Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hey guys. Just finished MMA Boxing. I have some serious DOMs in my legs today, which is weird because it's Tuesday and I did Legs on Saturday. . . hmmm. . . My upper body is pretty sore from yesterday's workout too. The weather is kind of crappy here. It's not raining, but it's cool and cloudy. DS has a tournament this whole week. He has one game today at 2:30 and then two tomorrow, one Thursday. Depending on how they rank, they could have games this weekend too. We shall see. I have to clean the kitchen quickly and then get ready to go to the game.

Belinda- Have you ever done the STS pyramid rotation? Meso 1, 2, 3, then 2, 1? I thought you might have. I am thinking about doing it. I might do M1, 2, 3, 2 and skip repeating 1. If you did this rotation, how did you like it?

Deb- Are you excited for the RT? I hope you have a blast. I'd love to go to a Cathe live class one day or just a Cathe class. Maybe we can arrange for a day in August. I go back to school in September and then it will be pretty much impossible.


Kirstin - yes, I have done the STS pyramid rotation a few years ago? I have look when I did it? It was a long rotation. I liked it a lot. Like I said, it's long. I also did the double STS rotation, where you repeat each week twice than move on the the next week. Got great results too. It takes dedication to stick to such a long rotation. I think, you like it :)

Today I did Meso 3 Disc 25 Chest & Back. I will do M3 for at the rest of the week & either continue with M3 or go back to M2. I'm trying to find new shower faucets but since it is over 25 years old, it is impossible to find the size I need:confused:.

Belinda - A free month is awesome!! It sounds like a lot of fun too:) I like that they don't have restrictions on the music at the gyms.

Kristin - Wow, a lot of baseball it's great that your son has a passion for it:) I'm a little nervous about the RT, but I always am. If you can August would be great.

Hi everyone,

STS D20 Legs and another Kickboxing workout at the gym is done. I love those workouts :)

Have a wonderful day and workout, everyone.

Today I did STS M3 D26 Plyo Legs. I modified Plyo legs and liked it much better and it still felt like I had a good workout:) Tomorrow I will pack for the RT.

Belinda - I love kickboxing but don't do it enough. It is fun doing it at a gym, lots of energy in the class.

Kristin - I hope you enjoyed this beautiful day:)

Good morning,

Just came back from the gym. Today was another fun and sweaty kickboxing workout. Loved it! Habitat for Humanity is finally coming and pick up the dryer :)

Debbie - good job with D26 yesterday. I also LOVE Kickboxing. It's so much fun! Have fun tomorrow.

That's it for me today. Have a great day and workout.
Yesterday I ended up taking a full rest day. We spent the entire day at the baseball field. Even though the temps were low (70s), it was so hot on the fields. At the end of the last game, I felt dizzy when I got up. I ended up cancelling my yoga class and stayed in. I also did not sleep well the night before, so that could have had something to do with it.

Today I did STS M1 D11. I have one more disc to go.

Belinda- I am loving STS. When you did the pyramid, when you went back down did you repeat Meso 2 starting with disc 13, or did you do the last disc of the cycle and work your way down? I hope I am making sense.

Deb- Have fun at the RT. I will be there in spirit! Let us know if anything is revealed about the new series.



I took a rest day today. I wanted to finish M3 W1 but will have to wait till Sunday or Monday:( I did laundrymax today & packed. I quickly went to JC Penney to take care of something for work & it was a mess. To top it off they were playing Christmas music:eek:. I guess because they are having a Black Friday sale.

I will fill you girls in and wishing you were there:)

Belinda - I checked out the thread and may do M2 & M1 after M3, thanks. Is each day a different kickboxing workout?

Kristin - Even though it was cool the last couple of days it has been humid:( Does you little guy want to play baseball too?

Hey guys. Just finished my workout for the day. I did 4DS LIS/HIS double cardio premix. I love this premix. It has some of my favorite step moves, plus I love how it starts with low intensity first, then high intensity. I love the music in this series too. I also added the abs section from this dvd as well. I have a bit of food shopping to do and then I am going to go visit my mom.

Belinda- thanks for the link. That answers my question perfectly. I was planning on doing the pyramid down but skipping repeating MEso 1. Now I might do it all the way down and see what happens. I guess it will depend on how I feel about doing STS at that point. It would take me all the way to Christmas I think. Would be interesting to see what results I would get. I already see better definition in my upper body. The trisets in Meso 2 normally get me results in the lower body. . . Then maybe next year I will do an STS undulating rotation. Who knows.

Deb- You're not kidding about the humidity. It is gross out today especially. Thankfully my little guy does not play baseball. He does not have any interest in it whatsoever. Otherwise, I would be living at a baseball field. Have fun on the RT. Is Pauline going? Tell her I said hello.


Hey girls,

DH and I did D22 and a walk today. Had a busy day today. Brawler got his stitches out today. The stables are coming out next week.

Kirstin - glad I could help :) I done it pyramid down rotation in 2011. Back then I did each week 2 times through than I pyramid down :eek: Talk about long rotation, lol! So many great STS rotations out there, just have to pick one and stick with it.

I will be back tomorrow, too tired for personals.
Hey guys. It is a rainy day here. If the rain stops later, I might take Baxter for a walk. Poor guy has been couped up all week while we were at the baseball tournament. Today I did the last disc in Meso 1, D12, Legs. I am thinking DOMs will be waking me up tomorrow. What a workout. I am looking forward to doing cardio and yoga during the recovery week next week and then starting Meso 2. I remember loving/hating the trisets for legs in Meso 2. Loved how quick the workouts were, hated how tough they were, lol. I am looking forward to not doing as many pushups and in not rushing around to switch equipment around as much.

