Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hey guys. Monday was my rest day as I had a union meeting and then DS had yet ANOTHER baseball game, lol. Last night I did Hard Strikes.

Not much else to report. The week was off to a slow start.

DEb- Yes, I do have off Monday. The funny thing is I did not realize it was Columbus Day next week, lol. It was a nice surprise to find out, haha.

Belinda- I believe it is the rotation Cathe posted years ago. I think Meso 3 won't seem so torturous to me this way, lol.

BBL. . . I have hot yoga tonight. I haven't gone in two weeks because DH was gone for work and I had no one to watch the boys.

Hi guys,

STS M2 W3 D20 legs + SBF BarreAmped (BA) Warm Up + Light Weight Work + Mat Work + Stretch = 41m is done. I forgot the SBF mat work was upper body weight and core :( Wasn't ready for that one. Her upper body workouts are tough.

Kirstin - I am not sure, if I have done what one before? I need to check my records.

Debbie - you are like me, can't remember half the workouts I own :( Her BarreAmed dvd are very similar to her streaming workouts. Very good!

Good job, everyone. I will be back tomorrow.

Quick hello getting ready to go to the Roadtrip, I'll be back tomorrow with personals:)

Hi guys,

Today I did S&S Cardio Slam Timesaver premix# 1 = 33 min + JS Burn Fat and Have fun dvd walk#1 STEADY, READY, GO! = 30 min plus SBF BarreAmped Bootcamp (BC) BarreAmped Bootcamp (BC) = 28 min.

That's it for me today. Have a great day and workout everyone.
Hey guys. Last night Hot Yoga was amazing. Today I did ICE MTB. That workout seems a lot tougher than intermediate, lol.

Belinda- nice job on your workouts! How is Brawler doing these days?

Deb- Have fun at the RT. Wish I was going!


Hi everyone,

I did STS M2 W3 D21 and SBF (BA) Mat Work + Light Weights + Stretch = 40 Min.

Kirstin - thanks for asking :) Brawler is doing fine. Great job yesterday.

Have a great Friday, everyone.

We made it to Florida, we drove 12 hours the 1st night stayed in South Carolina & drove 4 hours today to Daytona.

The new hotel is nice very similar to the usual hotel. Cathe's 1st kickboxing class was hard!!

Wish you guys were here:)

Belinda - Looks like you are doing a lot of double workouts!

Kristen - You would have liked the yoga flow class tonight.

Hey guys. Yesterday was such a crazy day at work. I had planned to take my students to the library to chose books for their independent reading project. The librarian called in sick! So I had to scramble to get enough books for all my students. Luckily I have an extensive class library at this point in my career, plus my colleague gave me a bunch of books. Then we had an evacuation drill. It was scheduled for 3rd period, which was a relief to me because that is my prep period, I don't have a class. It is always easier when you don't have a class. Well at the end of 2nd period the principal got on the loudspeaker and said we are evacuating now, so I was stuck with my 2nd period class. . . which happens to be my very tough class this year. They behaved fine, I just wasn't expecting to have to be with them during this drill, lol. The day kind of dragged on from there. I came home and drank a few glasses of SKinnygirl Margarita. No workout yesterday, lol. Today I got up early to finish grading a test and then I did SandS Bootcamp. DS is in a Columbus Day baseball tournament, so I have to shower and get ready to go.

Deb- I remember liking her yoga flow class the last road trip I went on. I wish I could be there! Are the regulars there? I'm very impressed with your driving and timing! That is a long drive.

Belinda- high fives on your workouts. I am glad Brawler is doing fine these days. Baxter keeps going to this one part of my backyard, by the fence between two neighbors and he barks and barks. I checked it out and found nothing, but something must be there. He's never done this before.


Hi guys,

Today I did Cathe Intensity premix #7 plus SBF BC Warm up + Light weights + core.

Kirstin - glad you got enough books for your students :) Have fun with SandS BC. I almost picked that one too today.

