Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hey guys. Just finished today's workout, which was Party Rockin' Step 2. I was sweating so much, I slipped on my mat during the downward dog stretch, lol. My chest and shoulders are very sore from yesterday's workout, so much so that it hurt to do jumping jacks.

DS's team won both games yesterday. They are in second place for the summer league. The team that is in first is a big rival. I am hoping if we face them in the playoffs that we beat them big time! LOL.

Deb- glad you got to enjoy the pool. My pool is warm, but it was too cold to go in after the games. . . Around 68 degrees. It really felt like fall here. I guess I miscounted the dvds, lol. It is great that you are halfway through meso 3. I am liking the consistency in weight training with the program. A lot of times when I make my own rotation, I am not sure I know what I am doing, lol.

Belinda- the good thing about posting the dvds on facebook is the posts are easy to put up and easy to take down.



Today I did STS M3 D30 chest & back. I'm have DOMS all over from Squeeze, it's different from what I have been doing. The weather wasn't good today but the rest of the week should be:)

Belinda - I did the full body workout of Squeeze. It's so hard to decide which dvds to give up but at least you can take them down from fb.

Kristin - It's good to have such excitement with the summer league, will keep my fingers crossed. A lot of people at the RT were saying how much they like Party Rockin' Step (the easier one;))

Hi girls,

I did a Zumba class this morning.

Debbie - I will do that one soon. Yeah, I took them down from FB. Have you heard from Cookie?

Kirstin - have fun with your workout today.
Hey guys. I just finished STS M2 D14, Legs. Oh my GOD! My legs were so wobbly at the end of the workout. I was thinking in the beginning, maybe doing legs once a week is not enough, as this workout seems kind of short. In the middle of it, I was dying, lol. One leg workout a week is enough, lol.

Tomorrow is DH and DS's birthday. My DS is turning 12! I cannot believe it. He was a preemie when he was born, at 31 weeks. He weighed 3 pounds, 9 ounces. Now he is turning 12 and is developing the attitude of teenager, lol. I was running around all morning and now my DS is asking me to bake him a chocolate cake with whipped cream frosting, his favorite that I make. We had discussed last week getting ice cream cake. How can I say no, though. So I need to get the ingredients and I will be up baking tomorrow morning, lol.

Deb- I saw a lot of people are asking Cathe to make another step workout. Maybe she will do it after this series? I like both the PRS workouts. They are fun and the music is great.

Belinda- Nice job with your Zumba class. I cannot Zumba for my life!



Today I did the stair master at the gym. It was crowded but I went late. This is an easy week for me at work:)

Belinda - I haven't heard from Cookie:(:( I wish she would stop by our group. At the RT for the Zumba class they used club music for the warm-up only (I liked that) & regular Zumba music for the rest but that's when I lost them LOL.

Kristin - The cake sounds yummy . . . we all want a piece:D Doesn't the time fly, wow 12 already! He was so tiny. Cathe made it sound like she would do step more as an add on dvd (like the cycle) dvds. She feels not everyone likes step so it is difficult to include in a series.

Hi everyone,

I did Zumba again today. Love it! Different instructor.

Debbie - I hope Cookie is ok, miss her posts. I wished she stopped by our group too. Music makes everything much better, I get into it when they play good music. That is odd....I would have thought everyone liked step or spin.

Kirstin - that cake sounds so good....yes, we all want a piece :) Wow, 12 years old already.

Good job everyone.

Today I did STS M3 D32 Plyo Legs. I couldn't believe I had a hard time hopping:confused::oops: it's been a long time LOL.

Belinda - I didn't realize the gym you were going to has other classes. For some reason I thought it specialized in kickboxing. Do you have plans to try any other classes?

Kristin - You must be enjoying the double birthday party:)

Good morning,

Not sure, what I will do today?

Debbie - the gym offers spinning, kickboxing, zumba, pump. Not bad! I have never done STS Plyo legs :( Good job yesterday.

I will be back later.
Hey girls. DS's birthday was a success. The cake came out delicious. Luckily for me, boys ate a lot of eat, so there is not much leftover. DS's friends took one bite of the cake and told him, "This is the best cake I've ever had!" LOL. Yesterday ended up being a rest day, although I did walk Baxter. Today I took the boys, my sister-in-law and niece to the Bronx Zoo. The kids had a blast. My niece is 2 and my boys loved showing her around and holding her hand. They took turns pushing the stroller. They both have asked me multiple times to have another baby. . . as tempting as it is, it is not something DH and I want to do, not anymore anyway. They would both be excellent big brothers to a little sister though.

Anyway, I came home, ate dinner and complete STS M2 D15, back and biceps. My biceps were so pumped at the end of the workout, I could not bend my arm after a certain point.

