Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

Debbie - enjoy the rest of your time in FL. The pigeon isn't the problem , the twisting under the arm is tough on my back. Doing both my back didn't like at all. I constantly have lower back problems ever since I had a few discs slip.

Today I will do STS M2 W4 D24. I am looking forward to a recovery week.

I will be back later.
Hi everyone,

I just finished M2 + BarreAmped Strengthen & Stretch upper body stretch. I also did SBF BA warm up + light weights + mat workout (keep forgetting this one isn't a lower body workout). That was tough after STS. It's done! Upper body is fried.

Have great Friday and weekend everyone.

Today we had lunch with DHs Aunt & Uncle it was nice to visit them. His Uncle has siblings in Puerto Rico but they were lucky they are ok and so are their homes.

Belinda - DH has slipped discs too they started acting up a little on vacation but getting better. You deserve a rest day:)

Kristin - I can't believe the warm weather you guys have been having. Usually we have the heat on mid October:eek:

Goodnight :)
Hi guys. I had a bad week after hot yoga. Had a cold and an earache and a lot of stress with my mom. She was released from the hospital and is back in the nursing home. My dad has been going there every day and I think it is wearing on him. It has been stressful to say the least. Plus, I am getting my period and trying balance work, family, and everything else, I just did not work out the last few days. I am lucky I went to yoga. Anyway. . . I decided I needed to focus on food and working out, so today, I mean prepped and I am going back to Hammer and Chisel and the meal plan. I need a distraction from everything anyway. My eating has been out of control. I have been downing candy left and right. I have been eating pizza and burgers for dinner all week, take out. And I just feel like crap. I am hoping following the meal plan and doing the workouts will get me some results and get me back to a routine I can stick with. I like how all the workouts are less than an hour.

I find it strange that Cathe has not given any updates on the new workouts. I wonder when they will start filming.

Deb- my aunt and cousins are leaving for Florida this week. They cannot wait to get out of PR. I am glad your DH's uncle's family is okay. It is so sad how horrible things are over there.

Belinda- you are killing it with your workouts! Keep it up! I need to stay motivated.


Hallo everyone,

Today I did Ultimate Yogi Cardio. That was tough one. I couldn't see myself doing the program as is, but doing a dvd here and there is fine. These workouts are advanced. I also did SBF BarreAmped Cardio Fat Burner Cardio Sculpt. For some reason, that workout isn't listed in the SBF 21 day rotation? Weird!

Kirstin - you have a lot on your plate lately. Don't worry about your missed workouts. I think H&C is perfect with everything your are going though. Sorry to hear about your mom. Hope she is ok. Your poor day :(

Debbie - sorry to hear about your husband slipped disc. Hope he feels better soon. Does he have to see a doc for it? I usually get shots in my spine. Those a very painful. I hope it goes away on its one with lots of babying my lower back. I am glad your Uncle siblings in Puerto Ric0 are ok.

That's it for me today. Have a great Sunday.
Hi everyone,

This week is my recovery week. I did workout this morning, just getting around to post. I did SBF BarreAmped Fire Extreme Sculpt Sleek & Toned Shoulders + Abs Blast + Stretch. This one didn't had a warm up, she did a short warm up with the Sleek & Shoulders. My abs were on fire after the ab blast. I really like this one so far. I am not sure about the other BC and Cardio Fat Burn? I also decided not to do week 3 of the rotation, since she repeated BC, BA. I already did all those dvd's. My goal is to get as many dvd's before the end of the year. Once I am done with Fire Extreme I will go switch it up with other barre dvd's.

I also did Sweat Lap Batalicious = 30 min. Very fun tabata style workout. I am not following the schedule that came with the dvd's. They have you do 2 workouts on each day for 21 day's. Can't wait to try all the others.

Have a great day and workout everyone.

Today we did a long walk, DH & I regret not going to the gym this vacation. Next time we will plan ahead. My eating has been crappy but trying to be better. Tonight has a really good kale salmon salad at Bonefish.

Belinda - DH goes to a chiropractor who really helps him with his back. Great job with your workouts:)

Kristin - Sorry you are going through so much with your Mom. I think it's a great idea to do H&C and eating plan. It worked really well for you last year.

Hey guys.

Sorry I did not get to check in last night. I did my workout, Hammer Plyometrics. However, then I had to pack up the clothes everyone donated for my family in PR. They are arriving in Florida on Wednesday. I also was able to raise $700 for them. I am going to wire them the money. This way they can be a little more comfortable while they are looking for jobs and what not.

Hammer Plyometrics is a short but intense workout. My heart rate was 170 a few times, according to my apple watch. I felt like even though it was 20 minutes I had been working out for an hour. Looking forward to Chisel ISO strength tonight.

Deb- Thanks. I think I just need a change again and mentally, the idea of shorter workouts motivate me to push play. With everything I have going on that is what I need. It is hard to eat well on vacation. . . well, we eat well, lol, just not healthy all the time. Carnivalhas this amazing chocolate melting cake. I had it every night on the cruise, lol.

