Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024


Today I did Hammer Build Up. I hurt my knee so being very careful when I am working out. I have been trying to eat clean because we have so many things coming up.

Belinda - My son is doing ok, now both my son's are single LOL. I'm not sure if they will ever get married. How is your daughter doing?

Kristin - Do you see other patients family when you visit? I think going with a kid-friendly cruise is smart because it gives you time to yourself too.

Good morning,

Chiseled Balance and Glutes is done. I also walked,

Debbie - how old are your son's? Alesia is still single too. The guys she is meeting are worthless. Oh no, on your knee :( What happened?

Kirstin - got it! I have to go on a cruise one day :) Sounds like fun.

Have a great day and workout everyone.

Today I did Master's Cardio & also walked on treadmill. It was a short workout but liked it.

Belinda - My son's are 26 & almost 28. My right knee only hurts when I go up and down stairs but I am taking it easy so I don't hurt it more. I think I may hurt it doing leg portions of H&C. Great job with your workouts today!!

Waves hi to Kristin

Hi everyone,

ISO Speed Hammer + Kimberly Spreen Cardio Camp workout (one of my favorite KB workout).

Debbie - my son is 28 and Aleisa is 31. I noticed Hammer & Chisel work your LB a lot. More lower body than upper body. Be careful with your knee.

Have a great day.

Today I did 15 min. glute chisel, a short workout but it was all I had LOL. This series has really made me tired.

Belinda - I have never done any Kimberly Spreen workouts. My cousin & yoga instructor really nice girls just recently met some nice guys and they are a couple of years older than your daughter. It took a lot of bad guys/dates:(.

Kristin - Does your ds have any baseball games this weekend? I remember how some Mom's would get so mad if their boy's had to play baseball on Mother's Day.

Hey girls,

DH and I did Chisel Agility this morning. Than we went to Home Depot and bought lights and door handles for the basement.

Debbie - I agree, it will take a lot of bad guys/dates :( The glute Chisel is tough, lots of cardio. Good job!
Good night everyone.
Hey guys. I made yesterday my rest day because I was pretty wiped out. I just finished SandS BC. This week was a long one. I am hoping the next week goes faster, lol.

There is a boy in my sixth period class who has had a very rough home life. His mom is currently in prison. Even though he doesn't always have his homework or materials with him, he really is a sweet boy. Today as he left my room, he made it a point to wish me a happy Mother's Day. I have been getting teary eyed all day thinking about him.

Deb- DS was supposed to have a tournament. Luckily, because of the Nor'Easter we are getting, it has been canceled. I wasn't mad that he was playing though. I think I need a distraction this Mother's Day.

Belinda- There is definitely a LOT of LB compared to UB in Hammer and Chisel. My legs were sore all the time when I did it. Chisel Agility is such a good workout and fun too!

BB tomorrow.


Today I took hot yoga class. You are right H&C has a lot of lower body but I do like that (I think LOL). I love the results of lower body workouts but they are so hard!

Belinda - Are you doing the 60 day rotation for H&C? Your basement must be looking good.

Kristin - Not a good weekend for baseball. I read an article in my paper that a woman wrote about her Mom and it reminded me exactly of you. It helped me have a better understanding how a person can feel about their Mom has Alzheimer. How sweet of the student to wish you a Happy Mother's Day, I bet you make such a difference in his life:)

Hi everyone,

Today I did TB Hammer and walk.

Debbie - yes, I am doing the 60 Day rotation. And you? We are done, except the lights.

Kirstin - my legs are sore too. Since I working out in my gym again, I am going heavy weights. Love H&G! That is so sad about the boy in your class. How sweet of him wishing you a happy Mother's Day! Does he needs help with school supply? Let me know!

Good night, everyone.
Hey guys. What a day. I had to take my younger DS to his swim practice, which started at 8 am :mad::eek:o_Oo_O. Then I came back home for breakfast and had to take the boys to my nephew's birthday party at the movies. Afterwards, we went to visit my mom. By the time I got home I was tired. I took a little nap and then did RWH UBC. I wanted to skip the workout because I was tired and my sinuses are bothering me, but I am glad I got it done. 42 days until my cruise :).

