Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

So I did a 4.5 mile run today. I took the first mile very slow, really a jog. Then I picked up the pace, even though I said I would not focus on pace, it is hard not to. I ran 3 miles at a steady pace of 9:01 miles, then .5 miles slow for a cool down. So far my knee feels fine. I keep stretching out my legs, so that the muscles do not tighten up. I am going to eat some whole wheat pasta with spaghetti sauce for dinner. Three more days of work and then I am on vacation :).

I am typing this as I sit in my new office space. I love the blue color we picked for this room. I will try to upload a pic or two for you guys.

Belinda- I agree it is better to be safe than sorry. If all is good, I will run again on Thursday. The weather on Thursday is supposed to be near 60 degrees here! I will take advantage of that!

Waving hello to Deb,

Kirstin - WTG, on your run and taking it slow. Not really, lol. Your speed is amazing, girl! I hope we get your weather on Thursday too. I am tired of the cold. I can't wait to see a pic of your new office space. Love the color blue! Sounds so pretty.

It was a rough start to our trip, flight delays & car problems. The car should be fixed tomorrow. We did get a nice walk in today. We saw a couple getting married on the beach. It was fun visiting my Dad. The weather is nice here, even though the locals wish it was cooler. I'm hoping to continue 80 day obsession, might shorten it up though.

Belinda - Have you been enjoying Gym Styles? How is Brawler? It sounds like Kristin was doing a lot of renovating like you:)

Kristin - Your body & run will probably be that much better after the rest. How did your DH like the partner yoga? I was wondering why so many people/children were traveling to Florida this week, winter break!

Good morning,

Gym Style CSB + SBF TB is done.

Debbie - glad you made it ok to FL. Sorry about the flight delays and care problems. I do enjoy the GS a lot. Brawler is doing fine considering.

Kirstin - what's your plan today?

Have a great day.

Today we took a long walk on the beach. I also did 80 day Booty Day 27. I've been seeing a lot of people riding bikes on the beach looks like fun!

Belinda - I'm happy Brawler is doing as well as expected. Great job with your workouts:)

Waves hi to Kristin

Hey guys. Last night was hot yoga. I really needed it. My shoulders were sore from Dirty 30, I think. Today, I got in a five mile run. I did a fartlek, which basically you run steady and then you sprint or go faster to a certain marker and then steady again, and you keep switching it up. It was fun and I ended up finishing in 45 minutes and 27 seconds. My knee feels fine too. I will do more stretching tonight to make sure I am good for tomorrow, lol. Tomorrow is the last day before break. We always do a basketball game between teachers. I am playing, so it should be fun, and a workout too, lol.

Belinda- I can't upload pics from my phone to the website for some reason. Maybe I can take a pic with the laptop. I will try in a minute. It is hard for me to slow down my pace, lol, even when I give myself a pep talk to do so. I am always pushing myself.

Deb- the break for NY starts Saturday so you might so even more of a crowd next week.



Today we walked on the beach & I did 80 day Cardio Core Day 28. We were in our buildings elevator and a couple that was in there asked where we were from it turns out they not only live in our town but are new to our neighborhood, small world:)

Belinda - Good luck with your appt for Brawler, today.

Kristen - Your run sounds like a lot of fun! Good luck at the basketball game tomorrow:)

Debbie - while I was doing the floor work in Gym styles yesterday, I noticed Brawlers was leaking a lot and his private parts were all swollen up. The vet thinks the K 9 cart/or the harness is irritating his bladder pushing on it, therefor he urinating a lot on himself. Lately he is urinating on himself/leaking. He got a chemical burn from it. On Tuesday Brawler is getting a catheter to stop the leaking. I have to keep him clean with only water and AD diaper rash cream/0r vaseline. I am getting ready to order for his K9 cart the Wheelchair Front Support Kit. I am hoping that will take the pressure off his bladder/belly. I only bought the rear support K9 cart. Brawler is getting weaker in his front paws, that would help too. As long as, Brawler has a the will to live I will do everything in my power to make him comfortable :) Brawler is on antibiotics. I felt so bad for Brawler at the vet yesterday :( he was shacking for fear. Poor thing!

How cool is that you meet someone from the same neighborhood. Small world!
I almost forgot to post my workout. Been on the phone with K9 carts, I just ordered a front wheel kit. Brawler is getting weaker in his front paws. Now, he will have a full support K9 cart. I wished the find a cure for DM :( It's heartbreaking watching him like this :( DM has 3 stages, I think we at the last stage :(:(

Today we walked the beach, I did 80 day Total Body Core Day 29. Tomorrow we are visiting friends.

