Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hi everyone,

GS Chest & Triceps done. Yesterday I did SBF UB/cardio.

Debbie - I am excused figuring out the ramp situation. Getting Brawler down the stairs we don't have a problem. Getting him up with the front support is a huge problem. I can't lift him in the cart like I used too. The cart is much larger now :( DH and I decided take Brawler out of his cart and carry him up the stairs and inside the house without the cart. Than put him back into the cart, he can roll himself into the living room :) Let's see how that works out? Or I have to move into my gym, I have a sliding door and Brawler can go out without any problems. Not the best solution :(

Happy Hump Day, everyone.
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Belinda, I hope taking Brawler out works for you. So your main living area is on an upper level?

We arrived home, it feels good to be home. I didn't get a workout in, it was Cleanmax for me today Fl & home:)

Belinda - I could just imagine how exhausting it is with Brawler. It sounds like you, DH & Brawler have a lot of patience. I hope it works out for you.

Kristin - How is your week?

Good morning,

Today I did an oldie....Cosmopolitan Aerobics Lite (VHS) - 30 min + SBF UB/ core circuit. Still going through all my old workouts, lol. It was definatly a lite workout. Not bad if you get over a injury or in my case my knee still bordering me.

Debbie - glad you home again. Hope you get your workout in today.

Kirstin - how is your knee doing?

Have a great day and workout everyone.
Belinda, I hope taking Brawler out works for you. So your main living area is on an upper level?

Diane Sue - our living area is in the main level which is the middle level. hope this makes sense? Coming from the front yard we have 2 very steep steps going up to our porch/front door.

I went to do 80 day Total Body Core D41 but the site was down for awhile and ended up doing it very late. This is the 2nd time their site has been down, it's hard when you plan a workout at a certain time:(.

Today I covered for the NYC girl she is on vacation. I'm supposed to go in tomorrow but don't think I want to take the chance of getting stuck in NY due to weather LOL.

Belinda - It's good that you do 2 workouts so it isn't really light;)

Kristin - Wondering if you will have the day off tomorrow?

Hi everyone,

I did a light workout today: I did JS Fusion walk + SBF LB + mat workout. I am not sure, if I get GS legs in this week? I may have to double up next week. We shall see!

Debbie - you are halfway through with 80 Day. WTG! Did you end up going to NY? Hope you didn't got stuck :)

Kirstin - what are your plans this weekend?

Good night, everyone.

Today I did 80 day Legs Day 42. I didn't go to NY today. I just didn't want to risk not being able to get home LOL. We didn't get much snow, but the winds were bad. Our neighbors tree fell on our driveway, the neighbors across the street had a tree fall across their driveway. So many branches and down trees all over our neighborhood.

I hope all of you are ok after the storm.

Belinda - Sometimes I forget to if I did a workout, especially when doing a rotation;)

Kristin - I was surprised when I saw school buses this morning, but they were let out early.

Hi guys,

I did a chair workout from youtube today + SBF UB.
DH and I decided to build a ramp instead of buying one. We will buy the material tomorrow.

Debbie - I don't forget, lo. Glad you didn't had to go to NY. The wind was so strong it knocked my neighbors fence down.

Kirstin - where are you?

Have a great evening.

Today I did 80 day AAA D43. We went to my in-laws to celebrate some birthdays it was a nice day.

Belinda - Is a chair workout like a barre workout? You and DH are so handy so kudos on building the ramp instead of buying:)

Kristin - I hope everything is ok?

Hey guys. I'm still here. I had a lot going on at work and union stuff, plus the boys had practices and basketball games. It was a crazy week.

Monday I went for a run. I was supposed to do 5 miles, but my knees started really hurting after mile 3, so I stopped. I am getting frustrated with how I can make progress with my pace and mileage and then my knees hurt, and it slows me down. I've been reading online about it and my friends also suggested that I add in recovery runs between difficult runs. If I am doing a long run (over five miles) I should do a recovery run (slow, shorter run) next time. Same thing with a speed workout, which is what I was attempting to do on Monday. This morning I am up early to go on a run with the group I ran with last Saturday. I am hoping I will be able to do the entire run. My knees feel better. They just ache on and off. I also went to hot yoga and did some strength training last week. Yoga was Wednesday, MM was Thursday. Yesterday I went bike riding with my boys and dad and spent the day cleaning.

I don't know if I told you this, but a former student of mine (had him last year) is playing young Simba in The Lion King on Broadway. My school is going on a field trip to see him. I went to my administrator to get on the chaperone list and she put me on. I am so excited to see him perform! I was going to take my family to go but the tickets were $150 a piece :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:. I couldn't do it. That would be over $600 between the tickets, the train, food. . . that's a weekend away somewhere, lol. I am glad I will get to see him.

We didn't get snow on Friday, but we had a downpour of rain. They said if it was snow, it would have been a blizzard and the island would have seen at least two feet!!! Glad it was only rain.

Deb- Welcome home! A lot of people on facebook were complaining that BOD was not working. I can imagine how frustrating that is when you are following a program such as 80 DO. Did BOD fix it? That is why I prefer they release things on DVD. I would rather buy the product that download/get it online.

