middle of the game because we got hit with a thunderstorm. Today it is supposed to be 100 degrees!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: I plan on cleaning up, doing my workout and hitting the pool.

Deb- I think that drop sets are a way of tricking the muscle. It works just as hard as lifting the heavy weight without realizing the weight is lighter. If that makes any sense. There were two drop sets in my workout yesterday: double arm row and tricep kickbacks. Both burned me really good.

Belinda- you do seem to have a hard time giving things away, lol. That is strange. Maybe because it is the summer, more people are on vacation, they have less staff available and it takes longer to respond? I mean, it's a donation! Who doesn't want that?



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