Belinda- Wow! So you did the 5.5 month rotation, and then pyramid down! That's a whole year of STS, lol. I am really enjoying STS right now. I just need to stay motivated when school starts. I know that when school starts I get lazy and don't want to do long workouts. Meso 3 will be September, and those workouts are long as far as time is concerned. I am going to push through though. I am promising myself to do it. I figure I will pick shorter cardio workouts during the school week. Also plyo legs I might consider a cardio/weight workout. Then I can do my hot yoga and take a rest day each week. Glad Brawler got his stitches out. Those staples will be out in no time.

Deb- I bet you are enjoying yourself at the road trip. I thought I saw you in a video clip.



I wanted to pop in and say hello:). I'm exhausted and everything hurts. It is a lot of fun and realize that must be the reason I like to come back LOL. I will be back tomorrow with more details.

Belinda - Happy Brawler is doing well:). That was a long STS rotation you did!

Kristen - Meso 3 is longer but at least if you do plyo legs it will be shorter. Today felt like a fall day. I will let Paulette know you said hi;)

Workout done. I walked Baxter and then did Step Blast, premix with combos 1, 2, 3 and then I added the ab segment.

So my dad called me this morning to ask me for a favor. My aunt, who has not seen my parents in years, is in town and she called my dad asking if she could see my mom. This is my mom's sister-in-law, not her sister. Anyway, my dad said that I would take her. He just doesn't feel comfortable bringing her. As if I do! So I am going to take her tomorrow for the lunch hour. I don't mind, but I do mind at the same time. It is hard to tell if she genuinely wants to visit her if she wants to see the "freak show". Does that make sense?

Deb- everyone looked like they had a blast from the pics and videos I saw on facebook. Did the twin sisters go this year? I didn't see any pics of them. They go every road trip! Their abs inspire me, lol.

Waving hello to Belinda.

Hi everyone,

Taking a rest day today.

Debbie - thanks about Brawler. It was a long STS rotation. Hope you had lots of fun at the RT. Saw some pic on FB, didn't see you in any. Did you hide, LOL?

Kirstin - I am sure everything will be fine :)

The class for today at the roadtrip was Steptastic which I attempted and basically did about 10 minutes:oops:. It was supposed to be 30min step & 30 min. of circle time with Cathe. The majority wanted all step which I don't blame them because it is fun to do live. I feel bad that the new people didn't get to experience the circle but we only have so much time LOL.

I decided to do STS M3 D27 Shoulder, bi's & tri's since my upper body isn't as sore as lower:)

Belinda - I know, I'm not sure why I'm not in the pictures, they do take some maybe I don't make the cut (ha,ha).

Kristin - I hope everything works out with your Aunt. The sisters weren't at the RT but I was told they are going to Daytona.

Hey guys. This is the second day of my active recovery week. I have serious DOMs in my legs from D12, plus the step I did yesterday. I will either take Baxter for a long walk later or do yoga relax. Not sure. Maybe some ab work.

I took my aunt and cousin to see my mom. I am sure they were there to genuinely "be there" but it did feel like they also wanted to see for themselves how bad it is. At one point I had to walk away. In the end, my aunt cried and told me she knows that this must be incredibly hard on us. I guess I am happy I brought them.

Deb- I am glad you had fun. I was wondering why they didn't do the circle at the end, but I guess moving all those steps would take up time and space. Nice job getting your STS workout in. The more I look into the pyramiding down with STS, the more I want to do it all the way through back to Meso 1.

Belinda- Nice job on your workout. I will be starting MESO 2 as you end it. Too funny. I should've joined the party sooner ;).

Okay, I am going to take this time to go in the pool. My dad has the boys and I need to destress.



Today I did STS M3 D28 Chest & back. I didn't have too much time so I switched things up a bit. I did 3 sets (instead of 4) of each body part but instead of 7 reps I did 12. I guess it was more of a strength/endurance workout by doing it this way.

Cedie wasn't at the roadtrip:( so I'm guessing she may not be in the new workouts. Jai, Brenda, Nicole & Julie were there. Amanda couldn't make it to the roadtrip. Cathe also said the workouts will be between 48-52 minutes each. I have the feeling she will do less and less high impact and more medium/low impact workouts. She feels the industry is moving in that direction. I think around my area yoga studios are popping up everywhere.

Belinda - Great job with your workout!

Kristin - I guess sometimes seeing is believing but it's probably good that they see what you and your Dad are going through. I agree, I'm looking forward to doing a pyramid. I think you are right it's the time that bothers me for Meso 3. I think I will either skip a set or do 3sets and add extra reps so I don't have the dread factor. I think it won't make that much of a difference:confused:
Good morning,

My friend and I took a kickboxing class at the gym. I am a sweaty mess.

Kirstin - I agree with Debbie! Maybe your aunt needed to see it for herself. Enjoy your recovery week.

Debbie - too bad Cedie won't be in her new series :( I miss the old crew. I am glad to hear Cathe will do less and less high impact and more medium/low impact workouts. I for one, do not want to do an hour jumping jacks, lol :p I still get the same benefit from doing low impact workouts. Yeah....people want more gentle workouts. I am still not buying the new workouts. I have more than enough.

Have a great day and workout,everyone.

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