Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I did STS M2 D16 Chest, shoulders & tri's. I hurt my back slightly from doing deadlifts will go lighter DH said I should just do back extensions. He won't do deadlifts either.

Belinda - That is impressive! Your workout sounds like you played baseball/softball :)

Kristin - 18 years that is an accomplishment!!! Can you still retire after 25 years? I think DH's cousin told me age is a factor too:confused: Do you have any relatives still in Puerto Rico? It sounds like another Hurricane may hit the island hard:(

Good morning,

STS D40 Squat Rack legs is done.

Debbie - thank you! The moves were baseball/softball, fun and sweaty. Good job with D16 yesterday. Be careful with those deadlifts.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.

Hey guys. What a day. All morning it was meeting after meeting. Then we had our faculty meeting. Then we had about one hour of school time to set up our room. Thankfully, I set up last week.

Anyway, I did Slide and Glide cardio only premix. It was a good sweaty low impact workout. I also walked Baxter today with the boys.

Tomorrow is day one of my 18th year of teaching. I cannot believe it!

Belinda- I told DH about goodwill. He is looking into places to donate locally. Nice job on your weight increases.

Deb- BBOD is $99 a year, so even if I only do 80 day obsession. . . then I might as well keep it for the year and dabble with the other programs from BB. All the programs, P90X and so on are on there, even Body Beast, which is something I have wanted to try for years now.

BB tomorrow. I have a hot yoga class on tap.


Wow! what an accomplishment! I am sure you husband can find a church or no profit organization to donate. I think, $99 a year is a good price if you don't have all the other programs. Unfortinatly I own pretty much every program the came out with. Once I am done with my rotation next year, maybe I will look into BBOD. Good job yesterday.

Today I did Slide & Glide. I'm not sure why I thought that dvd was easy LOL but it was fun:) I had off today, but meeting with my boss tomorrow because she is in town checking on some stores. She lives in Florida so she is escaping the storm but worried about her daughter who is in college in FL:(

Belinda - I didn't do any Squat Rack workouts this time but I really should do at least one.

Kristin - Today was the 1st day of school here & lots of traffic LOL.

Good morning,

I am going to a spa with Aleisa today.

Debbie - you should at least do one Squat Rack Leg. I never done the plyo legs, lol

Have a great day and workout.

Today I did STS M2 D17 Legs minus calves which I will do tomorrow. I met my boss at my biggest store and her boss showed up too. I was so stressed but it wasn't bad, just so tired. They took me out to lunch which was nice:)

I am so worried about family & friends in Florida. I've been keeping in touch with my Dad (they don't have to evacuate). My DH called the maintenance man in FL and he took in the outside furniture for us. He said they are evacuating all the condo's by tomorrow because they are on a barrier island:( My boss's family said the traffic is unbearable and almost impossible to get gas.

Belinda - Enjoy your spa day:) I have a gift certificate for spa maybe will set something up for this month;)

Kristin - I'm sure this is a tough week for you but TGIF! (tomorrow)

Hi guys. . . I am still standing, lol.

Wednesday went well for me. . . but very badly for my little guy. He s starting in a different school in the district because he is in an ICT class inclusion). His bus never came to pick him up, which added to his anxiety. He cried on and off in school all day. His teacher called to let us know. It was heart-breaking. Yesterday, he had a much better day though, so I am happy he is adjusting.

Wednesday I did go to hot yoga, and boy did I need it.

No workout yesterday because it was meet the teacher night for me and I did not get home until 9:30. I was exhausted.

Happy that today is Friday.

I will be back with personals tonight!

Hi everyone,

I just finished the 3.5 STS rotation. YEAH!! Next week I will start my recovery week, than do the STS pyramid down rotation.

Debbie - we had a blast at the spa. It's our 2nd time we used the spa. We also used the gym, which was very nice. Nice job on D17.

Kirstin - that is awful the bus never pick your son up. Poor thing! I am so glad he has a better day and is adjusting.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great Friday evening.

Today I took a warm yoga class. It was a tough class but good:) I spoke with my Dad they didn't evacuate them but are prepared with hurricane shutters & generator. They spent 2 1/2 hours on gas line for the generator:eek: My gf is very upset her daughter lives near Ft. Lauderdale and wouldn't come home:(

Belinda - Your catching up to me;) Your spa day sounds awesome, nice that they have a gym:)

Kristin - One week down, LOL. I still can't believe the summer is over:( So sad for you ds :( my older son would have been the same way.

Hi everyone,

Today I did Rapid Fire 3 w/Susan Chung premix 1# Rock Steady = 40 min.

Debbie - are you pyramid down already? The spa is amazing. The also have a indoor pool/gym, you name it. Oh no, on the gas :( Sorry about your friends daughter. That hurricane is no joke.

Have a great weekend everyone.
Hey guys. I am sorry I have not been checking in regularly. Now that I got through the first week of school and my rest week from STS is over, I should be more consistent. Today I started Meso 3, D25, chest and back. I felt I could go a little heavier on back. I am afraid to go heavier on chest because sometimes my shoulder hurts on after working chest with heavy weights. Anyway. . . Meso 3 has never been my favorite. I am going to go through with the whole cycle and then next month begin Meso 2. I know the pyramid technically has Meso 3 repeat, but I just cannot bring myself to do it, lol.

