Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I went to the gym and did the stairmaster & treadmill. Tomorrow DH & I are going to the beach. I found 2 beach chairs at Costco for a great price & well made, we will test them out tomorrow LOL.

Belinda - Your almost done with Meso 3!! I'm just speechless & want to cry too when I watch the footage of Hurricane Harvey.

Kristin - I hope all is ok.

Good morning,

Not sure, what I will do today? I am getting my hear done today and spending time with DD.

Debbie - I am almost done with STS :) I am thinking doing the STS pyramid down, than do the Bodybuilding rotation? That would keep my busy until the end of June 2018 :) We shall see. I love Costco! Have fun at the beach today.

Where is Kirstin?

I will check in later.
Hey guys. I fell off the wagon a bit this last week. I have been so busy between planning for school, back to school shopping, my mom, setting up my classroom. It has been a whirlwind. I did MMA Kickboxing on Monday. Then DH and I went to the LAdy Gaga concert. It was amazing. She has such a raw talent. Her voice is beautiful live. The concert was awesome. We were surrounded by all kinds of people, gay, straight, trans, and they were all so happy and we were all just enjoying the concert together. The feeling was just pure. Then on the way home, we took the train, and it was packed with everyone from the concert. As crowded as the train was. . . the feeling was the same. Everyone was kind and courteous and accepting of each other. We did not get home until 3 in the morning though. Then I woke up at 9. . . could not go back to sleep. I got up and picked up my sons and drove to my school to set up my room. I got home at 4 and I was exhausted. Yesterday, I was still exhausted. I did not even go to yoga. I spent half the day prepping lessons and the other half on the couch sleeping on and off. I guess I cannot party like a 20 year old at 40, lol.

Today I felt much better. I did some more planning and then I banged out STS M2, D22 chest, shoulders and triceps. My shoulder had been bothering me. I think it is from the heavy weights for chest. I may lay off and lift lighter for chest in meso 3. Not sure yet. I plan on doing Legs Saturday and then disc 24 on Sunday. Rest week will be cardio and yoga. I will start Meso 3 on Sunday. Perfect because we go back to school next week.

Belinda- I wish we could see some clips or at least pictures before the preorder ends. I would like to know the cast too. I am not preordering yet. Maybe pics will post after.

Deb- DS's team won the summer championship for the league on Monday night. . . figures we were at the concert. And they defeated the LI Titans. . . a team I despise. DS was thrilled. But Fall ball starts this weekend, so it is not really over. It never is. . .


Good evening,

Today I went and got my hair done in DC. Had a great time with my DD.

This morning I walked for 3 miles.

I ended up ordering the new workouts. I wished Cathe would show clips before the pre sale is up. I will wait for clips, before I make up my mind. I always can cancel.

Kirstin- I agree with you on everything you said. I went ahead and ordered. I will wait until I see clips, I always cancel my preorder.

Debbie - how was your day at the beach? Hope you had fun.

I will be back tomorrow.

Today I did STS M2 D14 Legs. It was hard going back to the tri-sets but I liked it.

The beach was nice it started raining about 4:30PM and thought it wasn't too bad because we were only going to stay another hour or so. The only problem was we hit so much traffic because everyone left the beach at the same time:eek:

Belinda - Have fun with getting your hair done & with DD. My husband orders from Bodybuilding never heard of that rotation?

Kristin - Wow, that must have been awesome to see Lady Gaga in concert. It was worth it too lose sleep;) Too funny about baseball never ending:)

Hey guys.

Today was a busy day. I just finished my workout now. I did 4DS HIS (cardio only) plus abs.

First, I had an appointment with the principal at my younger DS's school. I finally got him into the ICT program, but it was in a different school and the principal offered to meet with my son and give him a tour. Then I took my other DS out to buy a birthday present for his friend. Dropped one kid to a birthday party, the other to my sister-in-law and went shopping with my teacher friend for some fall work clothes and shoes. I had a lot of fun shopping for myself, lol. Came home, ate dinner, cleaned out my closet and put the new clothes away. I am going to try to donate my clothes that are in good condition but I don't wear anymore to Texas.

Anyway, I am pretty wiped out. This is my last weekend of freedom for a bit, lol.

Deb- Happy birthday! Trisets for legs are killer. I have my last trisets in Meso 2 scheduled for tomorrow. I am looking forward to 4 weeks of plyo legs.

Belinda- What is the bodybuilding rotation? Is there a link?

BB tomorrow.

By the way, my chest and shoulders and triceps are super sore today. I am glad next week is a rest week from STS.

Hi everyone,

Today I did Rapid Fire 3 with Susan Chung. I can't remember the last time I did that one. Very fun workout.

Debbie - hope you had a wonderful birthday, my friend.

Kirstin - I will finish M3, take my rest week than pyramid down to M2, M1. Than I will start the Bodybuilding rotation. I will do M2 (I already finished M1 with the pyramid down rotation) than do M3. After that I will do GS for a month, 2 weeks Low Intensity workouts, 4 weeks 4DS, 2 weeks Shock Cardio Series, M2 and M3. That will keep me busy until the end of June 2018. I pinned it on the Rotation forum.

Here is the Cathe Bodybuilding rotations she posted a few years ago for someone else:
Do STS in its entirety.
Take one week off.
Do Gym Styles for one month!
Do the low impact series for two weeks.
Do Four Day Split for one month.
Do Shock Cardio Series for two weeks
Do STS Meso two and Meso three

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great evening.
Hey guys. Today I spent the morning prepping for my first day of school and getting my younger DS's backpack ready. Then I went to get my hair colored and cut. I just finished my workout now. I did STS M2 D23, Legs. My legs were shaking with those low plane lunges. I am excited to do Plyo Legs, a little less weight to hold for legs, lol.

