Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hey guys. Three more days until Easter break. Hopefully, the weather will continue to warm up. I'd love to go back to work to spring weather!!!!

My legs, especially my quads are very sore. What seems to help relieve the soreness is doing a bit of mixed cardio with weights, so I did ICE bootcamp, and I did some of the Amanda mods for the higher impact moves. It seems to have worked. My quads are not as sore. Tomorrow I plan on doing a 30 minute recovery run.

Belinda- Thanks again. Has Cathe mentioned anything else about another ICE serries? I haven't seen her post anything. I saw your comments on another thread. I agree with everything 100%.

Deb- Hope you were feeling better today!


Hi everyone,

SBF Upper Body Core Circuit is done.

Debbie - how are you feeling today? Any better?

Kirstine - any plans for Easter? Keep stretching/foam rolling your quads. Maybe stay off your feet a little, you just ran 10 miles :) Here is the link: Like I said..I will wait until I see clips. I hope she picks better music too. Fit Spits had techno music :( My ears were bleeding, lol.

That's it for me today. Have a great day.

I forgot to check in yesterdayo_O Each day I am feeling better:) Today I went to the gym and did the elliptical.

Belinda - You are doing great with your upper body workouts!

Kristin - Some school districts in NJ are taking days away from Spring Break & going to school until June 30th. Ugh, that is not good. The boys must have liked seeing you race:)

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Hey guys. I didn't have time to check in last night, but I got in a 35 minute recovery run. I did not pay attention to my pace, kept it easy and slow. Ended up running 3.5 miles.

Tonight is hot yoga. We are off from school on Friday for Good Friday, which means I have two days to go. I can do this, lol.

Deb- fortunately, my school district only took the allotted snow days, so we do not have to make up days. My sons' school, however do need to make up days, lol. April 6th they have school and I don't. . . and I love it!!!! I have the Pink concert April 5th, so I will have the day to relax, haha.

Belinda- I am hoping for better music too. I personally like the soundalike songs. Something with lyrics is always nice.


Hey guys

I did SBF upper body today.

Debbie - my upper body is so sore, lol. I am working those arms. Glad you feeling better.

Kirstin - enjoy your concert and your day off. We shall see...about the music?

Great job, everyone.

Today I did 80 day AAA D57. It was a dreary day, hoping for some sign of Spring. The good thing is the snow is melting:)

Belinda - I could imagine how sore your upper body is :)

Kristin - The concert and day alone sounds great!!

Hey guys. Last night I went to hot yoga. Today after school I went for a 45 minute run. I was happy with my miles because I was going an easy steady pace, but still covered 4.74 miles.

I am on vacation until April 9th!!!!

Deb- I cannot wait for the Pink concert. She is one of my favorites. I love when Cathe puts her songs in the workouts.

Belinda- I wonder who she will have in the new series.



Today I did 80 day Cardio Flow D58. It was a long day looking forward to the weekend:)

Belinda - Have you been back to the Dr. for your knee?

Kristin - That sounds like a nice vacation! Good job with your run:) I'm looking forward to hot yoga tomorrow.

Hey guys. I am enjoying the time off, lol. Not waking up at 5 in the morning is such a wonderful feeling. My running friend asked me to go for a long run tomorrow, at 5:30 am. I passed, lol. Anyway, I just finished Chiseled UB and I added some quad exercises with the ankle weights.

Deb- Have fun with hot yoga. I have been going there for over a year now and I love it. I really feel it when I miss a week because of my schedule.

Belinda- how is your knee feeling these days? Is the rest paying off?



It was great to do hot yoga today, even though I wanted to do savasana 1/2 way through the class;) I bought some chocolate for Easter today but didn't touch it yet!

Belinda - What are your plans for Easter?

Kristin - I can see why you wouldn't want to run tomorrow at 5:30AM:) Today the temps were better so hopefully for the rest of your vacation!

Hey guys,

I forgot to check in yesterday. I did SBF core with the ball. That one was tough. Today I went to DC and got my hair done and spent time with my kids. Had a great day.

Debbie - I have an appointment for the MRI is for April 11. I hope it will workout on its one by them, lol I have no plans for Easter and you?

Kirstin - the rest helps but as soon as I am on my feet a lot my knee starts bordering me.

Tomorrow I will have to play catch up on my workouts. Good night, everyone.

Today I took a rest day. I did food shopping and cooked most of the day. My Mom and brother are coming for Easter. When I was at the food store dropped a 15lb frozen turkey on my thigh (to catch it from falling) ouch it still hurts:( I guess better that than my foot.

Belinda - It sounds like you had a nice day:) It's good that they will do another MRI so you can tell if your knee is healing.

Kristin - Are you hiding the Easter eggs;)

Happy Easter, everyone!

I never posted my workouts yesterday :( I finally caught up on them, lol. Today I did 4DS Biceps and Triceps.

Debbie - I always have fun in DC. Such a fun city. Have fun with your mom and brother today. Sorry about your tight. I am sure it hurts.

Kirstin - what are you up too?

I will be back tomorrow.

Happy Easter!

Today I took another rest day. It was a long day & so much to do. I burned my hand on the oven:( I'm falling apart LOL. More snow tomorrow for us:(

Belinda - Good job with 4ds bi's & tri's:)

Kristin - Enjoy your vacation!

Hey guys.

The last two days I went on runs. Saturday I did a 60 minute run, and covered 6.24 miles. Yesterday I did a 40 minute run and covered a little over four miles. Both runs were done at a slow pace. This week, I plan on incorporating a speed workout and picking up the pace a bit.

For Easter we took my dad and the boys to a fancy restaurant for dinner. The food was amazing. I had a steak with garlic mashed potatoes and sauteed spinach. For dessert I shared a flourless chocolate cake with my son. My dad thoroughly enjoyed the food. Afterwards, my dad and I wnt to see my mom. I was still full hours later, lol. I have had way too much Easter candy too.

Deb- we woke up to snow here too! When will it end? I hope your hand feels better soon. It stinks to get a burn.

Belinda- I haven't been to D.C. in years. I'd love to take the boys for a weekend and do all the sight-seeing with them. So much history to see!


Legs and Glutes done for today. The sun is out now melting the snow. Hopefully, it does not snow again until next Christmas!
Hi everyone,

Today I did a short walk and SBF UB on the stability ball.

Kirstin - I like going to fancy restaurants too. Your food sounds so yummy. How is your mom doing? Great job on your runs and leg workout today.

Debbie - Oh no! Hope your hands heals quickly. I have those clumsy day too :( Be careful!

That's it for today. I will be back tomorrow.
Good afternoon,

4DS High Intensity Chest & Back is done. I also did SBF LB adv. barre.

Debbie - hope all is well. You haven't checked in a view day's.

Kirstin - what are you up too today?

Good job, everyone.
Hey guys. I ended up going for a run in the morning (God, I love not having to work this week). I did a speed workout. 15 minute warmup slow run, then 1 min fast/1 min slow 8X plus a 5 minute cooldown. After doing some cleaning, I did a second workout, upper body. . . I did the Muscle Endurance upper body split premix. Other than that, I had a bit of a lazy day.

I need to start planning for the month for school. I also need to finish up some grading, but I have no motivation to do it right now. Tomorrow is supposed to be another rainy day, so we shall see.

Belinda- I love how you stay dedicated to your workouts, even with the knee injury. Very inspiring! My cousin is in DC. I saw he posted pics of the sites today.

Deb- hope you are feeling well.



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