Deb- the gas issue in Florida is so serious. I hope your family is okay down there. I have cousins in Fort Myers. They were staying in a friend's condo (4th floor). I haven't heard from them yet.

Belinda- that premix from Intensity is one of my favorites. I might just do it this week. I love the music in that one.

BB tomorrow.


Yesterday I took a rest day. We went to NYC to see a play "Come Fly Away" it was an excellent play. It was about passengers that were stranded in New Foundland, Canada during 9/11 and the days that followed. It showed how the small town came together and helped the thousands that were stranded while the air space was closed. I hope they make a movie of it.

Today I did STS M2 D18 back & bi's.

Belinda - I am pyramiding down but don't think I will do M3 not sure yet. I don't know of many dvds other than Cathe that have premixes.

Kristin - I hope your cousins are ok, this is a scary storm! Do you have a hard class this year?

Hi everyone,

This week is my recovery week. I did Turbo Fire 60 Class + 12 min stretch.

Debbie - I am confused? Are you pyramiding down right now? Why would you do M3? There a lot of instructors that offer premixes, like Amy Bento, Susan Chung, Kelly Coffey Mayer, Leslie Swanson to name a few. That play sounds amazing! Glad you had fun in NYC.

Kirstin - listen to your body when you lifting weights. Nothing wrong going a little lighter. Where are you getting doing M3 twice? LOL! When you pyramid down, you do M2, M1 that's it!

Have a great Monday everyone.
I am back. I also did Mobility RX workout #2 -Mark Lauren. That was a nice stretch! I like that he does them in 5 reps each/3 rounds. Each round he changed the exercise a little up.
Hey guys. Today's workout was Rockout Knockout. I was tired from a long day, but I got it done.

At work today I was disgusted because our principal did not even ackowledge that it was 9/11. I mean, we are a school district that is 40 minutes from the city. Some of my students' family members were first responders. . . some have died. . . some are battling cancer and other diseases as a result, and she did not even acknowledge it. . . she does not have it together enough to realize it was 9/11!

Belinda- I thought you were repeating 3. . . doing 1-2-3-3-2-1, lol. I am glad I am doing it the right way. No way could I do Meso 3 for two months. I'd be bored out of my mind!

Deb- that play sounds interesting. I love the theater in the city. I forgot to tell you guys. A student from last year is going to be in The Lion King on Broadway as young Simba. I am going to try to get tickets to see him with my boys.



Today I went to the gym and walked/ran on the treadmill to CC 4. I heard from my Dad and they are fine just no power. My in-laws place was evacuated so we are not sure how much damage but they don't think it was much. We are going in October so will see then.

Belinda - I was confused too LOL! Your right I went from completing M1,2 &3 & now I am in the middle of M2 will do M1 & follow with Gym Styles. M3 isn't even an option:oops: Isn't doesn't look like a recovery week for you;)

Kristin - That is amazing your student will be in Lion King. I didn't see that play. They are remaking The Lion King (not a cartoon) but it won't be ready for awhile. That is sad your principal didn't acknowledge 9/11.

Hey ladies,

I walked 3 miles this morning and did Dance HiiT by Jazzercise premix #3 Dance Hiit Pure Strength = 19 min. I don't know why I took me that long to finish that dvd? They are pure fun and the music is awesome :) I really need to make a note to rotate this one into my rotation.

I am thinking doing a stretch later?

Debbie and Kirstin - you both had me confused too, lol:D I just finished the 3.5 STS rotation, I will pyramid down with M2, M1. Than I start the bodybuilding rotation with M2, M1, than do the GS's for a month. I am not a big fan of M1, I will jump right into M2 when I do the Bodybuilding rotation. Really don't want to do M1 twice, lol. If that makes sense?

Debbie - you are doing the pyramid down the right way, lol! Are you doing the bodybuilding rotation too? No, it doesn't look like a recovery week for me, lol/

Kirstin - originally I was going to do M1, M2, M3, M3, M2, M1. Once I pyramid down, I will go right up to M2, M3 again. That is a lot of M3, lol. I still have a few more day's to decide, lol. I'll bet I will get great results doing M1, M2, M3, M3, M2, M1 :) This alone is 6 month of STS! With the Bodybuilding rotation I will go right up with M2, M3. I really like the structure of STS. I love M3.

I will be back later.
I am back! Needed a stretch, my muscles are tight. Couldn't decide on a workout, so I pulled out The Trainer's Edge: Long and Lean Yoga. Haven't done that one in years simply....because it super tough! :). I will pull all the other Trainer Edge soon.

Today I did STS M2 Disc 19 Chest, shoulders & tri's.

I'm not sure if you guys saw on fb the hotel for the Daytona RT is closed until April 2018 due to damage from the hurricane:eek: Cathe said they are working hard for other arrangements. Possibly another hotel down the beach from the current one. I feel bad for Cathe & her staff it must be so hard to put something new together in 3 weeks. Fingers crossed.

Belinda - The workout you did sounds familiar not sure if I have that one or another Trainer's Edge, but I remember it was hard:) I may do a shorten version of the bodybuilding rotation. Ex. maybe only 2 weeks of Gym Styles etc. . . I'm happy that you mentioned it.

Kristin - Waves hi!


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