Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I took a hot yoga class. I did some food prep today but will do some more tomorrow. It's easier when I have good choices ready in the refrigerator.

Belinda - It wasn't good weather here either:( The rest of the week does look good and I have most of it off:) Good luck at your Dr.'s appt.

Kristin - How did your race go? You must be so sore afterwards.

Hey guys. I did it! Half-marathon finisher over here!

What a day. I woke up at 4:30. . . had a hard time sleeping because of my nerves. I got myself ready and had peanut butter on white bread for breakfast, lol. My friend who was running with me woke up late, so she picked me up late, which had me stressed. I like to have time to stretch, go to the port-a-potty if I have to, figure things out. We were too late to park in the official parking area and they already closed the road, so we ended up parking on at a shopping center and walking 2 miles to get to the start. Well, that's a warmup at least, lol. By the time we got there, checked our bags. . . the race was about to start. Of course, I had to pee. I just made it to a port-a-potty in time. The race started the moment I was at the line.

I've never run this distance before. The most I have done is 10 miles. I felt good, strong, keeping pace. Another runner friend of mine recommended that I put Skratch in my water (electrolytes packet). I did that and sipped it at every mile or so. I just kept going. At mile 6 I ate a packet of GU (it's an energy gel). Between the Skratch and the GU I felt good and kept going. I was running with people who have run for years and I was keeping up. I did not have music with me. . . just my thoughts. My friend went ahead of me. Her goal was to break 2 hours. I just wanted to get under 2:10 and survive, lol. I thought about my mom, my boys, how much I wanted to finish. The miles just went by. There were crowds of people cheering us on, kids asking for high fives. It was so cool. Mile 11 there was a big hill. I was cursing up it trying to get to the other side. . . I saw people begin to drop out and walk at mile 12. Mile 12!!! When I hit mile 12 I ran faster. When I saw that 13 mile sign, I sprinted to the finish line. I finished at 2:05:47, made my goal. My pace was 9:36, I'll take it. My family (DH, DSs and my dad) were waiting for me. I had them put "I run for Nilda #EndAlz" on my bib. My dad saw it and smiled, held back tears.

This was one of the most challenging things I have ever done in my life. I was so afraid I would not finish. I was afraid my knee would hurt or my IT band would act up. . . I powered through though and I am soooooo happy and proud of myself, lol. Cannot wait to do a marathon next, lol.

Deb- I am beyond sore today. Yesterday right when the race finished, I kept walking around. My calves started to cramp. I stretched out. I went to my dad's house after to go int he hot tub. The hot tub helped a little, but I am sore today. I am definitely wearing flats for shoes today and stretching out more tonight. Good job on food prepping. I am the same way, if I have healthy options prepared,

Belinda- Happy belated birthday! Good luck at your appointment today! I hope you get good news. It is funny how we used to preorder right away. Now we are waiting for clips.

Good morning,

I did a YT KB workout with Yvette this morning. Very fun!

Debbie - it's nice outside today. I hope it stays that way. The hot yoga sounds like fun. I should try one.

Kirstin - thank you! Congratulations on your race! Love that you dedicated your run to your mom :) You defiantly need to stretch and rest day. It is funny we used to preorder right away. I will wait for clips first. I am not sure if I will get this set? I have more than enough workout dvd's to last me a lifetime. I really don't need more. I probably will sign up for a month OnDemand. I talk to my kids this weekend about dvd's, they all said I shouldn't buy anymore dvd's since they going away and everything is streaming these day's. I have so many other Cathe dvd's that collection dust. I really should/need to use what I already have. Plus, I want to do more outside stuff. Weight workouts I have enough. I also want to do more youtube workouts. There are a lot of great workouts on YT :) And it's free!

Off to my doc appointment. BBL!
Saw a Orthpeaedist today. He took more X-rays of my knee. I got a shot in my knee which should help for the pain. If the shot doesn't help I need surgery on my knee. I hope the shot will help for the pain. I can't get surgery with Brawler. DH also needs surgery on his knee, he tore his meniscus two weeks ago. We are doing really well, lol. Brawler weights a lot that doesn't help either for us. It is what it is, right? He also wants me to continue to keep everything low impact, which I have been doing already.

I thought I signed in yesterday:( My workout yesterday was 80 day D77 Legs. Today I did shoulder work from 4 day split. I am off the rest of the week and really need to do a lot around the house.

Belinda - I hope the shot works and you don't need surgery. I was wondering how Brawler was doing. Sorry about your DH's knee.