Deb- I went to see my mom today because I want to spend tomorrow with my boys and just try to enjoy the day with them. I don't want to be sad. It may seem selfish, but that's why I went to see my mom today.

Belinda- that is so sweet of you. My team of teachers (I teach English, then social studies, math and science) and I always pool money together in the beginning of the year to buy supplies for students that need them. He was one that needed them. Our union also does a Christmas drive where we get wish lists from children that have families in needs and each member volunteers to sponsor a child in the family and buy items on the list. What this kid really needs is a mentor, like a big brother or big sister program. The social worker and I have been working together to help him and are looking to get him in a summer program for mentoring. This way he stays out of trouble this summer.

Have a Happy Mother's Day!


Today I did Hammer 15 min. legs & walked on the treadmill. We went to my Mom's today to celebrate Mother's Day. The weather wasn't the greatest but not too bad.

Belinda - I did each of the workouts for H&C but my plan is to start STS next week. I may include H&C once a week to get more leg workouts in.
Are you going to DC for Mother's Day?

Kristin - I think it was a really good idea to go see your Mom today and spend tomorrow with the boy's:)


Today I did Cathe Live Warrior Kickboxing it was fun to do kickboxing haven't done it in awhile. We had a nice time at my in-laws, we were looking at old photo albums. It's crazy how time flieso_O

Belinda & Kristin - I hope you enjoyed Mother's Day!

Good morning,

Chisel Endurance and walk is done.

Debbie - I hope you enjoyed your Mother's Day too. Both my kids are on a business trip, they couldn't be here. They did sent me flowers :) So, you plan on doing STS?

Kirstin - that is so sweet of you and the team of teachers :) Glad the boy/other kids are getting help. If you ever need anything, let me know.

Have a great Monday, everyone.
Hey guys. Just finished Muscle Max. Yesterday I did KPC.

This new rotation is doing its magic. I am down 2.5 pounds. Pretty cool.

Nothing much else to report. I knew that I was going to get a walk through today by my incompetent boss. The deadline for walk throughs was May 15, today. She came the last period of the day for the last fifteen minutes. Whatever. The kids were engaged with a reading and partner activity. It just is so frustrating that my leader is a procrastinator. What kind of example is that? If she saw something she didn't like, she would need to give me time to improve. It's May 15th. How would I have time to improve. I am sure the write-up will be fine. It is just the point. My old principal was a true leader and this lady just cannot hold a candle to her. Very frustrating.

Belinda- Thank you so much!

Deb- I saw the video clip of that workout. It looked like a ton of fun!

BB tomorrow.


Today I started STS M1 D1 Chest, Shoulders & bi's. I couldn't understand why my arms were sore but realized I did kickboxing yesterday:confused: Tomorrow is a big day for us my son is graduating from college:)

Belinda - That is really nice they sent flowers:) You still hold the record with the most rounds of STS done;)

Kristin - That is pretty :cool: it's amazing how certain rotations do the trick. I'm glad you did a great job with your observation, too bad she doesn't get them done sooner.

Good morning,

Today's workouts: Hammer Conditioning + Hammer abs. I also did Pure Barre 16 Street 1 (outch!). I also did Dance Hiit premix #4 Express = 19 min.

My plan is to add more barre, pilates to my mix of workouts. But first I need to finish all the dvd's I started a long time ago, lol!

Debbie - it was very nice for my kids to sent flower. LOL, now I want to do another round of STS. Nice job on D1!

Kirstin - wtg, on the weight loss. That is fantastic! What rotation are you doing?

That's it for me today. Have a great day and workout.
PRS #1 done!

I cannot believe it is only Tuesday. I haven't been to Hot Yoga in two weeks because of schedule conflicts with the boys, but tomorrow night, I get to get my NAMASTE on, lol.

Belinda- I am doing my own rotation of cardio, circuits, metabolic and total body workouts. No more splits for me for a bit. I needed to up the cardio, and it is working.

Deb- the deadline for walk throughs was yesterday and she was still going around today o_O:rolleyes::rolleyes: I believe a leader should set the example. I do it in my classroom. What example do you set when you do not meet deadlines as the boss?

I am exhausted. The weather was beautiful today and it is supposed to be even better tomorrow. I am in dire need of a pedicure, lol.


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