Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I did P90X Kenpo X. I remember really liking that one to me it is more of a kickboxing drill workout. My appt. went well but since I have dense breasts they want me to get a sonogram on Monday.

Belinda - I have a lot of the dvds you have for sale on fb but will keep checking them out:)

Kristin - I was thinking the same thing maybe one week from each cycle. I was thinking about asking Cathe if she would consider STS with shorter workouts. We are going out for dinner for my son's graduation on Sunday with both sets of grandparents. It will be the 1st time in a few years that my Mom & MIL have seen each other. It should be interesting to see if she remembers my Mom and her reaction.

Good morning,

Chisel TB and walk is done.

Debbie - please, keep checking my dvd sale out :) Glad your appointment went well yesterday. I always have to get a sonogram after a mammogram for the same reason you have.

Kirstin - I am so sorry to hear about your mom. It's heartbreaking :( I think, DH wants to do STS on Monday. I have to show him the book and see if he still interested. We shall see.

Have a wonderful day and workout, everyone.

Today I did STS M1 D9 Legs. Tomorrow, I'm going with my SIL to visit our friends in Long Island. We are supposed to go to the beach but may need a plan B:)

Belinda - I'm not sure why they just don't do the sonogram & skip the mamo, it would be so much easier.

Kristin - Any baseball this weekend?

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Hallo everyone,

DH and I finished Hammer & Chiseled this morning. We did Hammer Power plus abs.

Debbie - I agree, would be so much easier and painless. Nice job on D8. I am getting excited to start STS on Monday.

Have a great Saturday, everyone.
Hey guys. Friday and Saturday were running around days. I did not have time to get a workout in. Today I cleaned the house, went shopping for the cruise and did MMA Kickbox.

This week I am chaperoning the Great Adventure field trip on Wednesday and Thursday I have to take off for my son's concert at school, so it should be a fun week! His birthday is Friday, so Thursday I will be baking his school cupcakes.

More bad news at work. . . the secretary, who is 70 and has been in my building since before I started was told that she is being transferred to the high school. She does not get along with my principal. Like the assistant principal, she is being blamed for my principal's failures. Can you believe that? We love this lady and everyone is sad and angry that they are transferring her when she has one year to go to retirement. All because my principal is ineffective.

Belinda- Nice job on Hammer and Chisel. What did you think of the program overall? Are you going to do STS now as well?

Deb- I too have dense breasts. They make me go for the mammo and then sono every time. I always wonder the same thing. I haven't gone in a while. . . I will make an appointment over the summer.



Yesterday was a rest day. We didn't go to the beach, we just stayed at my friend's house on her deck. Today I walked on the treadmill. We also went to dinner with the grandparents to celebrate my son's graduation it was really nice. My MIL didn't recognize my Mom but she did warm up to her and you can tell she knew that my Mom was someone special in her life awhile back.

Belinda - Congratulations for finishing H&C:) Will you do the 3 month STS rotation? I am excited for you. While I am doing STS, I think it would work to pick one or two weeks of each Meso Cycle to shorten the rotation. I may try that next time.

Kristin - That is just sad & terrible to transfer the secretary for her last year:( I hope something changes so she can stay. Great Adventure sounds like fun and it looks like the weather will get better later in the week!

Good morning,

STS Disc 1 (chest, shoulders, biceps) Plus Ab Circuits “No Equipment Abs”…total 70 min is done :) I will do a short walk later.

Debbie - thank you :) I think, we will do the 3.5 month rotation. I am excited! Sounds interesting to shorten STS :) How would you do it?

Kirstin - I agree, with Debbie. That is just said and terrible to transfer the secretary for the last year :( They couldn't make it work for a few more weeks? Your Adventure sounds like a lot of fun.

Good job, everyone.

Today I went to the gym it was around lunchtime and it was empty (which was great). I did 10 min. on the stairmaster & 20 min. of sprints on the treadmill.

I decided to do all 3 STS Meso's & adding one extra month of Meso 2 after I complete all 3. I read about someone doing that on the forum & it sounds interesting especially since I like Meso 2 so much.

Belinda - Great job with STS & you added abs;) To shorten the rotation, I think I would either do 2 weeks of each Meso, or 1 week from each and repeat:confused:

Waves hi to Kristin

Hi everyone,

Today I did Cardio Slam Basic Premix#1 = 63 min.

