Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hi everyone,

today I walked 5 miles.

Kirstin - I have the Fit Tower, but I am not interested in them. I have the tower but never use it. I will try to remember to post it for sale one day. I keep forgetting. I really think I am good for a few years without buying any workout dvd's. Good job today.

Have a great evening.
Hi, ladies!

I did Cardio Kicks today. I usually love Cathe's kick box workouts, but I forgot that this one has a lot of Hi-Lo aerobics moves included. Not too crazy nowadays about aerobics that make me feel like a pogo stick....boing, boing, boing. Ugh.

I'm continuing with an 8 week rotation of the Pure Strength series. I had to laugh at everyone's comments about PS! I don't mind the outdated hairstyles and outfits. The exercises in PS are very straightforward, and Cathe includes a lot of tips about proper form, so this is the series I tend to use when I have not lifted heavy weights in a while. What I don't like.....though Cathe says in the videos that she wants everyone to lift "heavy", she selects weights that are much lighter than what she currently uses, and most of the lifting is done in time to the music. I'd rather lift heavier than lift in time to the music, so I often have to pause the dvd or start the exercise early so I can complete all of my reps. Other than that, I love having the Pure Strength series to add more variety to my strength training.

Great job with your workouts, everyone!
Hi everyone. I just finished my workout for the day. I felt like doing cardio and a step workout, so I grabbed Intensity. I think I saw it on Facebook and it inspired me to give it a go. I also wanted a workout that was step and had good music. I love the music from Intensity and High Reps, so it was a no brainer. I then did my own little concoction of abs with the discs.

The weather is beautiful out and I plan on taking advantage of it and spending some time outside. I am going to take Baxter and the boys to the beach.

Karategirl- My favorite Cathe weight workouts are the newer one, like Xtrain burn sets and RWH lifting, because they are all under an hour. Leg workouts that I love are the mix of cardio and weights. I also love Butts and Guts.

Belinda- you do have quite the collection. The fact that you have the barre and don't use it says a lot. This series is just not for me, I feel.


Hallo everyone,

Today I started the Hammer & Chiseled rotation. I finally took off the shrink wrap, lol. Not sure, if I stick with the entire month. So far, I liked the first workout. I also did LS Ultimate 5 day "Monday 3 mile walk with abs". Another dvd I forgot I owned :(

Not that I am trying to encourage you to buy more workouts. Amazon is selling Amy Dixon "Raise some Bells" for $0.99 on Amazon videos for Prime members. That is a great price :)

Kirstin - hope you had fun at the beach yesterday. The weather is beautiful. I have no idea why I bought the Fit tower? I have a full size weight bench set :) I really don't need it! I feel the same way you do about the new series.

Karategirl - wtg, keeping up with your rotation :) That is fantastic! I LOVE Pure Strength :) I always go heavier in PS than Cathe.

That is it for me today. Have a great Monday.
Hi everyone,

We have a couple more days left to our trip, we get home on Thursday. We have been walking a lot but looking forward to getting back to doing dvds soon.

Belinda - I still need to remove the wrapper too:oops: I'll be interested in seeing how you like it.

Kristin - Enjoy your vacation! You will have a great week weather wise:) It's crazy you can go to the beach before Easter.

Karate girl - Did you make up the 8 week PS rotation?

Good evening!

Yesterday, I did the floor segment of Cardio Slam followed by PS back, biceps, and abs. Today I did the lower body strength circuit from KPC/L&G.

Kristin - I hope you enjoyed your day at the beach!

Belinda - Thanks for being so excited for me, that I am keeping up with my rotation. :D Can't wait to hear more about Hammer and Chiseled. I've had my eye on that series for a while.

Deb - I'm making up the Pure Strength rotation as I go. For now, it is a five day rotation consisting of:
PS back, biceps, abs, combined with a Cardio Slam segment or other short cardio
PS chest, shoulders, triceps, combined with Cardio Slam segment or other short cardio
Alternating weeks of KPC/L&G lower body strength circuit, and Lower Body Trisets from LIS (don't really care for PS Legs)
One cardio day, preferably kick box, not necessarily a Cathe dvd
One circuit or metabolic, not necessarily Cathe's

I don't do the workouts in any particular order, as long as I complete all five, and I will add an extra cardio on day 6 if I have time. So far, so good. The waistband is getting looser!
Hey girls,

Today I did LS Ultimate 5 day "Tuesday mile walk + Hammer & Chiseled Hammer Plyometrics.

Debbie - remove the shrink wrap from your set :)

Good job, everyone.
Hi everyone,

Today we walked. My eating hasn't been too bad just too much:oops: After Easter need to food prep so I eat clean.

I can't believe the weather you are having!!! My SIL said it was 86:eek:

Belinda - I will LOL.

