Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hey guys.I did get my workout in last night, but I did not have time to check in. DH left for D.C. for his annual business training and so I am a single mom until Thursday, which is always a challenge. Luckily, we did get the snow day, so at least I don't have to go to work on top of everything else today. Last night's workout was Xtrain CLB. My shoulders are very sore from the workout the other day, and today I have Hardstrikes on tap, :eek:. Maybe the punching combos will loosen up the DOMS, lol.

Deb- LOL about the toilet paper. People panic over storms. I went food shopping this weekend, because that is when I normally go and it was crazy then too.

Belinda- Maybe you're right. I will check into it. I know what you mean about prices. Gas and oil is always more on the island that upstate. I hate that.

Karategirl- I feel the same way about barre workouts. I am hoping Cathe will come out with some workouts that don't require the bar this year, but I don't think it will be likely.

It has been three days of clean eating and I am doing okay. I did buy Girl Scout cookies from my friend a few weeks ago. Wouldn't you know they came in last week and she gave me my order yesterday! I am giving the cookies to my boys. I am trying hard not to cave into temptation.

Okay, off to drink coffee and relax while the boys are still sleeping.

Hard Strikes and core 1 done. Now I need to shovel the snow, even though we did not get the blizzard, we are being hit with freezing rain. I am afraid if I don't shovel, it will all turn to ice.


Hey girls,

Body Vibes + WW Dance Party Easy Groove is done.

Kirstin - good job on your workout. We have a lot of snow too.

Debbie - you would think "Chisled" was a tough workout :)

Kartegirl - I will pass and wait for reviews on the new Cathe DVD's.

Good job, everyone.

Deb - You are right. The snowstorm was so much harder to deal with because I was anticipating an early spring. What a reality check. :rolleyes:

Kristin - Great job with clean eating. I really admire your motivation and commitment. Keep up the good work!

Waves to Belinda. :)

Well, DH is away on business, so I ended up doing a lot of shoveling today. We only got about 5 to 6 inches of snow, but there was also a lot of sleet and freezing rain, so I must say that was the heaviest 5 to 6 inches of snow I have ever shoveled! :eek::eek: I did my workout afterwards, and ended up choosing something more low-key, Reebok Circuit Challenge. It is an old favorite of mine, not advanced, but it has just the right combo of cardio and weights so that I felt worked out. Plus, I have a soft spot for it because it is one of the first exercise workouts I ever purchased, probably around 20 years ago.

We also didn't get 2 ft of snow but we did get 12 inches and because of the freezing rain it was so heavy! Even my younger son thought so. We have our driveway plowed TG but still need to shovel front, back & sidewalks so it's neverending:( I did take a nap because the plows were out at 4AM so didn't get much sleep.

I did S90 Ultimate Ball it was a good one (thanks Belinda). I made a turkey today but also made some brownies:oops:

Belinda - Today was a good day to do a Dance workout:) I forgot how much I like the S90 workouts. Do you think the workouts on you-tube are different?

Kristin - We didn't get any girl scouts come to the house but sometimes they sell in front of the foodstores. I'm going to start clean eating again tomorrow. I bet your arms will be sore from the shoveling.

Karate girl - I think I may have the Reebok workout in VHS. Hopefully this is the last snow till next year (fingers crossed).

Hi everyone,

I did SandS Giant Sets Mish Mosh premix # 5 double lower body + JS Walk off Belly Fat premix day 4 Flat Abs Power Walk.

Debbie - it was a great day for dancing :) S90 are great workouts. I need to check out YT :) I don't know if they are the same? I will check.

Karategirl - sorry to hear to got hit with so much snow :( I am glad my husband doesn't have to go away anymore, I don't miss not shoving snow.

I will be back tomorrow.
Hey guys.

