Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Five miles on treadmill in 46 minutes done.

The party was fun. A little awkward at first because we only knew the hostess and host, but after a bit we were talking and laughing. Then I made DH get up early to go to the Y so we could workout together while the kids were still at my dad's house.

Belinda- is that like a mini trampoline? I never heard of it before.

Deb- I hope the city was not too crazy and that you are home enjoying the weekend.

It is snowing here and they said we were only getting 2-4 inches but somehow I feel as if we are getting more than that. It started snowing this morning and immediately started to stick to the roads because they are so cold.


Hi everyone,

I did a walk and JS Barre Sculpt this morning.

Kirstin - wow and good job on your 5 mile run today. Very impressive! Glad you had fun at the party.

Debbie - how are you doing?

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and weekend.

My new Cathe dvds arrived tonight, I did Metabolic Conditioning it had my heart rate up (it was part of the Low Impact dvd). I like that I could just do 30 min & go back and do the 2nd part either later in the day or the next day. I really like the premixes, their are some new exercises but we have seen the others but in a different order.

I overheard people in NY saying they would watch the ball drop from their warm homes:) I guess only the diehards & young people will be in Times Square.

Belinda - If you were looking for completely different workouts this series wouldn't be for you. For me it works I like the shorter workouts & premixes. I haven't heard of JumpSport but I remember Cookie liked using a mini-trampoline for workouts. I hope you foot is feeling better.

Kristin - It's great that you Dad keeps the kids it nice for the both of you. The city wasn't too bad lots of people returning & buying! They are renovating our YMCA and it looks nice on the outside. How many times do you have to go around your track for a mile?

Happy New Year! I hope you all have a happy and healthy new year!

Today I went to the YMCA with DH and the boys. My younger DS swam in the pool and I watched while my older DS and DH worked out. Then when they were down, I hit the treadmill and did a speed workout, one mile warm up, then 4 X 800 speed runs with 400 m. rest jogs in between. When I finished my 4th 800 m. I was at 3.25 miles and ran at a steady pace to mile 4. Finished with a walking hills cool down. I am feeling good. Tomorrow will be a recovery run I am thinking. I will run on the indoor track. With the windchill factor it is five below and it is staying this way all week, so I guess it's a good thing I joined the Y.

Belinda- thanks, high fives on your workouts too.

Deb- I think between the temps and the fact that security is beefed up even more than they usually do, people should stay away from Times Square this NYE. To me the fact that the police presence is extremely prevalent. . . I just wonder if they are not telling us something.

I am looking forward to having my father over for dinner. We are making a pork roast (seasoned by Costco) with potatoes and green beans. I cannot believe tomorrow is my last day of freedom and then it is back to the grind. The week flew!



Happy New Year!

I did JS WS3 D41 Barre Sculpt and 3 mile walk.

Debbie - I was looking for different moves, not doing the same stuff over and over again. The mixed cardio has lots of repeats. Glad I decided to cancel my preorder. Don't see anything new. In one of the cardio Cathe's cuing is off and her premixes are not what they used to be. I can double a workout by rewinding it, lol. People are disappointed in the calendar, I read to many picture of the new girl, lol.

Kirstin - glad you and your family enjoy the YMCA. Looks like they had equipments for everyone. Wished we had one close.

Happy New Year, everyone!
Happy New Year, everyone!

How was everyone's New Year? DH and I stayed home, I couldn't leave Brawler alone with all the fireworks. Boy it's cold outside.

Today I started STS M3 W1 D25 plus JS W7 D43 Metabolic Conditioning. I also walked 2 miles.

Have a great evening.

Happy New Year!!!

I'll be back tomorrow with personals:). Busy making my resolutions;)

Well that week surely went fast! I am back at work todayl. Ready to dive into my next literature unit with my students. Yesterday I did a 30 minute recovery run, got 3.12 miles in and was going at an easy pace. Today I am thinking I will do my long run and tomorrow will be weights or hot yoga.

BBL with personals.

Hi everyone,

Today I did a 3 mile walk and JS WS3 D44 Cardio Step Jam + 15 min add on abs.

Kirstin - wow, times flies! Have fun at work. My husband went back to work today too. Nice job on those runs.

Debbie - so what is your resolutions? I didn't make any this year, lol

See you all tomorrow.
Hey guys. After work I went to the Y to get in a long run. 6.38 miles in 60 minutes. I have been using the Nike run app for my indoor workouts. They have guided runs where you have someone talking to you during the run. Today I chose a long run with Eliud. He ran a marathon in2 hours and 25 secs. He was trying to break 2 hours. Anyway, the guided runs keep me focused and motivated indoors, which is hard to do. I definitely prefer outside when it is sunny and warm. Speaking of the weather, we are expecting snow and the amounts keep inching up. It is looking to hit on Thursday. Some people at work are talking about a snow day. I kind of would prefer a snow day when we have been back to school for a few weeks. This is just going to break up the momentum I have in the unit I am teaching.