Kristen - Looks like another beach day for you:)

Karate girl - Sometimes I like to make the workouts as I go to depending on your schedule.

Hey guys. I have been keeping up with my workouts, but I haven't had the time to get on here. Monday I did Xtrain Legs. Then I took the boys and Baxter to the beach. It was gorgeous and no one was there. I was able to let Baxter loose for a bit. He loved every minute of it. Then DS had a baseball game with a rival team and they mercied them, 10-0. The best part is one of the kids on the rival team was on DS's team last year and his parents were awful. I loved that we whipped them and the parents had to "eat it." I know, very mature of me, right?

Tuesday was a very aggravating day. I bought tickets to the Bronx Zoo. Drove all the way from Long Island to the Bronx only to sit in traffic for literally 2 hours!!! The zoo parking entrances (all of them) were filled to capacity, so we were told to park in the street. There was absolutely no street parking! They were filming a movie or t.v. show on Southern Blvd. and we could not find a spot anywhere. I ended up driving home, which took another hour. We were very disappointed. The worst part is I bought the tickets online, so I will have to go at some point. No workout yesterday. I was too aggravated and tired when I got home.

Today I did Xtrain Burn Sets Bis and Tris and added on cardio from ICE, LIS cardio #1. I also have yoga tonight.

I have been enjoying the break, even with the catastrophe at the zoo yesterday. I have 25 pages written now about my mom, not too bad. It is just coming out of me. DH has been reading it and he says its good. I just wonder if it would be interesting to someone who doesn't know us personally. I don't know. I plan on just continuing and seeing what happens.

Deb- I should've went to the beach! I plan on going tomorrow. :). I agree with Belinda. Remove the shrink wrap. It is a great series! I got some good results from it. I plan on maybe doing it again once school starts in the fall because the workouts are shorter.

Belinda- I love Hammer and Chisel. It is a fun, no nonsense series. Chisel Balance is one of the hardest workouts in the Chisel part. The first time I did it I thought my legs would fall off, lol. I love Sagi too. I just wish Autumn would wear a little bit more clothing, lol.

karategirl- nice job on your workouts. Cardio Slam offers such great shorter premixes to add on during the weight training days. I love to add cardio in when I am doing a weight workout.

BB tomorrow.

Hallo everyone,

Today I did H&G ISO Strength Chisel + LS Wednesday + Friday walk. Tomorrow will be a rest day, I am getting my hair done in DC and spending time with my DH :)

I sold 4 workout dvd's yesterday :) They all still in shrink wrap. I am trying to downsize my huge collection. I will put up more.

Kirstin - so far, I love H&G too. Autumn clothing doesn't border me. If I had a body like hers, I would be showing if off too, lol .Aww...that is suck, about the parking. Hopefully you can go another day.

Debbie - yesterday it was 86 :) I had the AC running while working out. I workout in the living room, need to keep an eye on Brawler. He can't make it downstairs anymore. Plus, he is afraid to walk on the new flooring :( He sleeps and I work out, lol.

Karategirl - I used to follow Cathe's rotations to the T, now I make up and mix as I go. As long as you make sure you get all your weight workouts in and cardio....who cares! Have fun!

I will see you on Friday. Have a great day and workout
Hello :)

Crunched for time today, so I did PS chest, shoulders, and triceps, but no cardio. With DS coming home from university tomorrow for the Easter weekend and DH returning from his business trip, I probably won't have time to post over the next few days. My plan is to do a cardio day tomorrow and a metabolic or circuit day on Friday.

BB next week. Have a great weekend, everyone!
Hey guys. I spent my morning finally cleaning, fun stuff. Then I dropped the boys off at a friend's house. I just finished HArd Strikes. I did the no conditioning premix and then added the three heavy bag tabatas. I don't have a heavy bag, so I just punched the air hard, lol.

Belinda- Of the Hammer and Chisel series, my favorites are Chisel Endurance and Chisel Cardio. I love all the ones with Sago as well. Chisel Balance is a great workout. . . I can't feel my legs for a couple of days after that one. She has an amazing body. I jus get distracted by the boobs, lol.

Karategirl- Have a great Easter!

I'm going with my dad to visit my mom, so I have to eat, shower and get ready. BB tomorrow.


We took a late flight & are back from Florida. I don't like late flights still not tired. Tomorrow I work & will get ready for Easter over the weekend.

Belinda - Have fun getting your haircut & spending time with DH:)

Kristin - Sorry about the zoo incident that is crazy. I haven't been in years but don't remember it ever being that crowded. There were a lot of New Yorker's on our flight home so many kids.

