Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I did Gym Style Chest & Tris, I always like coming back to the GS series. I'm enjoying the nice weather we are having! I just changed to my heavy comforter this weekendo_O

Belinda - I wouldn't mind being you daughter in law either;)

Kristin - I'm surprised they wouldn't allow headphones. Are you planning to run a 1/2 or full marathon?

Happy Hump Day, everyone,

STS M2 D14 legs + SBF Int/Adv Bare + 3 mile walk + JS D13 Barre Sculpt is done. I only will workout like this until Jan, than I will back off a bit.

Debbie - I wouldn't mind you being my daughter in law either :)

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day. Can't believe how warm it is outside. It's almost 64'.
Good morning,

D15 Cardio HiiT is done. I really liked that one a lot. I also did D14 15 Total stretch and SBF D4 UB Core Circuit.

Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Hey guys. Last night I went to hot yoga. It was amazing! Today I did SandS RUUB. My shoulders are still burning from that one. I plan on going for a run tomorrow.

Tomorrow I also have my pre-observation with the new AP. Every year the last four years I have had a different person for my evaluation. It sucks because they all want different things and I feel like once I get what the person is looking for, it gets switched. I have always been rated highly effective, but it still causes me anxiety. Anyway, my lesson is awesome and we will see what she thinks tomorrow.

Belinda- every day I do not have to turn on my heat I am happy! I turned it on only a handful of times for November. Plus, this warmer weather is perfect for a run, lol.

Deb- my goal is to do the full marathon next October (Long Island marathon, not the city). My friend who is a marathoner has suggested I do other races, including a half marathon to get the feel for it. I will probably do so in the spring. Have you gone for a run?



Today I did Gym Styles Legs. I can't believe tomorrow is already December 1st! I hope this is a sign of a mild winter:)

Belinda - Did you read the Minimalist book or just watch the dvd? You have been doing a great job with your workouts!

Kristin - That is a great plan to run some races before the full marathon. Tomorrow I will run on the treadmill:)

Good morning,

Today is my 34 Anniversary. DH and I did JS WS3 D16 TB + LS Walk to the Hits party songs is done.
I will do STS D15 tomorrow, running out of time.

Debbie - I follow them on FB. I did see the movie on Amazon. Very interesting, you should watch it. Defiantly an eye opener. Enjoy your run today.

Kirstin - my heater is running since weeks :( it's too cold. I am a wimp, lol. Have fun with your run today.

Have a great day and workout.

Today I did a run/walk for about 2 miles. It felt good and always wonder why I don't do it more LOL:) We are thinking about getting our Christmas tree this weekend but it seems too early.

Belinda - Happy Anniversary!! Doesn't it go by too fast. Enjoy your day:)

Kristin - We run our heater too much too:( It is so dry!!

Hey guys! Got a 5 mile run in at 47 minutes. I’m so glad the weekend is here. We are getting our Christmas tree tomorrow.

I’ll be back tomorrow with personals
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Just did an easy 4 mile run. Tomorrow I am planning on doing a long run. This week coming up is a tough one between union meetings, parent/teacher conferences at work and then DS's concert, my younger DS has a basketball game too. I am trying to squeeze my running in on Sunday, Tuesday, Friday this week.

Belinda- Happy anniversary! I saw what your DD posted on facebook. So beautiful!

Deb- We are actually getting our tree today. It is December 2nd, I don't think it is too early. Besides, I like the smell and feel of having the tree up. Maybe it will put me in the Christmas spirit. . . Nice job on your run/walk. I am noticing that I feel so good after my runs too.


Hi girls,

I did STS D15 + SBF TB barre + JS WS3 Boogie I.T.

Thanks guys! DH and I had a lot of fun yesterday. We ate way too much food. Lunch was at our favorite winery, we had the entire place for ourselves. The weather was beautiful, we sat on the deck. It was so hot, we didn't needed a jacket. We had lunch and a little wine. It was perfect afternoon. In the evening we went to our favorite restaurant (last year we celebrated our anniversary there too) we had a 6 course meal:eek: each course came with a different wine. By the 2nd glass of wine, I had enough. They kept brining the wine/dessert wine/port wine you name it. The food was amazing! but way too much food! By the time they saved us course #3....I was full, lol. I told the waiter to wait to bring out the next course, lol. I told my husband I wouldn't do another 6 course meal, it's just to much food/wine :)They had a bottle of wine for over $800 on the wine list:oops:, lol!

Debbie - tank you! We had a blast yesterday. It sure does! Good job yesterday.

Kirstin - thank you! Aliases is such a sweetie :) Good job on your runs.

That's it for me today. Have a wonderful day and workout.