A tragedy happened in our mschool community today (where I live, not where I teach). The football team was doing agility drills, and a player got hurt and was rushed to the hospital. He was pronounced dead at the hospital. DS is friends with the younger brother. Just so tragic and sad.

Belinda- do you do the squat rack option for legs? I miss Cookie too!

Deb- my legs are still sore from the trisets on Tuesday! They were really sore walking around the zoo today. Plyo legs. . . I am looking forward to and dreading those workouts at the same time.



Today I did Squeeze power workout which is the 30 min. workout. I actually like that better than the 60 min. workout. I had an early dinner with my SILs, niece & family friend. We ate outside and it was a nice night.

Belinda - The gym offers a nice mix:) This is the 1st time I am doing all plyo legs but I do modify so it is working out much better. I also will sub one of my favorite plyo's if I don't like the one they are doing.

Kristin - It's great that you were able to go the the Bronx Zoo:) (I remember the last time) Wow, I can't believe your niece is 2 already! DH & I just saw the story about the football player, how sad:( I wouldn't think the log drills could cause that tragedy.

Good morning,

I did kickboxing yesterday.

Kirstin - yes, I will do the squat rack instead of plyo legs . Great your son had a great bday. The cake looks amazing.

Debbie - I like the mix of workouts they gym offers. I have never done plyo legs. I looked it over yesterday, I would have to modify most.

I will be back later.
Hey guys. Just finished RWH Plyo 2 plus bonus abs 1. I have to make this a quick check-in because I am going to visit my mom for her lunch hour and then run to the store to get some items for dinner.

This month is going by too fast! I am having too much fun. I need time to slow down a bit, lol.

Deb- The whole thing is such a tragedy. I am wondering if someone is going to end up losing their job over this, like the coach or trainer.

Belinda- I don't have the squat rack dvds. Maybe I will get them one day.



Today I went to the gym and did running/walking on the treadmill. Please slow down this month!!! Going out to dinner with DH tonight.

Belinda - A good instructor and music is key for zumba:)

Kristin - I hope you had a nice lunch. Didn't squat rack dvds come with the set?

MMA KB done. Heading to the city to meet up with some friends. I hope the skies clear up by then. My biceps have some serious DOMs today. It was hard to do the punching because of this. I never get DOMs in my biceps like this. I guess STS magic is happening.

Deb- I think DH got me STS for Christmas years ago and ordered the series without the squat rack option because we didn't have a squat rack. I think I told him to do that, lol. It was a little cheaper that way.

Waving hello to Belinda!


Today I did STS M3 D33 Shoulders, bi's & tri's. DH hurt his back feel bad for him:(

Belinda - How is your weekend?

Kristin - I just thought it came together but your right it was a long time ago. The series still seems new/fresh to me. My younger son went to NYC today one of his friends just moved there. Have fun!

STS M2 D16, chest, shoulders and triceps done. The weirdest thing. . . with the triceps, I was able to do all the lying extensions, every rep, with the workout card weight. Then when we moved to the side leaning tricep extension, I could not do all the reps with the weight, but I was able to do it last week. . . I had to drop a few pounds. Meanwhile the 75% weight was only one pound heavier. Bizarre. My triceps are fried, so I know I worked as hard as I could. Just odd that it happened. Then I was able to do the kickbacks with the workout card weight. . . weird.

The city was fun yesterday. Luckily, it did not rain when we were there. It started to drizzle a bit when we were leaving. We had a lot of fun. Went to Times Square and then to Chelsea pier.

Deb- Did your husband hurt his back working out with STS with you? I hope he feels better soon. BTW- the series seems new to me too. Maybe because I have not touched it since 2015. It has made me realize why I lost a lot of muscle tone. I have not been training hard the last few years. I am feeling amazingly strong. Even though the scale has not moved, I am seeing a difference in my body too.

Belinda- how is your weekend going?

Happy Sunday,

Yesterday was rest day. Today we walked the dogs. That's it. Staring M3 tomorrow.

Kirstin - good job today. Glad you had fun at the city yesterday.

Debbie - nice job on D33. You are almost done with STS.

Have a great Sunday, everyone.

Today I took a rest day. We also went to my in-laws pool. I started buying tomatoes to make sauce for the winter but that is actually depressing LOL.

Belinda - I'm almost done but will continue with M1 & finish with M2. M3 has been the hardest for me so happy to be almost done with it LOL. I forgot to tell you I watched the Minimalist dvd and it was really done nicely. It really has me thinking!! Thank you for letting me know about it.

Kristin - The side leaning tricep extension is hard for me. DH's back injury was for a silly reason, we went to dinner at his friend's restaurant and he hasn't seen him in awhile so he picked him up:oops: I also think STS is structured so you do every body part each week. Sometimes when I do my own thing it's not as structured.


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