Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

I'm here guys. I have had a crazy week. Last weekend Friday-Sunday, we were in Maryland for my son's last tournament of the baseball year for 2017, Ripken. The Ripken complex was amazing. The fields were beautiful and they announce the kids' names when they are at bat and when they take the field, which was awesome. Unfortunately, when we got back I came down with a wicked cold. I was helping my union get the word out on voting no on the constitutional convention in NY, which we won (YEA!). Then I had to visit my mom and so. . . Between my cold, work, union stuff, my mom and then my own family. . . I went to bed every night this week no later than 9 p.m., no joke!the only workouts I have done were during the weekend, I ran on the treadmill at the hotel. Friday I ran 5 miles, burned over 650 calories. Saturday I ran a little over 3. Sunday I was exhausted between the last games and the drive home.

DS's baseball team will be playing in a week-long tournament in Cooperstown, NY (where the baseball hall of fame is) next summer. It is very expensive to play there in the tournament, so the team is going to be doing a lot of fundraising. We are going to be meeting next week (parents) to discuss ideas. Through a group chat I discovered that my DS is on the same team with a student of mine's brother. He is new to the team. I recognized the mother's name. Kind of funny and weird. Now I feel like I won't be able to drink as much with the parents at the away tournaments, lol.

Today was the first day I felt well enough to do a workout. I did 21 DFE Dirty 30. My shoulders are still burning. I completely fell off the wagon this week. .. I think I may restart Hammer and Chisel on Sunday.

Belinda- I am seriously thinking about streaming BBOD starting January. BB is no longer producing dvds, but like Deb, I love my dvds. I don't know. I am passing on Cathe's new set for now.

Deb- I cannot believe they are playing Christmas commercials already. WTH? I hate how Halloween is now the kickoff for Christmas. It is just wrong. The whole meaning is gone.

Karategirl- congrats on the weight loss! That is wonderful. I love STS, especially meso 2. Meso 3 happens to be the one cycle I loathe, but Belinda loves it, lol, so go figure.

Oops newer post appeared after I posted.

Today I did M1 D8 back & bi's. It is going to be so cold this weekend:( I think I may spend it under the covers LOL.

Belinda - I love tricep workouts too:) My friend was telling me today about her older neighbor, the family did an intervention because she had so much clutter. She said they moved her out of house and removed so many black bags and furniture.

Kristin - I hope everything is ok. I see you are ok LOL. It sounds like your baseball games are exciting:) Sleep seems to help whenever I am sick. You must catch so many germs from the kids.

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Hi girls,

This morning I did SBF Lower Barre Sculpting Circuit, 27m. I will do STS legs tomorrow. Today is my husbands birthday, we went golfing this afternoon. Had lots of fun.

Debbie - I follow the minimalist on FB : They make you realize we consume so much stuff that we really don't need. Very interesting. It defiantly stopped my spending. I probably will cancel my Cathe preorder once I see clips. Do we really need so many workout dvd's? It's all material stuff. I really don't want my house stuffed with too many workout dvd's.

Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Hey guys. Yesterday I did MMA kickbox. Today I did a 4 mile run outside. Yes, in the cold. Since the NYC marathon last weekend, I have been thinking a lot about running. Before doing Cathe and other dvd workouts exclusively, I used to run 3-4 times a week. I always wanted to run a marathon. Now that I am 40, I feel like if I don't do it soon, I'll never do it. So there is a marathon here on Long Island, next October. I think I am going to go for it. I am going to try to run 3 times a week for several weeks, trying to increase miles and then speed.Then when it gets warmer out and the sun stays out longer, I will start to seriously train. On days that I am not running, I will do a weights or metabolic workouts. I might even get a treadmill. I had one years before I started doing Cathe regularly. I want to cross this off my bucket list.

Plus, I think I am just looking to change things up a bit.

Do you guys think I am crazy. I did 4 miles today in 42 minutes. I was averaging a 10 1/2 minute mile. I think I could have done better, but I had my oldest son with me. He wanted to come. He slowed me down, lol.

Belinda- Happy birthday to your husband. Oh, and thank him for his service to our country! Happy Veteran's Day!

Deb- My students have been sick a lot this year. I had kids with the stomach bug. . . got it. Now this wicked cold, which is finally subsiding. I am going to use hand sanitizer a lot more!



Yesterday I took a hot yoga class, it has been a while since I did and I felt it. Today I did a Cathe Live kickboxing class. The cold weather is making me so sleepy:)

Belinda - Happy Birthday to your DH:) I agree with Kristin, please thank your DH for his service! It seems a lot of places were honoring vets with discounts and free coffee. I think that is a really nice way to honor the vets.

