Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

There is a response in the “newest and upcoming...” thread about the video clips. That might answer your questions.

Today I did Low Impact Upper body split. I think I am only going to do the weight workouts & my own cardio for the bodybuilding rotation. This way I can shorten each series.

Belinda - I can't imagine that you would try & do STS today too LOL. Enjoy your day of beauty, you'll have so much fun!!

Kristin - I agree with Belinda you are doing great with your runs! I mentioned to DH what your times are and he was impressed.

Good morning,

I did ended up doing STS D18 last night :) I am a nut! Didn't wanted to play catch up on the weekend, lol.

Today I will try to do SBF Barre wo (whatever is scheduled for today?) and maybe JS WS3 Tone + Flow.

Debbie - sounds like a good plan.

I will try to be back later today. Happy Hump Day, everyone.

Today I did Low Impact Slide & Glide. I can't believe how cold I felt today:( I'm hoping because it's the 1st really cold day.

Belinda - You are crazy but a good kind of crazy :) You deserve a rest day & spa day!

Kristin - I hear you may get snowo_O

Good morning,

Alesia and I had lots of fun at the spa/facial yesterday. The spa is at the Watergate Hotel. Very nice! We been there so many times, but yesterday they messed up a lot of stuff. We usually order a fruit platter, it showed up when the girl got me for my facial. They know the timelines. We did ask when we arrived. When we checked in, the guy was so complicated it wasn't funny :( We usually get the spa packets from Trip Adviser ( you also get it much cheaper than from the hotel). He wanted us to print out the voucher? We always just showed them the voucher # from our iPhones, never thad a problem checking in otherwise. The guy wanted us to print the voucher (sure, I have a pinter up my .....) It was painful! What is technology for if you don't use it? When we get to the ladies locker room, non of the lockers closed. I had to run around to find someone to open up more lockers. We made sure we had enough time to enjoy our fruit platter and have a small glass of champagne . That never happened, lol. My facial and massage was amazing as always. Of course, the manager of the spa tried to offer me the fruit platter again after I was done with the facial, WTH? I was so annoyed at this point about the fruit platter . I told her, I already have lunch reservation at the hotel after my massage. They are the ones that messed up the timelines not us. We were on time .No way I was eating a lot of fruit then an hour later eat lunch. The manager was trying to push our appointment for another 45 min in between appointments, lol. I was like no! They really didn't wanted to miss out on that fruit platter, lol. The fruit platter is very expensive, they wanted that $$. My husband ordered it for us. Very sweet of him to do. Our lunch was scheduled at 2;30 am. The manager herself scheduled all the appointments, she even called Aleisa yesterday and changed all the appointments back to back . Original they did had us scheduled for a 45 min break between the facial and the massage. Not my problem if they mess up the appointments. I hope the enjoyed the fruit platter, lol! Oh....I almost forgot instead of an hour massage, they guy scheduled me for a sugar scrub, lol. Lots of mix up yesterday!

We did ended up having a good time afterwards. We went a little shopping and had dinner with my son and daughter in law.

Today we are getting our hair done. I will try to get a workout in. We shall see!BBL!

I worked a long day today so I didn't get my workout in. I hope to double up tomorrow. I like that the stores aren't crowded, I just hope it doesn't get crazy the next few weeks. One of the managers told me that sales are down 17% from last year. I see the UPS/Fed Ex/Postman delivering so many packages in my neighborhood.

Belinda - I wonder if the spa has new management:( At least you enjoyed your services, lunch & shopping:) That happened to me too, I had a coupon and they wanted a printed copy even though it was on my phone!

Waves hi to Kristin

Good morning,

Come home late last night. We had a blast.

Today I did STS D18 + SBF D12 Lower Body Circuit + JS D20 Tone + Flow.

Debbie - same management :( The facial/massage was amazing. Why have a voucher/groupon if you have to pint it out? Makes no sense. We always showed our phones. Maybe the guy didn't know how to do, lol?

Kirstin - where are you?

I will be back later. Have a great Friday everyone.

Today I did Turbo Barre & sprints on the treadmill. We are getting snow tomorrow about 3-5 inches. This is too soon for me:( but wouldn't mind a white Christmas:)

Belinda - It's good that the facial/massage were amazing. Great job with your workouts!

Kristin - Are you getting ready for the snow?

Hey guys. What a crazy week. Wednesday I had a union meeting and then had to take DS to baseball practice, no hot yoga because of that. Thursday was my parent/teacher conferences for my school. It ended at 6:30, but then I had to go to DS's winter concert, which started at 7:30. I was starving by the end of the concert. Yesterday I was too exhausted to workout, plus my other DS had a basketball game. So the last time I ran was Tuesday. I decided to go out and run today, even though it was starting to snow. I did get 4 miles in 37:58 minutes. Not bad. I would have gone longer, but I don't have the appropriate workout clothes for this kind of weather and I was feeling very wet at that point. Today I plan on cleaning and grading. We are making a yummy pork roast for dinner as well, cannot wait!

