Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Last night I went to hot yoga. It was HOT. I was dripping all over my mat, but I really enjoyed it. Today I did Cardio Core Circuit from Shock Cardio. This one has a huge dread factor for me, but doing Athletic Step the other day got me to thinking that it wouldn't be as hard as it used to be. It was still tough, but I was able to do it. I did do the modified move of jacks into plyo jacks instead of the roll in and ups. Anyway, it is hot out today. After posting this, I plan on being in the pool and having a bbq for dinner later.

Belinda- I don't have on demand for Cathe or beach body. I like that with beach body you get all the programs plus the new ones that they come out with seem to be on demand. For example, Shaun T. had a five day challenge on demand and now Sagi just announced that he will do one week of intense workouts on demand. . . no dvds. I just like the idea of having the dvds. I don't know. My Macbook doesn't have an HDMI cable. I guess I would have to get an adaptor for the cable?

Deb- She had the heat on. It was a small class, only 7 people. I guess people don't want to go to hot yoga on a hot day. I loved it though. I love to sweat. I feel more accomplished when I am a sweaty mess, lol.


Kirstin - I know :) I love BB OnDemand. I signed up a long time when they first started. Now, they offer every program. Which is nice plus all the instructors are doing a week challenge. Love the idea. Plus, I don't have the physical clutter. I watched the
Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things on Netflix. That really made me think. We buy stuff that we really don't need plus, I already have enough workout dvd's to last me a lifetime. I am 99% sure, I will not buy the set. Like I said, if I want to give them a whirl I can rent them for far less. How often do we really use ALL the dvd's with premixes? It would take me years to go through all my collection. My problem is...I really want to downsize. Less is more!

Today I did Fit Tower Total Body. We went to the beach and it was hot but by the water it was cooler. We usually eat outside but that was impossible, ate inside with air conditioner:) I've been drinking a lot of water, had a bad headache.

Belinda - Your right if you leave it by curb someone may resell it instead of putting it to good use. I like to change it up with you-tube workouts too:) I want to check out that movie on netflix. It will motivate me while I am decluttering.

Kristin - The pool was the perfect place to be today:cool: I think sweating detoxes too. I have been having so many hot flashes, thinking it is detoxing helps me deal with them LOL.

Happy Friday!

STS D18 plus a short walk is done.

Debbie - I rather donate it than someone reselling it! The movie on netflix is an eyeopener. Not only will it help you to declutter and not hang on to unused stuff, it also will help make too look at things that we buy differently. Things you really don't need! It is very hot here too. I try not to stay to long outside, only when I take Brawler out.

Have a great Friday everyone.

Today I did Rockout Knockout. I guess I haven't done this workout in awhile because I didn't remember it, but I liked it:) I can't believe the NJ RT is next week:eek: I feel a little overwhelmed.

Belinda - I will add that dvd to netflix acct. How is Brawler doing?

Kristin - Do you have baseball this weekend?

Good morning,

Today is cardio. Not sure, what i will do yet?

Debbie - thanks for asking. He is doing great. His stitches are coming out next Friday. Can't wait to hear what you think of the movie on netflix. For me, it's helping me not to buy and fall into all this buying hides. I defiantly look at things differently, lol.

I will be back later.
Hey guys. Yesterday I woke up with such bad allergies. . . I couldn't stop sneezing. I took an allergy pill and it knocked me out. SO yesterday was an unintended rest day (that's two this week). Today I just finished STS M1 D9 Legs. I also did the extended stretch. Tomorrow was supposed to be a rest day. I will do a cardio workout tomorrow to "catch up". I cannot believe I only have one week left of Meso 1 to go. I am seeing results. DH commented on my "guns" and my stomach is shrinking. They always say that you need to do cardio to lose weight. I think my body type needs a combination of serious weight training and intense cardio.

Today I am going to visit my mom for lunch and then get a quick pedicure (haven't had one since before the cruise :eek::oops: and then I am off to DS's baseball tournament. What else would I be doing? Tomorrow we are having friends over for the city. I had planned on doing pool and bbq, but now it seems we will be taking them to DS's game at 4 if they win today. Not sure if I want them to win, lol.

