Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

M3 W1 D25 chest & back is done.

Debbie - why are you doing M1 & finish with M2? I am thinking once I am done with M3, doing M3 again, than do M2 and M1? Basically I am pyramiding down but adding M3. Sorry about your husbands back.

Hallo Kirstin

Have a great Monday, everyone.
Hey guys. I just finished my workout, which was PArty Rockin' Step 1.I am finally able to do this one through without having to stop to learn a pattern, lol. I could even do the finished product at the end without messing up, not bad! My arms are extremely sore from yesterday, especially the triceps. It hurts to extend my arms all the way, lol. Tomorrow I have legs, which is funny because I am finally over the leg DOMS. I like having DOMs because it shows that it's working, but not for five days, lol. Anyway, not much else to report. I had a dental cleaning this morning. I ran into a baseball parent there. THis week is crazy with baseball. DS has two games tonight, two on Wednesday night, one on Thursday and then a tournament this weekend in Delaware. Craziness.

Belinda- If you repeat M3, then I think you and I will be close to doing the same workouts come September/October.

Deb- I am doing M3 next, then going down to M2 and then M1. How's your DH's back?



Today I took a warm yoga class. I also had the day off which was nice. I hope to get some beach days in before the summer is over. They are repaving a lot of roads so lots of traffic:(

I was thinking I should pyramid down. I guess I wanted to end on M2 but I will pyramid down it makes more sense.

DH has 2 slip discs, he went to the chiropractor who helped him several years ago with the same problem. He said it will take time.

Belinda - I think I will be finished around Halloween LOL. Between the 3 or us we may have all 3 holiday's covered;)

Kristin - That is great that you can do Party Rockin' Step one all the way through! That is a lot of baseball:eek: DH & DS's have been watching the Little League World Series, they really like it.

Good morning,

Took a kickboxing class this morning.

Kirstin - high fives on Party Rockin' Step. I hope you don't stop posting in our check in :( I can't keep up with FB.

Debbie - at least we don't have to figure out what we will do during the holiday's. It's all laid out. Good job yesterday.

That's it for me today.
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STS M2 D17, Legs, done. Those trisets are killer, but I love how the legs dvds are shorter than the upper body.

Deb- I'm sorry to hear about your DH's back. That will take a bit of time. Nice job on the yoga! I go tomorrow night after not being there in two weeks. I cannot wait!

Belinda- I will always be with this check-in. The page just came up as a suggestion and I joined. I like it, but this check in is much more personal to me. I cannot believe there are Cathletes out there that have not heard of STS!


STS M2 D17, Legs, done. Those trisets are killer, but I love how the legs dvds are shorter than the upper body.

Deb- I'm sorry to hear about your DH's back. That will take a bit of time. Nice job on the yoga! I go tomorrow night after not being there in two weeks. I cannot wait!

Belinda- I will always be with this check-in. The page just came up as a suggestion and I joined. I like it, but this check in is much more personal to me. I cannot believe there are Cathletes out there that have not heard of STS!



Kirstin - I am glad to hear that :) I think most of them join the check in on FB.. have really no idea about Cathe's workouts :( I agree, the check in on FB isn't very personal, they all just post their workouts that's it. There are a few Cathe check ins on FB. I can't keep up. The admin are super nice. Great job on D17 :) Love the trisets.

Today I did some sprints at the gym. I also did STS M3 D34 Chest & Back. I wish I would have wrote down when I last did STS because I can't remember how long it's been. I use to journal my weight & workouts but stopped doing that (maybe I could find it).

Belinda - I noticed a couple of people at the RT really didn't know much about Cathe. They learned about her through FB. Are you considering joining the gym?

Kristin - I just in the Open Discussion that someone mentioned to do STS D17 Legs on the Solar Eclipse. The person was looking for difficult workout so some people mentioned Terminator but someone said D17:confused:. Have fun at yoga!

Hi everyone.

Today I did D37 legs.

DH and I got our workout in late. We both had a doc appointment. We haven't met our new doc at the base yet :) He's been there since Nov last year:p He is really a nice doc :)

Since we only have one squat rack (not the Fit Tower) We both did the squats for warm up. Than I did 4 sets of squats while DH did deadlifts. Than I did all 4 sets of deadlifts, DH did squats on the squat rack. It worked out for us :)

Debbie - really? They didn't know about Cathe? That is funny. I may join just so I can do the KB and Zumba? Keeping a journal really helps, especially for STS.

Kirstin - how was your workout today?

I will be back tomorrow.
Went to hot yoga tonight and it was amazing. I was going to do cardio today but between cleaning, visiting my mom and other stuff it didn't happen. My legs were sore from yesterday but we stretched a lot today in yoga so hopefully that helps.

