Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hey girls,

M2 D24 + SBF Mat 3 + JS WS3 Pilates + Yoga is done. Can't wait for M3.

That's it for me today. Have a great day and weekend. Merry Christmas, everyone.
Merry Christmas!!!!!!

Hey guys. Finally made it to break! Yesterday I went to the gym to run on the treadmill. I wish it had an indoor track. I ran 5 miles. Today it is raining all day. I plan to get another run in tomorrow morning. Today I will do a weight or metabolic workout. Not sure yet.

I am going to be baking all my cookies today and cleaning. Tomorrow I will see my mom and clean some more. Christmas Day my sister and brother are coming. I am a little stressed about that.

BBL with personals.

Chiseled Upper Body (ICE) all done.

Belinda- thank you. I am always nervous during observations. My new AP keeps telling me how impressed she is with me. It feels good to have an administrator that sees what you do and praises you for it. Rumor is if the district fires my incompetent principal the new AP will take over. I hate to wish for anyone to lose her job, but she is horrible.

Deb- I hear you about mixed feelings about going to NYC. We usually go in the city for one day in December. Skipping it this year. My friend's husband is NYPD sergeant. He says the attempted bomber in the subway terminal had a bigger plot in mind than what happened. The detonation was not supposed to be in the terminal. Very scary. Stay safe. Are you off for Christmas Eve?



Merry Christmas!!!!

NY wasn't too bad yesterday, very quiet except for the train ride home it was so crowded! Today I did abs. Just like the both of you, I am food shopping, cleaning, baking, cooking & wrapping:) Just waiting to see about the snow, we are expecting 1-4 inches on Christmas Day. I don't want my Mom driving in snow so will see what we will do.

Belinda - Looks like you'll finish M2 before Christmas:) Will your kids come by you? It must be hard moving during the holidays.

Kristin - I'm off until the day after Christmas. Too bad more gyms don't have a track like at Cathe's gym. Good luck with your family, keeping my fingers crossed it will be peaceful for you.

Merry Christmas!

Today I did SBF active stretch 3 and stretch. Felt wonderful. I am done with the Fit for Fall rotations. Not sure, what I will do next week. Maybe take it easy?

Debbie - glad NY wasn't too bad. I hope we don't get snow.

Kirstin - good luck with your family and sister. Hope all goes well and it's a quit one.

Cookie - Merry Christmas! Hope all is well. Missing you.

I will be back tomorrow.

Yesterday I went for a 4 mile easy run. My calf in my right leg was really tight afterward. I realized the padding in my sneakers were shot. Funny because DH bought my new running shoes for Christmas, lol. Just in time. After my run I went to visit my mom and give cookies to the aids. I wanted to cry there, but I kept it together. Last night was great. We had a roast beef for dinner and watched movies with the boys and my dad. My little guy was panicking because he couldn't go to sleep no matter how hard he tried. He was up on and off all night, which made it difficult to play Santa and get all the presents set up without him waking up and hearing us. I have a feeling he is on to us.

This morning we had a big breakfast after opening presents. I made home-made biscuits, my mother's recipe. My dad made his famous homefries and bacon. DH made everyone eggs. Then we cleaned up a bit and I got a workout in. I did Xtrain Supercuts. I would have loved to go for a run in my new sneakers, but it is way too windy and way too cold, lol.

Everyone is coming over around 3, which gives me enough time to check in here, get ready and play with Baxter to get him tired before he is barred in the den for the day. Wish me luck. I see a wine glass in my near future to numb the stress, lol. I am hoping to get a long run in tomorrow.

Belinda- get job on finishing the rotation. What are your plans for the holiday? Are you going to do 80 day obsession in January?

Deb- There is a YMCA by me that does have an indoor track. I think they are expensive though. I might go check it out after my month's membership at the other gym is up. I only got one month because once it is warmer out I plan to keep my runs outside.

Waving hello to Cookie as well and wishing her a Merry Christmas!

Post-Christmas run done. It is very cold here so I did an indoor treadmill run. 5.24 miles in 50 minutes. My house needs to be cleaned, but I am feeling a bit lazy, lol. Hope you all had a fabulous Christmas!

