Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I did 30 day butt lift (2 segments) & tomorrow I will start Meso 1. I hope the long break doesn't hurt the rotation. I did food shopping, cooking & cleaning and now I'm ready for bed LOL.

Belinda - Have fun with your family, beautiful weather:)

Kristin - I just saw on the news the cutest dogs they are bringing to NY from PR. For the most part I liked chisel better but H&C really is a nice mix.

Hi everyone,

Hope you all had a great weekend. We had a blast.

Today I did STS M1 D1. I am almost done with the STS pyramid down rotation. Today I also started the official Cathe Bodybuilding rotation, once I am done with M1 I will pyramid up STS again.

This is what I been been doing:

M1, M2, M3, M2, M1 (which I started today), M2, M3. Hope this makes sense :) Than I start with the GS's and so on.

That's it for me today.

Debbie - I did had a lot of fun with my family this weekend. Have fun with M1 today. I don't think it will hurt you.

Kirstin - good job with your workouts. Keep up the good work.

Have a great Monday, everyone.

Today I did M1 D1 Chest, shoulders & bi's. I struggled with the weights seemed heavier since I haven't lifted in 2 weeks:( but I did it.

Belinda - Aww, we did the same workout today. I may jump to Gym Styles after M1 but we'll see. Happy to hear you had fun with your family:)

Kristin - Have a good week!

Hi everyone,

Rapid Fire 3 w/Susan Chung Premixes: 4. Rock Steady Hard Core = 50 min is done.

Debbie - we sure did :) Once I am done with M1, I will pyramid up STS again. I will play around with STS until Jan, 2018! I have those day's too were I struggle with the weights. You will get into the swing of things soon.

I will be back later.

Today I took a rest day. I didn't sleep well last night and was on my feet all day so just needed it;)

Belinda - Great job with your workouts today!

Kristin - Great job with your meal planning last week, it motivated me to prepare food for my lunches this week:)

Happy Hump Day, everyone,

STS D2 Back/Triceps is done.

Debbie - glad you listen to your body. Hope you got some sleep last night.

Kirstin - where are you?

Have a great day.
Hey guys. Monday I woke and felt very weird. Hot and dizzy. I ended up vomiting after getting out of the shower. I had some 24 hour stomach bug. It was awful. Yesterday, I felt better, but felt I needed one more rest day.

Today I felt 100% and went back at it. Today was Chisel Cardio. This is one of my favorite workouts in the set. It is great for the legs and abs and time flies. I am glad I decided to do this series again. I am enjoying myself and the fact that all the workouts are under an hour.

I brought the hammer down on my fourth period class and they finally fell in line. I made a poster with the four class rules and reviewed them with the class again. I then told them I would no longer speak to correct behavior. If I put a post-it on a student's desk, it is a warning. A second post-it is a detention and phone call home. A third post-it is a referral to the dean. We reviewed the procedure together and one kid tested it. I gave him a post-it and the whole class fell in line, lol. VICTORY! I got through the entire lesson without having to stop and correct idiotic annoying behavior!!!

Belinda- I'm here, lol.

Deb- I lost 4 pounds with the workouts and meal planning! Woo Woo!



Today I did M1 D2 Back & Tri's. All day I thought I was doing legs tonight, but forgot that legs is the 3rd day in M1:) It worked out anyway. I bought my Halloween candy today & it was difficult not to sample some of it LOL.

Belinda - Thank you, I felt better today & more energy:)

Kristin - Wow, H&C is working for you it's good that you know what works for you. It is great that your plan for your students worked & you didn't need to use too many post- it's;)

Hallo everyone,

Dream Body Hustle HIIT is done. That one mad me sweat like crazy.

Debbie - glad you feeling better. Good job on D2.

Kirstin - glad you feeling better too. Good job with your workouts.

See you all tomorrow. Have a great day and workout.

Today I did the 4 drills from Kickmax. Last minute we decided to take a ride tomorrow to the mountains to see some fall foliage & some hiking.

Belinda - I was wondering if the dvd had dance music? Do you use your own music for other dvds too?

Kristin - You must be happy it's TGIF tomorrow:)

Hey guys. I did get my workout in last night, but I didn't have time to check in. I had taken DS to his basketball practice. That's right, now that baseball is winding down, we are starting basketball, lol. Both boys are playing too. I did Max Hammer Strength last night.

Today is our annual field trip to the Museum of Natural History in NYC. We take the kids on the train. . . then the subway (insert scream face here) and then on the way back, subway and train. It is a fun, but stressful day.

I do plan on getting a workout in tonight. I will not lose motivation.

Deb- your bike ride sounds amazing. I love the fall colors. So beautiful!

