Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Just finished Athletic Step and STS no equipment abs. It is suddenly really cloudy outside. I might not be going in the pool after all, lol.

Athletic Step was easier than I remembered. I remember when I first got this dvd, I fell off the step. It took me a few tries to get the choreography and I was winded the entire time. This time I sweat, my heart rate was up there, but I did it without feeling like I was going to die. Cardio Core Circuit is one that just has a huge dread factor for me. I wonder if I should give it a try and see what happens, lol. Maybe doing Cathe's other Hiit workouts have made these workouts easier, who knows.


Hi everyone,

I walked for an hour today and did P57 barre = 30 min.

I forgot to mention, I took Brawler to the vet yesterday, he needed a booster shot, plus I wanted my vet to check out a grow on Brawlers butt. We and the vet been monitoring the grow for awhile. Brawler always gets those fatty tissue. Now it's the size of a grape and right by his butt. He needs surgery next Wednesday to get it removed. My vet wants to sent it to the lab, to make sure it's not cancer. My vet said, more and likely it's not cancer, but to make sure he needs to sent it in. I wasn't gonna but through Brawler to a teeth cleaning anymore, the always gets so freaked out. But my vet, recommended to get his teeth clean since he needs surgery anyway. Wednesday Brawler is getting surgery plus his teeth cleaned. My vet ensured me, if Brawler is having any problems while he is under Anesthesia he would stop. He told me Brawler would be monitor the same way as a human would when they get surgery. I know, he is in good hands. I also ask my vet, if he would do house calls when it's time for Brawler :( He said he would come to my house. When we took Brawler to PT last year, I witnessed 2 dogs laying on the floor on the same day. I do not want my dog to go like this. He deserves better. That was heartbreaking to watch those dogs when they opened the doors :(

My washer/dryer is coming this Saturday. I painted my laundry room in bright yellow. Well, yellow really wouldn't look good with the new Black Stainless Steel washer and dryer :) My old washer and dryer is white. My husband is painting my laundry room in gray for me. I love the color gray:D My laundry room is very small, it's on the second floor by all the bedrooms. I can't wait for my laundry room to be done.

Kirstin - your plan sounds good. Nice job today.

Debbie - my back hurts as soon as I wake up and when I bent over. DH is helping a lot with Brawler.

Have a great evening.

Today I did STS M2 D23 Legs. It was a tough one, the heat wore me out today. It rained but it didn't get any cooler.

Today I jumped out of bed when I saw the time, jumped in the shower was going to call the Dr. because thought I would be late for my appt. & realized my appt. was tomorrow:oops:

Belinda - I love the color grey but don't have any in my house yet:) We had the vet come to our house and it was much better. DH just didn't like that she brought a special bag to put her in. If I had to do it over I would use a nice blanket instead.

Kristin - Don't you wish you could always do your work by the pool:cool: Thanks for the info about drop sets, that makes sense. It's funny how when you do different workouts one's that were harder are so bad.

MMA Kickbox done. I was supposed to do STS M1 D6 legs today, but I did a lot of running around and I would not have had time to get it in with taking out all the equipment and what not. I am eating dinner as I type and then I am off to DS's baseball game. What else is new, right?

I will do STS tomorrow.

I don't have time for personals. I will catch up with you guys tomorrow.



DH and I did STS D15 earlier today. I am just getting around to post. I also walked.

Debbie - thanks for letting me know about the blanket. I had to put down my little yorkie 12 years ago, I had to take her to the vet. My husband was deployed to Iraq for over a year. That was the hardest thing I have ever done. Pixy had cancer, she was only 6 years old :( I still miss her.

Kirstin - have fun at your son's game today. Good job with your KB workout. Haven't done that one in a long time.

Have a great evening.
STS M1 D6 done. I am so glad you guys inspired me to do STS again. I am loving the program and I know it is too early, but I feel as though I am already starting to see some results/definition improvements.