Deb- I agree it is a little early for snow. Plus, I prefer snow on a school day ;). I would love a white Christmas myself!

Belinda- I need a facial in the worst way. Maybe during the holiday break I will have time to get one.


Good morning,

Today I will do SBF abs and JS UB workout. I am getting ready to sell more workout dvd's. I just sold STS and all the Fit Tower dvd's. Glad those are gone, lol. I can't do a lot of high impact workouts anymore, those need to find a new home.

Debbie - it's snowing in WV :( not looking forward to all that white stuff. Good job on TB yesterday.

Kirstin - you do need e appropriate workout clothes for this kinda weather. Fantastic job on your run and fitting it all in with your busy schedule.

I will be back later.
Hey guys. I got 8 miles in today in 77 minutes. I used this app called runkeeper. It downloads to both your iphone and Apple watch. It keeps track of your time, pace, splits. It plays any playlist from your music you want and it gives you audio updates every five minutes on distance, pace and speed. It was very motivating. I didn't have to look at my watch at all to see my stats because the audio came on every five minutes. I will be using this app from now on. And it is free. There is an upgraded version, but enough cool features on the free app that you don't have to pay for it if you do not want to. Anyway, there were times I wanted to stop. The audio definitely kept me motivated.

Belinda- Today I wore a bunch of layers. When I took everything off I had a giant sweat-stain from my stomach on my tee-shirt. It was soaked, lol. Need dry-fit stuff. LOL.



Yesterday I took a hot yoga class. Today I did Afterburn & I still have DOMS from turbo barre the other day. I cooked my sauce for Christmas today and barely had room for it in my freezer!

Belinda - I forgot that you get a lot of snow! Great job with your workouts:)

Kristin - It must have been fun to run in the snow:) The running app sounds really good & it is free!

Hey girls,

STS D19 and all my other workouts are done.

Sorry for not checking in yesterday. I put a my xmas tree. I did do a SBF stretch.

Have you seen the new clips for the Fit Splits?

Debbie - good job yesterday.

Kirstin - I used to run with run keeper. good stuff. Nice job! BBL!
Hey guys. Today's workout was Flextrain. I loved it today. It was just what I needed. TOTM is coming any minute and I feel so bloated, blah. tomorrow is finally my formal observation. Wish me luck.

Belinda- I saw the one clip for the boxing/legs workout. It looks good. I miss the old cast though. Amanda isn't in the new series?

Deb- It was a beautiful scene because the snow was still on the trees. The track I run on is on an ecology reserve site. I actually saw a deer the other day, pretty cool. The track is 1.2 miles. I like it better than a school track.



Today I did ran/walked on the treadmill. We have been watching my neighbor's dog (actually my fav yoga instructors dog) she is away & my neighbor is in the hospital. It was supposed to be a one day operation but he was almost in for a week. It has been fun . . . I miss having a dog!

Belinda - I didn't see the clips, will go check them out. Now that you have your tree up it must feel like Christmas:)

Kristin - It's really nice to run with beautiful scenery. We had a beautiful sunset tonight if I wasn't busy would have loved to gone for a walk.

Good morning,

SBF D16 Intermediate Mat + JS D24 Cardio Step Jam is done.

Debbie - dogs are a lot of fun. When are you gonna get one, lol?

Kirstin - I also miss the old cast. Amanda isn't in the new series. I really didn't see any new move. I looked at the clip a few, lol. I don't like the music either :( I need to look at the clip again today. I hope they show more clips, this way I can make up my mind whether I want to keep my preorder or not? I am downsizing and it doesn't make sense to get more of the same stuff.

That's it for me today. Have a wonderful day and workout everyone.

Today I took a rest day. My restless leg has been keeping me up at night:( I get this about 2x a year, I guess I should be thankful that is all it is. We took my in-laws out to dinner for my FIL birthday tonight. They really enjoyed themselves, my FIL can't drive too far so this was a real treat for them.

Belinda - Someday we will get a dog, just need to figure out when/where we will move LOL. Are you trying to finish a certain amount of dvds before 2017 ends?

Waves hi to Kristin

Hi everyone,

I did my workouts this morning. I did SBF D17 Total Body Barre-30 + Stretch-20 + JS WS3 D25 Barre Sculpt and STS Legs D20.

Have you seen the new Low Impact clips? I don't know about all that gliding. I am waiting for a few more clips before I cancel.

Debbie - that is wonderful! Will you adopt one from the shelter? There are so many animals looking for a good home. Oh no, about the restless leg. Spending time with people you love is always fun.

Nice job on your workouts, everyone. I have to run. BBL!
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Today I did run/walk on the treadmill. The stores are starting to get too busy:(

Belinda - Wow, you knocked it out of the park with your workouts today:) I think I will look at a shelter but it will be a couple of years down the road for us. In the meantime I will dog sit if anyone needs:)

Kristin - Are you looking forward to Christmas vacation?


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