Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I did 80 day D47 Total Body Core. I did a lot of shovelmax (so exhausting) for our neighbors who snow bird in Florida for 3 months.

We went to see my Mom today for her birthday.

Belinda - I read about DM it is so sad, sorry that Brawler and your family have to go through this:( I saw that they don't know what the cause of the disease is.

Kristin - I'm sure you are having a busy week.

Good morning,

Low Impact UB + SBF LB is done.

Debbie - thank you for your kind words! DM is a horrible disease :( There isn't a cure for DM nor do they know why they get it. My vet said yesterday we have done 150 times more for Brawler than most people are willing to do. I am not ready to put Brawler down anytime soon unless he starting to get breathing problems (which is also linked with DM), I am not letting him suffer. I know the time we have is limited :( Very sad!

That's it for me today. Have a great Friday, everyone.
Hey guys. It has been a crazy week. After running 9 miles with my friend's group, my knees were really hurting me. I made a doctor's appoint and they took x-rays. The results did not show that anything was wrong as far as fractures or calcium deposits or anything like that. . . I haven't had the follow up appointment yet, but I am beginning to think it is inflammation. I have been reading up about it and I am going to go to GNC and see if there are any supplements I can take instead of taking aspirin or medication. Wish me luck!

The doctor's office is the same one my mom used to work at, although she was in pediatrics, everyone knew her. The doctor realized I was Nilda's daughter and we started talking. . . I was crying. . . I cried even more when I got on the scale. . . I have gained too much weight. I knew my pants were tight, but Jesus, I didn't realize how much I had gained. I had my period, so we can take 2-3 pounds away because of bloat, still, depressing. Then she asked me how often I have alcohol. She told me I was a chronic drinker. . . the worst part is I lied!!!! I had said 2-3 glasses of wine a week. . . it is more like a glass or two every other day. She wants me to cut down. . . I thought telling her I was a middle school teacher would sway her. . . it didn't. :(. If it is inflammation, alcohol would make it worse, so I guess I should cut down anyway.

Oh and my power went out during the storm. . . what a crazy storm it was. First they said we were getting a blizzard, then 2-4 inches, then just rain, then we ended up with 8 inches!!!! I lost power for 24 hours. And it is not over yet, we will be possibly getting hit with another storm next week.

Anyway, I have not run all week since Sunday, resting my knees. I have been icing them and praying that I can run this race in two weeks. Today I did Athletic Training. It was the perfect mix of cardio and weights for today.

Belinda- I am so sorry to hear about Brawler's condition worsening. (((HUGS))))) It is sad. You will know when the time has come. When I was 14 I got a cat, Duke. I had him for 15 years. He was my first "baby." I had to put him down and it was so hard to do, but I couldn't watch him suffer anymore. The day I put him down, I swear he looked at me with this look as if asking to go. It was devastating, but I know I did the right thing for him. The fact that your vet will come to your house is comforting, I am sure. We had it done in the animal hospital and I was a mess. Keeping him in the comfort of your home and with the people who love him the most. . . that is what we all want when it is our time, isn't it?

Deb- We got clobbered with the snow the evening of the storm. Driving home from work was horrible. Could not see past the first car in front of me. People were getting stuck left and right and power lines, live power lines were down. It was crazy!


Hi everyone,

Just came home from the Urgent Care clinic . My knee is killing me, I am at a point were walking was got so painful I can't take it anymore. I can't walk up/or down stairs. They took X-rays, I have a Knee sprain. They rapped my knee in a elastic wrap for support. That means for the next few weeks no cardio, or lower body workouts. No overstitching of my knee. I have to ice/or heat on my knee. If the pain doesn't stop I need to see orthopedic. At least now I know what's wrong with my knee :( I will be a good girl and follow the doctors advice on resting and staying off my feet. I been in pain for over 3 weeks. I hope with lots of rest I will be up and running again soon. I decided to continue with Cathe's Bodybuilding rotation, only do the UB workouts, sitting. Once my knee feels better will go back and do where I left off and try to finish UB/LB? I am kinda bumped today is leg day and I love working my legs. I already have an appointment scheduled for my PF/heal spur at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. I am pushing it off for month because of Brawler.

