Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hi everyone,

Today I did Your Body Breakthru Rockin' Body Cardio Jam - Michelle Dozois - 1. 30-MINUTE EXPRESS. There is another 51 min cardio on that dvd, wasn't in the mood to work that hard today. The express was a lot of fun.

Debbie - I have to admit, that one was hard. He was holding the poses extra long, lol. Lot's of upper body strength. That is why I forgot about that workout too. I am going to follow the rotation to the T!

Good job, everyone on your workouts. I will be back tomorrow.

Today I did STS M2 D20 Legs. I'm not sure if I mentioned it but Saturday-Tuesday one of my SIL & our friends (5 of us) from High School are going to Ocean City, Maryland for a long weekend. I am looking forward to it, it is the 1st time we have done something like this.

Belinda - I may do the rotation as is but if not will shorten the 1 month series to 2 weeks. Unfortunately I will have to work around vacation. I like express workout:)

Kristin - How is your Mom doing?

Hey guys. Tuesday was my rest day for the week. We had DS's meet the teacher night. Last night I went to hot yo, which was amazing as always. Today I have my first plyo legs from Meso 3 on tap. I wonder how it will feel to do this workout. I mean. . . I remember it being very for me and that I was winded throughout, but since then I have done cardio and legs with Xtrain, Chiseled Lower Body, and RWH, that I wonder if it won't be as hard. Who am I kidding? This is STS!

Deb- My mom is doing okay. She remembers less and less. She doesn't have a lot of long-term memory anymore. Even her childhood memories are not there. I will bring them up, and she will pretend to remember and laugh. It is sad.

Belinda- When I don't feel like going all out, I like to do an express workout too. At least we get in a workout!


Hi everyone.

Today I did Kathy Smith - Cardio Knockout "Kickboxing Workout". Very fun kickboxing workout. There is another Aerobox workout and Tai Chi Energizer Workout on the same dvd, which I will do soon.

Debbie - you are so close on finishing the pyramid down rotation. Good job! I think you still get great results from doing 2 weeks of GS's. I am not going anywhere anytime soon, LOL. I have time.

Kirstin - it was perfect timing yesterday. I love premixes too. A short workout is better than non.

Have a great day and workout everyone.
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Hey girls. Just finished Plyo legs. I was feeling tired, but I refused to skip it. It was as tough as I remember, lol. I was sucking air. The good news is with work and yoga, I can only do 2 cardio a week, with alternating STS workouts, but this is definitely a cardio workout as well, so I don't feel like I am missing out or not making progress.

Belinda- nice job on your workout. I clicked on the link and almost bought it because it was so cheap. Amazon does not take paypal though. I get paid for selling lesson plans and activities on and then I use that money for online purchases, like Cathe dvds. Amazon won't take paypal though. I guess because they want you to use their system. I refuse to do that, lol.


Hi girls,

Walked 5 mile this morning. That's it!

Kirstin - I have Prime and use my own CC. Never had a problem with buying anything. I don't think you missing out on doing 2 cardio a week. Keep it up!

Debbie - where are you?

Good job, everyone! BBL!

I'm sorry to make this short my boss is here from Florida and I have been going to stores with her. It has been fun but rushing to get everything done. We leave for Ocean City, Maryland early tomorrow morning:)

I did STS M2 Disc 21 back & bi's. I start week 4 of M2 next week. I hope to hear if they were able to get another hotel for the Daytona RT.

Belinda - I remember really liking that Kathy Smith workout:)

Kristin - How did you like the plyo workout?

Hey guys. I did a workout yesterday, but did not have a chance to log it in. I did it in between DS's baseball games and visiting my mom. It was STS M3, D26 (shoulders, biceps and triceps). I think I could go heavier on some of the weights, although my shoulders are pretty sore today. Today's workout was PRS 1, plus my own mix of ab work.

I have Week one of Meso 3 done, and I am glad. I find I get bored with this Mesocycle. I cannot wait to get back to 2, lol.

Deb- I really liked the plyo workout because it kept my heart rate way up, and I had DOMs in my legs the next two days. Best of both worlds. How are you liking going back to Meso 2. Are you finding that you have more definition? I heard the RT is back on, so I am happy for you and all the other Cathletes that are going.

Belinda- can you use paypal on prime?

I am spending the rest of the night planning out my lessons. We have a new textbook, which is great, but it creates a lot of work as far as planning and creating assessments. BB tomorrow. I start week 2 of meso 3!

Hi everyone,

Yesterday my sinus was so messed up, I couldn't workout at all. My head was killing me all day long.
Today I did a walk and Yogalosophy with Mandy Ingber . I did the express yoga. I thought it was a relaxing yoga, turns out it was a total body strength one. I did like it. Everything was in 8 reps and another 8 reps. The stretch on the end was nice.

Tomorrow I will start the STS pyramid down rotation.

Kirstin - I believe you can use paypal on Amazon. You are almost done with M3, hang in there :) I love M3 :)

Debbie - have fun at Ocean City. How long are you staying? Good job with your workouts.

I will be back tomorrow.
Hi ladies,

Brawler is sick since this 2 a.m. this morning. He has diarrhea really bad :( It was so bad we had to steam clean the carpet in our bedroom at 2 a.m twice :) We called the vet and he recommend to give him Imodium, he still has bad diarrhea. He hasn't eating anything all day, I just made him chicken and rice. I hope this will help him. If it continues we have to take him to the vet in the morning.

Like I sad, I been up since 2 a.m with Brawler, I had no energy all day long. I only did a short walk that's it.

You guys rocked your workouts.

