Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

I just come back from the vet. We got in quickly. He has to take antibiotics and probiotic powder to sprinkle on his food. She also took some test, I will get the results on Tuesday. Instead me cooking up a lot of chicken and rice she recommend Hills Prescriptions diet for Digestive care. I bought a few cans at the vet for a few day's. This safe me time going to the grocery store and buy chicken, than cook it.

Hey guys. I just finished my workout, which was Cardio Slam (no mat premix) plus core from ICE series, Icy Core 1. It is only Monday and I am pretty tired. DH is going away for work tomorrow and won't be back until Thursday night. I am determined to get in at least 5 workouts this week, 6 would make me ecstatic. Let's see if I can stick with it. If I still feel bored with Meso 3 this week, I might cut it short and skip the fourth week.

Belinda- is the food helping Brawler?

Waving hello to Deb.

Hi everyone,

Finally got my workout in. I did Rapid Fire 3 w/Susan Chung Premixes: 2. Rock Steady Hard = 50 min

The vet called. Brawler test come back negative :) They think he had a virus or a stomach problems. They still want me to give him the antibiotics. Last night he slept through the night again. They only time he woke me up was at 4 a.m. He needed to go outside :) No diarrhea!! Hope it stays that way.

Kirstin - yes, the food is helping Brawler. He also loves it :) You can get it from Amazon or any pet store. I am sure it's cheaper. Why are you bored with M3? Is it the long brakes? I walk around my gym to get some steps in. I usually get during STS over 5000 steps :) Play your own music, maybe that would helps.

Nice job, everyone. BBL!
Hey guys. I decided not to continue with Meso 3. Not sure if I will repeat Meso 2 next week either. I just dreaded having to do an hour-long workout today, especially being a Meso 3 workout. . . I decided to do ICE Boot camp instead. I love STS but the long workouts and commitment to the rotation during this time of year is so tough for me. I will see how I feel on Sunday. Meso 2 is my favorite, so it may be easy to repeat it.

Belinda- it is definitely the long breaks and the repetition (4 sets) of each exercise. I just am not motivated to do it. I knew once the school year started this would happen. I was never sure I would finish Meso 3. Maybe I will do the whole Meso 3 next round. I am glad Brawler is enjoying the food and is feeling better.

Deb- waving hello!

BB tomorrow.


Sorry I have been MIA, been busy getting some things done that I've been putting off. This is my active rest week. I did yoga Sunday-Tuesday. I don't want to start Meso 1 until I come back from Florida. So will mix it up with cardio, weights & yoga this week:)

I can't believe it's been so hot the last 2 days, too bad my in-laws closed their pool;)

Belinda - I'm happy Brawler is feeling better:) It's amazing they have some many medicine & food that could help dogs now.

Kristin - I could see how doing Meso 3 when you are so busy is hard. For some reason I think I like M2 when it is followed by M1 better. I just can't figure why.

Good morning,

STS M2 D17 legs and Cathe TB Stretching #1 is done.

Debbie - thanks you! I am glad he is feeling better too. It is amazing what's available these day's :) I am glad you got some things done last week. Have fun with your workouts this week.

Kirstin - I don't mind the repetition (4 sets) of each exercise. I can change my weights, I up my weights constantly. I used to run laps in my basements. Now I take the opportunity to get my steps. DH and I are very competitive when it comes to steps, lol :) You have to do whatever works for you.

Happy Hump Day, everyone.
Hey girls,

Done my workouts easier, just getting around to post. I did Afterburn Premixes: 1. Express (Single Intervals 1 - 10) - 32:10 plus Intensity premix #9 Timesaver - HiiT (Low) + Boot Camp - 35:49. I also did 10MS Blast off Belly Fat with Susanne Bowen

Great job, everyone. I will be back tomorrow.

I forgot to post yesterday, I did an upper body workout. Today was Kickmax doing the 4 combos 2x instead of the blast & drills. It was DH's birthday today and I made him a special dinner. We are holding off on cake until my other ds is home.

Belinda - Nice premixes today! I don't walk around during rest period in STS but I should;)

Kristin - How is your week going?

Good morning,

STS M2 D18 back/biceps + Cathe TB Stretching #2 with the stability ball is done.

Debbie - happy birthday to your husband :) Your special dinner sounds wonderful. Enjoy! Good job yesterday. You should give it a try, walking around during the rest periods in STS. Time flies!

Have a wonderful Friday, everyone.

Today I took a rest day. It was so windy yesterday our glass table on the deck broke what a mess!

Belinda - I will do the walking:) Your stretch workout sounds like fun.

Kristin - Are you glad September is almost over?

Well, I am not going to continue with the STS pyramid. I need to do shorter workouts during the week with everything going on. Next week I am going to focus on cardio, circuits and metabolic training. Then I will develop a plan for heavy lifting, maybe mixing the lifting workouts from RWH, Xtrain and SandS. I am thinking of getting BBOD next year to do Autumn's 80 day obsession. I may do STS in the spring to get ripped for summer, lol. Maybe do a rotation of Meso 1, Meso 2 and then the undulating rotation. Maybe that way I won't be bored with Meso 3.

DH was away for work this week. I got a workout in Tuesday but then the rest of the week nothing. Today I did PHA training. Great for the heart rate that one.

Deb- Yes! I am so glad September is over. Looking forward to October and fall weather. Happy birthday to your DH.

Belinda- I love how you and DH workout together. That is so great.