Belinda- your dedication to Brawler is so beautiful to me. The way we love our dogs. . . people that do not have dogs do not understand. They give us unconditional loyalty and love all the years. . . their young years they give us tons of laughs and get us moving. . . A student of mine who owned a boxer, her dog died over February break. She has been heartbroken. The dog was 8. My neighbor's boxer was 7. This has me freaking out in my head a bit. . . Baxter is turning 5. I wish I had unlimited time with him. We feed him top level dog food since he was a puppy. He had a lot of issues with food reactions when he was a puppy and the trainer recommended Health Extension. Regular supermarkets up here do not sell it. I have to drive to the specialty dog store, but it is worth it if it gives me more good times with Baxter.



Today I did Cathe Live Jabs & Kicks, it was really nice change to do a Cathe kickboxing workout:) It was supposed to be a rest day but since I took one when we were traveling decided to skip it today.

Belinda - Which workout did you do today?

Kristin - It's great that you can go see your student in Lion King, broadway shows have become too expensive! Recovery runs sound like a great idea:) I wonder about dog food too, because dog's longevity doesn't seem to be increasing:( It's funny today while cleaning I came across some pictures of my husband and our old dog. It was a nice memory.

Good morning,

I thought I posted yesterday? No workout for me yesterday. Saturday DH and I went to our neighbors house across the street :) we didn't get home until 1 a.m. We had a blast! Yesterday DH decided he was building a ramp for Brawler instead of buying one. It wasn't the money!! The fact most of the portable ones had bad reviews, plus most of the were metal. Most of the mention securing a screw (we have concrete). DH did an amazing job with the ramp :) I love it! I also will try to use one of my steps to get Brawler in his K9 cart. I am too short, lol. The cart is so much bigger and bulkier than the rear K9 cart.

Debbie - nice job on your KB workout. Like I said, no workout yesterday. I did went though a lot of papers ( filling, sorting...mostly end up in the trash).

Kirstin - aww...thank you for your kind words :) It means a lot to me. I am sure you would do the same with Baxtor :) Have you tried looking on Amazon for your dog food? I buy mostly on Amazon or Costco. Costco's name brand food is as good as any name brand dog food. The first ingredient is chicken. My dogs loves the food. I used to buy organic food from Amazon (I still do once in awhile) the ingredients are very similar.

I will be back later.
Good morning,

Today I starting 2 weeks of Low Impact. I did AB today. I finished a month of GS's last week . I still have to do GS Legs, I will do it this week. I also start a new SBF rotation today, I did LB barre. No fold over for me.

I will post a pic of the K9 ramp soon.

Have a wonderful day and workout, everyone.

Today I did 80 day Booty D45. I go to NY tomorrow for the last day and I'm happy:). The stock room had water all over, not sure how they deal with the conditions in NY store.

Belinda - Wow, on building the ramp so fast. You and DH are very talented DIY's, I wish I could:) Low Impact will be fun!

Kristin - I'm guessing schools will be closed, do you even have any snow days left?

Hi everyone,

Today I did Karen Voight Slim Physique DVD, Monday workout: Cardio & LB. That one was pretty good for a 30 min workout. I had that dvd since 2014 :( There is a workout for each day, I will try to follow them in order. Not sure, if I will do them every day? I will try my best!
I also did day 2 of the Shape up for the summer challenge.

Sherry - my husband is very handy :) He is a keeper! We read all the reviews on wheel chair ramps, everything under $300 wasn't worst it plus they were not stable enough. We already had the wood, all we bought a few nails and some turf so Brawler can't slide too much. Brawler isn't sure about the ramp yet, lol. He is still getting used to it.

I will be back tomorrow.
It Hi,

Today I went to the gym and did the stair master. Previously, I've seen girls doing stepping and doing leg extentions so I tried it. I did some of 80 day Cardio Core D46.

Ugh, lots of snow tomorrow some people in our area are still without power.

Belinda - It's good that Brawler is trying to use the ramp:) It sounds like you found a good dvd.

Kristin - I'm surprised the NYC mayor hasn't cancelled school for tomorrow.

Good morning,

Low Impact Cardio Supersets and SBF D3 LB barre is done.

Debbie - good job at the gym yesterday. What results are you seeing with 80 day?

Happy Hump Day, everyone.

Today I took DH to my gym, his gym was closed because of the snow. He was impressed for a $10 a month gym it is really good. I did cardio stairmaster, elliptical & some leg weight machines.

The snow didn't start till 1pm but when it did, it was crazy!! We have over 2 feet of very heavy snow. So many trees and branches are down. We tried to save as many as we could by taking turns shaking the snow off the trees. What little shoveling we did was exhausting. I would have rather make snowman:)

Belinda - I am getting stronger with 80 day, not too much weight loss but I really need to work on my diet. Did you get snow?

Kristin - It doesn't look like you had much snow?

Hey guys,

I did LI Challenge today. That's it.

After Brawler's vet appointment this morning, I am not in a good mood to do much :( Brawler had a catheter, which came out a little over a week ago. Well, after the catheter came out we noticed he hardly went pee. We talked to our vet and he said, sometimes it can take a few day's before he goes normal again. Told us to express Brawler's bladder a few times a day, which we been doing since he got the catheter taking out. It's been over a week and we got concerned about Brawler. We took him in this morning for an X-ray, vet was looking for stones. The x rays didn't show anything. Everything is pointing to DM, which I read online about :( The vet was talking about a research center we could take him and they would have to cut him open and put a bag inside :( I told my vet I wouldn't put Brawler through anything like this :( We talked about all the possibilities :( He also promised me when the time comes he would came to the house :( All I want to do is cry :(

Debbie - it's snowing today.

I will be back later.

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