Karate girl - Enjoy the time with your family:)

Hey guys. Yesterday I did a lot of cleaning and laundry. Today I plan on finishing up on the deep cleaning. I am going to do my den and living room and put the rest of the laundry away (my biggest flaw when it comes to laundry, when it's done, it sits in a basket instead of making its way to the closets and drawers, lol).

Last night I went with my dad to visit my mom. She seems to be adjusting well, but my dad is not. He cried off and on the whole time. It was tough to watch. I felt like a five year old in that I wanted to make him mad to stop him from crying, if that makes any sense. I am hoping it will get better with time for him, but I don't know. They have been married for 46 years and got married when my mom was 20 and my dad was only 18. Their marriage was far from perfect, but they love each other deeply. It is so sad.

Anyway, today I did To the Max. It wasn't originally on my rotation, my I felt like adding in a little leg work and then decided I wanted high impact, so I switched out All Out for To the Max. It was a sweatfest, and I am glad I did it. I forgot how much I love the music on that one. Every time I felt like giving up the music kept me going.

Deb- I hate to be on a plane with a lot of kids, and I have little kids, lol. I thought the same thing, that so many people were going to Florida and away to other places. . . maybe others came to NYC, that is all I can think of, lol.


Hallo girls,

Yesterday I did JNL Fusion Stretch, which I enjoyed and LS Tuesday walk. Today I did Hammer & Chiseled ISO Speed Hammer + walking.

Kirstin - so far, I really like Hammer & Chiseled. Love the length of the workouts too. I can't imagine how your dad feels :( Poor guy! They been married a long time. The situations is just sad :( Maybe he needs more time to adjust not being with your mom. It must be hard for everyone.

Debbie - hope your flight wasn't to bad. I am sure you have lots to do before Easter. I did had a lot of fun yesterday. My hair is short :)

Have a great day and workout.
Hey guys. I just finished Xtrain disc 1, Chest, Back and Shoulders. Tomorrow starts a week of Strong and Sweaty and then month two of Xtrain.

So my dad and I decided we are not doing an Easter dinner this year. It doesn't feel right to do. DH got free Yankee tickets for tomorrow night and offered to take my dad. Instead, my dad said no, that he would watch the boys and DH could take me. Now my sister found out and she called my house phone (why not my cell, I don't know) to say that she wants to take my mom out to dinner for Easter and she doesn't know if I am going to the Yankee game or not, but she wants me to come with the boys. First of all, my mom really can't eat out at a restaurant. Her food needs to be pureed at this point because she has difficulty chewing and swallowing. Secondly, the whole point was I don't want to really celebrate Easter and the idea of spending time with my sister is not something I want to do. I know that sounds selfish, but we have never gotten along and I keep my distance at all costs. Anyway, I had planned on visiting my mom at 12 tomorrow. Now I guess I have to respond. I will later. I am on edge, maybe that's why I am annoyed by the whole thing. The holidays are always at my house at this point because my dad is not up to hosting. She talked to my dad, and I am sure he told her we didn't feel like celebrating, so I just feel like she is pushing her way on me, as always. . . Maybe I'm wrong. I don't know. I just want to keep my distance.

Anyway. . . I realize how negative I sound, I don't mean to be. I am just annoyed.

Belinda- I also loved the length and how worked and spent I felt at the end of them. I am definitely going to do the series again in the fall.

Happy Easter everyone!

Hallo everyone,

I did H&G Endurance and walked 3 miles. Getting another workout dvd list for sale together :) This is tough :( I really need to downsize my collection.

Kirstin - I feel your pain (((HUGS)) I think the situation with your mom is taking a toll on everyone. Time will heal! I hope you all figure this out. Lots of family's are going through the same, it will get better once everyone excepts your mom being in a nursing home. It is tough on everyone in your family especially on your dad :( Everyones nerves are shot! I sure, you all will work it out.

I will be back tomorrow.

I plan to start my weight workouts tomorrow. I have been preparing for Easter since I have been home. My Mom's sister passed away today and my Mom has decided to not celebrate Easter this year. She feels bad but I told her I totally understand. It was tough for my Mom because she has been caring for her the last year and it was her last sibling:(

Belinda - I may start the Hammer & Chisel workouts tomorrow:) I bet your haircut looks cute!

Kristin - It's great that you Mom is adjusting and I think in time your Dad will come around. I don't think you are being selfish at all, having seen my MIL & Aunt who have the disease I can't imagine bringing them in a crowded restaurant on a holiday. I think it would just bring stress to everyone. Have fun at the game you deserve it:) I'm sure it will be good for your Dad to spend some time with your boy's.

Karate girl - Have fun with your family.

Happy Easter, everyone,

I did H&G TB Hammer plus 10 min AB Hammer.

Debbie - I think I will do the 60 day H&G :) Love it!

Have a great Easter everyone.

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