Deb- I saw that. I think all of meso 2 legs is tough. You think it's only 10 reps of each exercise but the weight and the repetition of the trisets make it tough. My heart rate is up the entire workout.

Belinda- I think it's so cute and awesome how you and your hubby workout together. I tried to get mine to do it with Hammer and Chisel. He didn't do so well though. After the second workout he quit.



Today I took a rest day wanted to do cardio, may do it tomorrow with my leg workout. I was so busy doing things around the house the time went so fast. I like having so much free time:)

Belinda - It is great how you and DH figure it all out:) I have a couple of new Dr.'s and I really like them too.

Kristin - I have to start going to yoga once a week because it helps a lot mentally & physically. I've been missing here and there. Your right the tri-sets make it hard:)

Hey guys. Just finished STS M2 D18. So I was going strong and was able to lift all the weights on the workout card for back. Biceps I struggled a bit with the barbell curls. I had 43# )with weighted gloves on). Then I did fine with the alternating curls with 22# dumbells. But when it was time to do concentration curls, I could not do the 20# on the card. I had to drop to 17# and then 15# to do them. My biceps are fried. It is funny to me that I seem to struggle with the last muscle group on each disc, triceps and biceps. I guess we will see what next week brings. I am halfway through meso 2 already.

Tomorrow we are going to Delaware for DS's baseball tournament. We will be gone Friday-Sunday, but I plan on getting cardio done at the gym at the hotel. I might not be able to check in this weekend, but will be back by Monday.

Deb- it was such a good class last night. I have been so upset about what's going on in the news. Being home watching different news stations. . . I am so upset about what happened in Charlottesville and the state of things. The class really helped me to relieve that built up stress.

Waving hello to Belinda. How is Brawler doing these days?


Hey girls,

Today I did Zumba :) Fun, fun.

Debbie - at first I was maybe we need to do STS legs at a different time, he in the morning and me after him. Once I looked at my journal, I was like why don't we do it this way :) It worked out for the both off us. Glad you like your new doctors too. That makes things so much easier. He even ask me how I feel on the thyroid medication. My old doc upped my meds for my thyroid a few month ago, I wasn't feeling great plus my # were of the chart. I feel so much better since. No complaints.

Kirstin - good job with D18 today. Nothing wrong dropping the weights a little. Very impressive doing alternating curls with 22# dumbbells. Hight fives! Have fun on your trip.

That's it for me today. Have a great day.

Today I did STS M3 D35 Legs. I can't believe I have one more workout before finishing M3:) happy dance!! I'm glad you guys mentioned doing the pyramid because I'm looking forward to doing that.

Belinda - I like when Dr.'s follow-up and ask how you are feeling:) Sometimes I feel rushed at the Dr.'s so I'm happy when they ask questions.

Kristin - I agree with Belinda . . . impressive weight selection! Have fun at the baseball games. The news has been depressing, the only thing I look forward to is the weather:)

Hey girls,

D27 is doen.

Debbie - he took his time with DH and I. WOW! you are almost done with STS :) Congratulations!!

Kirstin - have fun at the game today. I agree, with Debbie...the news are very depressing lately :( Brawler is doing fine considering. Thanks for asking. how is your mom and dad doing?

Have a great weekend.

Today I did Squeeze Power Workout. I can't believe it's raining today, the news said it's rained the last 10 Friday's. We have plans to go out but it should be over.

Belinda - Great job with your workout. Your almost done with STS too:)

Kristin - Hope your ds's team is winning!

Hey girl,

I walked 4 miles today. That's it. Taking it easy. I must have hurt my hip/lower back the other day again doing deadlifts :( I am so done with deadlifts. Anyway, for the last 2 nights I can't sleep I am in so much pain. Every time I turn, my hip/lower back hurts.

Debbie - good job on Squeeze Power. You are almost done with STS too.

Have a great weekend, everyone.

Today I did walked on the treadmill. I also went to my in-laws pool.

Belinda - I'm sorry you hurt your back:( Deadlifts are so tricky and you can easily get hurt doing them. I hope you heal quickly.

Kristin - I was wondering if you plan to watch the solar eclipse? I didn't buy glasses and wished I did.

Hi Debbie and Kirstin,

Today I did LS 4 big mile walk.

Debbie - do you plan to watch the soar eclipse? I didn't buy the glassed. So I want watch the solar eclipse live. Will watch it on TV. Thanks about my back :( Trust me, I will not do anymore deadlifts.

Kirstin - how are you doing?

I will be back tomorrow.

Today I finished STS M3 D36 Shoulder, bi's & tri's. I am looking forward to my active rest week. I'm guessing it will feel weird to go back to Meso 1.

Belinda - I will watch on TV, with all the technology it will probably look better. Someone mentioned if you don't gave glasses you could go outside but only look at the ground to see the shadows.

Kristin - How was your weekend?


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