Belinda- your post about your dog and the final decision brought tears to my eyes. I cannot even think of it. . . I had a cat when I was 14 and when I was 29 I had to put him down. That was horrible and at the time the hardest thing I ever had to do. I was so close with that darn cat. . . but I am definitely closer with Baxter. He follows me around everywhere, snuggles with me every chance he gets and loves to take walks with me. He sees me as the alpha in the family, and I sometimes think he believes he is 2nd in command, lol. Dogs are pure spirits.

Deb- Yes, working by the pool is my ideal job setting, haha.

I notice Shock Cardio Hiit is the daily deal. I always think about getting this one, but never have. Maybe I will bite the bullet and get it today. Hmmm. . .


Hi everyone,

I finally got a washer and dryer. We called Habitat for Humanity, there is one 20 min from us. Well, we still waiting to hear from them. I guess, they don't want a working dryer? We called another Habitat for Humanity that is over 40 min from our house, they called us right away. But they can't came until Tuesday, which is fine with us. They gladly want the dryer. I will go through my house tomorrow and see what else we can donate. Like all the ceiling lights from my gym, door handles that we replaced, curtains rods that I no longer need nor will I take them with me on my next move, lol. I think we also have some tools from the yard sale the other day. That stuff has to go. I am tired of this stuff sitting around, it needs to find a new home.

Kirstin - I am sorry, I brought you to tears :( Every time I talk to my vet about Brawler, I start crying :( I just hate this, it's not fair :( He is such a good dog. I love my dog more than anything. Brawler is like your dog, he follows me everywhere. Why don't you get the Shock Cardio HiiT workout instead of a dvd? There are no premixes. Sometimes the downloads are 40% off. Plus, you don't pay shipping.

Have a great Saturday, everyone.

Today I ran/walked on the treadmill. I ran a bunch of errands today & going to the pool tomorrow:)

Belinda - Putting a dog down is so hard. There lives are just too short & they bring us such happiness. It's great that the other Habitat got back to you. I have so much garbage going out this week!

Kristin - A hot day for baseball:eek:. I'm loving STS too, I feel stronger and see some changes (just need to lose a few pounds) LOL. I'm glad I waited awhile to do STS because it feels new.


Today I went to the pool it was nice. I had so much to do around the house didn't get my workout in:( I'm home tomorrow, plumber coming so I will try to do a double workout:)

Belinda & Kristin - I hope you enjoyed your Sunday!!

Good morning,

Debbie - I agree with you on their lives being to short :( I wished they lived forever. I still can't believe the Habit for Humanity near by never contacted us. We called them over and over. They hung up on us too, WTH? I am just glad it will get picked up tomorrow. Glad you had fun at the pool.

I will be back later.

I almost forgot my workouts. I did STS D16 and walked today. Tomorrow Brawler is getting his surgery :( I hope everything goes well.

I did no workouts this weekend. I did lots of laundry.I am done.

Good night.
Hey guys. I had to meet up with my colleague to finish up the curriculum writing, so I did my workout tonight, just finished now. I was impressed with my weights this week. I am so glad I decided to do STS. Thank you both for the inspiration!

Belinda- Good luck to Brawler tomorrow. I hope all goes well and easy for him. I am excited for this series. It sounds like an updated version of 4DS, which is one of my favorite series. I will probably preorder. I wonder who the cast will be. I miss Cedie and Lorraine.

Deb- This whole weekend was really hot for baseball. Yesterday DS had two games at 4 and 6. The 4 o'clock game I was melting. Sweat was dripping in my boobs, the worst kind of sweat, lol. I need to lose a few pounds too, especially after the cruise. I weighed myself the day after the cruise. It was a scary number. I will not weigh myself until a full month has passed. . . August 3rd. My eating has been better, but not stellar. We shall see.



Today I did STS M2 D24 Back & bi's. Ugh, the plumber came today & fixed some of our problems but my bathroom upstairs needs new shower & bathtub faucets (they are separate). That isn't bad but they made about 3 holes in my living room ceiling to find out the source of the leaks. They also have to make 2 more holes in the bathroom to install the new fixtures. I will have to call a contractor in to fix everything. I can see why people just renovate instead of repairs:rolleyes:

Belinda - Good luck with Brawler, my thoughts will be with you. The new series looks like something that will really work for me.

