Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hey guys.

I didn't get a chance to check in again yesterday. I ended up doing an easy run of 5 miles yesterday in 48 minutes. I wasn't sure if I would run or weight train, but the sun finally came out and I wanted to take advantage of it.

Belinda- that is so cool that you could track DD's race on an app. Do you remember the name of it? My DH is interested in using it when I run the half marathon if it is available for the race. I think we are going to be doing some spring cleaning/purging soon too.

Deb- Now that you are in the 3rd phase of the program, how are you liking it? Do you feel it lives up to its promise?


Hi everyone,

I did Tracie Metabolic Strength # 4 Tracie Long Fitness - The Studio Series - Full Steam Ahead + 4DS Chest & Back. I also did Joyful Movement Cardio with Natalie Spadaccino.

Kirstin - you made me laugh :) Only 5 miles, lol. Fantastic job on your run. The app was posted on the actually race website. I couldn't download it on my phone but DH was able too.

Debbie - I read today since BB started streaming they lost a lot of $$. I will try to post the link:

Have a great evening.

Today I took a long walk and did shoulder work. It was cool at the beach but a sunny day.

Belinda - Thanks for the article, I will read it tomorrow it looks interesting! Good job with your workouts:)

Kristin - I do like 80 day it's a little bit too long and could get boring because of that. I feel like it has made me stronger, I see some definition but would have liked more. I guess a cleaner diet could have helped. I've been meaning to look up reviews to see what others thought.

Hey guys. Yesterday I had a union meeting, so I could not go to yoga. Instead, I did one of the hammer workouts from Chisel and Hammer, Max Hammer Strength. I added the Hammer abs segment too. It was a good workout. My legs were worked from head to toe and my back and chest too. Today I plan on going for a run after work, 4-5 miles. It is supposed to finally be nice out :).

Deb- 80 days does seem long, especially when she is known for 21 day fix, lol. That is about 4X the 21 day fix. It is hard to eat clean every day too, especially when you have Easter and vacations and everyday life. Now that baseball season has started, I know I am going to be eating big pretzels at DS's game when I am starving, lol.

Belinda- okay thanks, good to know. I'll check the race website to see if they post anything like that. Only five miles. When I think about the longer distances, 5 miles seems easy, haha.


Hi everyone,

Had computer problems this morning. I couldn't log into anything. It's all fixed. Thank goodness.

Today I did a 4DS KB/legs & core. Two more workouts than I am doing with the 4DS's. I also did SBF HiiT circuit workout.

Kirstin - it was the Cherry blossom 10 mile run in DC. This is the app we used to track her run.

Debbie - nice job on your walk and shoulder work. If you have time it's worst to read the article.

I am tired from fixing my computer. I will be back tomorrow.
Hey guys. Yesterday ended up being a rest day. Today I went for a run after work, 3.5 miles. It felt great to have the warm sun out and shining. It energized my run. Tomorrow I am doing a long run with a few running friends. We are aiming for 11 miles. Wish me luck!

Belinda- Nice job on your workouts! How is your knee handling the KB? That run seemed cool. I saw pics of it on facebook. Another Cathlete ran it too.

Waving hello to Deb!


10 mile long run done for today! It is gorgeous outside! I'm about to jump in the shower and get ready to go to DS's baseball tournament! I am even going to wear just a tee-shirt! YES!

Hi everyone

I did my workouts easier today, just getting around to post. I donated 3 huge boxes full of books to the library this morning.
SBF TB barre + 4DS LIS Shoulders/calves is done. Skipped the ab section, not a big fan of this one. I will do another one tomorrow.

Debbie - I hope all is well.

Kirstin - nice job on your 10 mile run this morning.

Have a great evening.

Sorry I've been MIA, we have been hanging out with friends from Michigan. We have been walking everyday, I did bis & tris & a booty band you-tube workout.

Belinda - The article was very interesting, surprised by how much money some coaches make. It's a shame they don't charge less for their protein powder & dvds so it's more affordable. I can't believe your almost done with 4ds:)

Kristin - I heard the weather is beautiful this weekend! Must be nice to have runny weather:). I hope you had fun at the baseball tournament.

Hey guys. What a difference today with the weather. Gray clouds, cold, bleh. Yesterday's beautiful weather was a tease, lol. DS's team is doing well in the tournament and is now in the semi-finals. I have to shower and get down there. I just finished Pyramid Upper Body, pyramid up premix. I felt it in my arms, especially shoulders and biceps.

Deb- We are having fun at the tournament. The team has a lot of new players, only 6 of the original team, and we were worried they might not do as well, but they are gel-ing very well together.