I'm back from Ocean City, Maryland. It was a lot of fun, does laughing count as a workout. We did take long walks everyday! I didn't eat the greatest but didn't really drink too much so I guess that is good:) My SIL was very sick the last night (burning stomach). She took 2 advils after drinking, she takes too many over the counter drugs.

Today I did M2 D21 Chest, shoulders & tri's. I was so weak today:(

Belinda - I hope Brawler is feeling better. You are a very good Mom:) I hope your sinuses are feeling better.

Kristin - I liked going back to M2:) I do feel stronger , well maybe not today;) Do you think someday there won't be textbooks? Someone told me that their kids so have to carry as many books.


Today I did Turbo Jam Lower Body Jam. I thought it had some kickboxing, but it didn't. I just saw Cathe on QVC:)

Belinda - I hope Brawler is feeling better & you too:)

Kristin - You have been doing great with keeping up with your workouts during your busy time:)


Today I did Your Body Breakthru Rockin' Body Cardio Jam - Michelle Dozois = 51 min. Not sure, why this dvd gets such a bad review? I had a blast with this one. Not sure why it took me that long to do that workouts.

Debbie - thanks! Brawler is doing better. Now he can't go potty :( I take him out every hour, but nothing. My sinus are much better too. Glad you had fun and home safe. Good job on D22 yesterday.

Hallo Kirstin!

Have a great day and workout, everyone.

Today I did M2 D23 Legs. This is one of my favorite group of leg exercises. I can't believe tomorrow is the 1st day of fall and it will be in the high 80's this weekend:eek:

Belinda - Can't imagine what you would do for that (Brawler)? Your workout sounds like fun! It's like when a movie gets bad review and you like it;)

Kristin - I hope if you have family in PR they are ok:(

Hi everyone,

Today I did STS M2 D15 and Stretch Max#3. Lately I been playing/listening to my own favorite music :) Makes my workouts more enjoyable. I usefully like the music in STS. I figured I play my own this way I don't get bored with my very long rotation :p I also do this with all my walking workouts. Time flies!!!

Debbie - thank you! Brawler is doing much better. He went potty at 4 in the morning. Poor guy was backed up, lol.

Kirstin - how is your family in PR? I hope they all ok.

Have a great Friday, everyone. I am also doing Clean Max :)
Hi everyone,

Today I did Kathy smith Cardio Knockout Aerobox Workout. I was very surprised and it was very fun workout :)

that's it for me today. Have a great weekend, everyone.
Hey guys. I am so sorry that I did not check in all week. It is always hard to stick with my workouts in September when school starts. It has been such a crazy week, and then on top of it all, DH went away for week during the week and I was on my own with the two boys. Then with Puerto Rico being hit with a hurricane, I did not sleep well. I was worried about my aunt and cousins. I did not work out Monday-Thursday. I did double up on my workouts yesterday. I did X10 Hi-Lo and then STS Meso 3, D28, Back and chest. Today I did STS Meso 3 D29 Plyo legs.

On top of everything this week, my dad got sick. He was all alone in his house and I felt badly that I could not spend more time with him. I would make him tea and heat up his soup for him. He started to feel better Thursday, but he was very down. Yesterday I took him to the bank because he felt too weak to drive and on the way there I brought up the fact that I think his cold felt worse than what it was because maybe he was depressed. . . and he started weeping. I felt horrible. I went to see my mom and then when I called him to check up on him again he started weeping again telling me he misses my mom and he feels so alone. Now he is going fishing with my uncles for a week, so that is good. He felt better today and my uncle picked him up. The weather is beautiful and they are going upstate. I spoke with DH and we talked about possibly getting a mother/daughter house and having my dad live with us. This way he won't feel so alone. He won't get a dog for himself, but he loves Baxter. I looked at a house today, just to get an idea. It was a beautiful house. I think we could all be comfortable. I am going to bring it up with my dad when he comes back next week. Meanwhile, I need to keep up with my workouts. Meso 3 is so boring to me. I hate it. I am finishing week 2 tomorrow and starting week three Tuesday. . . On top of it, my DH is leaving for work again this week. Not sure if I will do all of Meso 3 though. I love Plyo legs but the other workouts are boring, I feel. If I stick with Meso 3, I might not do the pyramid down. I might do a round of Hammer and Chisel. The workouts are shorter and that's what I need during the school year, shorter workouts.

Belinda- My family is okay, but their town is flooded. They are staying with a friend at this point. No electricity and no running water though. It is muggy there too and no a/c. I cannot imagine. At least they are not hurt. Thank you for asking.

Deb- You spoke too soon about me keeping up with my workouts, lol. This month sucks for me. I am just hoping to get back at it this week. How are you liking the pyramid down? Are you getting tired of STS?

BB tomorrow (pinky promise),


Yesterday I did M2 D24 back & bi's. Today was a rest day. We went to dinner with my next door neighbors tonight. It's funny how they live next door and don't get together too often.

Belinda - The Cardio Knockout Aerobox workout was one of my favorites but haven't done it in a long time:)

Kristin - It is so sad that the people of PR have to go through this:( I hope your Dad feels better. I think he will love the idea of a mother/daughter house:) Even suggesting it should bring his spirits up. I am done with M2 but enjoyed it more the 1st round. I will have a conflict with RT and vacation to start M1.

Quick update on Brawler! He has diarrhea since midnight again :( We have an appointment with the vet at noon. to I think he needs to go on antibiotic or something? I talked to my neighbor yesterday, she told me she had to take her dog to the vet for diarrhea. Not sure what is going on?

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