Oh, I forgot to tell you. My cousin finally was able to message me. They are doing okay. Their house and belongings are ruined, but they are going to move to Florida where my other cousin lives. They leave on October 18th. I am glad they do not have to stay there.


Hi everyone,

Turbo Fire EZ 55 plus stretch 10 is done.

Debbie - the stretch I did was Cathe's Total Body stretching. The stretches are wonderful. Should pull them out more often.

Kirstin - like your workout plan. Can't wait what you come up with. STS is a little time consuming. Once I am done with pyramiding down, I will pyramid up again, lol. I must be insane:p I hope I see great results .

That's it for me today.

Today I walked on the treadmill. I can't believe we had 2 earthquakes this week 1st one was 1.7. I wasn't home but DH said the house was shaking and thought it was an explosion! The 2nd one was this morning 1.5 but slept thru that one LOL.

I can't get the emoji's to work (only happy & sad).

Belinda - I love the Turbo Fire workouts:)

Kristin - It must be hard to workout when DH is away. I like your choice of workouts, it best to do what works for you. I can't imagine what your cousin must be going through:(

Hey guys. Got my workout in for today. It was Crossfire. What a workout! I love the music in this one. I wish Cathe had kept the sound-alike songs in her newer workouts. My allergies are acting up today, big time. I just took a pill. I hope it is just allergies and not that I coming down with something. Tis the season!

I also walked Baxter and I was not paying attention when I hooked his leash to his collar. I hooked it to the wrong hook, a weak hook for a name tag. Baxter saw another dog being walked and ran to it. The little hook broke and he got loose. Luckily, the other owners and I stayed calm. He only sniffed the dog. It could have been bad. He is weird with other dogs. Sometimes he is passive, sometimes aggressive. I got him right away and apologized profusely. The look on the other owners' faces. . . they were terrified. Their dog was a small little thing.

Belinda- good for you pyramiding up and then down and then back up again. I think my next move with STS. . . months from now. . . will be the undulating rotation. W1 Meso 1 W1, W2, Meso 2 W1, W3, Meso 3 W1 and then so on. See how far I get with that. Maybe I won't hate MEso three as much, lol.

Deb- I cannot believe you had earthquakes! I had not heard anything about that.


Hi guys,

Today I did The Ultimate Yogi D1 Cross Training and 3 mile walk. I broke out a little sweat with The Ultimate Yogi Cross Training :) It was long but great workout.

Kirstin - the undiluted STS rotation sounds great. Crossfire is a tough one. Good job!

Debbie - an earthquakes in NY? We had one about 6 years ago, I had no idea it was an earthquake :( We lived in the RV (waiting for a house). Brawler was going crazy in the RV. The RV was shaking. I thought it was the wind, Aleisa called me and told me they had an earthquake in DC the building she worked at the time was shaking. I have never been through an earthquake before. Just a few weeks ago, my hometown in Germany had a bad earthquake. They had them all over Germany. We never had earthquakes before.

Have a wonderful Sunday, everyone.

Today I did 30-day butt lift. We went to my SIL's to celebrate her Grandson's birthday, it was a nice day for it:)

You guys are right it is crazy to have earthquakes & hurricanes the way we have been having them. I'm nervous I am under some kind of fault line.

Belinda - I may have to try STS undiluted rotation next year, it sounds interesting. I miss doing the Ultimate yogi workouts.

Kristin - I haven't done Crossfire in a long time, the other day I went to pick it up but didn't:) That was a close call with Baxter, you never know how a dog will react. My dog was usually calm and once in a blue moon would show aggressive behavior. Once when my husband was driving the kids around (Halloween) she jumped out of the car to get to another dog.

Hi guys,

Today I did STS M2 W3 D19 + TB Stretching #3 w/stability ball + SBF Warm Up +*Seat Work + Stretch*=*35m. SBF has a 21 Day rotation which used these dvd's:
BarreAmped (BA)
BarreAmped Bootcamp (BC)
BarreAmped Cardio Fat Burner (C)
BarreAmped Fire Extreme Sculpt (F)
BarreAmped Strengthen & Stretch (S)

I will try to follow the rotation, the workouts are short. I like barre workouts and kinda miss it. And it gives me an opportunity to play around with my SB dvd's :)

I also forgot to mention, I am pyramiding STS down. Once I am done with M1, I also started officially the Bodybuilding rotation. I will only do M1 once :) Than M2, M3.

Debbie - the Ultimate Yogi workouts are long. CrossTraining was almost 65 min long :( I fell great today. I will not follow the rotation, only do 1 dvd on Sunday's. Sunday's I have more time to stretch. I had the set for sale on FB, no takers :) Glad about that! I really like them! What was I thinking?

Kirstin - is that the undiluted STS rotation Cathe posted a few years ago? Once I am done with the Bodybuilding rotation, I think I will not touch STS for a long time, lol.

That's it for me today. Have a great Monday!
Hi everyone,

Today I did Rapid Fire 3 w/Susan Chung - Premixes # 3. Rock Steady Rock Hard Core = 60 min + SBF Warm Up + Thigh Work + Stretch = 30m. I like the SBF stretch on the end, it's a nice lower body stretch. I also did JS Burn Fat and Have Fun premix WALK #3: HAVE A BALL! Payed my own music :)

Have a great day and workout everyone.

Yesterday I took a warm yoga class & today I took a rest day. I was really sore & so much to get done before vacation & RT.

Belinda - I like the short workouts of Barre Amped I think I may have one or two but don't remember them LOL. I forgot how long the Ultimate Yogi workouts were. Great job with your workouts:)

Kristin - Will you have off for Columbus Day?


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