Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I went to the gym and did legs with weight machines & the elliptical. I'm hoping for the sunny weather too!

Belinda - I like that you mix STS with barre:) I hope your internet is working better today.

Waves hi to Kristin

Margaratte - I wouldn't worry about the number on the scale but be concerned with how you feel. I think as you get older it's more important to be healthy and eat nutritional food to support that.

Hi everyone,

Today I did SBF D19 (?) TB Cardio Hiit and CF cardio.

Debbie - I like the combo of barre and STS. The internet still goes out a lot :( Great job with your gym workout. I miss going to the gym.

That's it for me today.BBL!

Today I did a shoulder workout with free weights. I didn't want to do anything but wanted to do something LOL!

Belinda - I like going to the gym (more to get me going/moving) but I really prefer home workouts:)

Waves hi to Krisitn

Hey guys. I've been working out but I haven't had time to get on here. Monday was a rest day. I planned on working out but I felt so sluggish and then DS got sick, so I just rested with him on the couch. Tuesday I did ICE bootcamp. Yesterday I ran after work, but I only did 30 minutes because it was sooooo humid and hot. I was dripping. I got in 3.25 miles and I felt like I was dying. Next time I make sure I have a water bottle with me. This morning I met two running friends at 4:30 in the morning (a first for me) :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: and we ran 5 miles. Right now I feel so good and energized. We shall see how I feel the rest of the day, haha.

Drama at work has everyone down. Trying to make it to the last day. I feel like I am in a 21st Century version of The Crucible. . . or maybe Divergent, lol.

Deb- I did see that story on the news about the bus with the teacher and student! So sad! A few years ago we were on a field trip and I was chaperoning. . . I think it was Great Adventure. The bus driver was driving crazy. . . I texted my friend that if something happens to my bus, it is the bus driver's fault. I felt so strongly about it, I complained to the company. Driving insane!

Belinda- It does seem fast for the presale to end. . . especially when filming and pictures haven't started yet. I am sticking to running now. I am only using dvds for lifting, bootcamp, etc. Like you, I feel I have more than enough. When we get video clips, I will preview and see if I want to order. I would love a low impact bootcamp.


Good morning,

Did my last workout in STS M2 :) Can't wait to do M3. I also did a SBF stretch.

STS Pyramid up/down DONE
Do STS in its entirety DONE
Take one week off DONE
Do Gym Styles for one month DONE
Do the low impact series for two weeks DONE
Do Four Day Split for one month DONE
Do Shock Cardio Series for two weeks DONE
Do STS Meso two DONE and Meso three

I don't see a week off from M2 to M3, I will just dive into M3 next week :)

Debbie - I miss the gym for the elliptical, treadmill, tread climber. leg press. Maybe one day we will live near a gym again. I am not driving 20-30 min to a gym. Good job yesterday.

Kirstin - WOW! that is early! Good job getting your run in. I think, it's a great idea/safe to run with someone. You never can be to careful! Not sure why the pre sale is ending so soon? Maybe a lot of people are streaming instead of buying dvd's? I am really trying to simplify my life. I am downsizing. I really need to stick to my promise by not buying anymore dvd's :) Let's face it...I always can borrow/stream them. Cathy's last few series are collecting dust. Nobody wants them :( I am glad I canceled Fit Spits. I always can stream those workouts later one if it's something I am interested in. Those workouts are not going anywhere, IMO! Plus, I don't have the physical clutter. I also want to try some youtube workouts that I been wanting to give it a whirl. Those are all free!

That's it for me today. I will be back tomorrow.

Today I did ICE meltdown/triceps. It was a short workout but my triceps are worked. I'm excited the weekend is here tomorrow!

Belinda - Wow, you are almost done your rotation is amazing dedication!! 20-30 min is too far to go to a gym. It's good that you get to use dd's gym sometimes. How is your dd feeling?

Kristin - I agree with Belinda that is early! It must feel good to get your run done early. They should screen these bus drivers better, but really good that you told the company. DH knows someone that was at the scene and he told him that some of the children's fingers were severed. He believes they were able to reattach but still:(

Good morning,

I did Esquire Dance Away The 60's plus 70's (VHS). I am still going through my collection. I had a blast with both workouts. I can't remember the last time I have done them? Anyway, the music just made me smile the entire time. So much fun! Need to pull them out more often. Got a great step count too. I am trying to downsize my collection, but will hold on to the Esquire a little longer. Most of them are out of print. Those workouts are as good or better than the ones you can find these day's. Not to mention they play real music from the 70's and 60's.

Debbie - Thank you Those Ice triceps are killer. Nicely done yesterday. I will play around with ICE workouts once I am done with STS.

Have a great Friday, everyone.

Today I did ICE meltdown/bi's. I was going to go to hot yoga but didn't feel well this morning. I feel much better and we are going to get a bite to eat before the rain comes LOL:)

Belinda - Your workout sounds like a keeper!! I always feel happy when I hear music from the 60's & 70's:)

Kristin - Any plans for the weekend?

Enjoy the weekend, BBT:)
Debbie - hope you feel better. We suppose to get rain too. Getting sick of this weather this year. The music was amazing in those 2 30 min workouts. Loved every minute. Enjoy your evening. The new forum looks weird on my end :(

Today I took a rest day. The new forum does look strange (especially the emoji's) but I'm sure we'll get used to it LOL. It doesn't keep me logged in either.