I really don't know what I am going to do with myself, lol? This will be tough for me sitting so much :( I can't sit still for too long.....

Kirstin - glad you saw a doc for your knee. Let me know if you find something that works. I hate taking meds. I wanted to cry too today when I went on the scale at the clinic, lol. Maybe it's the heavy lifting? I have to watch my diet closer for the next few weeks. Sorry your power went out. You are right, I know when it's time for Brawler :( He will let me know.

Have a great day everyone.
I did a quick workout today. ICE Low Impact one, plus icy core 2.

Plan on trying a run tomorrow. Today I went to GNC and bought a supplement for joints, after doing some research last night.



Today I did 80 day D48 Legs. My knee was bothering me too:( I also am not happy with the number on the scale. Tomorrow I will do meal planning. I've been craving bad carbs and given in way too many times:(

Belinda - It will be hard for you to rest but in the long run it will be worth it. The good thing is you can do upper body:) Feel better and take it easy.

Kristin - I wouldn't think that is too much to drink. Most Dr's don't really suggest nutrition to help heal so it is nice to see a Dr. do that. I still think you and Belinda are very good at listening to your bodies so that is good. For some reason I thought your Mom was a school teacher. I felt bad for anyone that had to drive in the storm:( it was a bad one.

Today I did a slow five mile run. My right knee still hurts on the side. Wondering if it is the knee at all, because the x-rays showed that nothing is wrong. It is the outerside of the knee. Anyway, I still did the five miles, just slow. I went with my friend. We ran in a town on the North Shore. It was beautiful. Right by the water. . . gorgeous.

Looking like we might have another snow storm on Tuesday. If we do, I hope school is canceled.

Belinda- I am so sorry to hear about your knee and the rest you will have to take. At least you can still do upper body workouts. When you say a few weeks, are you talking 2-3 weeks or longer?

Deb- my mom was a receptionist for a pediatric office. She worked there for almost 20 years when she got sick. A lot of people she worked with still work there. This lady at the desk. . . I never met her before.


Hi everyone,

I recently bought BARLATES BODY BLITZ Fit in 5, I am am glad I did :) She had a buy one get one free sale last week. I did the UB = 36. I did the entire workout sitting and used a band. Perfect when you have injuries or go on vacation. My UB was burning. She used very unique exercises with the band and it burned :) My UB will be smoking hot this summer, lol. I also looked through Cathe's UB workouts, I can do S&H, Pyramid UB, Lift with HiiT UB, UB from CTX, Strong & Sweaty UB, 4DS UB....and I can do any Linda UB workouts. I will see what ab workouts I can do without using my knee too much. Maybe sitting ab workouts?

Kirstin - the doc thinks it will take a few weeks anywhere from 3 to 12 weeks to heal with lots of rest. I will listen to the doc..I don't want to make it worst or need surgery. Sorry about your mom :( Be careful with your knee.

Debbie - you are right! Better safe than sorry :) I will listen to the doc. My son said, I will have some Popeye arms, lol.

Have a great one.

Today I took a rest day. I had one more workout left from last week but will just do it tomorrow:) I did do some shovel max, DH helped it seems to be endless. We need to move the snow around when it is melting.

Belinda - You will have Popeye arms :). It looks like you have a good plan in place. There are even some UB premixes on some of Cathe's total body workouts.

Kristin - Running by the water this time of year must be amazing! What about a knee brace (soft one)? I see people running with them.

Hi everyone,

Today I had AB scheduled, since it has a lot of LB I couldn't do it. I I did ICE Chiseled UB sitting down, worked out perfectly :) I skipped those bear crawls (or whatever they are called, lol) I did oblique crunches instead. I also did a few shorter 10-15 min UB workouts from YT. My UB is fried! I also did a Standing Ab workout ( I was sitting in a chair). I also can do lots of ab workouts with a DB/kettlebell sitting. My UB is fried.

I already have a cardio workout (sitting in a chair) picked out for tomorrow or I do Gilad's Lords of the abs tomorrow. I have to review this one and make sure I can do it? If no, I will figure something else out.

Debbie - I feel like my arms are falling off, lol :) Thanks for the recommendation on Cathe's premixes. I will check them out. What you still have snow?