Kristin - You did awesome with your race and your time is amazing! It brought tears to my eyes when you wrote what you put on your bib. Your Mom would be proud:)

Hey guys. I meant to come on here last night, but did not get a chance to. Monday was a rest day. I was tired, lol. Yesterday I did 21 DFE Upper Body Extreme. She uses legs a bit in that workout, and I was not expecting it, haha. Today I plan on getting in a recovery run, if I can squeeze it in between DS's bb game and school concert.

Deb- thank you. I'm still on a "high" from the experience of it all. I cannot believe you are almost done with 80 DO! good for you!

Belinda- I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the shot works for you knee. I can imagine the difficulty of moving Brawler around. When I have to lift Baxter up to take him for a car ride, it is a struggle. He refuses to jump in the back of my Jeep. When I had the explorer, he would go in it no problem. I think he is a car snob, lol.


Good morning,

I did another Low impact workout from YT plus SBF Spring into the Summer rotation D3 Quick Tabata + Back target. I am really liking YT workouts.

Debbie - thanks about my knee. I sure, don't need surgery/or want surgery. This is why I keep everything low impact. Thanks for asking about Brawler. Since about a week or so, he is getting really fuzzy when he gets tired :( he starts barking and whining. But only when I am in the same room ? If I walk out of the room he is quiet as a mouse. As soon as, I walk back into the room he starts barking/whining again. I am sure he is telling me something? I just can't figure out what he wants :( After awhile he falls asleep. Its almost every night around 8 pm :( I started taking him for short walks in his cart. He still doesn't like the cart. I will take him for a short walk tonight. The weather hasn't been great except the last few day's. I hope the short walk will help him to sleep faster at night :)

Kirsten - thank you! Brawler weights a lot, especially with the cart. I am so thankful for the ramp my husband build. I still have to push him up the ramp, which isn't good for my knee. It is what it is! We always had to help our dogs into the car, they both wouldn't jump.

I will be back tomorrow.

Today I took a hot yoga class. Ugh, I brought my car in for service today and they told me a mouse built a nest in my filter:eek:. He said they do it to stay warm and it is common when your car is in a garage. Geez, was I riding around with this mouse:confused: or wondering if it happened when I was on vacation. They cleaned it all up so it won't come back so they tell me LOL.

Belinda - I like the YT workouts too, I like that you can find almost any type of workouts:) It always amazes me that dogs have such personalities, I wonder what he is trying to tell you.

Kristin - I would think when you do your recovery workout it will feel easy;) It's amazing what a high you can get from running races!

Hi Sherry,

M2 W2 D18 is done plus SBF cardio.

Debbie - seriously? A mouse? Never heard that before. A few years ago we had a animal (not a mouse. That is crazy :) I love workouts from YT. Are you preordering Cathe's new workouts? I probably will not order. I bought the simplicity program which I am going through again. It reminded me not get into I need this particular dvd. I probably already have something similar. I am downsizing, I can't invite more stuff into our house. I already have more than enough. Plus, I am not crazy about the crew in her last few series. One of the crew has really bad form and keeps making really funny faces. It's very distracting when I am working out. My friend is out of town, she gave me her Fit Splits dvd's. I can't get myself to do them :( It's very annoying when you trying to work out. I never had a problem with any background exercisers before. I hope Cedie, Lorraine and Amanda are coming back. Thank goodness for YT workouts. Lots of great workouts and they are fun.

I will be back tomorrow.
Hey guys. today I ran 4 slow miles in 39 minutes, lol. I am pretty beat. Thank god for Friday!

Belinda- you are such a good mommy to your dogs. I hope your knee is feeling better.

Deb- a mouse? Years ago, when my first DS was a baby, I was driving my car and heard meowing. When I got to the store, I lifted my hood. . . a kitten was under the hood!!!!! Holding on for dear life. He ran away when I helped him out, lol. I would've kept him, haha.



Today I did 80 day D78 Total Body Core. I'm feel so creepy when I get in my car now LOL. DH thought they would find the mouse dead but the mechanic said they leave when the weather gets nice.

Belinda - Your going through M2 fast! It's funny I returned a watch today because I feel like I have too many but still can't pass up Cathe's dvds LOL. I have been 2nd guessing a lot of clothing purchases which is big for me:)

Kristin - That's not too slow of a run;) I like your kitten story better and it lived so even better:)

Good afternoon,

I did another kickboxing workout from youtube and SBF workout.

