Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

MMA KB plus SBF Gentle Quick HiiT (10 min)+ UB stretch (14 min) is done.

Debbie - until I see Orthopedic I will not drive myself crazy. I am not worried. I been through worst. I will go on with my day as usually. It may be nothing or with rest it will go away soon ? Hopefully I don't need surgery? Now, I have to wait and see. I will never use that MRI place in town again.

That's it for me today. I am in decluttering moods these day's. Need to keep going before I ran out of steam.

Today I took a long walk & did shoulder workout. It is so scary what happened on the Southeast flight:(

Belinda - Your right best to wait till you see Orthopedic doctor before worrying about what will be. Kudos on being in decluttering mode.

Kristin - When is your next race?

Hey guys. Thought I checked in on Wednesday, but I don't see my post. Maybe I didn't get to it, but thought I did :confused:. Tuesday was a rest day. Wednesday I did a speed workout run: 1mile slow then 400m fast 400m slow x 6, then 1 mile steady. This totaled 5 miles. I plan on running 5-6 miles today after school. Last night I did Lean Legs and Abs. Feeling good. Happy it's Friday. I am backed up with grading.

This weekend we have another baseball tournament. I am hoping it is warm and sunny.

Belinda- Sorry to hear this about your knee. Hopefully, it is nothing to worry about. I also want to do a clean up of my house and get rid of things we don't use. I just don't have the time right now. Maybe when summer comes.

Deb- I am running a half marathon on May 6th. I am getting more and more nervous about it, lol. The most I have run is 10 miles. I am supposed to run 12 with my running friend on Sunday.


Hey guys,

I did Cardio Core Circuit plus SBF this morning.

Debbie - I am so happy my husband is on board with my decluttering. I have a freezer in the garage we never use, we decided to donate it to Habitat for Humanity. I also want to go through some things in the basement tomorrow. By next year I want to by down by half what we own. I sure don't want to move with all that stuff anymore. I read an interesting article the other day....that we only use 20% what we own. I do know I have a lot of stuff I no longer use/or will never use. I wished I knew someone in town that is in need of stuff. I would give it away in a hard beat, lol. You know what? I don't miss anything I been donating/or giving away lately :) I am so glad it's out of the house. I only buy things I need anymore. Meaning I only buy food and that's it :) I need to use what I already have.

Kirstin - nice workouts this week. Have fun at the baseball tournaments. Thanks about my knee. I hope its nothing and with PT it will go away soon.

Have a great day!
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Today I took a long walk. Tomorrow I will pack & clean and we will start driving early Sunday morning.

Belinda - I’m going to start beginning of May to declutter. I just put too much thought in everything I pick up to throw out. I think once I change my mind set it will be so much easier. I find with clothes I only wear 20% of what I own so not sure why I keep buying anymore o_O

Kristin - You will do fine with the 1/2 marathon plus it will be a great experience:)


We left Florida this morning stopping in NC tonight to sleep and be home Monday evening. I need to exercise too much sitting:)

Belinda - Sorry about your problem getting on the site. Good job with your kickboxing workout!

Kristin - I hope you are having nice running & baseball weather this weekend :)


Today was a long day. I tried to walk every time we stopped. I ended up cleaning when, we arrived home so tomorrow will start up my workouts again:)

It was so nice to see signs of Spring and trees blooming from Georgia to about Maryland. I guess at least our grass is turning green, maybe the trees next week:)

Belinda - I'm guessing they didn't fix your problem, hopefully soon, we miss you:(

Kristin - Waves hi:)
Hey guys,

I am back! Got logged out on Friday and couldn't log into the forum to safe my life. Customer service had to manually reset my password :) Cathe customer service is the best :)

I have lots to catch up on, BBL!
Workout is done: I did Cathe's Circuit Blast + SBF Cardio+Arms.

Debbie - I missed you too :) Have a great workout.

Kirstin - where are you?

Have a great day and workout, everyone. BTW, I still kept up with all my workouts.

Today I did 80 day D69 AAA. I was tired all day, I didn't even do any driving yesterday. I guess just sitting makes you lazy LOL. It's nice to come back to Spring weather.

Belinda - So happy you are back, Cathe customer service is great! Kudos on keeping up with your workouts:)

Kristin - How was your weekend?

Good morning,

Step Moves + SBF barre workout is done.

Debbie - thanks :) I am glad I am back. You are almost done with 80Day's. Are you doing the eating plan too? I am doing the 21 Day Fix eating plan.

