Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I did STS M2 D16 Chest, shoulders & tri's.

Belinda - My DVDs came in today, almost did one but will give my back some more rest too:) I forget if they have premixes?


Today I did Turbo Fire Core 20. I'm off tomorrow looking forward to it.

Belinda - How is your back feeling?

Good morning,

D11 is doen. Went light on the weights. I will give my back a few more day's before I see my doc.

Debbie - my back feels the same, not getting any better. How is yours feel? Good job on your workout.

That's it for me today. Happy Hump Day, everyone.

Today I did M2 D17 Legs. The calf raises in M2 are so hard for me. It was a beautiful day today but was surprised the pollen is still around:confused: We took DH's godchild to the park, dinner & ice cream. It's fun to borrow a child once in a while:)

Belinda - I went light on legs, especially deadlifts it is just not worth it. I see people in the gym lifting so heavy not sure how they do it without getting injured:confused: I thought about using the vest & going even lighter. I hope your back feels better soon.


Today I did some sprints on the treadmill. Not much else going on looking forward to the long weekend. Tomorrow I'm getting my haircut:)

Waves hi to Belinda

Kristin - I'm sure you are having a great time!

Good morning,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday. DD is here for a few day's. Yesterday I walked 3 miles in the morning. Late afternoon DD and I did Cathe Fit Tower BC. I had to keep everything low impact. You really don't need the tower for this workout. DD used my squat rack instead, it worked out fine.

Debbie - good job yesterday. Have fun getting your hair cut.

I will be back later.

Today I took a warm yoga class, it was nice:) I took a few inches off of my hair but it really needed it, looks healthier.

Belinda - I'm hoping to be able to do one of the dvds this weekend. It's great that your dd is by you for a few days:)

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Today I did some sprints on the treadmill. I usually run errands everyday but today I stayed home all day and it was nice:)

Waves hi to Belinda & Kristin

Good morning,

DD went home again, but we will visit her on 4th of July. The fireworks are insane in my neighborhood, Brawler gets so scared. You can see fireworks from far away from DD's apartment, but no noises :) That will be much easier for Brawler than here.

Debbie - I ended up taking a complete rest day yesterday. Needed that! Friday DH and I went washing machine shopping. Glad you like your hair cut. I got mine cut short a few weeks ago, love it. I think I will keep that length.

I will be back later.

Today I took a rest day:) This long weekend is going by too fast!

Belinda - It's great that you can go to DD's to escape the fireworks. I didn't like it when our dog would get so upset with the noise. You rarely take a rest day but it must have felt good;)

Hey guys. We got back last night. We had such an amazing time on the cruise. The food was excellent, the entertainment was wonderful, the ports were amazing. We had an awesome cruise director; she was so much fun. The first two ports we went to the beach. At Grand Turk my younger son saw a guy with a horse and asked if he could pet it. The guy ended up offering him a free ride on the horse. This always happens with my DS. He has a way of charming people, lol. In Freeport, we went on a boat to do a reef snorkel. It was a little scary at first to be snorkeling out in open water. I have seen the movie Jaws every summer since I was 5, so I couldn't help but hear the theme song in my head, lol. The fish were beautiful and so was the reef. I was impressed with my boys. They were a little scared, but did the snorkeling and enjoyed it once they were in the water. After snorkeling, we went to a olphind encounter. We got to pet and kiss a dolphin and we each fed him a fish. It was amazing.

I didn't work out every day, but I did go to the gym on the ship. They had lots of ellipticals, treadmills and bikes. I used the elliptical and treadmill. I went up to the second level of the gym where the weights were. At first, it was intimidating because only men were in the weight room area at the time. I wasn't going to go in there, but then I told myself to just go in and lift, that's what we Cathletes do, right? So I went in and grabbed medium weights (15 #) and started with shoulder presses. No sooner do I finish my first set, another woman comes in and sees me. We nod, and she grabs a set of weights and gets started. Then another woman came in, and another. Before we knew it we had taken over the weight room, lol. It was a "girl power" moment, very cool.

