Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

I did JS D26 Yoga Stretch = 30 min + Strength + SBF D18 UB Core 2 = 30 min. That's it for me today.

So far, I am not seeing anything new with Cathe's Spit Fit workouts? Unless, I am missing something? Looks like the same moves, with lots of high impact. Nothing I haven't seen in her other dvd's as far as I can tell.

Debbie - I am trying to get all my workouts in. I do need to back off next year and only stick to one rotation instead of 3, lol.

Kirstine - where are you?

Good job, everyone. Keep up the good work. BBL

Today I did a you-tube barre butt & thigh workout. I'm counting the days until January (maybe April):) We had snow today & some tomorrow night:( Getting in a lot of shovel max.

Belinda - I hope they aren't high impact. You are doing a good job of getting them all in:)

Waves hi to Kristin

I just canceled my preorder. I have enough high impact workouts plus I don't see anything new.

Debbie - look at the clips, they are very high impact. This set isn't for me.
Hey guys. Finally made it to the weekend. Wednesday night I went to hot yoga. It was amazing. Thursday I went to bed at 8:30 I was so tired. Today I took a sick day because my younger DS had a poetry presentation at school. It was so cute. He wrote a poem comparing his family to a cruise ship and said I was the jacuzzi keep everyone warm and happy with my love, so sweet. On the way to the school we almost got into an accident. A young girl blew through a stop sign. We were inches away from hitting her. I think she was high .

Today after the school presentation I joined the local gym for the month so I could run indoors. Too cold and it was snowing again so I could t run outside.

Belinda- I’m glad I passed on this series too. It doesn’t look like anything new and fresh and the music isn’t for me. Plus I miss the old crew.

Deb- we got hit with snow yesterday and today. Just enough to make the roads hazardous, mostly due to idiot drivers.


Hey girls,

Kirstin - so glad you guys are ok. How scary! You have to watch out for other drivers, you never know what they do. That is so cut, about your son's poem :) So cute! It's very cold here too. I don't want to take Brawler out, he likes to stand in one spot and look around. I am glad too passed on this series. Nothing new we haven't seen in her other dvd's. Not to mention the high impact/all that jumping :( Maybe the moves are new to some that are new to Cathe and don't own all her dvd's. I rather try some new workouts on YT, LM or BBO.

Debbie - you must be busy?


Sorry I've been MIA. Today I took a rest day. Yesterday I took a hot yoga class. My fav yoga instructor is back from Bali where her & her bf taught a yoga retreat. She said it is so inexpensive in Bali rooms are $15 (not sure how that is even possible). She said they were really nice too!

Belinda - I wasn't expecting high impact:( I will keep the pre-order for the weight workouts.

Kristin - You had a busy week. It is good that you will be running at the gym, too much snow already! Your son was so cute:) IMO drivers are just too distracted it drives me crazy.

Good morning,

I will do a SBF stretch today and maybe take a walk outside.

Debbie - neither did I :( Have you watched the clips? Out of 4 cardio workouts, 3 are very high impact and 1 is heavy on gliding :( Yes, I can modify but why border. I already have enough weight workouts. I need to use what I already have.

I will try to be back later.
Hey guys. I was very busy yesterday. I did get a workout in, but I did not time to check in on here. Yesterday I did 21 DFE Dirty 30 Extreme. That one kills my shoulders. I had some DOMs in my butt too. After my workout yesterday, DH and I dropped off the boys at my dad's house and went to visit my mom. Then we got a quick bite and went power shopping, something we do every Christmas. We hit the outlets, target, toys r us and Dick's sporting goods. We did not get home until after 11. We blew our budget. I think we bought the boys way too much. Even though they have the same amount f gifts as they usually get, they asked for expensive things. I feel like we really spoiled them this year. They will be happy, that is for sure. Then we got up early and wrapped the boys' gifts while they were still at my dad's house. DS had baseball practice and I went to the gym to get in a run. I ran 7.5 miles, well walked the first .25 of it for the warm up and the last .25 of the cooldown, so technically I ran 7 miles. My watch is not as accurate with my runs on the treadmill. It's a little annoying. It is supposed to warm up on Tuesday, so I will take my run outside again.

Deb- Where can I get a room in Bali for $15? That is what I need to know, lol! Are they Bohemian-types that don't mind staying in a dump? I cannot imagine a hotel being that cheap anywhere.

Belinda- I agree that newer Cathletes will love the series because it will still seem new to them. I agree with you a lot of the moves seem to be the same stuff as previous workouts and the impact. . .



Today I wanted to start 4 day split but couldn't find it so I ended up doing Lower Body Blast. I enjoyed it haven't done it in a long time. I ended up finding 4DS it wasn't with my other Cathe workouts it was mixed with my others!