Kristin - I want to add running in too, not so much to prepare for a marathon but it puts me in a better mood after a run. Your time isn't bad! I agree about the Christmas commercials. I do like the car commercial where Santa stops his car to let the puppy go to the bathroom:)

Karategirl - How is your weekend?

On Wednesday I did STS Meso 3, week 1 shoulders, biceps and triceps. Not a fan of this Meso cycle. Normally, I wouldn't have done all three weight sessions in a row, but those were the only three days I could exercise this week. :( Somewhere on the forum, I seem to remember someone suggesting that the Slow and Heavy dvds can be substituted for Meso 3, so I think I'm going to try that. I will do the Slow and Heavy upper body workouts, but keep doing the Plyo leg workouts from Meso 3.

Deb - Yes, it is abominably cold!!! It seems especially horrible after the lovely Indian summer we had. I already miss wearing my flip-flops!

Belinda - Happy B-day to your husband. I'm so glad you enjoyed your golfing outing together. :) Your posts about de-cluttering are inspiring but.....I'm not particularly attached to my "stuff", but the thought of having to sort through it and box it up and load up the car and take it somewhere....ugh, it makes me want to cry.

Kristin - No, you are not crazy. I admire you for having a goal that you are working towards. Also, your comments about Ripken stadium made me smile. My DS is a senior in college now, but he participated in several tournaments at Ripken during his high school years. They do have some great programs there! Aaahhh...memories!
Hi girls. It is a warmer day today, thankfully. I went for a run again. The track I ran on is 1.2 miles. I would run 1 mile, walk the .2, then run 1 miles again. For the last two miles, I ran straight through. Taking out the walking, I ended up running 6 miles. Not bad. My legs are going to feel it later. Tomorrow I will do a weight workout, probably all upper body of some kind, lol.

karategirl- thanks! My son is a huge baseball fan and loves the game. He loves the tournaments and is already talking about Ripken for next year, lol.

Deb- I haven't been to hot yoga in three weeks! It was because of DH working late and having no one to watch the kids, plus being sick last week. I cannot wait to go on Wednesday. Running does put me in a better mood too.

Belinda- hope you are having a fabulous weekend.


Hi everyone,

Thanks for the bday wished to my husband. Means a lot to us.

My kids were here for the weekend. It was a fun weekend. Yesterday I had my neighbor over for dinner, his wife is out of town for a few day's. Lots of laughs :) Ate way to much this weekend. Today I am back on track with my eating.

I did STS Legs yesterday and lots of walking. Today I did SBF Abs 3, 32 min + JS Cardio Ball Blast (YT) and SBF Stretch 5, 25 min.

Tomorrow I will start SBF new challenge. I am so glad I signed up again, love her workouts.

Debbie - thank you! My husband never takes advantage of the free stuff :) I think, it's nice a lot of places offers that to vets.

Kirstin - I think it's a great idea :) Wished I could go for a run, unfortunately I can't anymore. Good job on the 6 miles today. You go, girl!

Karategirl - I am not articularly attached to my "stuff" either. I still think, we buy/ own way to much stuff. I used to think the same way. Until I realized I do have more than we actually use or need. Everyone does. I am trying to get rid of stuff I don't love, use or need anymore. Things that doesn't have a purpose. I am trying to downsize in a few years, our house is way to big for my husband and me. I guess, I am trying to Simplify my life with less. Less dvd's. less everything. I bought is program : a year ago. I also follow the minimalist which made me realized I really don't need that many workout dvd's.

Off to the shower than figuring out dinner. BBL!

Today I did M1 D9 Legs. I did some cleaning & went to the farmer's market, so sad next week is the last week.

I'm not sure why but for some reason my credit cards keep getting compromised this is the 2nd one in 6 months. I do order on-line and the orders being placed are on-line orders. Someone ordered a Dyson vacuum cleaner last time & today someone ordered over $500 at Kohls on my visa cards. It makes me so mad! Has this happened to any of you?

Belinda - It sounds like you had a fun weekend!!!

Kristin - Wow, you are doing great not sure if I would be able to go from 0 - 6 miles!!

Karategirl - I like the idea to sub Slow & Heavy for Meso 3:)

Good morning,

Today I will start SBF Gratitude Challenge TB barre plus STS D10.

Debbie - it just happened to us and Aleisia too :( It's very frustrating. We get alerts overtime someone uses our credit card. Sorry this happened to you.

I will be back later.
Good morning,

SBF D1 of the gratitude challenge Total Body Barre Class and STS D10 is done.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me. BBL!
Hey guys. My workout for today was Ice Chiseled UB. A lot of core work in the moves in that one. My core was burning, lol.

My legs are pretty sore today.