Our last day at sea was fun, but I was ready to get home. We picked up Baxter last night. He was beyond happy to see us. Now to unpack and get back to a routine, but the best part is. . . I have the rest of the summer off, lol. DH goes back to work Wednesday.

Belinda- I take it you did not like the new workouts? I wonder if Cathe will be coming out with a new set for those of us that do not have the barre. I am starting STS this week. You guys inspired me to do it.

Deb- have you done any of the new workouts yet? What is your take on them?

I have no food in the house so I guess that means that food shopping is next on my list. I am doing cardio today and starting STS tomorrow.


Hi everyone,

I walked 3 miles. I will leave for DC, I will check in tomorrow.

Kirstin - you can do those workouts without a barre or Fit Tower. You don't need a Fit Tower. You can use a ball, wall, step or high step. If you have a door anchor that would work too. In BC all you do is hold on to something. For the tricep dips you can use a chair. Nothing you haven't seen before. The workout was ok, just wasn't for me. Glad you had lots of fun. If you want them I will sell them for the pre sale price :)

Happy 4th of July, everyone. Stay safe!
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Just finished today's workout. I did Party Rockin' Step 1 and STS Stability Ball abs.

Belinda- I just don't think this set is for me either. I would feel funny or like I am missing out without the tower. If her next series doesn't have the fit tower as the focus, I will preorder it.


Kirstin - she only used the tower to hold on, that's it? You can easily do that on a wall, chair....You are not missing out on the tower, lol. It doesn't matter if you buy from me or someone else. You don't need the tower. There wasn't anything you have done with a ball, high step, wall or bench. Just letting you know if you want to order. Hop over to Fitness videos, they have an entire thread dedicated to the Fit Tower workouts :) You definitely not missing out on anything :)
Started STS today with M1 D1. I forgot about all the push ups, lol. I did most of them on my knees. It felt good to focus on lifting again.

We plan on hanging out by the pool. My dad is going to come over later, we just need to pick him up. He is recovering from his surgery well. I visited my mom yesterday. She was very happy to see me. She seemed more alert than usual. It is weird how that comes and goes.

Anyway. . . Happy July 4th everyone!

Belinda- I read those reviews you pointed me too and you're right, they all say you do not really need the tower. I'm just not interested in this series. I would like to see a series with less equipment, not more, lol. How is your basement coming along with your workout space?

Deb- Hope you are off today and are enjoying the day!

Happy 4th of July, everyone,

I walked 5 miles this morning.

Kirstin - I love workouts with less equipments. Less is more. Good job with D1 today. I can't wait to start M2 next week.

I will be back tomorrow.

Happy 4th of July!
Yesterday I finished M2 Week 2 Back & bi's. Today I ran/walked on the treadmill. We went to my in-laws today for a bbq it was a nice day:)

Belinda - I hope Brawler was ok with the fireworks, only a few in our neighborhood and not too long. Have fun in DC:)

Kristin - Your vacation sounded like you had lots of fun. I'm not too comfortable in the water but love snorkeling! So :cool:your son was able to ride on the horse. Too funny about the weight room. Happy to hear your Dad, Mom & Baxter are doing well. We all forget about the "push-ups":eek:

Hey guys. RWH Plyo Hiit 2 done. I am going to hot yoga tonight as well. I love working out after breakfast. With work, I would have to get up at 4:45-5:00 in the morning to get a workout done. That is just too early for me.

Deb- Glad you had fun at your in-laws. We just stayed home and kept it simple. Luckily for me, Baxter is not affected at all by the fireworks. We just keep him inside. I saw on Facebook a few neighborhood dogs are missing because they ran away with the fireworks freaking them out.

Belinda- Meso 2 is my favorite of the three. Cannot wait to get there myself.



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