Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hey guys. We got the call last night that school was closed again. It is frigid outside. I feel like we are living on the North Pole. The side roads are a sheet of ice. I did not want to risk my life to go for a run at the Y so I did a cardio workout at home. It was an oldie but a goodie, Step Blast, plus abs.

Belinda- that's cool that you get to preview the workouts at your neighbor's house. Thanks for the review. Nice job on your workouts.

Deb- I wish I could plan a trip to a warm tropical island. Alas, I am broke, haha. We have to use our "vacation money" on DS's baseball tournament in Cooperstown, upstate.


Hi ladies,

I got my workouts in early today. Going to a tea party later.

I did LS Walk to the HITS Party Songs + JS WS3 15 TB + Fit Split legs. I thought the FS legs was good, lots of pulses in that one. I am glad I canceled my preorder. If Jen is in future videos, my credit card is safe :D I hope she is better in the other videos...I think, they should put her in the back and put Nicole or Brenda in the front, JMO! I love Jessica Smith workouts but Beth does the same face expressions, WTH? At least she is in the back not in the front. It's very annoying in workout videos, IMO!

Kirstin - it is cool! I am glad I canceled my preorder, lol. I will review the others if I have time next week. Although, I think the rest is very high impact. I probably have to modify the heck out of the rest, lol! We shall see! It is frigid in WV too. I don't want to take the dog outside :) Hopefully we get a break soon.

That's it for me today. Have a great weekend, everyone.
Hey guys. Got my run in today. I ran on the indoor track at the Y. 4.5 miles. Feeling good. They are saying that at the end of the week the weather will warm up a bit. At least 40 degrees by Thursday. That will feel like heaven, lol.

Belinda- I miss the old crew too. My favorite grouping was Brenda, Jai, Lorraine and Cedie. I really liked Amanda as well.

Deb- How is your weekend going?

BB tomorrow. I plan on doing another run, this time treadmill, maybe a tempo run.


Yesterday I did hot yoga & didn't want to leave LOL. Today I took a rest day & considered spending the day under the blankets:). I did run errands & TG it is sunny because that does help.

Belinda - It's great that you can preview the workouts! I think you are right even the dogs don't want to go out in this weather.

Kristin - Your son going to Cooperstown will be a once in a lifetime event so worth it. Wow, 2 snow days already. Our side streets aren't very good either.

Hey guys. Today I did a 60 minute run, 1.5 miles easy warm-up pace, 2.5 miles at 9 min mile pace, .5 miles at recovery pace, 1 mile at 9 min mile pace, and .5 recovery. I ended up doing 6 miles this way. Feeling good about my progress. I cannot wait for the weather to warm up so I can go outside again. I saw two people running outside today. They were not even wearing hats. . . crazy!!!!

Debbie- True. . . it is a once-in-a-lifetime event. I hope he appreciates it. It is very expensive, lol.

Belinda- I wonder why she doesn't have a modifier for the high impact moves at this point. BB always has mods. as well as others. Some people just cannot do the high impact anymore. Personally, I can do the high impact, I don't enjoy it though. Too many high impact moves takes out the fun factor.



Today I found some workouts that used the band for lower body on you-tube and did them. I hear it may warm up after tomorrow (fingers crossed):) So many people in NY without heat.

Belinda - What are you up to today?

Kristin - This is the 1st time I have worn a hat in a long time but couldn't imagine running without one. You will really enjoy your runs when it warms up:) It must be difficult to run with the snow & ice too.

Hi everyone,

This morning I did STS M3 W2 D28 and SBF Restore & Release D1 Seat Work Mat Target + LB Quick Target. I also Did JS WS3 W8 D50 LB. I am almost done with JS WS3.

Debbie - I ended up taking a rest day yesterday. We went to DC and helped our kids with hanging pictures and curtains in their new appt. It was a lot to stress for Brawler. They don't have an elevator, we had to carry him up a lot of stair. I told my kids next them they need to come to us, I will bring Brawler again. It's too much for him.

Kirstin - I have no idea why Cathe doesn't have a modifier in her workouts? It just pushes people away from her workouts, IMO! Of course, we all could modify on our own...we also could just do another workout instead. I really don't enjoy high impact workouts, especially with lots of jumping.

Good job, everyone. BBL!

Today I did Fit Split pull workout, I like the new move using the loop band with dumbbells. I have most of this month off so hope to get a lot done around the house. Tomorrow I have a bunch of errands to run.

Belinda - I always meant to ask you how the tea party was? How do the kids like their new places? You did a lot of workouts today!!!

Kristin - I was wondering if they keep the schools warm enough?

Hi everyone,

Today I did SBF TB circuit plus JS WS3 UB and 3 mile walk.

Debbie - the tea party was amazing. We went there a few time, it's always fun. The kids love their new places, so do we. They have an amazing gym with build ins exercise programs. Pilates/yoga room. Very nice! Glad you like the new workouts. You should read the reviews on VF :) I am glad I canceled :) I don't see anything new? Nothing we haven't seen in her other workouts before.

Kirstin - how many miles did you run today?

