Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I did a Cathe Live workout Triple Threat. Tomorrow I will start 80 day obsession, unfortunately my trip to Florida will be in the middle but I guess I will figure something out.

Belinda - Great job with your workouts!

Kristin - Will you be the union rep next year too? Our class yesterday had so many planks & chaturanga's. Going to the running store sounds like a good thing.

Good morning,

JS WS3 D56 Deep Stretch + SBF D7 Stretch 6 is done. I also finished JS WS3 rotation.

Debbie - let us know how you like 80 day obsession. Have fun!

Kirstin - have fun with your workout today.

That's it for me today. Have a great Sunday!

Today I did 80 day Obsession Total Body Core. I liked it, it wasn't as hard as I expected but did like the workout. She does 1 set of a group of exercises which she demonstrates each exercise 1st. It does give you more rest time but the 2nd set she goes through the exercisers faster. I will definitely give it a try it does seem interesting. Autumn uses the loop bands a lot but I like that.

Belinda - Do you think Jessica Smith will continue to make dvds or just stream?

Kristin - Wondering if you have off tomorrow?

Good morning,

STS M3 Week 3 D31 + SBF D8 Adv Barre Cardio Fire = 40 min is done.

Debbie - I think so! She has a lot of people supporting and buying her dvd's. Glad you liked Obsession TB core. I will check it out once I am done in June.

Kirstin - how are you doing?

Have a great Monday, everyone.
Hey guys. Yesterday I did Xtrain legs, the extended version with the standing chair barre work. My legs felt good. I had some DOMs this morning. My knee felt better and I have been missing my runs, so I went for an outdoor run for 30 minutes. I ran 3.29 miles, and my average pace was 9'07 per mile. I was not even trying to run hard. It was an easy, steady run. It was cold, but I prefer outdoor runs to the indoor. Tomorrow I am taking off to attend the funeral. Afterwards, I might stop at a running store to get fitted for running shoes. My friend told me that my shoes might be the culprit. Maybe. . . I need more running pants too.

Belinda- nice job on your workouts! I think my legs need balance too. I have been doing a lot of running and on off days, I was doing step or upper body. I think I need to remember to do leg work with weights too, obviously.

Deb- I am so jealous that you're doing 80 day obsession. Let me know what you think. It is something I thought about doing, but not now with my mind set on running.



Today I did 80 day Booty. The majority of the workout is done with loop band, I really liked this workout. We are expecting more snow tomorrow night:(

Belinda - I was asking because I thought I heard Beachbody isn't doing dvds anymore. I'm surprised they wouldn't do both. Is your DH still working out with you?

Kristin - Your t-rex cracked me up:) I'm glad your knee is feeling better & didn't bother you on your run. I think it would be hard to train for a marathon & do 80 day obsession. They say it will always be on demand, so no need to rush.

Good morning,

SBF D9 Upper Core + Cardio & Weights + Chris Freytag KB workout is done.

Debbie - maybe I will hold on to my BB workouts. I don't think, Jessica is stopping producing dvd's. I think she still has a lot of followers that likes dvd's. She doesn't do streaming. She also still produces free workouts on youtube.

Kristin - Your t-rex cracked me up too :) Good job on your workout yesterday. Balance is the key.

That's it for me today.
Hey guys. I just finished Ice Chiseled Upper Body plus icy core 1. My leg started hurting me hours after my run. It isn't as bad as the last time, but the same area/pain. Today I went to the funeral. It was very sad, of course. After the burial we went to a luncheon. It was nice to talk to my old neighbors and catch up. Then we headed to the running store my friend told me about. they had me stand on what looked like a scale to find out about my foot arch and were my weight goes when i stand. Based on this, and the look of my walk, they gave me a few different pairs of sneakers to try on. I ended up getting Asics. Of course, they were the most expensive pair, lol. The guy at the store has ran marathons all over the country. He took a look at my knee and said I just have some inflammation. He said lay off of it and not to run on a treadmill if I can avoid it. Stick to the outdoors and obviously, my new sneakers should help keep this from happening again.

