Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hey guys. I just finished Kick Max. Instead of doing the leg conditioning drills, I subbed in medicine ball abs from STS. It was a great workout. I am definitely doing this one again this month.

Last night I took Baxter and my younger DS and dad by the water. My dad and DS went crabbing at the dock while I walked Baxter on the trail. It was a beautiful night.

Belinda- nice job on your kickboxing workout. Do you like doing kickbox in a live class? I haven't taken a kickbox class in years.

Deb- Did Cathe say when filming would begin? Cedie and Lorraine used to be my favorites. I love Jai too.

You guys are probably right. My aunt just needed to see for herself. I cannot help but have mixed emotions about it. I guess I have to push out the negative thoughts, like I normally try to do. It is hard in this situation. I think seeing my mom like this is a shock for anyone. And when I see someone experience the shock of it, it brings it all back to me, how bad it really has gotten.


Kirstin - good job on KM. That's a tough one with all those jumping jacks. I do like taking live kickboxing classes. They are so much fun with real, upbeat music. I know, how you feel about your aunt...but people do get older and regret the things they done in the past. I am so sorry for everything you and your family are going through with your mom (((HUGS))) Must be hard!
Hey girls,

I did STS D23 this morning. Been busy selling more workout dvd's :) Sold 2 Cathe cycle dvd's today. I don't have a spin bike? I still have some Beachbody workouts to sell, will list them this weekend. They all still in shrink wrap :( Why on earth, did I buy so many workout dvd's? Scratching my head!

Good job, everyone. Need to go through more dvd's :)

Today I did STS M3 D29 Legs. I'm not sure I guess there is a small chance Cedie may be in the dvds. They really didn't make tell us who would be in there. They didn't give a date as to when filming would begin.

Belinda - You are getting your money's worth with the kickboxing classes:)

Kristin - I know what you mean about your Mom, it is just not believable that it could happen:( Sometimes I look at my MIL and think who would have thought years ago that it would be like this. I don't remember any signs.

Hi Ladies.

Last night I went to hot yoga. The class was great. Today I am going to do cardio. Thinking step, not sure yet.

Well, today was one month since I last weighed myself. I got on the scale and I have not lost a single pound. I am eating clean 70-100% each day. I am working out consistently. I think it is because I am doing lifting. . . I am sticking with STS. I am sure it will start to go down soon enough. I am seeing definition in my arms, legs and my stomach, so I am not going to change things.

Not much else planned today. Getting my hair colored. Tomorrow night I am meeting up with some girlfriends from work. Should be fun.

Deb- It is a horrible disease, isn't it? Maybe we will start to get updates on the workouts soon. I would think filming would be starting soon.

Belinda- I answered your PM. I am going to be clearing out my closet before school starts. Just need to find the motivation to do it ;).


Kickboxing is done!

Kirstin - saw your pm! Weigh yourself after you done with STS. It's probably water weight. I think, you gained muscle weight. Have fun with your step workout.

Have a great day, everyone.

Today I did Turbo Jam Cardio Party. It is a fun workout:) The summer is flying by:(

Belinda - I enjoyed doing kickboxing today, you motivated me to do it. I miss doing it at the gym, my new gym doesn't offer it.

Kristin - I'm sure it is water weight too. It's nicer to see definition:) I think filming should be starting soon. Have fun with your friends!

Hey guys. Didn't feel much like working out today, but I got it done. I did Cardio Slam, a timesaver premix where you do half of floor, half of mat and all of step. I also added Intensity Boot Camp, just the core premix. Now I am heading to the pool. Tonight I am meeting some girlfriends from work for drinks and apps. Tomorrow will probably be a rest day or a yoga day. Then Sunday I start Meso 2.

I saw on Facebook Autumn Calabrese is coming out with a new workout program that is more extreme. It is called 80 day obsession. I think it will only be available on BBOD. I am thinking about signing up for it. It will be available in January. I will be finishing STS pyramid in December, so it would be perfect timing. However, I do not have on demand and I am iffy about Internet programs and streaming and how that all works. I will have to learn more about it.

Deb- Hopefully, this month with Meso 2, I will start to see the scale move.

Belinda- my friend said the same thing about water weight with weight training. I think the last time I did STS the scale started moving after a few weeks of staying the same. Time will tell. I do see more definition all around.


Hey girls,

D24 is done. Meeting up with my friend.

Debbie - glad you enjoyed Turbo Jam. Love that one.

Kirstin - I am glad you seeing more definitions all around. Keep it up!

Have a great day.
Hi everyone,

Took a Zumba class this morning :) Who knew, this old girls had some moves:p FUN, FUN, FUN! Got over 7000 steps in 60 min, not bad.

Have a great weekend, everyone.

Yesterday I took a hot yoga class. Today was STS M3 D30 Shoulders, bi's & tri's. It has been really nice weather here, going to the pool tomorrow:)

Belinda - You have a lot of dvds for sale. It seems like I have a lot of the same. What do you think about selling on ebay?

Kristin - I hope you are enjoying the pool! I'm still learning about streaming too. I hope you had fun with your friends:)

Good morning,

Debbie - good job on the yoga yesterday.I sure do have a lot of dvd's for sale, most of them I have double :( I bought a lot of dvd's for DD and friends. Alesia just gave me back all the dvd's, she is using a gym. I never sold on eBay? eBay takes a cut of your sell. So far, I been selling my dvd's. Sometimes it takes awhile for them to sell, that's fine with me. Some people think I am posting them for FREE on FB :) Some people are out there, they want everything for free. I rather keep them than give them away for free. Are you plan on selling your workout dvd's? BBL!
Hey guys. Started Meso 2 today! I love this mesocycle, have I said that before? LOL :p. I was able to lift the weights the workout card said to lift. I remember the last time that I was not able to do this with some of the moves, especially triceps at the end. I also added stability ball abs from STS ab Circuits. My arms are still pumped up.

Today DS has a double header, so I am heading over there now. The weather is pretty cool today, but sunny. I'll take it.

Deb- nice job with the hot yoga and STS. You are almost done with Meso 3. You stuck with it! I wonder if I will stick with it. It'll be tough, as it's my least favorite mesocycle and I will be doing it in September when I am back at school. I think working out every day this summer has really brought back my motivation, which was missing for a bit.

Belinda- You do have a huge collection! I am glad you are able to sell them on facebook.



Today I did Squeeze by Tracey Effinger. I don't do it often but like it when I do. We went to my in-laws pool but it was cool but not bad:)

Belinda - I thought about e-bay but I think your right they take a cut. My niece sold some clothes in our town and they didn't give her hardly anything. She also said they didn't take a lot of things which were nice:confused: Enjoy your rest day!

Kristin - I am 1/2 way through Meso 3 and I do get a dread factor when I see the time for the upper body workouts. It's not so bad after I'm done, I just shouldn't look at the times. It was a nice day for baseball:)

Hallo everyone,

Kickboxing at the gym is done. Now I have sellers remorse:oops: Maybe I should hold on to my dvd's a little longer before I sell them all off, lol. I spent so much money on them :( I pulled a lot of my dvd's from FB. The ones I don't care, can go. I really never gave them a real chance.

Debbie - it's crazy, how much they take a cut. This is why I pulled a lot of my dvd's. I think, I will hold on to them and give them another try. I need to pull out Squeeze had that one for years, never done it.

I will be back later.

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