Kirstin - where are you? We miss you

Happy Hump Day, everyone.
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Today I did 80 day D71 Legs. I'm not sure what I will do after 80 day but it will be Cathe. I will make my own Cathe Live rotation, I wonder if any exist?

Belinda - I'm not doing an eating plan but I plan to do one. I should take out my containers. Do you still use the containers? I've been being careful with food intake this week but need to have a plan in place. Seeing you doing barre workouts makes me want to pull one out this weekend:)

Kristin - Does your son have baseball during the week?

Hey guys. Things are so hectic right now, I am sorry I have not been checking in. Between DS's baseball (both middle school team and travel), work, my parents and everything else, I have not been getting online to check in. I wish there was a Cathe app for the forum and workout manager that made it easier to check in.

I have been keeping up with my running though. Sunday I ran 10 miles. I had my phone on do not disturb, which is what I always do when I run. Well, at the end of it when I turned the do not disturb off, my phone was blowing up. My dad had been trying to get in touch with me because my mom fell. So is okay, but very stressful day. Monday was a rest day. Tuesday I ran for 45 minutes. Last night was hot yoga. Today DS has a baseball game. I also have a dept. meeting after school. . . Tomorrow it is supposed to rain, so I might try to get an easy run in today. Not sure.

Belinda- I am glad you were able to fix the problem with the website and get back on here. How is your knee?

Deb- Impressive how you have stuck with the 80 DO program even with going away and everything. My eating has not been the greatest. I am so hungry after a long run, lol.


Good morning,

Today I will do MMA Fusion and SBF barre workout.

Debbie - I started doing the 21 DF container on Sunday.I almost joined Weight Watchers. I am following the WW on FB for a few weeks, I didn't like the sound of it. Plus, they use/eat lots off artificial stuff. I am not about to put unhealthy stuff in my diet. What I like about the 21 DF container is, you get healthy foods and they don't have to be boring. So far, so good. There a tons of 21 Day Fix recipes out there. I made a Mac & cheese (diary free/gluten free) it was so good. Even my husband liked it. Instated of noodles I used cauliflower. So yummy! I haven't hit all my protein containers yet. I need to up it. If you do the 80 day, she has a eating plan. My friend next door is following the eating plan, I took a peak and like the food plan. I may do it once I am done and have a handle on eating clean again.

Kirstin - I am sorry you are going though so much (((HUGS)) and have so much going on right now. Hope your mom is ok. How is she doing? WOW, on all your runs. You doing amazing! It's probably a good stress relieve too. Here is the Cathe app hopefully it will work for you. I should install it too.

I will be back later.

Today I did bi's & tri's just a bunch of my favorite exercises. I'm looking forward to the weekend. My SIL has a new black boxer puppy hoping to meet her this weekend.

Belinda - I have been making a lot of recipes with cauliflower rice but the mac and cheese sounds really good! I agree I don't like eating plans that use artificial stuff. I always had a lot of problems getting enough protein too:)

Kristin - Sorry you are going through so much, I bet the running and hot yoga help. 80 day made me very hungry.

Hi everyone,

My DD is here to visit :) We managed to do SBF UB. That's it!

Debbie - the Mac & Cheese was really good. I will copy and sent you the recipe this weekend. It's gluten and dairy free.

Have a great Friday, everyone.
Hey guys. Thursday and Friday I did not work out. Thursday I felt nauseous all day and thought I was coming down with a stomach bug. Friday I was just too tired and spent. This morning I woke up early to meet a group of runner friends. We did 10 miles together. It was a tough run for me. I think because I had pizza and beer last night, lol. Anyway, the run was hard, but I got through it. Now I am taking a break from cleaning. My goal is to get the downstairs done. Then tomorrow, maybe my DH will help me clean the rest because he is off tomorrow. DS also has a doubleheader starting at 4 tomorrow.

Belinda- Nice job on your workouts. Have fun with DD.

Deb- running all these miles makes me starved!!! I feel like I just cannot eat enough.

Hi everyone,

I did Circuit Burn premix #2 scrambled eggs.

Debbie - did you meet the puppy? Hope you having a lot of fun this weekend.

Kirstin - good job on that 10 mile run. Alesia was here only for one night. She will be here on my birthday next weekend.

Have a great Saturday.

Today I did 80 day D72 Total Body Core. It was a beautiful day, went to see the new puppy, so cute:)

Belinda - Have fun with DD! It's nice that you two workout together:)

Kristin - I meant to say the other day that I'm sorry about your Mom's fall but happy she's ok. You have a busy weekend but it's nice that you were able to get a long run in today:)


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