Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I did 80 Day obsession Day 12 Legs. Sometimes I have been going out of order but just trying to make it work for me. The reviews for 80 day obsession are mixed. I like it but 80 days is a long time.

Belinda - My thoughts are with you and Brawler. I hope he feels better.

Kristin - I just saw on the news how bad the flu is in NY:( I hope your Mom and the residents don't come down with it. The 10 mile race sounds like a great choice, we will be cheering for you:)

Hallo everyone,

I did this morning: RWH Low Impact HiiT 1 plus SBF D22 Interval.

Kirstin - the flu is horrible this year :( I will pray for your mom and residents. You go, girl on that 10 miler.

Debbie - thank you on Brawler. Unfortunately he will not get better unless they find a cure for the disease :(

Have a great Monday, everyone.

Today I did a 30 min. run/walk at the gym and 80 Day Total Body Core 15. I decided to cut back on some of my stores this year that are too far away. It will give me more time to get my house in order:)

Belinda - Enjoy your time with Brawler, you are a special Mom to him. It must feel funny doing other workouts this week:)

Kristin - How is your school doing with the flu this year?

Good morning,

SBF D23 UB plus I did my own bodyweight LB workout (squats, lunges a.s.o).

Debbie - thank you and I will :) Brawler is my fur baby:( I can't wait to start the GS next week. You doing great with 80 Day rotation.

Kirstin - did you get another run in?

Have a great workout and day everyone.
Hey guys. Well, the weathermen said we would see a dusting to an inch of snow last night. We got six inches!!!! My home district was closed, but my work district was opened, so I had to call in sick. It's fine. I am finally caught up with my work.

Yesterday I ran 4.5 miles. I did a slow mile warm up. 3 miles steady and then .5 miles slow. It felt awesome. Today I just finished PHA Training. Tomorrow is hot yoga. DH bought me a foam roller and it is really helping me with my legs. They feel good. My knees hurt a bit if I sit too long and then get up, but nothing like the last two weeks. Between the new sneakers and the foam roller I think I am back in business.

Belinda- my dad visited my mom yesterday and said she sounded better, so hopefully it was just a cold.

Deb- a lot of absences this month. Everyone is coming down with strep, the flu or the stomach bug. I feel as if I should be wearing a hospital mask in school.



Today I did 80 day Booty Day 16. The Booty & leg workouts are my favorite in this series. We were supposed to get snow but it was only flurries:)

Belinda - Gym Styles is one of my favorite series! How does your other dog react to Brawler's illness?

Kristin - I was watching the news & surprised to see you had so much snow:) Hopefully you have lots of sanitizer.

Good morning,

SBF LB barre is done.

Debbie - I don't remember the last time I did the GS's? Looking forward to next week. My other dogs reacts to Brawler a lot nicer. He used to bite him. He is also 13 years old. Maybe it's that age? Good job keeping up with the BB rotation.

Kirstin - glad to hear your mom is doing better. Hearing about the flu this year, is scary. Alesia went to the doc yesterday, she has the flu. She is under quarantine. She watched a friends 4 kids, all 4 kids were sick last week. Thank goodness, she doesn't have a fever.

That's it for me today.

Today I did 80 day Cardio Core D17. I have a sore throat, hopefully it isn't anything.

Belinda - I was just reading about the flu, it is scary:( I hope Alesia feels better. I miss barre workouts in this series.

Kristin - I hope you had fun at hot yoga!

Hot yoga last night was amazing. Did I tell you guys that for Valentine's Day, well on February 11th, they have a partner yoga workshop. I signed myself and DH up for it. It should be fun. . . and by fun I mean funny, lol.

Deb- It's probably just a cold. I was reading flu symptoms come on suddenly. . . first signs are fatigue and aches and chills.

Belinda- Oh no! I hope DD feels better soon.


Hi everyone,

I did Cheryl Burke Disco Abs I will survive cardio = 30 min. Had a blast! I love dance workouts, lol. I also did SBF Old School Arms = 20 min.

Debbie - thanks about Alesia. I hope she feels better soon too. Good job yesterday.

