Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I took a rest day (it was supposed to be tomorrow) but I needed to swap. I didn't have the energy and thought it would be best.

Belinda - I'm sorry to hear Brawler is not feeling well:( The rebounder seems to be working out great for you! I had one many years ago and remember how fun it was until my boy's took it over LOL.

Kristin - You were busy this week, grading must be tough and time consuming. Great job with your run and a beautiful day for it:)

Another run in the books. Today I did 5 miles in 45 mins and 44 seconds. This is my fastest time for 5 miles. Plus I ran a warm up. I feel good. The weather has been awesome the last two days. Of course, I have a pile of papers to grade and the day is moving quickly. I am going to visit my mom later, so not sure when it is all going to get done.

Deb- Good for you for listening to your body. How are you liking the program? Are the workouts different from 21DF and Chisel?

Belinda- The rebounder sounds like a blast!



Today I did 80 Day (6) Cardio Flow. I spent most of the day cooking but did get out in the morning to enjoy the weather.

Belinda - I hope Brawler is ok.

Kristin - 80 Day is similar to 21 DF not Chisel as much but it is different from both as well. I like the way they do one round of exercises and then repeat for a 2nd round. I am interested to see how each week will be different because ex. Day 1 will have the same title as Day 8. I'm guessing some exercises will be different and some the same.

Good morning,

STS M3 W4 D34 + SBF LB is done.

Debbie - Degenerative Myelopathy is a horrible disease :( I just hate watching him like this.

Kirstin - it is a lot of fun!

Have a great day and workout everyone.

Today I went to the gym and did a run/walk & 80 Day Total Cardio Core D8. This week the workouts are very similar but they increased the weights and added a 3rd round. It made the workout much harder.

Belinda - It must be horrible to watch Brawler like that:( Good job with your workout.

Kristin - It felt good to do a run/walk today:)

Good morning,

I did an oldie but goodie this morning. I did Keli Roberts (VHS) The Ultimate Step Workout. This one was one of my first step workouts back in the day's. I have to say" it's still a lot of fun without a lot of high impact". I am going through all my VHS's and see if I am still interested/or like the workouts. That should be fun. A blast from the past :) Yes, I am holding on to this one. I also did SBF UB Core 2 = 30 min. Her core workout is very tough.

Debbie - good job yesterday. It's heartbreaking watching Brawler like this :( It breaks my heart :(

I will be back later for personals.
Hey guys.

Just got done with PHA training from SandS. I am pretty exhausted and backed up with work. It is only Tuesday, :(.

I will be back tomorrow with personals. Tomorrow is hot yoga, thank God!


Today I did 80 day (9) Booty. I like the exercises she uses in the booty workout. Even though it rained it was nice to have warm temperatures:cool:

Belinda - Its nice to find oldies that are goodies:D

Kristin - There are days I wish I could do hot yoga everyday, just too expensive.

Hi everyone,

STS D49 and SBF barre workout is done.

Debbie - good job with D9 Booty yesterday.

Kirstin - nice job with PHA training from SandS.

Happy Hump Day!

Today I did 80 day Cardio Core (D10). I'm not sure if it's the workouts, but I have been very tired.

Belinda - Can Brawler take anything for the pain?

Kristin - I hope you were able to get to hot yoga.

Hallo girls,

I went couch shopping in DC with my DD. We didn't buy a couch but we decided to go to Lidl a German grocery store that is opening in the US everywhere. I am so excited! They open one not to far from my kids house. They have fresh, baked German breads, Broetchen and Krapfen. The Krapfen tasted so good :) I think Aleisa and I spent like almost 2 hours in Lidl. Their prices are amazing! They will blow Aldi out the windows. The store was bright and clean. They have lots of organic fresh meats, cheese and milks. They also have household stuff, fitness stuff. DD and I bought barre pants/yoga. So cheap! In Germany I used to buy a lot of things in Lidl, they always had good quality items.

I did do SBF UB/Core this morning.

Debbie - Brawler isn't in any pain. He can't feel anything. If you have time, here is a link that explains DM:

Good job today, everyone. I will be back tomorrow.
Hey guys. Went to hot yoga last night and it was amazing. I felt so stretched and relaxed at the end. It was cold and windy out today plus my hamstring is a little tight, so I decided to do a weight workout and run tomorrow when it is supposed to be nicer out. I did an oldie tonight, Supersets. Loved every minute of it.

Thank God tomorrow is Friday. I am a bit backed up and feeling tired. I would like to sleep in a bit this weekend.

Belinda- I've never heard of Lidl, but it sounds amazing. They have food and clothing? The best of both worlds. I am glad that with Brawler's condition, at least he isn't in pain. Makes it easier to deal with, I am sure.

Deb- I too wish I could go to hot yoga every night. I love how I feel after the class. Wish I could hold on to the feeling all week long.