Belinda- You continue to kill it with your workouts! What does SBF stand for?


Good morning,

Sweat Lap Dream Booty + SBF BarreAmped Fire Extreme Sculpt TB Sculpt is done.

Debbie - I need to go to to a chiropractor, maybe it will help me too. Good job yesterday.

Kirstin - SBF stand for Susanne Bowen Fitness :) Nice job yesterday.

Have a great day and workout everyone.
Hey guys. I just finished Chisel ISO Strength. This was a tough one, but also only 35 minutes :). Perfect for me! I am also doing very well with my eating. I am following the eating plan in the program, which I guess is the same diet from 21 day fix because we use the containers. Tomorrow night I am going to hot yoga. Cannot wait.

Belinda- I hope your back is feeling better. I'll look those workouts up when I have more time.

Waving hello to Deb!


Hi ladies,

Today I did SBF BarreAmped Fire Extreme Sculpt Thigh & Seat - 17 Minutes plus Sweat Lab Foxing.

Kirstin - I was resting a lot yesterday and did some stretching. It seem to help a little. I know, picking Brawler up no stop isn't helping my back either :( He moves a lot.....he wants up on the couch, down...up again...down again.....go outside. LOL! Nice job yesterday.

Debbie - are you still in FL? Can't remember

I will be back tomorrow.​

We took another long walk today. I forgot to say not too much damage at the condo but yesterday saw the 18 windows that broke during the hurricane. It was on one side of the building but scary if the hurricane wasn't downgraded last minute.

Belinda - I'm home on Saturday. The good thing DH is covered by insurance less co-pay for chiropractor.

Kristin - It is so nice of you to do so much for your family in PR:). DHs Family went on a Carnival cruise this summer & last minute they changed ports to go to Cuba. I think that is amazing & lucky for them.

Hey guys. Hot yoga was amazing last night. She really challenged us with the planks and vinyasas. Tonight's workout might not happen. I might have to take a rest day because both boys have basketball practice and homework and dinner. . .

My aunt and cousins for PR arrived in Florida yesterday! So glad they are safe. They sounded so happy. My aunt kept saying it was a nightmare. They were so happy to take showers. Can you imagine? I sometimes take two showers a day and they had not taken one in weeks.

Deb- They are lucky the hurricane wasn't a stronger storm in Florida. I wonder what it would be like to cruise to Cuba?

Belinda- Brawler is so lucky to have you as his mama :). I would do the same for Baxter. We love our dogs so much. I cannot understand how people leave behind their pets during evacuations and hurricanes. I would never leave him, ever.


Hi everyone.

I did Sweat Lab Gorgeous Guns plus 3 mile walk this morning. I also did CleanMax afterwards. I am beat.

Kirstin - aww.....thank you! I know you are a good mama to Baxter too. I agree, I can't understand how people left their dogs behind. It's beyond me. So sad, some of them had to defend themselves :( It breaks my heart overtime I read something like that. I wouldn't leave my Brawler behind. Where I go he goes. He is my baby :)

Debbie - enjoy the rest of your stay and be safe.

Good job, everyone.

Our vacation is winding down starting to pack & clean-up. Tomorrow meeting a couple of DHs friends from his gym back home.

Belinda - I like the name of the workout you did today!!

Kristin - Will your family go back to PR?

Good evening,

I ended up taking a rest day today. My kids are here for the weekend. Not sure, if I get a workout in tomorrow. We have a busy day planned.

Good job on your workouts, everyone. I will be back tomorrow.
Hey guys. Happy weekend! I had a long week and I am feeling lazy today, but I still have been getting my workouts in. I ate clean all week, except for yesterday, which is fine because I am allowing myself one cheat day a week. Last night I did ISO Hammer Strength, which was perfect because it was under 30 minutes. Then I watched the Yankee game with the boys on tv. Today I was lazy this morning, but I did do Chisel Endurance. I am now trying to motivate myself to clean up at least the downstairs. I am going to visit my mom later, so I need to get a move on it.

Anyway, hope you are having a good weekend. The weather is unbelievable.

Belinda- enjoy your time with your kids.

Deb- They do not plan on returning to PR. They are going to try to make a life for themselves in Florida.



We're back from Florida, looking forward to sleeping in my own bed:). I plan to do my monthly sauce & cook some food for lunch tomorrow but hopefully I'll have energy.

Belinda - Enjoy the time with your family:) A rest day will be good for you.

Kristin - I would think it would be really difficult to find work in PR, it's a sad situation. I needed to take a break from the Yankee game tonight:(. Great job with the clean eating!

Hey guys. I just finished Total Body Hammer. It was a good workout. I really hate those split squats, lol, but they work so well.

The weekend is going by too fast. I still have a lot of cleaning and grading to do. It is so nice out though, I plan on getting some time outside too. Maybe everything that needs to get done, does not get done. I am not going to stress about it.

Deb- Even before the hurricane the job situation in PR was bad. The economy was awful. After this. . . I don't think the island will truly ever recover.

Belinda- hope you are having a good time with your family.



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