Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Xtrain Burn Sets, Chest, Back and Shoulders done. I feel like the guy from the Planet Fitness commercial right now, "I lift things up and put them down," lol.

Mondays suck. Not much else to say about that, lol.

Deb- Sunday was a nice day. DS's team made it to the semi-finals. If they had won their last game, they would have been in the finals, but they lost 5-3.

Belinda- you are making me miss Hammer and Chisel, lol. I wish I had bought the deluxe set. I only bought the basic set. How do you like the add on dvds, like Hammer Legs? Is it worth the extra $ do you think?



Today I did H&C Chisel Endurance. I actually thought the H&C series would have Autumn & Sagi working side by side. I always think of Arnold when I hear Sagi talk:)

Belinda - The rain is coming here tonight and staying all day tomorrow:(

Kristin - The X-train burn sets are my favorite!

Hey girls,

Chiseled Agility and walk is done.

Debbie - I will sent you ALL the rain we having. It's nonstop. Where is all that rain come from? LOL, Sagi takes a lot of crap, IMO! Wished he would shut up. I find some of his comments rude. I do like his workouts.

Kirstin - so far, I only done Leg hammer. Which was very good. I wished BB's add on dvd's wouldn't be so expensive. One dvd is over $50 :( That is crazy!

Good night, everyone.

Today I did Total Body Hammer. It rained a lot here but everything is blooming so hopefully when the sun comes out we can enjoy it LOL.

Belinda - Sagi is a little rough around the edges;) Wondering if this is his 1st workout series:confused: I like his workouts too. I know the add-ons are always so much expensive.

Kristin - I see your getting a lot of rain too:(

Good morning,

Hammer Strength + Hammer abs is done. I will do a short walk later.

Debbie - I agree with you on Sagi :) He is a little more than rough around the edges, lol! I have to tune him out. It's not his first series, he did Body Beast. He is just worst in BB :( I just don't get why the add on dvd's are so expensive?

Happy Hump Day, everyone.

Today I took a hot yoga class with my favorite yoga instructor. It was awesome! It made the day so much easier LOL:)

Belinda - I agree they should offer the add-ons for a reasonable price so more people could buy them. Great job with your workouts still haven't done H&C 10 min abs:oops:

Waves hi to everyone

Hi, ladies!

I think this will probably be my last post here on this check-in. My purpose in joining was to become more accountable and get back on the exercise wagon, and I feel that I have accomplished that. I am now embarking on an STS pyramid, which I am very excited about!!

I am not good at checking in on a daily basis, so I think I will graciously bow out at this point. Thank you SO MUCH to all of you for your support, and for allowing me to be a part of your check-in. Maybe I'll see you around the forum, or at a future road trip! Thanks again...

Today I did H&C Chisel Cardio. It was a good one. So happy it's Friday tomorrow:)

Belinda - I look forward to the Chisel workouts more but do like the hammer ones.

Kristin - Any plans for the weekend?

Karategirl - Feel free to stop by anytime, it was nice to have you be a part of our group:)

Hey girls,

Had to work this afternoon. Just getting around to post. I did: Hammer Cardio and walked 5 miles.

Debbie - good job on H&C Chisel Cardio. I like that one too.

Karategirl - any time you need to get back on the exercise wagon, we are here for you :) Don't be a stranger, ok!!

Nice job, everyone.

Today I did Hammer Strength. It was a busy day but the weather was beautiful.

Belinda - Great job on your workout! I hope the rain finally stopped by you.

Kristin - How are you?


Today I did Butts & Guts. I haven't done it in a while and wanted to throw it in. Not much going on here today going to grab a bite to eat.

Waves hi to everyone:)


Today I did ISO Strength Chisel plus walking. I am dragging today, we had lots of thunder last night. Been up with Brawler since 2 am :( I am surprised I am still awake, lol.

Been kinda busy lately figuring out lightning for the basement. Can't really find anything that doesn't cost over $100. I need 6 lights. I am looking at recessed lighting. We already have recessed lighting, just need to add 6 more. DH is afraid of the industrial lights hanging to low. I forgot to mention, we been using the basement/gym for our workouts. We need door handles and those 6 recessed lights. I will post pictures soon :)

Debbie - good job on B&G! Have fun this evening.

Good night, everyone.
Hey guys. I am sorry I was not able to get on here for the last few days. I have been way too busy and exhausted by the time I had a minute to myself. I have kept up with my workouts, but it has been tough. DS has a tournament this weekend upstate (2.5 hours away). We did not have anyone to watch Baxter, so I stayed home Friday night. I visited my mom and then came home with my younger DS and watched a movie with him. Saturday we got up really early, drove all the way upstate to watch DS's games. Then we came home for the dog. We were stuck in 4 hours of traffic on the way home:eek::mad::mad::mad: I was supposed to go up again today because they had a chance to go to the finals, but I did not. I wasn't going to spend another day in the car with that traffic. It turns out, they won their games today and they are playing the final game right now as I type this. I hope they win.