Debbie - I been doing STS for month, I am looking forward doing something else. I hear you on not passing up a Cathe workout. I used to think the way everyone else does. I just have way too many workout dvd's. Maybe one day I will share a private picture of my collection, maybe you understand where I am coming from. I just need to stop jumping on the bandwagon and use what I already have. It just doesn't make sense to buy more :( I am downsizing everything not just my dvd collection :) Not to mention I am overwhelmed with all my workout dvd's .It's actually a great feeling to let go of stuff. Good job retuning that watch.

Kistin - thanks for your kind words. I really try to be a good dog mommy. Slow run? Amazing job girl. Alesia is training for the Army 10 miler :) She is all excited.

That's it for me today.
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Today I took a warm yoga class. My favorite instructor's bf and some of his friends so the class seemed extra hard LOL.

Belinda - I didn't think to look for kickboxing workouts on YT:) I know where you are coming from with the dvds, actually happy that there aren't a lot to choose from anymore.

Kristin - Have a nice weekend!

Debbie - we will move in a few years, I am starting to downsize now :) I am not waiting for the last minute to go through all my stuff. Eventually you have to address everything you own. I rather do it now than later. Since I want a smaller house in the future, I can't bring everything with me. The Simplicity program I bought last year is helping me to understand why we buy/or buy on impulse. I look at things differently than I did a year ago when it comes to shopping. There are still a lot of dvd's out there. If you need more I am sure you can find it in my collection. LOL! Eventually dvd's are going away and all you get is streaming. I will keep what I have ( unless it's too high impact) and the rest I'll let go. We have a FREEcycle day tomorrow, I wanted to donate. I couldn't get things ready and sorted out. I hope the next time they have one I will donate stuff. At least it's not landing into landfills and hopefully someone can use it.
Hey guys. Yesterday I went to a retirement party for the secretary of my school. She has been there since I have been there, so she is like our "godmother". She ruled the school too, lol. Anyway, no workout yesterday. This morning I did a 30 minute run. I got 3.2 miles in. After breakfast and some cleaning I did a second workout, ICE Metabolic TB. Feeling good now. The boys are going to sleepover my dad's house and DH and I are going to go out to dinner. Tomorrow morning, DH will pick them up and we will have a Mother's Day brunch.

I cannot believe we are heading into mid-May. Soon the school year will be over! I plan on using this summer to focus even more on my training (running).

Deb- What are you planning on doing after 80DO? Did you like the program or did you get bored with it? My problem is I tend to get bored by the end of it. I did like Hammer and Chisel.

Belinda- I need to purge my closet. Something to do at the start of summer vacation. I am tempted to buy new clothes, but I am holding out.


Good evening,

I had my Mother's day today instead of tomorrow. It's suppose to rain starting tomorrow until next week. Not looking forward to all that rain. Anyway, my kids took me to our favorite winery. They reserved a table outside. My kids decorated the table was nicely decorated with lots of goodies and fresh flower . We got so many compliments on the flowers. Since it was mother day I ate a little of everything. Had some really good wine, good food and amazing company. I couldn't ask for more. Mother's day and the weather was perfect :)

I did do another kickboxing workout from YT :) Burned off lots of calories and it was a lot of fun. I also did SBF mat workout. I didn't finished that one yesterday. Susanne had scheduled 2 workouts, wasn't in the mood to do 2.

Debbie - I forgot to tell need to check out YT for KB. Lots of great instructors on YT. They are very fun, at least the once I have done.

Kirstin - great job with your run today. I can't hardly believe it's almost mid May. Also need to do anther purge on my closet. Still have way to many clothes, some I have't worn in quit some time. Need to let go of those thing.

That's it for me today. Have a great evening.

Happy Mother's Day!!

Today I took a rest day. We celebrated Mother's Day with my Mom & tomorrow will be MIL with DH's family. We had a difficult time to find a place to eat so many parties at restaurants. We finally found a place to eat. The weather isn't the best here either, it's cold LOL:)

Belinda - Your Mother's Day sounded awesome!! It was a good idea to switch it around so you could enjoy nicer weather. I will check out the KB workouts on YT. I too need to start going through my stuff because we will also be downsizing in a few years. My 1st thought was to put stuff in storage but that is just crazy, so no to that.

Kristin - I know can you believe it's mid-May already:eek: It also sounds like you had an awesome Mother's Day weekend!! I did start to get bored with 80 day, I think 40 day would have been better LOL.

Happy Mother's Day!

Hope you are all feeling loved and blessed today.
4 mile run done this morning. I went to see my mom. Now I am relaxing at home with my boys.

BB tomorrow with personals.

Happy Mother's Day!

I did STS M2 W3 D18 this morning. Going through all my dvd's and organizing them.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a wonderful and relaxing day.


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