Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Today we went for a long walk & I did 80 day D30 Legs. I forgot sliders and paper plates just aren't working so just modifying.

Belinda - Good luck with Brawlers appt. today:).

Kristin - I usually get the funnel cake but it just didn't look good. I hear you were having 70 degree weather, it must feel like Spring break not Winter Break:)

Good morning,

Thanks everyone about Brawler. His appointment went well. He did really well. The catheter is coming out in 5-7 day's. Keeping him still is another problem. He also had really bad rup marks from this K9 cart. The vet put Brawler on complete bed rest for the next few day's. I ordered the front support for Brawlers K9 cart, it should be here on Friday. That should help!

Not sure, how I am going get GS's in? I guess, I have to wait until DH comes home from work or get up really early in the morning?

I will be back later.
Hey guys. I just finished Push/Pull from the Body Blast series. Later I will go to hot yoga. Feeling good. Just need to find the motivation to clean my house. Not finding it yet, lol.

Last night my next door neighbor's dog died. She was also a boxer like Baxter. Two nights ago she jumped off the bed and hit her head on the dresser. She started convulsing. They took her to the vet. Seemed to get better, brought her home. . . she was crying/howling in her sleep. They took her to the vet again and she died. So sad. She was only 7 years old. Both my boys were upset by the news.

Belinda- poor Brawler. . . bed rest for a dog is tough. My dog is crazy energetic. when he had pneumonia, he had to rest and not go outside and he was a lunatic. I couldn't keep him calm, lol. He was also still a puppy at the time though.

Deb- Yesterday turned out to be beautiful. I even drove with my sunroof open. Today is warm, but foggy out. Maybe the sun will show itself though. It is still early.


Hi everyone,

I just finished GS's Chest & Triceps while DH watched Brawler. I can't move him around by myself, I need help lifting him up. DH and I lifting Brawler up in a doubled up bed sheet. That is the only way I get him from the couch back on his dog bed on the floor. Yes, he still wants to lay on the couch next to me, lol. He was barking like crazy last night. I couldn't take it anymore, once he was next to me he was quit :)

Kirstin - I am so sorry about your neighbor's dog :( That is so sad. This is horrible! My prayers for your neighbors.
Thanks about Brawler. He isn't happy laying around all day long. Poor thing! Tomorrow we probably need to take him back to vet . He isn't urinating a lot. Which isn't good :( The vet thinks he may have an infection and the tube needs to come out :( Good job with your workouts today.

That's it for me today.

Today I took a walk & did 80 day AAA D31. So much in the news about the school shooting in FL, the surviving students are taking a hard stance & demonstrating at the capital of FL. I pray changes will be made.

Belinda - It must be so hard to keep Brawler resting but kudos on getting your workouts in:)

Kristin - Its so sad about your neighbor's dog, it must be so hard for them. Push/Pull is a fun workout!

Good morning,

What a night! We ended up taking Brawler to the emergency vet last night. His tube from the catheter came out, probably from us moving him from one side to the other? Who knows? The other vet thinks the tube was to short :( He insert a longer one, and took the stitches out..he put tape on the tube instead. Since Brawler didn't pee a lot into the bag, the vet expressed him. Poor Brawler..

Hey guys. Got a run in this morning. The weather changed so quickly. It went from 70 degrees to damp and cold. It was drizzling to, but I got it done. I did a one mile slow warm up and then I did a speed workout. I use this app called Runkeeper. It is pretty cool. It lets you select music playlists from your phone and then it gives up updates on stats as you run (speed, time, miles). It also has pre-set workouts. The speed workout I did was called surges. 2 minutes steady pace than 30 second sprints, 8 times. The workout went fast and even though I ran 30 minutes, I burned 448 calories. Feeling good. I also went to hot yoga last night. Tomorrow might be a complete rest day, or an easy upper body workout, thinking ICE.

Belinda- I am so sorry for everything you are going through with Brawler. Poor pup. Hopefully he is feeling better today.