Belinda- I saw on facebook that Kelly Coffey has a new series coming out too. She does preorders too. I wonder if I would like her style of training.


Hallo ladies,

I done my workout this morning, just getting around to post. Today I did STS D3 Legs and a short walk.

Kirstin - good job with your workout. Good luck with the field trip. I hope you are not alone with all those kids :)

Debbie - you can chose with/0r without music. I do use my own music for other workouts. I been doing it for a few month now, especially with STS. I completely mute Cathe out and rock it out with up beat music. Don't give me wrong, I do like the music in STS! I don't won't to get bored with STS for the next 6 month, lol.

Cookie - I hope all is well with you and your family. We miss you! Please drop by and let us know how you doing?

I am tired, been cleaning/I also went through some stuff in my basement.
Hi everyone,

Late check in for me. I did Dream Body Hard Core and Cathe Fit Tower Premix : Timesaver #1: Warm Up + Rounds 1-4 + Stretch 34:38.

Debbie and Kirstin - what did you do today?

That's it for me today. Have a great evening.
Hey guys. Well, I was way too exhausted after the field trip to do a workout. Who was I kidding? I had over 16,000 steps, and according to my Apple watch I had 30 minutes of exercise from going up and down the stairs and walking around, so I do not feel all that guilty about it. Yesterday morning, I had to get up early to go to a union convention. After spending all day at seminars, I came home and slept, lol.

Started back up today with Chisel Agility. This workout is so much fun!

Belinda- You are rocking those workouts! I'm curious. What is your favorite mesocycle in STS? We all know how I feel about the last mesocycle, lol.

Deb- Hope you are having a great weekend despite this lousy rain.


Hallo everyone,

I just signed up for SBF Barre streaming workouts. Her prices will go up next week, if you sign up before next week she will grandfather the old price as long as you keep your membership. I love her workouts. I will do a stretch from her streaming today. That's it!

Kirstin - that is a lot of steps! Nicely done. LOL, Meso 3 is my favorite STS cycle :) I can go really heavy with my weights.

Debbie - we having your lousy rain. I been cleaning out my basement. DH helped me to decide on what we want to keep and what goes. I will have lots of work to do.

I will be back later.
Hey everyone,

STS D4 + STB LB is done. I also did the SBF DVD stretch with the ball. Really liked it.

Does anyone own a JumpSport? If so, do you like? Or is it a wast of $$? Do you use it with Cathe's workouts?

Have a great day, everyone.
Hey guys. Got my workout in a little early today. I did Hammer Conditioning. It is short but intense workout. I also added Hammer abs at the end of it.

Belinda- too funny how your favorite meso is my least favorite. I guess I am more of a hypertrophy/endurance kind of person, lol. I am really into Hammer and Chisel. I wonder what kind of results I will get. I am really considering streaming BBOD for the new 80 day obsession with Autumn in January.



Not sure what happened to my post from Saturday:confused: Yesterday I couldn't post the electric went out. I had to search in the dark for candles & flashlights. We haven't needed them since Hurricane Sandy 5 years ago. I also realized I need a new supply of flashlights & batteries:)

We did a lot of hiking on Friday & Saturday, we were home Saturday night before the rain LOL. Yesterday I did M1 D3 Legs. Today was M1 D4 Chest, shoulders & bi's.

Belinda - I think it's a great idea to use your own music since you will be doing STS for so long. I will have to check out SBF streaming. Great job with your workouts! Not sure what a jumpsport is (mini trampoline)?

Kristin - I couldn't even imagine how stressful the field trip must have been since you took the train, but you are getting to be a pro at it:) The 80 day obsession sounds really interesting to me too! Did you lose your power too?

Good morning,

Today will be a rest day for me. I am going to DC shortly. It's my DD's 32nd birthday. DH and I will staying until tomorrow. I am sure, I will get all my steps in today. We have a fulfilled day planed for her :)

Debbie - I have no idea what the difference is between a mini trampoline or a JumpSport. They sell them on They suppose to be very low impact. I probably won't get one, they do take up a lot of space.

Kirstin - it is funny! I love heavy lifting. I think considering streaming BBOD is a great idea. You get a lot contents with BBOD. I can't wait to see clips of Cathe's new workouts :)

Happy Halloween, everyone.!

Today I took a rest day, lots of DOMS in my legs. It was my 30th wedding anniversary today, can't believe how the time went:)

Belinda - I thought one of your children were born on Halloween. What a fun day to have a birthday! It sounds like you will have fun celebrating:)

Kristin - How was Halloween, did the boy's enjoy? A few of the kids were funny that came to our house, one of them refused candy he said he had too much but just wanted to say Happy Halloween. Another boy I was surprised was allergic to chocolate & of course that is all I had.


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