Belinda- It was hard to go back to day. . . until my biggest challenging students saw me and gave me New Year's hugs. We've come a long way from September, :).

Waving hello to Deb~



I have been trying out the new workouts, today was boot camp/kickboxing it also has legs & glutes but just did the cardio part. I liked this workout & it went by quickly.

We spent New Year's Eve at my in laws it was quiet but close to home:). I worked in NY today and tomorrow is the last day. It looks like the month of January will be very slow & I'm so happy. I really need concentrate on my workouts, eating & health. We heard too many sad stories of illnesses among family & friends.

Belinda - You always have good intentions so you don't need resolutions!! Quiet New Years are nice:). Great job with your workouts.

Kristen - You picked a really good time to join the Y, this weather is so cold, my heat runs too much. It sounds like you had a nice time with your Dad. It does look like a snow day, but I can see why you would want to space it out.

Hi everyone,

STS D37 Squat Rack legs + JS WS3 D45 TB is done.

Debbie - are those workouts from YT? Sounds interesting. Good job!

Kirstin - I hear you on running outside. It's just to cold. I can't wait for warmer weather. Good job!

Hi to everyone that checks in after me.

Today I went to the gym (haven't been in a long time) & did the stairmaster & treadmill. We are expecting 4-7 inches tomorrow which is less than NY & Long Island.

Belinda - I have been using the workouts from Fit Split. It looks like you are almost done with Meso 3! Are you getting snow?

Kristin - I know it's a bad snow storm when they close NY city schools the night before:(

Hey guys. We are getting hammered here on Long Island. The forecast earlier in the week said 4-6 inches of snow today. We are in a blizzard and there are 12 inches on the ground. Still snowing out. The temps are dropping tonight and with the wind chill it will be below 0. Obviously schools were closed today. I honestly did not want a snow day. We just had a break. I'd prefer March, lol.

Anyway, last night was a rest day. I had a late union meeting and when I came home, I decided to stay home and relax. Today I did SandS TBGS plus the abs routine. The ab section in this series is tough!

Deb- I am glad you are liking the new series. The city got even more snow than expected as well.

Belinda- We are getting historic low temps this weekend. Keeping my runs indoors until further notice.


Hi everyone,

Today I did JS WS3 D46 Barefoot Cardio Core, I also walked 3 miles.

Than I did Fit Split Kickboxing. I skipped the leg workout, I will do it on Saturday. I worked my legs yesterday. They need a break. Not sure, if I told you guys my friend (neighbor bought Fit Split and she wanted me to do the workout with her) I did like the KB workout, had to modify the heck out off those flying angels, jumps forwards/back and Burpees. I marched in place/or walked forward and back instead. I didn't like the music either. If I ever do the workout again, I have to play my own music.

Debbie - how are you liking the new workouts? I did like the KB workout today. I won't buy the dvd, Jen is annoying me with her face expressions :eek: It's a little over the top if you ask me, lol. She looks like she is lost a few times, lol :) Where is Amanda, Cedie and Lorraine? I sure miss them.They all had good form. I have 3 more weeks of STS, than I will move to the Gym Styles. Can't wait, haven't done them in a long time.

Kirstin - how many miles did you run today?

That's it for me today, my legs are shaking. Need to rest a little, before I move on to more house work.

Today I did Fit Split Push dvd. The snow wasn't too bad here about 4 inches but the wind was bad, thought for sure a tree would fall on our house. I did a little shoveling but it was just so cold to be outside:(

Belinda - I don't pay attention to the music when I am 1st learning the dvds. I really do miss when Cathe was able to use any music. It's great that you can do the new workouts at your friends house. I modified the same as you on the kb workout. I miss the old crew too & thought Amanda would be in the dvds because she was at the roadtrip. I loved doing Gym Styles after STS:)

Kristin - We are going to get historic low temps too:( Next week I'm going to plan my trip to visit my Dad next month. It looks like you ended up getting a blizzard, the pictures on the news didn't look good. Do you get DOMS when you run?

Happy Friday!

Today I did STS M3 D27 and JS WS3 D47 Tone + Flow.

Debbie - someone brought it to my attention, have to agree. I didn't like the music in S&S either.For me, it's not a big deal, since I play my own music anyway :) A lot of people don't like the music in the new series. No shame in modifying when needed. I modified the heck out those workouts, lol. Since my fit bit doesn't count jumps, it gave me a good step count instead, lol. The workouts are not the same without the old crew, IMO! I hope she brings back Cedie, Lorraine and Amanda, they all had good form. I also read a lot of people's wrist hurts from all that gliding. Not sure, how you modify that, lol? I think, I will write down the weight exercises/reps and do the weight workout on my own and add any low impact cardio of choice.

I will be back tomorrow.
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