That's it for me today. I will be back tomorrow.
Hey guys. Getting reading for another Nor'easter storm here on the island. This time I think we are going to have a real snow day from school. My boys are banking on it. Tonight's workout was ICE Chiseled UB.

Belinda- I see we did the same workout today. It is funny because I was thinking of you as I did it tonight and thought it would be a good UB workout for you. Not all that much to modify.

Deb- I bought some athletic tape and some topical solution too. My left knee is feeling much better. The right knee, it is really the lower side of it feels a little bit better, not as much improvement as my left.



Today I did 80 day AAA D49. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we don't get too much snow tomorrow. I'm home anyway need to get taxes done.

Belinda - You are taking UB workouts to the max! Kudos on working around your injury.

Kristin - I hope most of the snow goes your way, so your boys can have a snow day;)

Snow day today. My district waited a long time before deciding to call it in. I was pissed waiting for the call. I told my husband, I don't know I am bothering to stay up and wait, I am not going either way. Luckily, I did not have to use a sick day. It looked like a blizzard during the morning. We lost power again, but only for a few hours. It is on now, obviously. I just did my workout in case we lost power again. I did Lean Legs and Abs. tomorrow will be hot yoga. I am going to use the rest of the afternoon wisely and write out my lesson plans for the next couple of weeks.

Deb- The boys and I got our snow day. The funny part is, my boys' district already used all their snow days, so now they lost a day off Memorial Day weekend. . . but I still have mine, haha! I will have a true day off :).

Belinda- are you resting your arms today? I imagine you have major DOMS in your upper body and abs today.


Hi everyone,

I did Lord of the Abs Core Challenge and a short UB from YT with the pilates ring (that one burned).

Kirstin - we both did the same workout yesterday :) Good job yesterday and today with Meaner Legs and abs. No I didn't rest my arms today. I am super sore, lol. Sorry the district waited a long time before deciding to call it in. I would be pissed too. Wow, you guys getting hit with a lot of snow. Keep it!

Debbie - I sure do! My UB is fried. Like doing shorter workouts, hit's the muscle in different way's. Plus, it's a nice change working out with YT.Nice job on D49. You are almost done.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a good one.

Today I went to the gym and did a stair/elliptical machine. It was a good snow storm only a couple of inches and done by the AM:)

Belinda - It's good that you can do abs too! I always need a good excuse to do them;)

Kristin - I agree a day off with the house to yourself is worth it!! When the boys were young, the night before a snow storm I would be up early waiting for the call which could come anywhere between 5AM - 7AM. It was rare we would know the night before.

ood morning,

Ramped Up upper body is done. I have to get ready for my doc appointment.

Debbie - I can do abs as long as there isn't a lot of leg lifts/twisting my knees. I can do standing abs sitting. Now it's a good time to work on time. Summer is just around the corner. Good job yesterday.

Happy Hump Day, everyone.
Just came back from my doctor. He checked out my knee. He wants me to get an MRI on my knee, he didn't like the cracking noises in my knee. He still wants me to stay off my feet until he knows what's going on. He thinks maybe a tear since my knee is locking out too. My knee is also swollen up. Who knows what's going on? I hope this clears up real soon. I am already getting bored sitting on my butt all day long. My upper body is getting a really good workout, lol. I also got the flu shot today.

Today I took a rest day. I didn't sleep good last night, sore throat & coughing. Some caffcine helped during the day but now I ready to crash LOL.

Belinda - It's good that the Dr. is running test and trying to get to the bottom of your knee problems. I wonder if he really knows how much you really workout:)

Kristin - I hope you enjoyed hot yoga!

Hey girls,

Today I did a biceps/triceps burnout, it was short and sweet. I also did weightless arms.

Debbie - my doctor is really good. I am also glad he is running tests and wants to get to bottom of this. Doc has no idea how much I workout. Hope you got a good night sleep. Not getting much lately with Brawler either. He wants to move from one dog bed to the other than on the couch. Silly dog! I need my sleep!

Have a great day everyone.

Today I walked on the treadmill. I'm still not feeling well, starting to lose my voice. Some people may think that's a good thing (DH) LOL!!

Belinda - I think the Doc would be shocked to hear how much you workout;) Even Brawler is having trouble sleeping but not good for you.

Waves hi to Kristin


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