Belinda - I feel better. Your right about the weather today was in the 90's and tomorrow the temps are in the 60'so_O

Kristin - How soon do you open your pool?

Good morning,

STS M3 D25 Chest & Back is done.

Debbie - I like the new forum. It looked different/weird when I first logged in. I hope the workout manager will be were it used to be soon. I know they are working hard to get everything back to normal again. I didn't noticed the emoji's.

I ended up taking a rest day yesterday.

Kirstin - I miss your daily check ins

Have a wonderful Sunday.
Hey guys. I took Friday as a rest day. I was a bit tired, probably from doing an early morning run. Yesterday I went for a morning run with a running friend. We did 8 miles. It was a hard run, even though we were doing a slow and easy pace, mostly because it was hot and humid already at 8 in the morning. I was glad when it was over, lol. Not my best!!! I washed my car with my boys and then took them bike riding to Carvel (ice cream) for the first time. They were so excited to ride their bikes all the way there. My older DS even paid for our ice cream himself. Then it was off to baseball. Today I did Lean Legs and Abs. Such a good workout in under an hour. The new series Cathe is coming out with seems very appealing to me. I want some new weight workouts that are under an hour. I might end up buying it. I just would like to see some pics and know who the crew is going to be.

Belinda- I'm sorry my posts have been more and more sporadic these days. Once school is over and done, I will have more freedom and time to get on here. It has been crazy juggling work, union stuff, baseball and running. DS is on two teams right now, one for school and his travel team. I feel like all I do is sit at baseball games.

Deb- I need to get used to the new site too. The emojis didn't work for me on the old site. I would see the choices for one second and then they would disappear. That is why I seldom used them. Now I can go all out :D:eek:o_O:oops::mad:;):(:confused::oops::rolleyes::eek::p. LOL. We are actually getting a new patio put it with stampcrete next weekend, so we are waiting to open the pool until after it is done. If it was opened yesterday, I would have jumped in it after my run!

B.B. tomorrow. Going for an early morning run!

Today I did Fit Split bootcamp/kickboxing. It didn't rain too much here but not a good day. It gave me a chance to read my book & do some decluttering.

Belinda - I saw bad flash flooding in Maryland, I hope it was far away from you. Great job with STS today:)

Kristin - I was having problems with the emojis too, but not anymore;) The other day it was so humid but tomorrow should be a nice day for one. It will be worth it to wait for the pool to open with a new patio.

Got in my run, 4 miles. I did a slow mile to start, 10 minutes, picked up the pace for the next two at 9:30 a mile and then sped it up to finish the last mile in under 9 minutes. Feeling good. Now heading out to DS's last baseball game in the tournament this weekend. Hope to see the sun today.

Deb- What book are you reading?

Belinda- what are you up to today?

I watched this HBO movie, The Tale, yesterday. It is based a true story of child sexual abuse, the director and writer is the main character in the movie. It left me feeling so unsettled. Worth watching at least once. It reminded me how it is so important to make sure I keep open communication with my boys and let them know they can tell me anything and that secrets are never okay to keep from your parents. I read up on the story online after watching the movie. Did you know that 93% of child sexual abuse happens with someone the child knows well. The whole stranger danger thing. . . it is more likely to be someone you know than not. Crazy. Cannot stop thinking about it.


Good morning,

Not sure what I will do today?

Debbie - thank goodness we didn't get flash flooding. I saw it on the news this morning. It's horrible :( Great job on your BC/KB working.

Kirstin - you are doing amazing with your run. Wished I could go out and run. I did Cardio Coach CCPP indoors yesterday and my heal/knee was killing me. It was fun. I haven't watched the movie on HBO. I always kept an open communication with my kids . You do need to talk to your kids about strangers/people they may know, there a lot of pretors out there :( Have to keep the kids safe! Some people don't like talking about the topic with their kids, but it's so important.

I will be back later.
Good morning,

Christi Taylor: Mission Possible Step & Aerobic Workout is done. Haven't done that one in years, so much fun. Music is fantastic.

I will be back tomorrow.

Today I went to the gym and did the elliptical. I was surprised how crowded it was, maybe it was closing early. We also went to my in-laws for a BBQ. I am currently watching/catching up with "This is Us" (3/4 into 1st season). I really like it, do you guys watch it?

Belinda - You are getting in a lot of Step workouts, the old ones seem to have the best music. I will never get tired of Cardio Coach workouts:)

Kristin - You are doing great with your runs. The sun finally came out here, hopefully by you. I am reading "The Glass Castle". I am in the beginning but find it to be very sad.

Good morning,

STS M3 W1 D37 Squat rack + SBF barre workout is done.

Debbie - I do the Step workouts without the step :) I agree the old ones seem to have the best music. I love CC but my heal didn't appreciate it. Got lots of steps in. Great job on the elliptical. I do love "This is Us". I really like it too.

I will be back later.

Today I did a ICE meltdown/shoulders. I also did a lot of walking. This week is going by quickly!

Belinda - I think it is great that you do step without the step to help heal your injury:) DH's heel is not getting better either, his sister has a similar problem and they want to do surgery:confused:

Kristin - I'm crossing my fingers that they rest of the school year flies by for you:)


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