Deb- Those Florida kids are an inspiration. I watched the CNN town hall last night. They were articulate, passionate and strong. I hope we see a change. As a teacher, I can tell you I do NOT want a gun. First of all, they won't buy me my pens and pencils, nor do they supply me with classroom decor that I use. I spend at least $1000 a year on supplies and decorations. Who is buying me a gun? Who is paying for my training? I do not want to live in country where we have to arm teachers. That is not the America I know and love. This school shooting feels different because these brave young students are speaking out. I am proud of them all.


Hi everyone,

I did my workout a while ago, just getting around to post. I did SBF D46 Old School Arms = 20 min + Tracie Long Longevity Series Step Forward. Why did I waited to so long to do this workout? I had a blast!

Kirstin- I hope Brawler is getting a break. He needs one. His new front wheels are coming tomorrow. He is sleeping right now, which is good. The meds seem to work. It's very cold here too :( I used to use something similar like Run Keeper. Sounds like an awesome app. I should share it with Alesia, she is training for a 10 miler too.

Debbie - good job getting your workouts in. You are doing amazing. It's so sad about the Fl shooting :( it breaks my heart everything I see a pic of the victims on the news. So senseless. I also pray changes will be made.

I will be back tomorrow. Good night.

Today we took a long walk & I did 80 day D33 Booty. I'm skipping some of the 80 day cardio days & sticking with more of the strength workouts.

Belinda - Aww, poor Brawler sorry you have to go through this. It's funny how you are finding some real gems in your workout collection:)

Kristin - I was very impressed with the Fl kids speaking out. It is also great to get your perspective on it. I can't see any good come from teachers carrying guns:(. You are finding some great apps for running:)

Hi everyone,

I did get my workout in this morning, while Brawler was sleeping. Those meds knock him out. I did LM BS 68 with my neighbor today. She came over and we worked out in my living room. I also did SBF LB today.

Debbie - thanks about Brawler. I had that dvd for years. Nice job on your booty workout.

Have a great evening.

Today we took a long walk & I did 80 day Total Body Core D35. We went out with our friends from Canada and had a lot of fun. We talked a lot about the differences between US & Canada it was very interesting.

Belinda - It's good that you were able to get your workout in when Brawler slept:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Hey guys. I am up early because I am going for a run with a friend from work and her group. This will be my first group run, I hope I can keep up. They do not listen to music as they run, lol. They are planning on doing nine miles. I am going for 6-7 and then returning home. Yesterday was a rest day. I got a haircut and color. I changed the style. I cut it shorter and did a bob cut. It looks cute. I hope I can get it to look as nice after I wash it for the first time, lol.


Hey guys. Back from my run. Ended up doing 7 miles because the trail was 3.5. It was HILLY. This is the first time I ran up and down some real no-nonsense hills. My quads are burning. The pace was a little slower than I usually do, but the hills made up for it, so I was glad they were not going faster.

While the weather is still nice, I am going to go for a bike ride with the boys and my dad. Then I have to buckle down and get some work done.

Belinda- glad the meds are working for Brawler and he is able to rest up. Nice job on your workout. High fives to you and your neighbor.

Deb- How are you liking the 80DO program? Do you think the weight work is advanced or more beginner/intermediate?


Hi guys,

GS legs and SBF UB is done.

Kirstin - nice job on your run today.

Debbie - I am glad too Brawler slept through my workouts :) He eats and sleeps, lol. Nicely done yesterday.

That's it for me today. Have a great weekend, everyone. Its raining outside.

Today we went for a long walk & did 80 day Legs D 36. Our trip is winding down, I can't believe how FL is so crowded. The weather is breaking all kinds of above normal records , so I think lots of people are visiting.

Belinda - I always feel like sleep heals, I guess even in dogs;). Does your neighbor have as many dvds as you?

Kristin - It sounds like you had a good group run:). I like the weight training workouts, not the cardio as much for 80 day. The weight workouts are interesting she changes it up each week with different rep patterns, amount of sets, & increases in weights.

