Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


I took a rest day today. I woke up feeling sick. I slept most of the day and ready to go back to sleep again;) I'm hoping I will feel better tomorrow.

Have a great weekend!

Good morning,

Yesterday I did a chair workout mostly seated abs. Not sure if I get a workout in today, my kids showed up yesterday.

Debbie - hope you got lots of rest yesterday.

I will be back tomorrow.

Today I took another rest day, still didn't feel well but did get a lot of rest. I think tomorrow will be much better and hope to get a workout in:)

Belinda - Good job with your workouts! Have fun with your kids:)

Kristin - How was your weekend? Can you believe it may snow again this week:(

Good morning,

4DS Triceps & Biceps is done.

Debbie - I hope you feel better today. Take it easy, ok!

Kirstin - where are you?

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in today. Have a great day and workout,everyone.
Hey guys. I am sorry I haven't been able to log on. My cousins from Florida have been visiting with us and it has been a crazy couple of days. The weekend we did so much running around, it felt like a long week, lol. Yesterday we were in the city all day. We did not get home until 11, and I obviously had work today. Tonight I almost skipped my workout, but decided to just do it, which was Xtrain Supercuts. I am spent now.

My left knee feels so much better taking the supplements. My right knee. . . I don't think it is the knee because it is on the side, is getting better, I think too. I plan on going for a short run tomorrow to see how it feels.

I am exhausted. I will be back tomorrow for personals. I just want to get out of these sweaty clothes, drink some water and go to bed.

BB tomorrow.


Today I did 80 day D51 AAA, the start of Phase 3. I didn't do the best job but I did the best I could do.

Belinda - 4DS has some good upper body workouts:)

Kristin - It sounds like you had fun with your family:) I'm sure it was tiring & crazy.

Hey guys,

forgot to check in this morning. I did SBF upper body + core today.

Debbie good job with D51. Love 4DS!

Kirstin - glad you had fun with your family.

Did you guys see Cathe is filming ICE2.

Good job, everyone!

Today I did 80 Day Cardio Flow D52. We are in the isolated spot that may get over 12 inches of snow:( I am counting the days till we go back to Florida in April.

Belinda - I missed seeing Cathe is filming ICE 2. I'll have to check fb & the forum. Is the swelling going down on your knee?

Kristin - I'm assuming you have snow day tomorrow if NY schools are closed:)

Hi Diane Sue and Doreen,

Ended up taking a rest day today.

Debbie - Cathe is asking for input :) I will wait for clips before I say I am in.

I will be back tomorrow.

Today I went to the gym (before the snow) and did the elliptical. The snow really didn't get bad until after 2PM. I hope tomorrow won't be bad.

Belinda - I think it's great that Cathe is looking for input. I started looking at the post.

Kristin - How was the snow by you?

Hey guys,

4DS Chest and back is done.

Debbie - lol, or she is running out of ideas :) I agree, it' a good thing she is taking. Although I don't know how she is going to beat the original ICE :) That one was perfect, IMO! I hope she has better music and new moves. I am a little tired of the same old thing.

Have a great evening.

Today I did 80 day Legs D53. I want to go to hot yoga tomorrow but just can't shake this cold/cough:( In the future, I am going to start taking air-bourne all winter:)

Belinda - I still can't imagine how Cathe comes up with a new Live everyweek. Kristin really liked ICE too.

Good morning,

4DS Back & Biceps plus SBF UB workout is done.

Debbie - you are almost to the finish line :) Fantastic job keeping up with 80 Day's. Hope you feel better soon. The weather isn't helping either. We got slammed with lots of snow :)

That's it for me today.
Hey guys. What a crazy week here on LI. My cousin's flight was canceled due to the storm. He ended up leaving the city early to come stay with us. My DH had to go away for work, so I welcomed the company. I had a full house between myself and my two boys, and then my cousin, his wife, their two beautiful boys and their niece/nanny. They came Tuesday night at 1 in the morning because they saw a Broadway show and he was afraid to wait until morning to come because the storm was supposed to hit. My boys had an early dismissal, so I used that as an excuse to stay home with them and my cousins. Thursday we ended up with a snow day. We have 15 freakin' inches here!!!!! I took my cousin's family sledding. It was the first time his older boy and his wife had ever seen snow. They had a blast. They left last night.

