Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hi everyone,

I am home again. We had a blast in DC :) Ate way to much food. We went to Georgetown for a nice Italian restaurant, I ate way too much :) That place was crowded. I did get almost 18K yesterday :) Boy, we walked a lot!

Today I did STS D5.

I will be back tomorrow and catch up on personals. Good night, everyone.
Hi everyone,

I did a KB workout from YT :) Needed something different today. I also did SBF LB workout.
I probably will cancel my Cathe preorder. The ab workout looks awkward :( I doubt she has a modifier in this workout?

Have a great day and workout, everyone.

Sorry I have been MIA the last 2 days had a lot of Christmas set-ups. I didn't workout:( the set-ups were exhausting but next week will be light. Ugh, can't believe Black Friday is around the corner.

Tonight we are going out to dinner for our Anniversary:)

Belinda - I haven't had chance to check out the new workouts. It sounds like you had fun in DC! We're going for Italian too.

Kristin - How was your week?

BBT ;)
Hi everyone,

Today I did Jessica Smith 6 Weeks Turnaround Interval walk, that's it. I got rid off more stuff in my basement today. I have a huge industrial shelves in my storage area, it's half empty :D It helps, if DH helps. We decided together what goes and what we keep.

I talked to my sister in Germany today, I told her about all my workout dvd's and that Cathe is having another pre order. She was like "who buys/has still dvd's?" LOL! She said, you don't need them...get rid off them. That really made me think!

Debbie - she has pictures on FB and on the forum, I think. I am having a hard time with buying more dvd's. I am following a program Simplicity....less is more. I am really trying to downsize my life. That comment from my sister made me think today :( I really enjoy the SBF streaming. How many workouts do I need?

Have a great evening.

Today I did the treadmill. We decided to go to the outlets today instead of Black Friday. So happy we did it wasn't nearly as crowded and the weather was nice. I really didn't get many Christmas gifts but my SILS did. It was a fun day out.

Belinda - I know their are times I think I should just do streaming but still attached to my dvds. After the holidays I will go back to decluttering.

Kristin - Any plans for the weekend?

Hallo everyone,

Today I did more purging and SBF Relaxation Stretch, 30m. I am so glad I signed up again, missed her workouts. That stretch was wonderful.!

Debbie - dvd's take up a lot of space. I am trying to Simplify / become a minimalist. Less is more. It's the physical clutter that is driving me nuts. Eventually I think everything is streaming and dvd's are history. Some computers don't even offer a build in dvd player :( On the other often do you use those dvd's? I still have hundreds still in shrink wrap :( I just don't get around them :( Sad but true!

Have a great evening.
Hi ladies! :) I know it has been awhile, but would you mind very much if I join your check-in again?

I was doing very well on my own over the summer, but the cooler weather is leaving me more sluggish and wanting comfort food, and the holidays are on the horizon. I find myself needing more accountability. :eek:

I'm happy to share that I lost 20 pounds over the summer using STS Meso 1 and 2. Woot-woot!! I had to buy new pants when I realized I could pull my jeans down without unbuttoning them. Starting Meso 3 tomorrow, which I'm not sure I'll like.

Anyway, I hope it's okay if I join in here again!

Today I did STS M1 D6 Legs. We went to a memorial for one of DH's friends Dad, it was nicely done! Ugh, I'm so sad it is dark so soon:(

Belinda - That stretch workout sounds awesome! During Q&A session at the RT they think someday there won't be dvds either. They said they mainly do it because of the demand but once that stops they won't.

Kristin - I hope all is well.

karategirl - Yes, please come back. Belinda & I are doing STS too! Congratulations on the weight loss & smaller pants:):)

Hi everyone,

STS D7 is done. I also walked 2 miles.

Debbie - sorry to hear about your DH's friends dad :( Fall is defiantly in the air. Yesterday, we hardly moved...well I did :) I purged more stuff yesterday. Really don't want to move with it again :)

Hi Kirstin!

Have a great day and Monday.

Today I did Kick, Punch & Crunch. I'm only working 1 day this week so I'm so happy. I really need to do so much around the house.

Belinda - I feel if you could move from Germany to US any other move must be so easy;) I agree, I can't possibly take all of the things I have now if we move.

Waves hi to Kristin & Karategirl

Thanks, Deb, for welcoming me back. :)

Today I did STS Meso 3 Disc 1, chest and back. Ouch. I've been having some right side rotator cuff issues because of my job (massage therapist), so I might have to be cautious with my weight selection. I don't mind the long breaks between sets. I spent 3o seconds doing cardio (jumping jacks, jump rope, jogging in place) and thorough stretching the rest of the time.
Hi ladies! :) I know it has been awhile, but would you mind very much if I join your check-in again?

I was doing very well on my own over the summer, but the cooler weather is leaving me more sluggish and wanting comfort food, and the holidays are on the horizon. I find myself needing more accountability. :eek:

I'm happy to share that I lost 20 pounds over the summer using STS Meso 1 and 2. Woot-woot!! I had to buy new pants when I realized I could pull my jeans down without unbuttoning them. Starting Meso 3 tomorrow, which I'm not sure I'll like.

Anyway, I hope it's okay if I join in here again!

Hi and welcome back :) Congrats on your weight loss. Keep up the good work.

Today I did Kick, Punch & Crunch. I'm only working 1 day this week so I'm so happy. I really need to do so much around the house.

Belinda - I feel if you could move from Germany to US any other move must be so easy;) I agree, I can't possibly take all of the things I have now if we move.

Waves hi to Kristin & Karategirl


Debbie - the problem is we invite so much crap into the new house :( Also if I own less I clean organize less. Spent more time with my family.
Hi girls,

Today I walked 3 miles (indoors) + SBF Upper Core + Cardio & Weights, 23m. The UB core was tough, lots of planks.

Good job, everyone.
Belinda - thank you for your kind message!

Today I did Meso 3 week 1, Plyo Legs. This was not easy, but easier than I remembered. It didn't seem as challenging as Cardio Leg Blast or Ripped with Hiit Legs. Not that I'm complaining...:p

Today I did Meso 1 Disc 6 Chest, shoulders & bi's. I couldn't believe how cool it is, finally took my winter jacket out.

Belinda - Your walking indoors today was a good idea, it was rainy & cold. I do like that less clutter = less cleaning. Along time ago I stopped collecting things because I didn't want to have to dust them;)

Kristin - I hope everything is ok.

Karategirl - Great job with plyo legs. This round of STS I did plyo legs for the 1st time and enjoyed them.

Good morning,

STS D8 and SBF Cardio Barre 2 is done.

Debbie - I can't believe how cold it gotten the last few day's. Walking indoors is much warmer :) I am in decluttering mood these day's :confused: Even DH caught on. Everything goes that I don't use or need. Good job on D6 yesterday.

Karategirl - you are welcome! Good job on your leg workout.

That's it for me today.

Today I did 21 day fix total body cardio. I can't believe it is almost Thanksgiving! I hope the winter flies by:)

Belinda - My plan is to declutter any holiday decorations I don't love anymore. Soon we will have to think about resolutions LOL.

Waves hi to Kristin & Karategirl

Hi ladies,

Today I did KCM Trim Down-Workout 1 :) Thanks for reminding me Doreen! I agree, that was a lot of fun. I also did SBF
Old School Arms, 20m. I love her triceps workouts.

Debbie - good for you for decluttering your xmas decorations. I am working my way around my storage room.

That's it for me today.

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