I will be back tomorrow. Waiting for my JumpSport, it's out for delivery :)

Today I did Kick, Punch & Crunch haven't done that one in a long time. The weather was so nice today it was a pleasure to do my errands!!!

Belinda - Wow, that would be a dream to have such a cool gym in the building:) It will be interesting to see how you use your JumpSport.

Kristin - It looks like you may have a few good outdoor running days:)

Good morning,

STS M3 W3 D35 + JS WS3 D52 Pilates + Yoga + SBF D3 of the Restore & Release Int-Adv Total Barre all done. I am almost done with JS WS3 rotation.

Debbie - I thought in their old apartment the gym was very nice, but the new one is nice than some of the paying gyms I have seen.

I will be back later.
Hi everyone,

Today I did the 30 min beginner JumpSport dvd (cardio, strength training & core). It was pretty basic. I felt confident enough to tackle fit-split-mixed-impact-cardio-pull-day = 29 min on the JumpSport :) What a different it made on the JumpSport. Mine came with a handle and I am holding on to dear life :D I did had moments when I let go of the handle bar. I am afraid I bounce right out the door with that thing, lol. I also did JS D53 Cardio HiiT and SBF D4 Arm Target with No Planks = 13 min + Arms and Upper Body = 10 min.

Next week I will be done with Jessica Smith WS3 rotation. I will only do STS and SBF.

Debbie and Kirstin - where are you guys?


Sorry I was MIA yesterday, all of a sudden in the middle of the day I had so much pain on the upper right side of my back. I'm not sure how it even happened:confused: I used the heating pad but it didn't help. I took an alleve before bed and woke up fine:)

Today I walked on the treadmill to be safe.

Belinda - I like your new toy. It will be fun and so much better for your joints:) Also a nice way to change things up. We look forward to hearing how you like it!

Kristin - Have you been running outside? Tomorrow is supposed to be nice but a soaker!

Hey guys.

Sorry I have not been able to get on here in a couple of days. My dad's best friend and next door neighbor, a man who has been like an uncle to me, passed away. He had a massive heart attack Sunday night. His wife called my dad to help and my dad said he was blue and foaming at the mouth. His heart had stopped for over 15 minutes before the paramedics could get the heart to beat again, but he never woke up. They took him off life support and he passed. Now, their grandson is the same age as my older DS and their granddaughter is the same age as my younger DS. Both of my boys go to school with them. I think it hit close to home for them because my older guy was asking to sleep over Papa's house this weekend. I think he realizes Papa may not be around forever. My dad is taking it really hard. They were truly the best of friends.

As for me, I ran on Tuesday, but the back of my knee was bothering me. Well, that was stupid. I haven't run since then. It is feeling better today, but I plan on not running for another week just to give it enough rest time.It is still not 100% feeling right. I did do Burn Sets Bis and Tris and Hot yoga. today I plan on doing burn sets for shoulders back and chest.
Kirstin - I am so sorry about your dad's best friend (((HUGS))) It's so sad! I am glad you listen to your body. Rest up!

Debbie - glad your back is feeling better again. Maybe you pinched a nerve? If it comes back, see a doctor. Fell better. So far, I love the trampoline, it takes out the high impact.

I will be back later.
Good morning,

I am done with STS D30 + JS WS3 D55 Cardio Interval Sculpt and SBF D5 Pretzel Target for Upper Glutes = 8 min + Foldover Intermediate Target = 14 min.

That's it for me today. Have a great Friday, everyone.

Today I took hot yoga it was a tough class and so many people showed up so crowded. It is really raining here but TG it is warm so not snow LOL. We are going to grab a bite to eat tonight.

Belinda - I bet you can find a lot of videos on you-tube that use the jumpsport.

Kristin - I'm so sorry about your Dad's loss of his bf:( it must be even harder because he was there for it. You are smart to listen to your body.

Have a great weekend:)
Hey guys. I ended up taking a rest day yesterday. A lot of aggravation revolving around a union/contract issue. The boys ended up sleeping over my dad's house. DH and I went out to a late dinner. Today I did Xtrain, chest, back and shoulders, disc 1 plus core 1.

My leg is feeling better. My friend who runs suggested I got to a specialty running store to get fitted for proper running shoes. I might do that this weekend. If my leg continues to feel better, I may go for a run tomorrow.

Deb- There were some new people at my hot yoga class too. One lady was very annoying and continued to talk and call out the whole time. I am hoping the instructor will "weed them out" like she has done in the past. She went easy Wednesday night because I had told her about my leg and someone else had a leg issue too, another regular. I bet next week she has planking and vinyasa-ing all night long, haha.

Belinda- I am seeing some mixed reviews for the new series as well. Some complaints have been the cue-ing is off and the same moves are used, and so on.


Hey guys,

Today's workouts: SBF D6 Lower Back - Back Body Target + JS WS3 D55 Barre Sculpt.

Debbie - you can find lots of bounce workouts on youtube.

Kirstin - sorry about the aggravation revolving around a union/contract issue. Hope new running shoes will help your feet. Lots of mixed reviews on the new series. Lots of reviews on VF.

Have a great weekend everyone.

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