Hey everyone,

Workouts for today is done. Kept everything low impact. I think, I have a heal spur again, something is sticking out of the side of my foot and it's hurting for the last few day's. Tomorrow will try to make an appointment with my doc. Maybe they can do an X-ray on my feet.

Hope you all had a fabulous Christmas!

Kirstin - glad you xmas went well with your sister. I will stick with Cathe's Bodybuilding rotation. After that I have no idea? Once I am done with JS WS3 ( I am in week 6) I need to cut back on working out so much.

Debbie - hope you had a fabulous Christmas. I do have to admit, I am glad it's over.

That's it for me today. Have a great evening.
Sorry I have been around, it's been a busy few days but will check back tomorrow on the train to NYC.


I've missed a couple of workouts but short day today so w/o is looking good;). NY has been crowded with tourists but so scary that so many people have backpacks & suitcases.

We went out to dinner with family visiting last night but happy holidays are almost over!

Belinda - Is a heal spur like a bunion? Good luck with your appointment today. Kudos on getting your workouts in.

Kristin - Sounds like you had a really nice Christmas & new running shoes perfect gift! I found the YMCA to be expensive too. I wonder if you could ask for a discounted membership that would only allow you to use the track. Also as a teacher they may give you a discount.

Be back later:)
Hello all! LIS AT done for today. I am also going to hot yoga tonight. I am dropping my older DS to his friend's house and taking my younger DS to the library, plus running some errands. After this week I need to clean up my eating and get serious about it. Too many cookies and chips, lol.

Deb- I am going to go to the Y and check it out this week at some point. The monthly membership is $50 but the family membership is $75 and they have basketball courts and indoor pools. It might be worth it for the family plan. I will look into it.

Belinda- Hope you were able to get an appointment with your doc. How is your foot today?



I did 4DS kickboxing workout. Tomorrow is an easy day, happy about that:)

Belinda - How is your foot?

Kristin - Perfect night for hot yoga it's so cold out:(

Hey guys,

Thanks for asking about my foot. I got an appointment on Friday with my doc. Foot isn't feeling any better, but I really can't sit on my butt all day long either. I am not good in taking it easy.

Debbie - good job iwht the 4DS KB workout.

Kristin - good job on LIS . How was the yoga?

I will be back later.
Hey guys. Hot yoga wa great last night. Today I went to the YMCA and got the family plan. I figured we would try it out and see how we like it. The boys can swim and play basketball, which will be great for the winter and I can run on the indoor track when it is freezing like today!

Belinda- nice job on your workout! Good luck at the doctor tomorrow!

Deb- nice job on your workout. You should be getting the new series soon. I saw they started shipping



Today I did Leg Blast floorwork & leg conditioning drills only. Ugh, wish me luck going to NY to work tomorrow & it will be so cold. I can't imagine how anyone could go see the ball drop this year when they are saying the temps will be record lows!!

Belinda - I can't imagine you taking it easy either, but you should;)

Kristin - It should be fun for the kids to go to the Y during the colder months & you could get your running in. My boys used to play on the Y basketball team.

LIS Yoga Max done. I am going to a party tonight with DH. The boys are sleeping over my dad's house. I cannot believe it is Friday already. Last week the week seemed to crawl, lol. This week flew by! Oh well, at least I am off on Monday, haha.

Deb- I have mixed feelings about joining the Y. Not sure if we will get much use out of it. Worth giving it a shot and seeing if we like it. The weather temps here are making it impossible for me to run outside. I don't want to lose the gains I have made.

Belinda- Hope you had good news at the doctor's today.

BB tomorrow.

Hi everyone,

Saw my doc today. He thinks it's PF (could be a heal spur) Since the cortisone shots 2 years ago didn't do anything, he wanted me to try med/ice my foot and do the stretches I was giving back than. Next week I will see a Orthotic at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

Debbie - you know me too well :) I can't take it easy, lol. I don't get it why people want to see the ball drop at New Year with those temperatures we having lately. My husband wanted to go out for dinner on NY eve. I few years ago we went on our anniversary, by the time we left the restaurant we had a snow storm. I rather sit at home with the heat cranked up :)

Kirstin - I hear you on joining a gym. Can you try before you sign up? Some places give you a free pass.

I did JS Yoga + Strength, really liked that one. Plus, walked 2 miles.

See you tomorrow.

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