Today I took a rest day. We are getting our tree tomorrow so looking forward for the house to look like Christmas:)

Belinda - Your day/eve sounded awesome!! You had beautiful weather on your day. Did you get married in Germany?

Kristin - I love the smell of the tree! Great job on your run.

Today's run was 8 miles in 77 minutes. I feel so good right now. I plan on doing a shorter run on Tuesday and then Friday maybe work on speed. This week is going to be crazy busy. Tomorrow I will do an upper body workout. My triceps are still talking to me from Ramped Up Upper Body the other day.

Deb- We got our tree last night and after I help the boys with their school projects, we are going to decorate it today. My younger DS is so excited for this, lol.

Belinda- 6 course meal! You gotta live it up on your anniversary. $800 for a bottle of wine, that's pennies, lol. Glad you had a great night and the weather has been great.



Today I did Gym Styles Back, shoulders & bi's. The longer reps are tough after doing STS. We did get our tree it wasn't a sunny day but it wasn't very cold. Before we left I was cleaning out the refrig and there was some smelly food I throw out. TG for the tree because my house smells better now LOL.

Belinda - The place looks really nice & the food looks so fresh.

Kristin - Are you losing weight with all the running you are doing?

Hi everyone,

I did my workouts this morning, forgot to post :( I did STS M2 D16 + JS Day 18 Metabolic Conditioning + 3 mile walk.

Debbie - good job on GS CST yesterday. I forgot about the high reps in the GS's :) That will shock your body. Can't beat a fresh cut tree. Love the smell, but not the needles everywhere. We have a face tree. I heard there is a shortage on fresh trees this year?

Kirstin - how did your workout go today?

I will be back tomorrow. Busy day today.
Today's workout was 21DFE The Fix Challenge. My shoulders are already sore! I don't think I will be able to lift my arms very high tomorrow, lol.

Belinda- Wowza on your workouts today!! You are on fiya! I heard there is a shortage on real trees this year too.

Deb- the scale hasn't moved, but I feel like my clothes are looser, so go figure. I love the smell of my tree in the house!

Soooo. . . being as though it is the holidays. . . what are your favorite holiday movies? Here are my top three:

1. Elf
2. A Christmas Carol (just about any version)
3. It's a Wonderful Life

runner-ups are Christmas Vacation and A Christmas Story


Today I did Les Mills Combat Kick Start. We went out for my youngest SILs 50th birthday tonight. We weren't too bad but did have dessert:)

Belinda - The new place where we get our tree, gets them from North Carolina and they seem to keep the needles longer. Prior years needles everywhere;) The guy told us he thinks he will be out of trees after this weekend.

Kristin - Clothes looser is good!

I love the classic Christmas movies (cartoons too) :) my favorite is It's a Wonderful Life, Christmas Vacation. I also like some random Christmas movies like Prancer, The Family Man, & The Holiday. My SIL just said to me tonight I should watch the Hallmark & Lifetime Christmas movies.

I still need to see Elf:)

Hi everyone,

SBF SBF Fit for Fall Day 9 Upper Core + Cardio & Weights+ JS WS3 D19 Barefoot Cardio Core + LS 2 Mile Power Express Walk all done!

I am really surprised we haven't seen any new clips for the new Fit tower workouts? Weird!

Tomorrow I am going to a spa with my daughter and Thursday I am getting my hair done in DC. I will not be back until Thursday late evening. I am kinda debating if I should do STS D18 today or play catch up when I am home? Maybe I have more energy later today?

Debbie - we used to get a fresh tree, now it's so much easier to get a fake one. No mess to clean up and no watering. Nothing wrong eating a
dessert:) I love all those movies you listed. Every time Aleisa comes, we watch the Hallmark & Lifetime Christmas movies. They are really good.

Kirstin - I felt my workout yesterday. I am trying to get them all in before I leave for DC tomorrow.

I'll try to check in tomorrow, if not on Friday!
Hey guys. I went for a run today. It sucked. I ran 4 miles, but it was so windy, I was running 10-minute miles, slow going today! It is raining here now, so I guess it could have been worse for me today.

At least I got a run in, right?

Deb- I forgot about The Family Man! I love that movie too. Saw it in the movies with my mom when it came out.

Belinda- I find it strange that no clips are up either. Wonder if they are waiting for the presale to end.


Kirstin - are you kidding me? Your runs are amazing, girl. A 4 miler amazing. Sorter runs are good for you too. You run like the Flash:oops: with your 8 miles. The pre sale ended on Dec 1? Maybe they are waiting until the dvd's are shipped, lol? We always seen clips way before that? If they suppose to ship before the 24th, there isn't much time left for lots of clips. If that is the case, I will cancel my pre order next week. Maybe they are afraid a lot of people cancel last minute? I really don't need more workouts.

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