I had my post observation meeting on Friday. Everything went very well. I should get the write up in another week or two, but I think I am getting all or mostly Highly Effectives. That is a relief. My observer also let the "cat out of the bag" by telling me the superintendent wants all formal observations and walkthroughs done by May 15th. My principal does the walkthroughs, so now I know she is coming, lol.

Even though I have been enjoying the Xtrain SandS rotation, I am not getting results. I am definitely getting stronger and more muscular, but the weight is not coming off. I decided that the rotation does not fit the goal I am trying to accomplish. Instead for May and June I am going to do a rotation with circuits, cardio and metabolic workouts with some total body workouts peppered in. I am trying to get lean and slim for the cruise. I also have to get serious about my eating, which I know. . . I just cannot seem to find the motivation to stick with it, especially this time of year with DS having so many all day tournaments and what not.

Today's workout was Low Impact Circuit.

Belinda- I watched the movie Secret Life of Pets with my boys and there was a dog with the wheels and harness like Brawler. I told them it was a real thing for dogs and tried to show them your video on facebook, but I could not find it anywhere. How is Brawler doing? I wish I had gone for the Deluxe package now. I am not buying those extra dvds at the cost they are solo.

Deb- I love my hot yoga Wednesdays. I always feel that it gets me through the week. This week we are going to the Yankee game Wednesday night, which means I won't be able to go to hot yoga. DH got the tickets for free and he thought I was crazy when I said I couldn't go because of hot yoga, lol. He convinced me to go. The friend that gave us the tickets is going too and he can comp our food for his business, so we don't even have to spend money on food. How can I pass that up?

Karategirl- It was nice to have you on here. You don't have to feel like checking in every day, but stick your head in every once in awhile ;). good luck with STS. It's an awesome program.


Today I did 1/2 of Chisel Agility (Round 1). I finally came down with a bad cold and was so congested it was all I could do. I think a weight workout would have been easier LOL.

Belinda - So sorry you were up because of thunder but you are such a good Mommy to Brawler:) I'm sure you don't want to hit your heads on the lights when your working out;)

Kristin - Your weekend was busy and can't believe you hit so much traffic and it isn't even summer yet?? I hope your ds wins! Good job with your observation:) You can't pass up the Yankee game on Wednesday.

Karate girl - I'm thinking of doing STS next, you should stop by when you can.

Hey girls,

Today I did Power Chisel (love it) + 10 min ab Chisel (that one was tough). I also did Zcut #2 Kettlebell workout w/warm up & cool down.

Kirstin - good job with your observation. Oh no, on the traffic :( How did Baxter do alone at home? Glad they won the game! Sorry you didn't see the video of Brawler, I will check my FB :) Le you know.

Debbie - hope you feel better soon. Maybe take a few day's off. Good job!

Good job, everyone.
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Hey guys. Just finished Low Max. I am sweating all over. The humidity is pretty high here and we haven't put in our air conditioners yet (too early).

I am truly exhausted today. I did not sleep well last night. Hopefully now I will sleep better after this long cardio workout.

Belinda- 10 minute ab Chisel is tough, but such a fantastic ab workout. Hmm. . . maybe I can add that to my workouts here and there.

Deb- Chisel Agility is a tough workout, especially if you have a head cold. I felt it was a tougher cardio workout than Chisel Cardio. I hope you are feeling better. DS's team ended up losing the championship game 2-0.

BB tomorrow.


Today I did Hammer Power. I still feel congested but did see some improvement.

Belinda - I really like the Zcut kettlebell workouts:)

Kristin - It was hot & humid, we didn't put a/c on yet but soon LOL. Does ds have more games?

Good morning,

Workout is done. I did Max Hammer Strength + Zcut KB #3.

Debbie - I had those dvd's for a long time, really never played with them. They are great add-ons. Good job yesterday.

Kirstin - I did the ab workout on disc 3. She did a move on the bench with a weighted ball. I have never seen that move before. Really liked it. Can't believe I said, I like a ab workout, lol.

Sorry I have no time for personals. I will try to be back later. Have a great day and workout everyone.
Quick check in as I forgot to check in last night. I did Supercuts last night.

Today is a rest day. DH, the boys and I are going to the Yankee game tonight. I am going to try to be decent with my eating as I was good the last few days, lol. However, whenever I'm at a baseball game, I have the urge to drink beer and have a hot dog, lol.

Belinda- I'm not familiar with those workouts. Who is the instructor?

BB tomorrow,


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