Debbie - yes, I need to work more on my abs. The shorten STS rotation sounds great. Maybe I will do something like that one day. Great we are doing STS together :) Good job with your mix of cardio yesterday. I miss doing those kinda cardio at the gym.

Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Hey guys. Just finished Athletic Training. Haven't done this one in quite some time. It has been so dreary around here. . . I need to see the sun! Tomorrow is the Great Adventure field trip. I need to be at school at 6:15 a.m. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: Won't be home until 9, so I am thinking tomorrow will be a rest day, lol.

Belinda- Nice job starting STS! You guys are making me want to do STS, lol. I cannot though. I was thinking over the summer of doing 4DS then RWH for August. Hammer and Chisel for September and October and then deciding from there. I am sure I will change my mind.

Deb- It is sad and we are all upset about it. It will be interesting to see what happens next year.

BB probably Thursday.

Kirstin - good job with AB :) I can't remember the last time I did that one? Have fun tomorrow. Have you seen the clips of Cathe's new workouts? They look good. I am not caving!

Today I did STS M1 D10 Chest, shoulders & bi's. I was off today & went to the dentist & ran a bunch of errands. It was so dreary & cool today:( I picked up some herbs to plant today. The good thing since it was raining no one else was thereo_O

Belinda - The good thing about an STS rotation it is only 3x a week so you can throw in other dvds. I didn't see the clips will have to check them out.

Kristin - Is the bus quiet because the kids are busy with cell phones? Actually can they even use them? Have a great trip!! I hear the sun may come out in the afternoon:cool:

Good morning,

STS D2 Back & Triceps is done.

Debbie - I actually like that STS is only 3x a week. Gives me time to do whatever I want in-between. The new workouts look like fun, but I am not buying them. I have more than enough workouts.

Have a wonderful day and workout everyone.

Today I did STS D11 Back & tri's. The workouts are making me tired but that must mean they are working;)

Belinda - I preordered the new workouts in the beginning. They look like fun but hard too! You can always get them after you do all of your workouts:eek:

Kristin - It looks like you had a beautiful day:)

Good morning,

I did CL Cathe Old School + kickboxing with my friend this morning. One off those day's I will sign up for CL :) My friend ask me to come over and work out with her, that was fun !

Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Hey guys. Yesterday's trip was a lot of fun, but exhausting. Luckily the sun came out and the kids had a blast. No workout other than walking around the park all day.

Today I was still tired from the trip. I went to DS's school concert and then went out and bought him his birthday presents (his birthday is tomorrow). Afterwards, I took him out of school early so that he could help me bake his cupcakes for his class. He kept begging us to let him open his presents, so we caved in. Then we had dinner and I forced myself to do Step Moves.

Tomorrow night we are taking DS out to dinner for his birthday. He chose this restaurant called Joe's Garage. It is out East and has a really cool theme (cars). Plus the food is awesome! I am going to try to sneak in a 30 minute workout at least.

Belinda- the fit tower workouts look good, but I don't have a fit tower and I don't want to spend the money on one. I would like to see Cathe do another 4DS for her next series if she does one next year.

Deb- We had a pretty good group of kids on our bus. Last year, the bus driver was a crazy driver. Well, my friends had him this time. I told them how I had texted my friend last year that if we got into an accident, it was the bus driver's fault. They got off the bus when we arrived back at school and they were telling me how I was sooooo right about the driver. They said at one point the kids behind them screamed, "Brace for impact!" They were kidding, but not really. Crazy!



Today I did STS D12 Legs. I didn't do the bonus legs but will do them over the weekend. I was wiped from the workout. I couldn't remember if we had an active rest week & was going to ask you guys but at the end of the w/o Cathe said we did:D

Belinda - I'll have to check & see what I paid. What is Cathe old school?

Kristin - Parents have been complaining about a school bus driver that speeds through our neighborhoodo_O You wonder what their rush is. I could just imagine how exhausting your trip was. The next couple of days sound busy for you too;)

Good morning,

STS D3 legs plus abs is done.

Debbie - it was Cathe's Live workout. Nice job on D12 yesterday.

Kirstin - so far so good, my CC is safe :) The workouts do look good. Glad you had fun yesterday.

Have a great Friday, everyone.

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