Debbie - hope you having a blast at the RT!

Have a great weekend everyone.
Hi everyone,

STS M2 W4 D22 is done plus SBF Cardio Fat Burn Warm Up + Extreme Cardio Fatburn + Cool Down = 40m.

That's it for today.

We are back at the condo. The RT was fun lots of regulars but also lots of new faces. The weather is very hot & humid usually there is a break in the weather by this time of year. I am melting & my hair is crazy:)

Belinda - Great job with your workouts!

Kristin - Yesterday, I looked at the Skinnygirl margaritas and was thinking of buying but wasn't sure how it tasted. May go back & get.

Hi Sherry and Heidi,

Today I did JS Burn Fat and Have Fun Walk #2 Stride and Step and SBF BarreAmped Cardio Fat Burner Warm up + Cardio Core + Cool Down.

Debbie - glad you had lots of fun at the RT. I saw you at on FB. Looking good, girl.

Have a great Day everyone.
Hey guys. My mom is in the hospital. She was wandering Saturday night inside the nursing home. She fell forward and broke her nose and fractured her C4 (neck). She has to wear a neck brace for a few weeks. My dad is very depressed. I think he feels guilty about putting her in the home to begin with and now this.

Anyway. . . I did not workout Sunday and Monday because I spent the days at the hospital and I was emotionally drained. Today I went to work and when I came home I was determined to get my workout in. I did Lean Legs and Abs.

Belinda- you are on FIRE with your workouts!

Deb- I love Skinnygirl!!!!



Today we took a long walk. It's real quiet in Florida!

Belinda - Looks like you did lots of fun workouts:)

Kristin - So sorry your Mom is in the hospital. Your Dad shouldn't feel that way, it could happen anywhere. I'm happy you were able to get your workout in.

Hi everyone,

STS M2 W4 D23 is done plus SB BA warm up + tight + seat + cool down.

Debbie - how long will you stay in FL? Enjoy your works on the beach.

Have a wonderful day, everyone.
Hi there!

I went to hot yoga last night. Boy did I need it. I have not one, but two very rough classes this year. They exhaust me. I am trying to stay positive as it is only October. . . but I cannot help thinking it will be a loooooong year this year. :/ . We did a lot of planks and ab work in yoga. My whole core is sore this morning. Good stuff.

Deb- Did Cathe say anything about the new workouts? When is she filming? Did she preview any of them with you guys?

Belinda- I am so impressed with how you are able to stay razor-sharp focused with STS and stick with it for as long as you do. I was getting so bored at the end of it, as you know.


Hi everyone,

Today I did Afterburn premix # 6. Bonus Burn - 74:33. I am glad that one is done. I also did the BarreAmped Strengthen & Stretch
D1: Advanced Active Stretch - 28m. Very nice stretch workout. I felt like a pretzel when she did the Pigeon Stretch. I had to be careful with my back when she twisted under the arm while doing the Pigeon Stretch. I felt that one in my back more than my shoulders. I think the more I do the dvd, the better I will get with that move. I hope! I like how she always finds a way to through in some planks :) Susanne upper body is very strong. I do like the dvd, can't believe I just opened it.

Kirstin - thank you :) I love STS! I am telling you, try to do STS with your own music. I's like a new workout. There isn't a lot of different weight exercises out there....they are all the same. I completely tune Cathe out when I do STS. I think I will do the same with her LIS, I don't reach for them at all. Good job with your yoga. Glad you enjoy it!

Debbie - have fun in FL :) Sounds like you staying a few more day's. Good for you.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me. BBL!

Today we walked the beach it was hot but it looks like it is hot back home too:)

Belinda - We are here another week. The pigeon is a tough pose, and twisting under the arm is tough!

Kristin - It must be hard to have one tough class but two:(. At the Q&A on the RT they didn't want us to ask questions about the new series. Maybe they felt not fair to others.

Goodnight :)

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