Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hey guys. Today I did a 3 mile run. I am also going to hot yoga tonight. Not much else to report. I am just really dying for Thanksgiving break. My dad is going to come for dinner on Thanksgiving. My brother might stop by too with my SIL and niece. I invited my sister but she never gave me a straight answer as to if she is coming or not. Typical games with her.

Anyway. . .

Belinda- nice job on your workouts. The next thing we need to clean out is the garage.

Deb- I definitely think it is a good idea for all of us to freeze our credit then. It is very risky to have our personal information out there.

Karategirl- I like paypal too.


Kirstin - good job on your workout as well. I also did STS D11. My garage was clean, now I have all that stuff that I am donating in there.

Today I did Booty Live/A Little Obsessed. I've been talking to a few managers at my stores and they said they aren't getting as much merchandise this year. My guess is they are expecting a lot of on-line shopping to be done. It's amazing how things have changed.

Belinda - How do you watch your downloads? Do you use it through apple tv?

Kristin - I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving too and the long weekend;) Have fun at hot yoga!

Karategirl - I may look into paypal that sounds interesting.

Debbie - I watch through my computer. I could watch through TV too. I move my computer upstairs or downstairs. Are you still doing STS?
Hi everyone,

Today I did JS Walk Strong 3 Day 3 " Metabolic Conditioning " Great 30 min TB workout, got my HR up. I also did SBF 2017 Gratitude Challenge, Day 4 Upper Core + Cardio & Weights, 23m. Holy crap! That one was tough! Lots of planks. I also did LS 4 Really Big miles = 59 min. I am getting ready for TG :p

All this talk about Beachbody on Demand, wants me to sign up :)

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day, everyone.
Hey guys. Today I did what is called a 3 X 1 run.So I did a mile warmup jog. Then a mile run, at a faster pace than what I have been doing. Walk for 1 minute and run another mile fast pace, walk one minute and run fast pace. Each mile was between 9:02-9:22. Not bad. I hit 18 miles for the week. I have found a number of plans online for training for a marathon. Right now I am just toying with different run workouts. After the holidays, I think I will start to pick a serious plan. I might join a gym that has an indoor track because when it is frigid out I do not want to be outside, I think, lol.

Deb- I plan on shopping a lot online for Christmas. It is just easier with everything else going on.

Belinda- we are fundraising for my son's travel baseball team Cooperstown tournament for next year. My husband found out from one of the other coaches that there is a company that pays you per pound of clothing you donate. One team made $800!! We will be cleaning out our closets again soon.

Waving hello to karategirl!


Yesterday, I did Slow and Heavy biceps and triceps. I really liked the wrist curls and reverse curls. I think I will include those with my regular weight training, especially because my forearms get so fried with STS. No workout today, the extra sleep felt more important. ;)

Kristin - Great job with your running! You are inspiring me to take up running again, maybe for the New Year. Running has always been challenging for me, physically but even more so mentally. Not sure why. :confused:

Belinda - I like the idea of Beach Body on demand too. And I finally have a Smart TV to make it happen!

Waves hello to Deb. :)

Today I did A Little Obsession/AAA this was a total body workout but the reps were done at a slower pace. I had a long day but worth it because I am off tomorrow:)

Belinda - Wow, you really will be able to eat anything on Thanksgiving! Great job with your workouts:) I have one more week of Meso 1 but skipped it this week to try the other workouts but will start up with it next week.

Kristin - I like your running workout!! Too bad one of your schools didn't have a track.

Karategirl - My workout feels so much better after a really good night sleep:)

Oops almost typed Cookie's name, I hope she is ok:(

Hey girls,

Today I finished my last workout in M1 :) Looking forward to my recovery week next week. I also did JS D3 Barefoot Cardio Core plus SBF D4 Interval 3. I really love the Jessica Smith downloads. You can also just stream them from her site without downloading purple players. The workouts are well chaptered :) This really opens up a new world for me. No more dvd storing! No clutter!

Kirstin - how cool :) Wished I lived closer, I would donate bags of clothing I just filled up again. Your running plan sounds interesting. Glad you getting into it again. I miss running :(

Debbie - how are you liking the BB on Demand so far? Now, I want to sign up too :( Did you preorder Cathe's new workouts? I am waiting for clips before I cancel. I don't want anymore dvd's, lol. I been thinking a lot about Cookie :( I hope she is ok too and checks in again. Miss her :(

Karategirl - isn't it exciting all the new technology? I love it :) Did you preorder Cathe's new dvd's or do you have Cathe on demand?

That's it for me today.I will be back tomorrow.
Hey guys. Just finished my workout for today. I did 21 DFE Upper Body. I am glad it is Friday. I have a lot of grading to do, but my plan is to get as much done this weekend and then not have anything to grade over break.

Belinda- I am finding that running is helping me to clear my mind more too. I feel more at peace at the end of a run then I do at the end of a workout. I wonder why that is? Maybe being outside. Yesterday, the sun was starting to set as I finished my last lap and it looked so beautiful.

Deb- My school does have a track, but it is worn out big time. It is a small track too. The one at my son's school is really nice though.

BTW- I miss Cookie too!

karategirl- I think running presents a mental challenge to us all. I find running on a treadmill is mentally easier than running outside. However, I love to run outside with fresh air, and the bright sun. . . not sure I will feel that way when the temperature drops even more.


Ran 6 miles in 60 minutes, not bad. My fastest mile was 9'41". I was running at a comfortable pace. My goal was to run six miles without stopping. Feeling pretty good. I am finding that not only am I pushing myself to do more but I am also clearing my head and my thoughts that kind of haunt me throughout the day. Awesome feeling.

