Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

HiiT 40/20 is done. I am starting STS M2 tomorrow. I will try to add the workouts I missed (due to my knee) sprinkled. I missed one GS legs and a few workouts in the Low Impact series, mostly lower body. This a by far the longest rotation I have ever done. Although I enjoyed every minute of it, not sure if I will do something like this anytime soon. We shall see!

STS Pyramid up/down DONE
Do STS in its entirety DONE
Take one week off DONE
Do Gym Styles for one month DONE
Do the low impact series for two weeks DONE
Do Four Day Split for one month DONE
Do Shock Cardio Series for two weeks DONE
Do STS Meso two and Meso three

I am debating if I want to start M2 D13 today? I have a doc appointment tomorrow.

I will be back later.
I also did M2 D13 today. Not sure, when I get home from my appointments tomorrow. My appointment is in Walther Reed, I have an 1.5 hour drive one way.

Today I did Cathe Live Bun Burner barre & ball. It was a really good workout:) I was so tired today, actually fell asleep for a long time.

Belinda - That is a long drive to the Dr., I hope you get good news. I forgot that you are doing M2 & M3 again that is a long rotation but you are real close to finishing it, which is great!

Kristin - A nice day for a doubleheader!!

Hey guys. After the 10 miler Saturday, I had yesterday be my rest day. I finished cleaning the house and then went to see my mom. It is getting harder and harder to see her and not cry. She doesn't know who I am. The last few months when I would see her, she wouldn't know my name, but she would say, "that's my baby." This weekend, she did not recognize me at all. The aid that was helping her said to my mom, "Who's your baby?" and my mom pointed to the aid and said "You." The aid said to me laughing, "She is so sweet. She always says I am her baby." I cannot tell you how it felt to hear that. I smiled a little. A part of me wanted to punch that aid in the face. . . a visceral reaction, I know. It was an innocent comment and she didn't know. . . it was heartbreaking though. For months, it was like my mom was holding on to the knowledge that I was hers and now even that is gone. . .

Anyway, today was Monday. I hate Mondays at this point in the year. I got through the day and ended up doing a Cathe workout premix. I did RWH UB circuit. I did the premix that has the weights with abs mixed in with no blasts. It was still a tough workout for me even without the blasts, lol. It was a good premix. I really liked the music in the RWH series. I hope Cathe's new series has better music. I was thinking, it would be cool to have a circuit like this one with low impact moves in between.

Belinda- Wow on being on the last phase of that incredible rotation! Congrats.

Deb- the sun was out yesterday, but the wind made it chilly. We are supposed to hit 80 degrees Wednesday. My fingers are crossed.


Good evening,

After my appointments, I only had engird for a 30 min walk.

Debbie - it is a long drive. I had an mammogram and got fitted for insoles, which I will get in 4 to 8 weeks. He gave me some insoles to relieve the pain in my heal. So far, I am liking the insoles. Yes, I will do M2 & M3 again. I am so close to the finish line. Good job on your LB workout.

Kirstin - I am so sorry about your mom. So heartbreaking :( I am so sorry you and your dad have to go through this horrible disease. My heart goes out to you and your dad (((HUGS))) Thanks on the rotation. I hope Cathe's new series has better music. I also hope it will be low impact no jumping. On Friday's news letter will hear more, I hope.

I am beat. I will be back tomorrow.
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Today I did 80 day D74 booty. I'm looking forward to the 1st day of May tomorrow:cool:. I have to stop at the food store tomorrow and get some clean food in, summer is almost here.

Belinda - My DH is having problems with his heal, maybe I will pick him up some in-soles to see if that helps. Kudos on getting a walk in:)

Kristin - Belinda is right the disease is heartbreaking, and terrible that you and your family must go through this:(. My MIL is getting worse, my DH will not be able to handle it. At this point she still recognizes her children but not the grandchildren. The other day she was shocked I even had children. It seems like your running is just what you need at this time in your life.

Good morning,

STS M2 D14 legs is done. I used a little lighter weights and modified as needed.

Debbie - I bought a lot of insoles the last few month and not one helped. I hope it will help your husband. You are almost finish with 80 Day's. WTG!

Have a great workout everyone.
Hey guys. Had a crazy day at work. Today was day one of the math assessment. I was told they changed my proctoring assignment to tests read room, which means I had to read the entire math test to a few special education students. They are lucky I still new the symbols (pi, greater than, less than, crazy crap). I mean, there's a reason I don't teach math, haha. Anyway because of the test I had a 20 minute lunch break. So I scarfed my food down and then felt gross. Then after school I drove straight to DS's middle school baseball game. After the game, I went for a 30 minute run. I ran 3.25 miles. I had a really good pace. Trying to get the miles light this week as the half marathon is this Sunday. Now I'm doing laundry and I'm about to clean the kitchen.