Deb- Sweating definitely detoxes. I feel that hot yoga is just so good for me. I love it. I am addicted. I am becoming more flexible and it calms my mind too. I would go more often if they offered the class more than once a week.

Belinda- I am not one for clutter. I like to get rid of as much stuff as possible. Right now our office is killing me. DH and I have to clear it up before school starts.



Today was an unexpected rest day for me too. DH's cousin & family came to my in-laws for a bbq & pool. It was a nice day. I regretted not working out in the morning but will get a good workout in tomorrow.

Belinda - I put the movie in my queue for next week:) Hope you had fun with your cardio!

Kristin - I have been getting a lot of headaches, thinking it could be allergy related. Have fun tomorrow with your friends & baseball!

Good morning,

Last night we had to take Brawler to the emergency vet about 30 min from our house,. It's is the only vet clinic that is open 24/7 in our area. I noticed while I was eating my dinner, that Brawler's stitches were gone and his cut was wide open on his front paw:oops: So we had to rush him to the emergency vet. When we called them, they wanted us to drop off Brawler instead of getting him seen as an emergency, this way we safe the $200 extra emergency fee. We always pay the extra for Brawler, he gets so freaked out. Plus, he can't sit in a kennel with his condition. We told them we came right away, got in right away with Brawler. We were in and out in less than 15 min :) We used the vet emergency clinic every time our vet is closed, the emergency vet knows Brawler well, LOL. Had to take Bralwer and my kids dogs there so many times :( Instead of giving Brawler stitches again, the vet had to put 6 stables in his front paw. He also put some meds on his paw that he doesn't pull them out again. The best part, they didn't charge us the extra $200 emergency fee that we usually pay :D I never seen Brawler pulling on the stitches, the vet thinks it's possible they robbed off when he tried to move around and followed me around :( Now I have to take Brawler to my vet next Friday to get his stitches out and in 10 day's I have to take him again to get the stables out :) Crazy dog!

I will be back later.
Hey guys. Because I knew I had a busy day ahead, I got my workout in this morning. I did RWH LI Hiit 1 plus abs.

Belinda- glad Brawler is okay and that the vet waved the $200 fee. I would be like you and rush him there without thinking about the $$$.



Today I did Fit Tower Boot Camp that was my favorite of the 3 and it was the hardest. I cooked a sauce all day and it wiped me out:( The good thing was the weather wasn't good.

Belinda - I don't think I would be able to handle it if I saw an open wound:( I'm happy Brawler is doing fine and they saved you money! It's nice that you have a trusted emergency clinic.

Kristin - Great job getting your workout in the AM!

Good morning,

STS D19 Chest, Shoulder & Tricpes + walk is done. My arms are like noodles :)

Debbie - Yeah, it wasn't a pretty site seeing his open wound :) My vet isn't open on the weekends, except every other Saturday. That is the only clinic we have taken the dogs in an emergency. Of course, we took them a lot. The dogs now the vet, he is very nice. Good job on your workout yesterday.

Kirstin - I couldn't do that to Brawler :) He goes crazy without me, he is clued to my hip :) He would cry the entire time. It's heartbreaking. I really don't care about the $$ as long as he isn't missable. Nice job getting your workout in yesterday.

I will try to be back later. Have a great Monday morning.
Hey guys. Yesterday I woke up with such bad allergies. . . I couldn't stop sneezing. I took an allergy pill and it knocked me out. SO yesterday was an unintended rest day (that's two this week). Today I just finished STS M1 D9 Legs. I also did the extended stretch. Tomorrow was supposed to be a rest day. I will do a cardio workout tomorrow to "catch up". I cannot believe I only have one week left of Meso 1 to go. I am seeing results. DH commented on my "guns" and my stomach is shrinking. They always say that you need to do cardio to lose weight. I think my body type needs a combination of serious weight training and intense cardio.

Today I am going to visit my mom for lunch and then get a quick pedicure (haven't had one since before the cruise :eek::oops: and then I am off to DS's baseball tournament. What else would I be doing? Tomorrow we are having friends over for the city. I had planned on doing pool and bbq, but now it seems we will be taking them to DS's game at 4 if they win today. Not sure if I want them to win, lol.