I'm so happy next week will warm up:)

Belinda - I saw the clips they are high impact:( I stopped by my neighbors house and she is doing a lot of decluttering, she said she doesn't want to be doing it when she is 80 LOL.

Kristin - The yoga instructor said they were hostels (not sure what that even is) but she said they were like hotels. It's funny when I looked up hotels in Bali they weren't that price but when I looked up hostels they were super cheap (go figure). I think it's great that you power shop & wrap. I think that is the way to go because I waste too much time doing it my way:)

Hey everyone,

Today I did STS M2 D22, SBF LB barre and JS (I started week 5). I am almost done with M2. Yeah!

I am getting ready to go to DC, helping my kids move. Both moving on the 22nd.

Debbie - more power for those that can do high impact workouts. I am done with it. I have enough weight workouts to last me a life time. Glad you found your 4DS dvd's. One of my favorite.

Kirstin - lol, they are all the same. The only difference I see is, she uses the bands in the ab workout. Autumn Calabrese’s upcoming workout "A Little Obsessed" she does the same ab move with the band. I may have to sign up for Autumn new program next year. I am done with high impact workouts. My knees can't handle it. Save me some $$:p

I will be back tomorrow.

Today I took hot yoga. The next couple of weeks will be busy so will really try to get my workouts in:)

Can you believe Christmas is in one week!

Belinda - Are your kids moving in together? Good luck with the move. Great that you are almost done with Meso 2:)

Kristin - Waves hi!

Hey guys. Yesterday was a rest day. I made chocolate chip cookies with the boys. Today I had 1/2 day of work because I had to go to my younger DS's parent/teacher conference. After the conference, I went for a run. I did 5 miles in 46 minutes, my best time!

Soooo. . . my sister texted me last night, one week before Christmas, to ask me what the plans for Christmas was. She hasn't called my dad in weeks, hasn't visited my mom, and when I invited her to Thanksgiving, she declined. Now she comes out of the woodwork looking for an invite, and I cannot not invite her because it will cause family drama, and I don't want to upset my dad. I plan on drinking wine on Christmas. I cannot take her BS. My dad is sleeping over Christmas Eve. So now we have to get more food for our Christmas dinner. She will probably come with a 2 liter bottle of soda. Whatever!

Deb- hot yoga is on my agenda for tomorrow. Lord knows I need it this week. I would never stay at a hostel. . . I need a real hotel, lol.

Belinda- 80 day obsession does look good. I may try it at some point next year.



Today I did 4DS chest & back. I didn't do the cardio since this week is crazy will do the 30 min premixes for 4DS.

So people have come out of their homes the stores are crazy!!

Belinda - I hope the move is going well.

Kristen - I'm baking cookies this weekend can't wait:). Great time on you run & a nice day to run outside. Hopefully everything goes well on Christmas with your sister.

Hey guys,

Came home late last night, I was to tired to post. I did JS Boogie I.T.

Today I did STS D23, JS Metabolic Conditioning and SBF Strong Back. I may do a stretch later today.

Debbie - my husband is in DC today helping. I can't with Brawler, it's too much for him. I will help tomorrow, if they need me. Alesia and I cleaned her new apartment. My son and my daughter in law, didn't get the key until today. At least my husband is there and helping.

Good job, everyone. Keep up the good work. BBL!

Today I did 4DS tri's & bi's, I forgot how much I like these weight workouts:) Ugh, is it Christmas yet people are so rude this time of year!

Belinda - It's nice that the kids have you & DH to help. Great job getting your workouts in after cleaning:)

Kristin - I hope you were able to get to hot yoga.

Hey all. Went to hot yoga last night. It was much needed. I need to get through this week already. SLOWEST week ever!

Some teachers in my building were upset because administrators came in to do unannounced walk thrus. Really? You do a walk thru 3 days before Christmas break. We are all just doing crowd control at this point, lol. Craziness. I met with my assistant principal to go over my observation. Got all highly effectives. She said my classroom is a model of what she wants to see in the building. Put a smile on my face from ear to ear.

BBL with personals. I am supposed to run today, but I think I will swap days and run tomorrow. It is supposed to warm up tomorrow.


Today I did 4DS Shoulders & core. I didn't do calves my legs have DOMS from so much walking this week. Tomorrow I am working in NYC so the girl can go home to her family for the holidays. I have mixed feelings about going to NY. I really like the way the holidays fall this year after the weekend:)

Belinda - It's not like you to not check in.

Kristin - Congratulations on excellent observation!! A nice Christmas present:)

Good morning,

I did my workouts yesterday, than I went to the grocery store. I am trying to avoid going the next few day's. I was beat last night, all that running around.

Debbie - that is nice of you giving the girl a break so she can go home for the holiday's. I would love going to NY on xmas. Be safe!

Kirstin - congratulations on your excellent observation!! That is amazing. Good job!

I will be back later.

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