Belinda - I feel for Brawler:(. He is so lucky to have you as a Mom. Kudos for all you do to make him feel comfortable with this terrible disease.

Kristen - How exciting your winter breaks is starting!!

Hey guys. Yesterday ended up being a "rest day" for me. I put that in quotations marks because I did play two basketball games for school and I closed my rings on my apple watch doing so, so I definitely got in a workout, just not a formal one, lol. It was a lot of fun. The kids were cheering, so cute. This morning I went for an easy run. I ran for 45 minutes and ended up doing 4.7 miles. Then when I got home, I did the upper body and abs portion of body max 2. Tomorrow, I will do legs.

Deb- I am happy to have the week off. Wish we were going somewhere, but cannot afford a trip this year, lol.

Belinda- I agree with Deb. . . you are an amazing doggy mommy. Brawler is so lucky to have you for his owner.


Just finished to the mat legs. Now I am eating chips. . . somehow I don't think my food choice is a good idea. I am starving though, lol. Help! Smack the chips out of my hand!

I am going to take Baxter for a walk. We ended up not getting nearly as much snow as predicted.


Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Hey guys,

sorry for not checking in yesterday. Alesia came and visit us, she left today.

Kirstin and Debbie - thanks for your kind worlds :) It really means a lot to me. I try to be a good doggy mommy. He is such an amazing dog. I love him so much and it hurts seeing him like this.

I am crying as I write my husband and I found out a very, good friend passed away from the flu. Her and her husband were stationed with us in Bamberg, Germany :( My husband and I we are shocked and heartbroken. This years flu is scary.My thoughts and prayers are with her family!

I will be back tomorrow. Sorry for no personals!

Today we went for a long week. We visited friends yesterday & still so tired. Tomorrow we will take DHs godson to either the state fair or the zoo.

Belinda - I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend. It doesn't seem possible with so much technology in the world that people could die from the flu:(

Kristin- A few chips here and there not bad. You'll be able to get your workouts in this week anyway:)

Hey guys. I just finished my run for today. I did 6 miles in 55 minutes. I am feeling good. My legs were a little tight when I stopped running, but I am thinking that is to be expected. I am stretching out and going on the foam roller on and off today. Later I will go to my dad's house and go in the hot tub.

I am heading in the shower and then going to a wake. My high school best friend, her dad died. He had Parkinson's disease.

Belinda- I am so sorry to hear about your friend's passing. (((Hugs)))) This flu season is crazy with the number of deaths and people who are suffering from it.

Deb- It was more than a few chips, but I think I ran them off today, lol. ;) State fair or zoo? Both sound like fun, whatever you decided, have a ball!


Good evening,

Today I did GS BSB plus SBF LB mat pilates.

Kirstin and Debbie - thanks about my friend! I agree this years flu epidemic is horrible. I can't believe how many people are dying from it. My mother in law is in a nursing home, she said 6 people died from the flu already :( This is so sad! Even with the flu shot people are dying, WTH? This is scary! We need a break.

That's it for me today. I will be back tomorrow. Have a great evening.

We decided on the State Fair, he had so much fun. I wished I had worn a tracker because we walked so much. My feet are hurting even though I wore sneakers. The FL fair is so much bigger than back home. My eating wasn't too bad, I even found some healthy choices. I did get some ice cream though;)

Belinda - I just hope the flu doesn't get worse each year:(

Kristin - A good run and great time! Sorry about your friends Dad.

Good morning,

SBF D44 Lean & Toned Arms = 15 min + Stopwatch Planks = 17 min is done. I am not sure, if I do a cardio/or GS legs later today?

Debbie - glad you had fun at the State Fair. You have to have ice cream on vacation. I hope the flue doesn't get worse each year :( That would be horrible!

I will be back later. Have to get ready to take Brawler to the vet at 2 p.m.
Hey guys. Recovery run of 3 miles in 30 minutes today. I made myself take it easy on the pace. It felt good. We might be heading to the mall later. I am in need of new boots and being as though spring is coming, I am hoping to snag a deal.

Deb- healthy choices at a fair? I love the meat on the stick, kabobs and funnel cake, lol. Not sure how healthy that is but funnel cake is amazing, lol. Glad you had a good time.If it was hot down there and you were walking a lot, maybe your feet swelled a bit, making the sneakers tighter. that happens to me without me realizing it.

Belinda- good luck with your vet appointment for Brawler!

I might do an upper body premix later. Nothing crazy. . . 30 minutes or less.



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