Kristin - I could just imagine how hot it must be. I like your idea to wait a month after vacation to weigh in. I think Cedie may be in the workouts only because last week she was in the Cathe Live workout:) Just a guess.

Quick update on Brawler. We just picked Brawler and ChuChu (my other dog) up from the vet. The vet had to remove 4 cyst from Brawler, I will get the results soon. Poor thing is still so out of it. He can't stand on his own, he keeps collapsing. I have to monitor him, so he doesn't scratch/eat his stitches. He had a giant cyst on his butt, I am not sure how I will keep that one clean. It looks horrible :( His teeth are nice and clean again :) My other dog ChuChu (I didn't name him, lol) had a teeth cleaning too. They both pretty out of it :( I think, in a few hours they are back to normal.

Thanks for the prayers and thinking about Brawler.

Debbie - I agree, the new series sounds interesting. I love 4DS, but can't remember the last time I did those? I am trying to downsize everything in my house. How many dvd's do I need? I still haven't done all the ICE workout or XTrain. If I get them, I probably will get the downloads only. I probably will cave once I see some clips. Although I am not crazy about more Hiit or drills workouts. They all starting to look the same, lol. Maybe I will not buy this series and sign up for On Demand. This way I don't have the clutter of more dvd's:D We shall see!

Not sure, if I get a workout in.

We took my older DS to dinner tonight (his birthday was on Sunday). My plan was to workout afterwards but I am so tired. I think it was too many carbs LOL. Going to bed right after I type this:)

Belinda - I'm happy everything went well with your dogs. I could just picture them with clean, white teeth:D Hopefully the test results are good for Brawler. I know too many choices dvds, demand or downloads:confused: For me these workouts will be good because I sometimes like to do my workout in the morning and finish in the evening.

Kristin - How was your day?

Hey guys. Yesterday ended up being an unintended rest day. The day got away from me. I visited my mom and was a bit down after. Decided to just eat dinner and watch a movie. I just finished STS M1 D8, back and triceps. My triceps are so pumped right now, lol. I am also going to hot yoga tonight.

Belinda- Hope Brawler is doing better today. I've never done the downloads. I like to have the videos on my tv. I have a smart tv, I am just not sure how it would work and if it would work. Maybe I will do a little research on it. Do you have BB on demand?

Deb- It would be great to see Cedie in the new workouts. I would love to see Lorraine return too. Some of the new girls don't give the same energy that they do, if that makes any sense. I don't know.

Hi everyone,

STS D17 legs is done.

Habitat for Humanity was suppose to come and pick up the dryer :( The driver got sick, they will pick it up on Thursday. LOL! We shall see!

Thank you, Debbie :) He does have nice, clean teeth again. Tomorrow we should get the results.

Kirstin - thanks for asking, Brawler is doing great. He is eating and drinking with no problem. He is also taking his antibiotic 2x a day.

If you want, I can sent you that dvd and you can see if you like it first? I am not using it right now. I also have a smart TV. You still using a dvd player, right? If, I where you...I would wait until Cathe offers 40$ off on her downloads. That workout has no premixes. You can plug in a HDMI cable to your smart TV and play it from your computer. How do you have your videos on your TV? Do you have OnDemand? Sorry your visit with your mom brought you down :( It would bring me down too ((HUGS)))

I see you all in the morning. BBL!

Today I ran/walked on the treadmill. I have an active rest week & start STS Meso 3 next week:) DH & I are going to the beach tomorrow it is going to be really hot:eek: I am bringing an umbrella!

Belinda - I'm wondering if they don't pick-up if you should just put by your curb and put a Free sign on it. I love the leg workouts in M2.

Kristin - They may not even have to turn the heat up in hot yoga tonight;) My favorite thing to do when I am feeling down is to watch a movie.

Good morning,

Today I will do cardio, not sure what yet?

Debbie - I rather find a nonprofit organization before I put it by the curb. Our HOA has strict rules about putting stuff by the curb. The dryer was very expensive. We do have people drive around and would pick up the dryer than resale it :( Like my old couch I'll find someone rather than dumping it on the curb. I rather donate than have to try to sell it :) Have fun at the beach.

I will be back later.

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