Today I did 80 day AAA (Day 11). I also did a 30 min. run/walk at the gym. I had the day off but it went by too quickly:)

Belinda - I hope we get a Lidl close by it sounds like a good store. I checked out the link on Brawler's condition, it is sad but happy he is not in pain. I didn't realize how much work it is for you either, kudos to you.

Kristin - I was surprised how cold it was today too! Supersets is a fun workout:)

Hi everyone,

I just finished my last workout in STS :) Eight month of STS under the belt! At first, I did the 3.5 month STS rotation. Than I decided to do the STS pyramid down :) Than I pyramided STS up again to start Cathe's Bodybuilding rotation. Next week is my recovery week, after that I will do the Gym Styles for a month.

Do STS in its entirety. DONE

Take one week off.

Do Gym Styles for one month!

Do the low impact series for two weeks.

Do Four Day Split for one month.

Do Shock Cardio Series for two weeks

Do STS Meso two and Meso three

Can't wait to go to the finish line :)

Diane Sue - I never heard of Sprouts? I am super excited for Lidl opening in the US :) Good job yesterday.

I also did SBF cardio barre = 30 min.

Debbie - thanks for your kind words! If they open a Lidl near you you have to go.

Kirstin - Lidl is a German grocery store. In Germany I shopped there constantly. My shopping cart was full yesterday, lol. Their prices are amazing.

I will try to be back later.

Today I took a hot yoga class. I did sign up for the road trip, I figure since it is so close. Someday I won't live in NJ.

Belinda - It is an accomplishment how disciplined you are to get such a hard :eek: rotation almost done!!

Kristin - Have a nice weekend:)

Hey guys. Yesterday was TGIF. I was so happy to be done with the week. I brought the quarterly tests home to grade because I had not time to get it done in school with all this other stuff going on. Anyway, my goal for next weekend is to bring no work home. Let's see if I can make that happen, lol.

Yesterday I ran. My friend who does races and marathons told me that with the cold weather, I need to make sure to not start out fast right away but do one or two warm up miles very slow. She said that'll make a difference in my muscle tightness and knees. I followed her advice and felt better yesterday. I did a 1 mile warm up at 11 minutes. Then I ran three miles at a 9:20 pace. Today I did a 1 mile warm up at 11 min pace and then ran 4 miles. My average pace was 8:50. I am increasing my speed. I am feeling very accomplished with that time. Plus it was very windy out there today. Tomorrow if my legs feel up to it, I plan on doing a total body workout.

Belinda- STS for 8 months is quite an accomplishment. Awesome job! I like the rotation you are starting now too. You must be so buff!

Deb- you'll have a blast at the RT, you always do! I saw on Facebook some people who haven't gone since the early RTs are going.


Hey guys,

Today I did SBF D20 Upper Core.

Debbie - have fun at the RT! How many have you been? Have you seen Cookie in one of the RT's?

Kirstin - you are fast! Your speed is amazing. Thanks on STS! I am looking forward mixing different programs.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great weekend, everyone.

Today I took a rest day. The temps were really nice here today it gave our heater a break;)

Belinda - I have to count but I am guessing 10 RT's. No, I don't see Cookie at the RT's but I wish I did. I think you will enjoy mixing the different programs.

Kristin - I agree with Belinda, you are fast! Running the marathon will be such an accomplishment for you. It looks like you are ready.

Hey guys. Thanks for the encouragement! There is a ten mile race out East in March that I signed up for. It will be my first race. The book I finished on marathon running suggests doing shorter races as you train to get used to the jitters and the procedures, etc. I just finished the upper body workout from the low impact series, Trisets Upper Body. My legs needed a rest. Tomorrow will be a leg workout, just not sure which one I will do.

I went to see my mom today. A lot of the residents had colds or are coming down with something. With the flu being widespread this season, it made me worried. I hope they are not all coming with it, God forbid.

I have procrastinated this weekend and did not get a lot accomplished, so I am locking myself in the office and banging out the work I need to get done. We are having roasted chicken, Spanish rice and green beans for dinner.

Belinda- With the rotation you are doing for the next few months, it's a good thing you passed on the new series. Using what you have is going to keep you busy and building for a long time.

Deb- I turned the heat down and it put a smile on my face. We definitely need a new burner and a separate hot water heater. When both zones are on, the water runs cold. It is so hard to take showers, lol, especially in the morning, when I am the first one up. I have to run the water for quite some time, and even then it is barely warm. I skip washing my hair for two or three days at a time. It is horrible. We are hoping to get the new burner before the next winter.


Good evening,

Today I did SBF stretch workout. DH and I took a short walk outside, it was drizzling outside.

I been very busy with Brawler today. He isn't doing so well :(

Kirstine - the flu this year is scary :( I will pray for your mom and all the resistance. I will be busy for the next next few month with my rotation. I have way to many too dvd's to keep my busy for a few years.

Debbie - wow, you been on a lot of Rt's :) I know, you have a blast. I am too busy with Brawler these day's. Can't make long term commitments.

I will be back tomorrow.

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