Kirstin - thanks about Aleisa. I can't help her, since I have to be careful not to get the flu with my sinus. I didn't get the flu shot this year. I should get it once my sinus infection is gone (at least that what I think I have).

That's it for me today. BBL!
Hey guys. I got a run in today. I did 1 mile slow warm up and 3 miles steady, then 1 mile cool down. My time was a little slow today, but it was windy and cold out. At least I got it done, right. My leg is feeling tight again behind the knee. I plan on stretching it out and using the foam roller today.

Belinda- I never got the flu shot this year, nor did the boys. I'm regretting it. A nurse in the hospital told my friend they expect the hospital to run out of beds in another week or two. The flu has not peaked in NY yet. I have a lot of students absent this week.

I will be back later.
Kirstin - I regret not getting the flu shot at Fort Dietrich clinic 2 weeks ago, when I saw my doc for my foot. I hope the worst if over :( This is bad this year. Very scary! I forgot to mention, Alesia signed up for a 10K in a few weeks. Good job, on your 5 miler.

I did 80 day obsession AAA Day 18 & I did a run/walk at the gym for 30 min. I actually feel better, lately whenever I feel something coming on I sip bone broth. I didn't get the flu shot either. A doctor on the news said it's only 17% effective but the difference is you recover quicker & less likely to die from it. I'm not sure if I get the reasoning behind that.

Belinda - Your workouts sound like fun, you could have used a disco ball today:)

Kristin - We will want to hear all about your partner yoga night! I see more and more men doing yoga & they are good:)

Good morning,

SBF D26 Upper Glutes = 26 min. I also did Cosmopolitan Step Workout = 29 min. This one is an old VHS tape, lol. Remember those? I am glad I kept it, it was a lot of fun. I am going through all my VHS's next few month.

Debbie - it was a dance workout. So much fun!I should get a disco ball :) They music was amazing. This is the dvd I did yesterday

This is the VHS I did today. This one was one of my first step workouts. It was filmed outside.

A few day's ago, I canceled KCM new workouts from Amazon. I have more than enough workouts. I still have workouts I bought in 6-8 years, never done them. I need to use what I have. Plus, it's fun going through old workouts.

That's it for me today. Have great Friday. Nice job everyone.

Today I took a hot yoga class. It felt really good on this really cold day:) My favorite yoga teacher is leaving this studio & going to be a manager at another. The new one is my favorite studio anyway.

Belinda - I checked it out, didn't realize Cheryl Burke made so many dvds. It must be fun looking thru the old vhs. It's funny I was down my basement the other day and spotted a bunch of children's vhs tapes. I really should get rid of them:)

Kristin - At hot yoga today it was about 50/50 guys & girls;)

Hi everyone,

Caribbean Workout = 20 min + SBF Core = 20 min is done. That core workout was a touch :(

That's it for me today. Have a great evening.

Today I scheduled my rest day. I wanted to do the foam roller workout but for some reason the 80 day obsession workouts weren't working. The other workouts were working.

Belinda - I've been trying to do more core work too:) How is Alesia feeling?

Kristin - I hope you don't have too much grading to do this weekend.

Hey guys. I just finished my Sunday run, 4.5 miles. Even though it is overcast outside with clouds, it wasn't too cold out and it felt good to be outside. Now I am getting my lessons done and then visiting my mom before I head to my dad's for the Super Bowl. I really wish they would make the Monday after the Super Bowl a holiday, lol.

Anyway, not much else to report. Just hanging on. Had a lot of deadlines last week that made things stressful, but managed to get it done.

Deb- At my class we have one regular male and then every now and then one or two others. The partner yoga should be fun. I am dying to see how DH does with it, lol.

Belinda- I used to have Firm VHS tapes, with the fanny lifter, lol. I got rid of them a long time ago though. I also had Gilead vhs tapes too.



Today I took a hot yoga class, an instructor I like was subbing so I decided to take her class. I also did 80 day Legs Day 19. We stayed home & watched the Superbowl with our boy's. I bought a lot of cheat food but tomorrow will eat clean:)

Belinda - What are you up to?

Kristin - It snowed a little by us but I did see runners out today:) Does your DH know any of the yoga poses? Your Dad must have been happy you went over for the Super Bowl.


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