Deb- I've never had my credit card compromised, knock on wood. My co-teacher has had it happen twice in a year though. It could happen to anyone. I am nervous about the whole Equifax security breach. Millions of people's idenfication and credit records are out there. No way of telling if you are one of them without claiming you won't sue them. Crazy!

Belinda- I am glad you had a great weekend. I got rid of a bunch of crap when I cleaned this weekend. We definitely hold on to stuff we don't need for whatever reason.

Waving hello to karategirl.

On Sunday, I did Slow and Heavy chest and back. I had to lift somewhat lighter than usual because of the slow lifts, but it was very challenging and I definitely felt it! There are breaks between sets, but not nearly as long as Meso 3. Plus, I really like the core work and stability exercises that are included. Today, I did Meso 3, Plyo legs.

Deb - Yes, the credit card thing seemed to happen to DH and I at least once a year. So frustrating. When I shop online, I try to use Paypal as much as possible and avoid vendors who don't accept Paypal for payment. Seems to be working so far, fingers crossed!

Waves hi to Belinda and Kristin.

Today I did Slide and Glide. It was a fun workout:)

I'm off tomorrow and I'm going to install a better antivirus software on my computer, tablet & phone. I'm also thinking about freezing my credit. My paper had an article on how you can freeze your credit to avoid problems with the Equifax breach. Whoever stole my credit card info also opened up an UPS account to track & also it allows a person to change the address the package is shipped too! TG it was done over the weekend so I was able to close the account immediately today.

Belinda - Great job with your workouts! DH also told me about getting alerts, I will look into that:)

Kristin - I like when core workout in incorporated in a workout:)

Karategirl - I haven't done Slow & Heavy in a long time but I think it is in the rotation Belinda & I are doing. I haven't used paypal in a long time but I thought it was connected to your bank account, which would worry me.

Hi everyone.

Today I did 2017 Gratitude Challenge, Day 2 Upper Body Circuit, 31m plus a 30 min walk. The SBF UB was tough.

Debbie - we get alerts as soon as we purchase something :) I think, it's pretty cool. I hope you get everything straighten out with your credit company. I know, its frustrating.

Karategirl - wtg, on S&H.

Kirstin - I hear on holding on to too much crap. My spending stopped big times, once I realized I really don't need it. I am close canceling my Cathe preorder too. How many dvd's do I need? I only can workout so many hours in a day.

That's it for me today. I am beat for some reason.
Hey guys. Just got done with Legs and Glutes. My legs are already feeling sore, lol.

Deb- if you freeze your credit, how do you use your credit card or do you not use them anymore once you freeze your credit? I love Slide and Glide.

Belinda- Nice job on your workout. I have almost all of Cathe's dvds. My DH cannot believe how many she has made. I do go for some more often than others. Hard Strikes comes to mind as my favorite go-to workout. I do love them all though. . . except for Cardio Core Circuit, which is just evil, lol. I never preordered this set and I do not think I am going to now that I am going to focus on running.

karategirl- plyo legs is the only part of meso 3 I like. They are great workouts!



Today I decided to join Beachbody on demand, they were doing a preview of 80 day obsessed which is called "A Little Obsessed". The workouts are up for 24-hours and there will be 5 of them at 30 min. The program in January the w/o's will be about 45-60 min. I thought they would be easier but they are more like 21 day fix extreme. Today's workout was Total Body Core.

Belinda - The gratitude challenge sounds interesting:)

Kristin - It would only freeze me or anyone from opening up any new credit cards. I would still have my old credit cards. I guess the point is to prevent someone from opening up any credit cards using my name/info and ruining my credit.

Today I did Slow and Heavy shoulders, followed by the Xtrain heavy bag bonus. Felt awesome while I was doing it, but I'm sure I will be sore tomorrow!

Deb - Paypal gives you options. You can link directly to your bank account,, thanks! I agree that is an uncomfortable option. You can also link to a credit card, which is what I do. Worst case scenario, you might have to close the credit account in case of a breach, but this has not happened to me. I have found that using my credit card through Paypal has been the most secure way of ordering online thus far.

Belinda - What is the Gratitude challenge?

Kristin - Yep, Plyo Legs is awesome! I haven't done Legs and Glutes in awhile, but I do remember the burn, haha!!
Good morning,

I bought the digital download for Jessica Smith new workouts. I will not buy anymore dvd's, since they take up so much space :) I already have way to many dvd's. I did the D2. 1 mile of motivation and D2 Cardio Step Slam. Very fun workouts! I also did SBF Cardio barre.

Debbie - the challenge is interesting. lot's of variety!

Kirstin - lol, I switched to digital workouts :oops: I am just waiting for clips on the new workouts. Like you , i have more than enough workouts.

Karategirl - it's Susanne Bowen Fitness barre workout challenge!

I will be back later.

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