Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

For the next 4 weeks I will play around the Gym Style. DH and I just finished GS Chest & Triceps s. I also did Core Cuts #1 (standing core) with Kimberly Spreen... I will do SBF TB later, my arms are about to fall off, lol

Do STS in its entirety. DONE

Take one week off. DONE

Do Gym Styles for one month! Starting!

Do the low impact series for two weeks.

Do Four Day Split for one month.

Do Shock Cardio Series for two weeks

Do STS Meso two and Meso three

Can't wait to see the finish line :)

Have a great Monday and workout everyone.
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Today I did 80 day Total Body Core Day 21. This is the last week of Phase 1. I'm looking forward to doing Phase 2 for a change. The exercises are the same in Phase 1 with just a different rep pattern & weight changes.

Belinda - Your plan looks good:) I forgot that you end on STS. I did a partial version of your rotation and liked it.

Kristin - It was a really good Super Bowl!

Good morning,

Gym Styles legs + SBF UB/core is done.

Debbie - you doing great with BB 80 Day. Yes, I will end with M2 and M3. I am already planning my next rotation, lol

Kirstin - how are you doing?

I will be back later.

Today I did 80 day Booty Day 22. I'm hoping it doesn't snow too much here tomorrow. I have a bunch of errands I need to do.

Belinda - It must feel good to do the Gym Styles!!

Belinda - How is your leg doing?


Today I did 80 day Cardio Core 23. We had about 3 inches of snow but it was a messy day:( I saw this woman pulling her 2 grandchildren on sleighs in the snow/sleet on a busy road with no sidewalks. I just couldn't believe it.

Waves hi to Belinda & Kristin

Good morning,

I thought I checked in yesterday, but can't see my post? Anyway, I did IMAX3 + SBF D31 Barre 11 + 20 min stretching from Yoga Merge.

Debbie - good job keeping up with your rotation. You are doing amazing!

Kirstin - where are you?

I will be back later.

Today I did 80 day AAA Day 24. I'm getting my haircut tomorrow, I didn't realize it's been over 8 months:)

Belinda - I haven't done IMAX in years it must have been fun. I always remember IMAX 3 being the hardest;)

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Low Max and SBF barre workout is done.

Debbie - I think the last time I have done IMAX3 was last year or the year before? I need to check. I am trying to work through my collection and use what I already have. Good job yesterday.

Good job and have a great weekend, everyone!

Yesterday I took a hot yoga class. Today was 80 day Legs Day 25. Tomorrow I pack for Florida, we leave on Monday and our 1st stop to go see my Dad.

Belinda - Low Max is a fun workout:)

Kristin - What are you up to this weekend?

Hi everyone,

Today was SBF Active stretch, which was tough.

Debbie - how long will you be in FL? Have fun and bring some sunshine.

Where is Kirstin?

Hope you all having a relaxing Sunday. See you all in the morning.

Today I took a rest day. I packed and it was a stressful day. My SIL's dog killed her cat, it was very, very sad:( I'm looking forward to going to see my Dad and a couple of other people but plan to workout. We will be gone for 2 weeks.

Belinda - I needed an active stretch today;) I'll be looking for sunshine and send sunny vibes your way.

Kristin - I hope all is well.

Hey guys. I have not worked out in a week. Yesterday DH and I did go to partner yoga though. Between the boys having strep throat (thank God not the flu), my knee bothering me and craziness at work. I decided to take the full week off and restart this week. My knee really needed to rest. I plan on still running the 10 mile race at the end of March, but I have to train smarter. I am going to decrease my miles and slowly increase them as the weeks lead up to the race. I am also going to clean up my eating and get serious.

This weekend we made the office upstairs into my younger DS's bedroom. The boys had been sharing a room. We turned the den downstairs, a room we hardly use, into the office. Lots of painting and moving furniture around, so it was very much like a workout, lol.

I am sorry that I was not able to check in. I was frustrated with not being able to workout. I also ate a lot of bad food (fast food). This week is a little crazy as well, but mid-winter break is next week, so I see a light at the end of the tunnel.

I plan on doing strength training tonight and then going for a run tomorrow.


Good morning,

GS CT + SBF Barre Fire is done.

Kirstin - thank goodness, it's not the flue. Sorry, your knee is still bordering you. You think it's from running? Glad you listen to your body and took a rest week. The partner yoga sounds interesting. How did you husband like it?

Debbie - safe travels and have fun in FL!

I will try to check in later. BBL!
Hey guys. I am back. Today I eased back into working out. . . with Dirty 30 Extreme from 21DFE. My shoulders are on fire right now. It felt good to sweat, lol. Tomorrow I plan on going for a run. I am thinking 30-40 minutes tops to ease my way back, and not really focusing on pace.

Belinda- My left knee was bothering me. First, it felt like a muscle pull in the back, like a tendon or the IT band, but then it became a knee pain. I want to run that race, so I figured if I rest now, I can still run it. If I kept going, I might not be able to. It still hurts a little now and then when I go down the stairs, but much better than before. Tonight, when I was doing those curtsy half moon lunges, it hurt for the first few reps, but the pain went away. Almost like it was aching but the movement fixed it, lol. Like I said, tomorrow's run will be an easy-go-for-a-run-without-worrying-about-the pace-run. Wish me luck, lol. You continue to kill your workouts, high fives. IMAX 3 is always fun, even if it kills me while I am doing it. I love the music on that one.

Deb- I read some of your posts. Your SIL's dog killed her cat, how tragic. That is awful. I cannot imagine. I see you are in Florida today. Good for you. I hear the weather there is great, in the 80s. Enjoy. Do you plan on continuing the 80DO while you are there?

As I drove home today from a union meeting, it dawned on me, the sun was just setting and it was passed 5:00. . . spring is coming!


Hi everyone,

I did KM w/leg drills + SBF UB w/bands today.

Kirstin - glad you listen to your body and ease back into working out. Better safe than sorry!

I need to get some work done. BBL! Good job, everyone.

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