Deb- Sweating definitely detoxes. I feel that hot yoga is just so good for me. I love it. I am addicted. I am becoming more flexible and it calms my mind too. I would go more often if they offered the class more than once a week.

Belinda- I am not one for clutter. I like to get rid of as much stuff as possible. Right now our office is killing me. DH and I have to clear it up before school starts.



Kirstin - I consider, everything clutter that I don't use or haven't used in awhile:) I am very organized and I really don't have clutter like some people do :) Maybe I shouldn't say clutter :D Like all the workout dvd's that I don't use or haven't used in years. That's is clutter to me. I go through my house a few times a year and through/donate/give away things that I don't use. Right now, I am getting rid off everything I haven't used in awhile :) I found a women's shelter near by, Aleisa and I will donate cloth to them. I called them last week, I have a few more bags I need to pass on to someone that really needs it. I also found another place to donate clothes, kitchen stuff, food. They will give it to low income families and homeless people. I will sort everything out this week and donate as much as I can.
Hey guys. Today I started my last week of Meso 1. D10, chest, shoulders and biceps. My arms have such a pump in them right now, it is unreal, lol. I am looking forward to the rest week and starting Meso 2. . . although when I finish Meso 2 school will be starting :(. I shouldn't complain because I am having such a wonderful summer. It is raining today, but the weather has been wonderful. We've enjoyed the pool and the bbqs and the cruise, of course.

DS's team made it to the semi-finals and then lost to a rival team, 3-1. I didn't care that they didn't win the tournament, but I hate that we lost to this team. . . I hate this team, lol. It was like a movie, only without the happy ending. We will be facing them in the big tournament this week (yep, another one) so maybe the sequel will have a happy ending, like Rocky 2.

Belinda- the one thing I have that I should probably get rid of is a ton of books. Books that I have read, the boys have read, or books that I used to read to the boys when they were babies. . . I won't have need of those in particular anymore. I should look into donating them. My husband needs to go through his clothes AND sneakers. The man has at least 8 pairs of sneakers and he doesn't even work out!!!

Deb- do you like the fit tower dvds? I am getting the impression not everyone is in love with them or that they didn't sell as well as the other series. I'm thinking that is why they are doing a fit tower workout for the live workout of the RT. Personally, I just won't buy the fit tower. Even though it folds up, I don't have the space and the price is too high for me. . . way too high.


Kirstin - I also have some books for the liberty to donate. I am done reading them, won't read them again. Time to let go! I will drop them off this week with all the other donations. My new motto is "would I buy this again? or would I want to take to my next house?" if the answer is yes, it's staying. If the answer is no, it's going :) Less is more!

Today I took a hot yoga class it felt good! I should take another after the RT:) I am looking forward to the yoga flow on the RT. They switched things around and the Sunday morning class will be Step. Since I'm not good at step may sleep in:oops: or run on the track at Cathe's gym.

I start Meso 3 tomorrow!

If you girls ever want to go to Cathe Live let me know and I will meet you. It isn't as far for me as you but maybe someday.

Belinda - I like the DOMS with STS it really does work your muscles. I love your motto and must follow it:) Tomorrow I'm home so will be spending some time decluttering.

Kristin - I hope you do have a sequel like Rocky 2! Hopefully Meso 2 will last a long time;) I've only done each workout 1x but so far I think I will do FT bootcamp the most. The other 2 I'm not sure about yet.

Good morning,

Did an hour kickboxing at the gym with a friend today. They offer a free month trial. Can't beat that, right? . I really liked :) I am still sweating buckets, no jumping, lots of kicks/jabs some abs and legs thrown in the mix. She also used a punching bag :) Very fun and I was a nice change working out with real music :) I got lots of steps in too.

Debbie - glad you like my motto :) Watch the movie on net fix it will make you see things differently.
That's it for me today. Can't wait to try another workout at the gym on Thursday. BBL! I so all the excitement on FB about the RT and was wondering if you go this week. Have lots of fun, ok!

That's it for me today, I am wiped. BBL!

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