Hope you all are having a great weekend. We are going to Applebee's tonight for a baseball team parents' meet and greet to discuss fundraising. Oh, did I tell you? A boy in my class, his brother is on my son's travel team now. I recognized the mother's name from my contact list at work. Funny, right?



Yesterday I took a hot yoga class. Today I feel like I am coming down with something :( so took a rest day. I hope I kick this in the butt because this week isn't a good time to be sick LOL. I did most of the food shopping for Thanksgiving but still have at least one more trip to the store.

Belinda - I like BOD, I found a video/recipe section and made a stuffed eggplant dish it was pretty good. I did preorder Cathe's new workouts. Is Jessica Smith a subscription service too?

Kristin - You are doing great with the running, your legs are going to be so strong! How is your Dad & Mom? Have fun at your meeting tonight.

Karategirl - What are you up to this weekend?

Good morning,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday. Went shopping and forgot about it :(

Anyway, I did JS D4 TB and SBF D6 Stretch 4. I also did Less Mill Bodycombat 70. That was a sweat fest and fun. I am thinking signing up for LM.

Debbie - glad you enjoy BOD. That's another site I want to give it a try. So many choices. I also want to try COD (Cathe) instead of buying more dvd's. I wouldn't sign up for a year, just a month here and there. That would clear up a lot of dvd space :)

Kirstin - running outside always helped me to clear my head. I am so happy it's helping you. Enjoy! You are fast, girl :) WTG!

Hallo Karategirl!

Today I will do another SBF stretch and JS D5 Boogie I.T. Should be interesting. BBL!
SandS Total Body Giant Sets done! That workout is awesome. I love how I hit every muscle in under an hour and each muscle feels spent, especially my legs!

The parent meeting last night was fun. We are going to be fundraising throughout the next few months to try to lower the cost of the Cooperstown tournament. It is $1200 a kid, not including what we pay to be on the team. The first fundraising we are doing is raffle tickets. I am hoping I can get people from work to buy at least one each. They are only a dollar and it is a 50/50 raffle. There is one couple that are odd and strange. The father is a doctor. . . not for anything. . . it always seems like the people with the most money tend to be a problem parent on the team. Hmmm. . .

Belinda- Thanks! I found my last runs logged on Nike + app from 2009 when I ran regularly. I am faster now! I wonder if all the Cathe Hiit and intense workouts have something to do with that!

Deb- My parents are doing okay.The boys slept over my dad's house last night. My dad is trying to convince them to convince me to move in with him in his house. We had talked about getting a mother/daughter. I would want a house that is my own, you know? After talking about it with DH this morning, we will bring it up at Thanksgiving. Maybe if we added up on his house (he has a ranch style home). My biggest concern is a selfish one. . . if I move in to my DAD's house, then it isn't really mine and eventually years from now when he passes, my brother and sister will have a claim and I will have to sell it to pay them out, plus then find a place of my own. . . probably around the time I will be retiring. Who would want to do that? We would have to work out the legalities. For Christmas Eve, my dad will be sleeping over here.

Waving hello to karategirl!

Hi everyone,

Today I did JS D5 Boogie I.T. and 15 min Belly Fat Blaster. I also did SBF Stretch 3.

Kirstin - I am sure it does have something to do with that. Good job! That is odd about the doctor? Hope you can work the situation with the house out. It's always something :(

Good job, everyone. I will be back tomorrow.

This morning I did the last A Little Obsession workout which was legs. It was a good one:) Again today I was back at the food store and one more time before Thanksgiving. I couldn't believe how full people's carts at the store were!

Belinda - I love the Les Mills workouts. I thought about signing up for Les Mills too but will wait till after the New Year to think about it.

Kristin - That is strange about the Dr. I agree if you do something with your Dad you should have legal papers drawn up because it could be a mess.

Waves hi to Karategirl

Hi ladies,

Today I did SBF D8 Lower Body BC Barre + JS Tone + Flow. I also walked 5 miles.

Debbie - I will wait until I am done with Cathe's Bodybuilding rotation before I sign up for anything. DH and I went to Costco when they opened, by the time I was done the lines were rapped around the corners. I only bought a few things. TG and xmas are the worst for going grocery shopping. Alesia is coming for TG, she offered to buy everything at Whole Foods :) I need to turkey breast butterflied. Alesia and I decided we are not making a whole turkey for TG, we are making a stuffed Turkey breast instead.

I will be back later.

Today I did Burn at the Barre. I miss barre workouts. I was working at Kohl's today and they had 100's of packages for the UPS man and that was just one store!! I asked one of the associates and she said the on-line sales are so much more than last year.

Belinda - I wanted to pick up shrimp on Wednesday but if it's too crowded may just walk out. I like your idea of a stuffed turkey breast because it is easier to carve. My family loves the legs so that is not an option, in fact this year I was thinking about seeing if they sell them separate to have extras LOL.

Kristin - I'm sure your counting the days until Thursday or Wednesday if you have a half day:)

Waves hi to Karategirl

Hey guys. Yesterday was a total rest day for me. Funny thing is I have serious DOMS in my legs today! I ran 4 miles after work in 38 minutes. Not bad!

Deb- Hot yoga is canceled for tomorrow night where I go because it is the night before Thanksgiving :(. I cannot wait to go next week. I wish I had a half day tomorrow, lol. We do have an emergency drill at the end of the day so the students will be leaving 15 minutes early.

Belinda- I am doing a whole turkey, but I kind of just wanted to do a turkey breast like you are doing. Oh well. My boys love the drumsticks.

Waving hello to karategirl.


Today I walked so much so decided to do a short workout STS M1 D9 Leg conditioning drills 2x. I just want to make it through tomorrow:)

Belinda - Are you getting ready for Thanksgiving.

Kristin - I'm sure running takes a lot out of you especially DOMS in your legs:) I'm hoping there is a hot yoga class o n Friday I can take.


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