I am supposed to do D24 tomorrow to finish M2. I will see how my back feels. All those deadlifts work the low back hard with the heavy weight. If my back is sore, I will do it Monday instead.

Belinda- WOW! That's a lot of STS! With this pyramid rotation, I will be done with STS in December. I am contemplating getting BB on demand for Autumns 80 Day Obsession in January. That might be a nice challenge after STS. If not, maybe I will get the new series. Who knows?

Waving hello to Deb!


Yesterday I took a warm yoga class. She did put some different exercises in and I have so much DOMS in my core. Today I took a rest day.

Thank you for the birthday wishes;) We went out for a nice dinner last night the 2 of us. I can't believe how cool it is but still enjoying the weather.

Belinda - I don't think I ever saw that rotation but thanks for posting it:) It's funny that the rotation will take you into the spring of 2018:eek:

Kristin - That was so nice of the principal to give your ds a tour:) It sounds like you had a fun day shopping! How do you go about donating clothes to Texas?

Hi everyone,

Walked 5 miles this morning. Just finished Mobility RX - Workout 1 w/Mark Lauren. I thought it was a stretching workout, it was more like a bodyweight workout. I was sweating my butt off :( Not really a stretch,lol.

Debbie - you are welcome :) The rotation is pinned at the rotation forum too. I'll bet you felt nice and relaxed after that hot yoga. Good job!

Kirstin - yes, it's a long rotation and lots of STS. I had no idea Autumns is coming out with 80 Day Obsession in January? I need to check that one out. Love everything she puts out so far. I think BB on Demand is a great idea, plus is's cheap. I will be donating cloth for Texas too. They are collection everywhere.

I am gonna relax now. I am still sweating, lol.
Hey guys. It was a late workout again tonight. I think I am subconsciously preparing myself for working out after work. I went to DS's game today. Then we went to the outlets to get a few more back to school items for the boys. The weather is so much colder here, we needed to get them some sweatshirts. Anyway, I did do STS and I am done with MESO 2! This week I will be doing cardio, yoga and I am thinking about doing ICE To the Mat Legs at some point.

Tomorrow, DS has one more game in the tournament. . . but it looks like they are making the playoffs, which means another game and then the final if they make it in the playoff round. So I predict I will be spending my Labor Day and last day of freedom on the baseball field.

Belinda- yes. It is an 80 day program, that will have 80 different workouts. Each workout will be 45-60 minutes long. You will see the progress of Autumn and her crew too because she says they are filming it in real time, one workout per day. It will only be on BBOD, not on DVD. I am seriously considering getting BBOD for the program. Like I said, I will be done with STS at the end of December if I stick with the pyramid rotation. If I like the clips I see from Cathe's new series, I might get it instead.

Deb- I thought it would be fairly easy to donate clothes to Texas. . . turns out I was wrong. Red Cross is not taking clothing donations. I may just drop them off at the Good Will dumpsters.


Kirstin - I will check it out! Sounds like an awesome program. Don't dump your clothes at the Good will dumpster. Donate it to a non profit or a church/woman shelter instead. Goodwill is a profit organization.

Today I did STS M2 D15 Back & bi's. It was nice it went by so quick. The weather was cool today but tomorrow should go back to summer. Not ready to give up the summer weather.

Belinda - I didn't realize Goodwill was for profit:confused: It's frustrating when you expect one workout but end with something different.

Kristin - The Autumn workouts sound interesting, if you can do BBOD month to month not a bad idea. I hope your ds's team wins!!

Good morning,

STS D34 is done. I am up 10# from my last round of STS. I would say I am stronger than 5% :)

Debbie - google Goodwill and what happened to your donations after 4 weeks. It sure, wasn't much of a Good job on D15 yesterday.

Kirstin - have fun with your workout today.

That's it for me today. BBL!!

Today I did Butts & Guts floorwork, ankle weights, walking lunges & firewalkers. We also went to my in-laws for a bbq.

Belinda - That is awesome you went up 10lbs. I felt so much stronger after completing M3 but not as much as you;)

Kristin - I hope your enjoying your last days before school starts:) Good luck with your 1st week!

Good morning,

ASAP Hollywood Hardball w/Paul Katami is done. Nice change of base and very fun.

Debbie - thank you! I was afraid I couldn't go up in weight since I have back problems. Still kept it safe! I was doing BB branch presses 70#, could have gone heavier, but wanted not to aggravate my back. My husband said, I shouldn't have gone up that much without a spotter, lol. I told him I had not problem lifting #70 pounds. I probably go up another 5# next round. I should pull out B&G, been wanting to do that one. Good job!

Kirstin - what are your plans today?

I will be back later.
Hey guys. What a day. All morning it was meeting after meeting. Then we had our faculty meeting. Then we had about one hour of school time to set up our room. Thankfully, I set up last week.

Anyway, I did Slide and Glide cardio only premix. It was a good sweaty low impact workout. I also walked Baxter today with the boys.

Tomorrow is day one of my 18th year of teaching. I cannot believe it!

Belinda- I told DH about goodwill. He is looking into places to donate locally. Nice job on your weight increases.

Deb- BBOD is $99 a year, so even if I only do 80 day obsession. . . then I might as well keep it for the year and dabble with the other programs from BB. All the programs, P90X and so on are on there, even Body Beast, which is something I have wanted to try for years now.

BB tomorrow. I have a hot yoga class on tap.


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