Hey guys. Today was a strength training day. I did not want to do a lot of squatting and lunges after yesterday's run, so I did To the Mat Legs from Ice, plus upper body split premix from Muscle Endurance. The workout was a little under 90 minutes and I feel like I worked every single muscle in my body. Today is the last day of the break and it is pouring all day. I feel like even though we didn't go anywhere, I had a good vacation. I got in a lot of runs, taught my younger guy how to ride his bike, spent a lot of time outside. . . it was good. Looks like the weather will be good this week too. . . I cannot wait to enjoy an outdoor run tomorrow with lighter clothing.

Deb- There is a Cathlete on facebook, that runs marathons and she said she was doing 80 DO for cross-training purposes. If I remember correctly, she was only doing the weight workouts too. I'm curious, why don't you like the cardio all that much?

Belinda- I agree with Deb, sleep heals us sometimes. I am thinking of paying someone to paint my bedroom because the ceilings are very high and I am afraid to do it myself with DH. I thought about how much $$ some quotes were when you were looking for a painter. I am hoping I can find someone reasonable around here.


Hi everyone,

I did Jazzercise:Burlesque. Another fun and sweet workout I waited to long to try. Why didn't I pull that one out sooner? I was afraid, I couldn't follow the moves. Very fun workout.

Debbie and Kistin you are probably right about Brawler sleeping. I am glad when the vet pull the catheter out tomorrow. His new wheels came Friday too.

Debbie - my neighbor doesn't have as many workout dvd's as I do, but she has a lot of different subscriptions like Cathe Live, LM...I forgot the others. I let her borrow some of my workout dvd's.

Kirstin - good luck with the painter. We couldn't find anyone someone reasonable around here. We ended up painting ourself. Saved us 13 thousand dollars, that's how much the painter quoted us for a 4000 square foot house. The ceiling was harder to paint than the walls. The ceiling was eating up some paint. I think my husband had to do the hall way/entry way 3 times. My husband painted all the ceilings, we also have high ceilings. We rented scaffolding, which helped with the high ceilings.

That's it for me today.

Today we took a long walk. We found a really good pizza place that cooks in a brick oven plus really good salads & gelato:) Most of the customers spoke Italian, a good sign.

Belinda - I'm sure Brawler will be more comfortable tomorrow. Your workout today sounded like fun:cool:

Kristin - It looks like you had a nice vacation:cool: For cardio I prefer treadmill, cycling or kickboxing. 80 day does a group of 3 exercises repeats it 3x & moves to the next group so I have a dread factor if there is an exercise I don't like in the group. If I skip exercises it doesn't feel like much of a workout. I'm sure other people would love it because some of the exercises are unique & fun.

Hey guys,

I did GS BSB earlier today. Just getting around to post. I must have pulled a muscle in my knee, no barre workout (TB) for me today. Tomorrow is UB, I should be able to do it.

Brawlers catheter is out. It only took a few seconds. The doc wants him still on the antibiotics. DH put the front wheel on his K9 cart :( It's good for Brawler but not for me :( I am having a hard time getting him in/out the cart. With the full support cart (we added the front support) its harder for me to get in down the stairs and outside. We probably have to get a ramp for the stairs to help him and us to get in and out. I been online chatting with the K9 cart customer support to find a better solution. With the K9 rear support Brawler had a secure strap around this back. With the added front support he got a belly support and legs support but the strap that secures him in the cart is useless, it doesn't fit anymore. Of course, the front support kid didn't come with instructions. We having lots of fun. It's like putting a Erector Set together, lol.

Debbie - thanks about Brawler. All went well today. A nice long walk sounds lovely.

Hi Kirstin - hope you had a great workout today.

I will be back tomorrow. I am tired.

Today took a long walk & did 80 day AAA D37. Have been doing some cleaning & laundry before we leave on Wednesday.

Belinda - I'm sure it is exhausting finding a solution for Brawler:(. Judos on getting your workout in:)

Kristin - I hope your 1st day back went smoothly.


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