I have not been getting in my workouts. I have my race tomorrow. my left knee feels 100% better. Right side still hurts when I run, but wearing the tape helps, so I plan on taping it up tomorrow and seeing what happens.

I am sorry I have not been checking in. It has been a very crazy, yet happy and enjoyable week. I enjoy my cousin's family so much. I hate that they live so far away. When they left both my boys were crying.

Belinda- I saw that Cathe was looking for input and then said she is putting together ICE 2. I loved ICE. Hoping it is something I will want to purchase. I too will wait for clips before I decide. I would like better music too. I would always be in for a shorter version of STS too. How is everything with Brawler?

Deb- I am soooo sick of the snow, but it was fun to be off with my cousin. We lost a vacation day because of the snow day. It was worth it to have extra time with my family. Congrats on your progress with 80 DO. I am sooooo interested in doing this series. I may bite the bullet and order the BOD.

I will fill you guys in on how I do on the run tomorrow. Not expecting to have a good pace with my leg, but plan on finishing!!!!



Still not feeling better, but reminds me to be thankful when I do. I did a little walking on the treadmill to give my body the rest it needs. My friends are coming from Long Island tomorrow to visit so want to have fun.

Belinda- Spring must be around the corner:). How is your upper body handling the workouts? How is your knee feeling?

Kristin- Sounds like you were busy but in a fun way! It's always nice to have family see/enjoy snow when it is rare for them. It makes you appreciate it LOL.

Good Luck with your race tomorrow, we will be cheering for you!!!

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Good morning,

Yesterday I did 4DS calves/shoulder and abs. Modified the calves a lot.

Debbie - how are you feeling? Any better?

Kirstin - congratulations on you 10 miler :) That's amazing!

I will be back later.
Hey guys! I did it. I ran the 10 mile race. The KT athletic tape worked very well. I barely felt any pain. Speaking with a few people, I think it is my IT band. I am going to do more foam rolling, stretching, and continue to use the tape in the future. The race was awesome. We ran two miles on pavement, then did a 5k loop on a wooded trail by the water twice, and then 2 miles back on pavement. There were water stations and people cheering us on. It was a lot of fun. I was able to maintain a 9 minute mile for the first 3-4 miles and then started slowing down. I finished at 1:37:13 and was 8 out of 18 in my division (female 40-44 years old). If I had been able to train more consistently (backed off the last two weeks), I bet I could have done better. Still, I was happy that I was able to run the whole race and came in at a good time. After the race, there was an after party. DH and my boys were at the finish line. I cried a little bit out of happiness. I could not believe I did it. Then we went to the after party for my free beer and food, lol. Spent the rest of the day resting and watching movies. I plan on walking Baxter for a long walk to maybe ease the muscles a bit and a lot of stretching. I also have a ton of grading to do and hope to finish it today.

Belinda- thank you. I felt amazing at the end.

Deb- I hope you are feeling better and were able to enjoy your friends' visit.



Finally today I felt a little better but still not 100%. I did 80 day obsession Booty D56. I had a lot of fun with my friends but crashed when I came home:)

Belinda - I can't remember the calf workout in 4DS but modifying was a good idea. I hope Brawler is doing ok.

Kristin - Congratulations you did great!! The feeling of crossing the finish line must have been amazing:)

Hi everyone,

Today I started week 2 of the 4DS. Chest & Biceps is done.

Debbie - shoulder, calves and core is on the 4DS Lower Intensity dvd. I modify almost everything, lol. Glad you had fun with your friends. Hope you feel 100% soon.

Kirstin - I remember when I ran my first 10 miler how good I felt. You did an amazing job, girl!

Good job, everyone.

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