Belinda- it's the silly things, like T-rex doing yoga, that cracks me up. I also heard that BB is not doing dvds anymore. Autumn's series is only online and Sagi is putting out a new series too, I believe, and it will also only be online.

Deb- You guys are getting more snow. We are only going to see a dusting, if that, thankfully.



Today I did 80 day Cardio Core. I liked that it was only 40 minutes:) It was one cardio excercise (not too hard), a Hiit exercise followed by ab exercise (I think 10 but not sure).

Belinda - I didn't realize Jessica Smith doesn't stream but I guess because she puts them on you-tube she doesn't have to.

Kristin - I was wondering how you Dad did at the funeral. I always think it nice to go to the luncheon, so many good memories are talked about at that time. I would have thought the treadmill would act as a cushion:confused:

Hi everyone,

STS legs and SBF barre is done.

Debbie - I hope she doesn't do streaming. She still puts out free workouts.

Kirstin - maybe I should hold on to all my BB dvd's, lol.

Have great day and workout everyone.

Today I did 80 day AAA (arms, abs & a**). It snowed here in the morning but only about 3 inches, schools only had a delayed opening. The good thing was it was quiet everywhere I went LOL.

Belinda - Your BB's may become collectibles!

Kristin - It looked like you didn't get much snow either. This weekend should be nice running weather!

Good morning,

I just finished Jenny Ford (YT) Super Sweaty Step Aerobics At Home Workout with Four Combos (Intermediate). It was a sweat fest and lots of fun. I also did SBF D11 UB 5. Very tough workout.

Debbie - hahaha....who knows? LOL! Good job, yesterday. Will you sign up for the RT?

Kirstin - what are your plans today?

That's it for me today. Have a great day and workout everyone.

Today I did 80 Day Legs, my legs are tired:) Not much else going on but looking forward to the nicer weather this weekend.

Belinda - I keep going back and forth about the RT. At least I have one more week to decide. Your workout sounded like fun!

Kristin - I hope your leg is feeling better.

Good morning,

STS M3 D33 + SBF LB Barre (27 min) is done.

Debbie - I am sure you will decide by next week :) I am not going, can't because of Brawler.

Kirstin - you haven't checked in since Tuesday? Hope all is well.

That's it for me today. Have a great Friday, everyone.

Today I went to hot yoga it was hard again. I noticed a lot of yoga instructors take this class (probably to get ideas) so I think that is why it is so hard. I was going to try and do a 80 day obsession workout but couldn't. I think it may take me extra time to complete 80 day obsession so I can throw in yoga & some other workouts in the mix.

Belinda - Will you do any RV trips? Is it too much for Brawler? Great job with your workouts!

Kristin - What are you up to this weekend?

Have a great weekend:)
Hey guys. The week was abit overwhelming at work, especially the last few days and now I am backed up with grading to the eyeballs. Wednesday I went to hot yoga. It was great. My leg is feeling better and I might try out my new sneakers today and go for a run or I might do a weight workout and start running tomorrow. The weather is going to be perfect and I want to seize it.

Thursday I had DS's basketball game. Friday I went to a colleague's retirement party. So no workouts the last two days.

I am not going to do the RT this year. Too much $$$$ for the Cooperstown tournament and I cannot afford it. If I can go away for a weekend, I want it to be with DH, lol.

Deb- Someone I work with is also doing 80 day obsession and she is loving it. I might cave and get BBOD this year at some point.

Belinda- Sorry to hear Brawler is not doing well these days.


Hallo everyone,

I just finished a rebounder beginner workout. It was a lot of fun and I wasn't holding on to the handle. I was so confident on the rebounder, I tackled on Tracie Long Focus Series Power Up. It was a lot of fun without the high impact and it was easy on the rebounder to do.

Kirstin- thank you about Brawler :( he is 13 years old :( I just hate seeing him like that. I am not going to the RT either. I rather go on a nice, relaxing vacation with my DH. We sure need one. Good job on your run today. Hope your knee isn't acting up.

Hallo Debbie!

I will be back tomorrow.

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