Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Kristin - nice mix of workouts today. Noting wrong taking it easy on your day's off. Alesia has her 10 miler on Sunday. She is so nerves.

I put 80 day on hold until I go to Florida on Thursday. I have done the treadmill & lots of running around. I feel like my sore throat is coming back, just feel so run down:( I guess it could be the weather.

Belinda - Great job with your UB workouts. Does your knee bother you when you do barre work?

Kristin - The weather is all over the place on your vacation! I saw an article about meditating running, it was interesting you concentrate on your breathing, clear you mind & listen to music that doesn't have words.

Good morning,

Supermodel Series Abs and Arms DVD with Andrea Orbeck is done. I had that dvd since it came out, why did I waited that long? I really liked it and worked up a good sweat. I also have her Supermodel Series Butt & Thights dvd. Need to pull that one out soon too. I also did SBF UB + ab workout.

Debbie - sounds like you need some time off working out and relax. Safe travels on Thursday. I have to modify when I do barre workouts/or lower body workouts.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in today.

I took a rest day today, we are leaving tomorrow for vacation. I plan to continue/finish up 80 day while I am in Florida. My younger ds is coming with us for a few days it is what he wanted for his birthday.

Belinda - I'm almost positive I have the Supermodel Butt & Thigh dvd but haven't done it eithero_O I will have to try it when I come back. Good luck to your ds with her race this weekend!

Kristin - Enjoy the rest of your vacation:) I passed a town baseball field and saw them clearing the snow off, can't imagine how these kids will play must be so muddy.

Hi laides,

Workouts are done. I did SBF low impact cardio and 4DS LIS/ shoulder, calves and core.

Have a great Friday, everyone.

It was a long day, after delays we are in Florida. It's Spring like here which is nice. I'm ready for sleep now:)

Belinda - Great job with your workouts!

Waves hi to Kristin

Hey guys. Wednesday night I went to hot yoga and I soooo needed it. Felt amazing at the end of it. Yesterday I did a long run of 8 miles. I was happy with my run because it was windy and I was getting my period, and I still powered through and finished it in a good time.

Last night I went to the P!nk concert in NYC. OMG! She was a AMAZING! I've seen Lady Gaga, Madonna, Justin Timberlake. . . P!nk was the best concert hands down. Her voice was just as good live as it is on the CDs. She sang, danced, dangled in the air on ropes. . . she was just awesome. I am so glad I am off today because I did not get home until 2 am and I exhausted, lol. Thinking today will be my rest day. They are saying we are going to get snow tomorrow. I don't want to believe it. . . I plan on doing a recovery run tomorrow morning. Nice, slow, 30 minutes. Today I am getting my hair colored and then just doing some planning for work. I might even take a nap.

Deb- I'm a little jealous that you are in Florida and we are getting more snow. The weather this week has been cold, even when the sun was out. Yesterday I was cold during my run until I warmed up. The second I finished my run and cooled down, I was freezing and couldn't wait to get in the car. Enjoy the warm, sunny weather in Florida!

Belinda- Tell Alesia I said good luck! Has she done a race this of this length before? I know I was so proud of myself for going the distance when I ran the 10 miles a few weeks ago. Are you going to her race?


Hi everyone,

Got an MRI done this morning. Just finished 4 DS BC/Bic and Tricpes plus SBF workout.

Kirstin - glad you had fun at the concert. Both my kids love going to concerts. Alesia is going to Catchalla next week. Thanks...I will tell Aleisa. Alesia done a few 5K before, but never a 10K. She doesn't like running, lol. She only signed up because of her friends, lol. I think she will do fine. No, I am not going to the race. I can't leave Brawler alone for a few hours. Have fun getting your hair done. I hope we are not getting anymore snow :( I had enough!

Debbie - I'll bet you are excused from all that traveling. I would be too. Enjoy your time in FL. I am a little jealous.

Have a great Friday everyone.
Hey guys. Got a little of 4 miles done today with a group of running friends I have found. I also did Total Body Giant Sets, upper body premix. That was a sweet little premix for a quick upper body add on.

I cannot believe my vacation is almost over. Time flies when you are hanging out with your kids, lol. My younger DS and I counted down the weeks until the last day of school. 11. I can do this!

Belinda- Looks like the snow missed us here on Long Island and I am very happy about that.

Deb- Hope you are enjoying your time in Florida.


Hey girls,

did a walk with DH today.

Kristin - no snow here! It got very cold here. Good job on your run today.

Debbie - hope you relaxing and enjoying your time in Fl.

Good night, everyone.

We are taking long walks & yesterday I did 80 day D 59 Legs & some upper body work. Before we left NJ, I saw signs of daffodils coming up, so hopefully Spring will be here soon.

Belinda - I hope everything went ok with your MRI.. Good luck to Alesia with her race.

Kristin - The Pink concert sounded amazing. It was nice you had the day after off!

Hey everyone. Just finished my workout for the day. I did Pyramid Lower Body, but the pyramid up premix, a little shorter. Now I am going to shower and see my mom. Later DS has a double-header. Back to work tomorrow.

Deb- Glad you are enjoying Florida and I hope you are right. . . I hope the weather warms up soon.

Belinda- It is warmer here than I expected. How was your knee with your walk?


Hallo everyone,

Alesia finished her 10 miler. I am so proud of her. We tracked her race through an live app. That was cool!

Kirstin - so far my knee feel fine. I am happy.

Today I will do a nice stretch. See you all in the morning.

Today took a long walk & 80 day D60 Total Body Core. My son goes home tomorrow.

Belinda - Wow, that must have been so cool to use the Live app!

Kristin - The start of baseball is a good sign too:). The pyramids are a good workout.

Good afternoon,

Yesterday I did SBF Lower barre workout.

DH and I dropped off some donations at the Salvation Army this morning. We filled up my entire car. It feels good to get rid off stuff we no longer use/need. I will drop off some books/dvd's at our public library this week.

Not sure what I will do today?

Debbie - the app was cool. I called Aleisa when she ran through the finish line to congratulate her :) Good job on the long walk and 80Day.

Kirstin - what are you up too?


Today took a long walk & 80 day D62 Booty. It's supposed to rain tomorrow so might run errands for repairs needed on the condo.

Belinda - I need to get back to cleaning out when we get back, it does feel good:). What workout did you decide?

Kristin - How was your 1st day back?

Hey guys. Yesterday was a hectic day, but I got my run in. I did a combination of slow miles, plus speedwork. 2 miles slow, then 30 seconds fast, 1 minute slow, 1 minute fast, 1:30 slow. !:30 fast, 2 min slow. Then repeated down 1:30 fast, 2 slow, 1 fast, 1:30 slow, 30 seconds fast, then 1 mile slow. I covered 4.6 miles in 44 seconds.

Just trying to catch up on some work this a.m. before heading out the door. I will bbl with personals.

Hi everyone,

SBF barre cardio + Zumba step + walk is done.

Debbie - I fells so good to get this stuff out the house. Why did we buy so much? Yesterday I did a walk and SBF.

Kirstin - did you catch up on some of your work this

Have a great day everyone.

I didn't get walk in downpours all day. I did 80 day D63 AAA. Too much eating when the weather isn't good LOL.

Belinda- I look around my home and think too much wasted time and money on stuff!

Kristen - Nice run!


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