Belinda- nice job on your workouts. That is great that you donated all those books to the library. I have a ton of children's books that I try to give away all the time. Maybe I will look into donating to the library.


Hi everyone,

My workout for today: 4DS BC/KC premix #5 (weights first than BC). Needed to switch things up a bit. It was my last workout for the 4DS :) Next week I will play around with the Shock Cardio Series. After that I will do STS M2 and 3 again. I can't wait to get to the finish line.

Do STS in its entirety DONE
Take one week off DONE
Do Gym Styles for one month DONE
Do the low impact series for two weeks DONE
Do Four Day Split for one month DONE
Do Shock Cardio Series for two weeks
Do STS Meso two and Meso three

Debbie - I found the article interesting and was also surprised how much coaches make. I always wanted to try the BB protein, the price is insane. Just finished my last 4DS workout. Hope you had fun with your friends.

Kristin - sounds like the weather in NY is the same as in WV. I can't believe how cold it got since yesterday. Good job on your workouts. I have to revisit the Pyramids soon. I figured why not donate it to the library. I totally forgot about the VA library. I hope someone will enjoy them and use them.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great Sunday, everyone.

Today the weather wasn't good here either. High winds caused the both elevators in our building to break down. We are on the 16th floor, going down wasn't bad but going up was tough, was losing my breath. I felt bad for the older people but by the afternoon they had them running again.

I did 80 day D65 Legs.

Belinda - It's amazing you are almost done with the rotation! That is a good idea to donate books to the library:)

Kristin - I like the pyramids such a good workout series! Good luck with the tournament:)

Good morning,

Cathe Athletic Step (without the step) is done. I have a confession to make :( I had this dvd since it came out and tried it one time. Couldn't get the hang of this one and gave up. I was so frustrated! I actually had it up for sale once and pulled it for some reason. I am glad I did! I should have tried the dvd without the step, it's so much easier to learn the step moves. I can't wait to try Step Moves, that's another one I gave up right away, lol. I do enjoy doing step workouts without the step. No worry dripping over the step :D

Debbie - you are almost finish with 80Day! Great job! I will donate more books to the library soon. Need to get through all of them first.

Have a great Monday, everyone.
Hey guys. The sun came out this afternoon after all this rain, so I took advantage and went for a four mile run. It was a little windy, but felt good. Finished in 38 minutes. Now I am eating kale and steak and getting ready for DS's baseball game tonight.

Belinda- the first time I did Athletic Step, I fell off the step. My ankle twisted. No one was home to see it, thank God. I was more embarrassed than anything else. It took me a few tries to get it. Step Moves was also a bit difficult to learn, but now it is one of my favorite step workouts, just a fun one!

Deb- wow you did legs after going up and down those flights of stairs!!! Amazing, lol! Good job! It was torturous playing the tournament yesterday. We ended up making it to the final, getting to the 4th inning of the final and then the game was postponed. We are winning 9-8. We have not been told yet when we will finish it.



Today was a cool windy day, we were the only ones walking on the beach. The surfers were out today since the Gulf doesn't get waves very often. It's fun to watch them, they are in such good shape too!

I couldn't figure out why my calves were hurting today but it had to be the stairs. I also did some booty band workouts today.

Belinda - I'll have to try some step workouts I find difficult without the step, good idea!! How is your knee?

Kristin - I heard there will be so much rain back home. It doesn't mix well with baseball:(. It's good you were able to get your run in.

Good morning,

SBF D44 Spring Into Fitness 2018 Gentle Quick HIIT = 10 min + Lower Body Stretch-Target = 9 min plus Travel Fit is done.

Debbie - it will take some time to get used to not using a step. The fist 2 times without a step felt weird. Now, I like it a lot. Knee is doing great if I don't overdue it. Still haven't heard from my MRI. Need to call again.

Kirstin - learning new step routine can be difficult when you are looking at the screen and try not to drip over the step. I have done that so many times. Step Moves is another one I gave up when I bought the dvd.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me. Have a great workout and day, everyone.
Quick update on my MRI: I just got a call from my doctors nurse at Fort Dietrich. They just got the MRI this morning. My doc wants me to see Orthopedic. I have arthritis in my knees, which I already knew. The MRI showed something on the bone on my knee cap(?). I may need surgery? or injections with some therapy? So, for now I still keep everything very low impact until I see the Orthopedic.

Today we took a long walk & I did bi’s and tri’s. We are driving home this weekend.

Belinda - It’s good that they you have some choices for your knee, hopefully not surgery. Keeping it low impact a good idea:)

Waves hi to Kristin


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