Belinda- Thank you. It is a terrible disease. Everytime I think I am "good" with it, it hits me hard. I am curious what the newsletter will tell us. I am enjoying running so much. . . not sure if I will continue to buy dvds. I have a lot of weight training dvds and that is what I need on my off days from running.

Deb- running certainly helps. With my mom it started with not remembering the grandkids. . . now it's me. I've had conversations with myself a million times trying to prepare for the moment. . . still hit me hard. I am sorry your DH and you are going through this too. Terrible. It does motivate me to stay healthy and keep going.

BB tomorrow,


Today I did Cathe Live Strong Body Express which included abs. I'm still finishing up a couple of stores from April but will have a light week starting tomorrow:) Of course I dressed to warm today and my deodorant was tested:eek:

Belinda - I really like M2 legs!

Kristin - Seeing how some elderly people age does motivate me to stay healthy too! I always wonder why older people have such bad posture and if you can do anything to prevent it. I didn't realize your marathon was this weekend already:)

Good morning,

M2 D15 is done.

Kirstin - I am so sorry you have to go through this with your mom :( I feel the same as you about buying more dvd's. I have more than enough workout dvd's still in shrink wrap. I feel like I never catch up, lol. I really need to use what I already have instead of adding more. I still haven't done all the ICE dvd's in her original set :( I do have to wait for more details. I am not buying more off the same stuff. I probably will wait until I hear reviews on VF if anything is different before I buy. I always can pick up her downloads when she offers her 40% off sale the end of the year. I noticed with the 40% off it's a better price than picking it up at the pre sale price :) Her last few series, I wasn't impressed with her premixes. I am also waiting who is int the video's :) I hope Cedie, Lorraine are coming back. I am also downsizing my huge dvd collection. We shall see!

Debbie - glad your workload is better this week. Try to enjoy the nice weather.

I will be back later. Have a great day and workout, everyone.

Today I took a hot yoga class. I have about 5 classes that will expire soon so I need to use them. I'm not sure why I waited until a 90 degree day to go:confused::)

Belinda - I'm trying to figure out if I have done all of the ICE workouts will check it out tomorrow.

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Quick check in: Yesterday I also did Weight loss Cardio Kicks with Violet Zaki. Today I did BollyX Happy Hour (dance workout) . So much fun! Love this workouts.

Debbie - I know I haven't done all the ICE workouts. I probably won't buy Cathe's new series. I have more than enough unused dvd's waiting for me.

I am getting ready for a massage with my DD. I will be back later tonight.

Today I went to the gym and did the elliptical. Our internet was down for most of the day, it's amazing how much you miss it:) It was all of our neighborhood.

Belinda - I could use a massage I hurt the left side of my back, I'm guessing yesterday in hot yoga:( The heating pad helped a little. Have fun at your massage:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Hi everyone,

DD and I did the same dance workout as yesterday :) Love this one, plus it's a nice cal buner.

Debbie - the massage was lovely. I really needed one. It was a gift for my birthday from Aleisa. We also had lunch in DC.

Havening a lovely and fulfilled day today. I will be back tomorrow.
Hey guys. The last two days I have taken as rest days. Today I did an easy 3.5 mile run. The half marathon is Sunday, so I have to take it easy. I ate a big plate of spaghetti and garlic bread tonight, lol.

Things at work have been crazy. I cannot wait for summer.

Not much else to report. The new series that Cathe is working on sounds good. I will wait to see video clips before I pre-order though. I'd love to see new moves but older cast members if that makes sense. I miss Lorraine and Cedie.

I will be back with personals tomorrow. I will be doing a weight workout.


Hi everyone,

Today I am taking a rest day.

Kirstin - I hear you on the cast members. I also will wait for clips before I pre-order.

Debbie - hope you having a great Saturday and weekend.

I will be back tomorrow.

Yesterday I did 80 day D75 AAA. Today was a rest day:) I'm loving the Spring like weather, finally:cool:

Belinda - Sorry missed your birthday yesterday. It sounds like you had fun with DD going for massage and dance workout:)

Kristin - Good luck with your half marathon tomorrow!! I like that you get to carb up before a race;)

Good morning,

Debbie - thank you! Five more workouts and you are finish with 80 Day. Congratulations!

Kirstin - good luck on your run today.

I will be back tomorrow.
Hallo ladies,

STS D16 is done.

Debbie - it's cold and rainy here. What's up with this weather?

Kirstin - how did your race go today?

I will be back tomorrow after my doc appointment. I am seeing a specialist for my knee.

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