Today my boys had a two hour delay start, and luckily so did I. We needed it this morning. I got up regular time, got myself ready. I had to drop the boys off at my dad to get to work "as soon to sign in time as possible" which is the requirement for teachers during a 2 hour delay. I was making good time, when my younger DS said he didn't feel well. He felt hot to the touch and sure enough he had a temp. It was too late for me to call in sick, so I had my dad watch him. I asked my AP if I could leave after 8th period instead of extra help and she said ok. I shot back to my dad's and took DS to the doctor. Turns out he has strep throat. He will be out tomorrow from school. Luckily, DH will be home tonight so he can stay home with him. I have to take a sick day on 3/27. That is the day my dad is putting my mom in the nursing home. I told him I would go with them. That is going to be a very difficult day.

I realized today that temptation from food starts to creep in midweek. Could it be stress related? More than probable cause there. I did stick with it for the most part.

Deb- brownies sound delicious. I keep telling myself if I work hard now, I will feel great on the cruise. Carnival has these amazing chocolate molten cakes. I am trying to convince myself it will be worth it to lay off the sweets until then. Don't know if I have the willpower with 100 days to go, lol.

Belinda- I saw the pics of Brawler on Facebook. Too adorable. Glad he is able to move around and enjoy himself. You are a good mommy ;).

Karategirl- Thank you so much for that. I was watching Autumn Calabrese (is that how you spell it) from Beachbody on Facebook live and she was talking about why people quit on their goals. She said something that really resonated with me. . . when we fall or give in to temptation, we need to get back back at it and start over again. Never give up. . . just pick up where you left off. I am paraphrasing, of course, but it really stuck with me. My biggest mistake is once I give in to temptation, say have a brownie (unplanned cheat), I start to think, what is one more, or I will eat what I want today and start over tomorrow, but then I don't. Her point was to be human. . . make the mistake here and there, but don't give up or don't let that mistake be an excuse to continue to slip.

Okay, I am going to try to relax. DH is arriving around 10:30.


Today I did SandS Cardio Slam. I decided I will mix SandS w/S90 workouts the next couple of weeks & throw in some yoga. I haven't done yoga and I think I really need it.

The roads & parking lots were a mess today. I can't imagine what it would have been like if we had 2 feet of snow:eek:

Belinda - I have to check out the pictures of Brawler on fb:)

Kristin - Everything you said to Karategirl rings true for me too. I would never give up but lately I do:( I will be thinking about you on 3/27. I hope your ds feels better.

Waves hi to Karategirl & Cookie

Hi everyone.

I did today :Weight Watchers The Ultimate Dance Party "Cardio Club" w/ Ilyse Baker, Jessica Smith Walk On: Walk Off Belly Fat " 3- Mile Flat Abs Power Walk " + JS 15 min Belly Blaster.

My husbands mom got moved into a nursing home today :( She been in and out the hospital since last year. Half the time my mother in law can't remember things. She got out the hospital 3 weeks ago, she stayed with her daughter. My mother in law can't do anything on her own anymore, that got to much for her DD.

Debbie - mixing it up is a great idea. Keeps you from getting bored. I was gonna post the video here too, the file is to large. Did you see it :)

Kirstin - thank you! Brawler really likes the cart and so do we. He gets around well in the cart, except in that mountain of snow we got hit with :) Thank goodness, my husband shoveled the front yard for Brawler. Poor Brawler couldn't do his business anywhere with all that snow.

Good job everyone. I will be back tomorrow.
Quick check-in for me as I am beat. I did Xtrain Legs (premix 1, with rear delts added in). I am exhausted. I will be back with personals tomorrow!


Today I did S90 shoulders & arms.

I forgot to tell you guys that a neighbors small dog was mauled & killed by a fox. It is so sad:( couldn't even imagine it. The dog was outside (electric fence) and couldn't escape.

Belinda - I'm so sorry about your MIL, it's a hard decision to make but sometimes the best decision. I forgot to look at the video on fb but I will.

Kristin - This felt like such a long week.

Waves hi to Karate girl & Cookie

Hallo ladies,

Late check in for me. Once I came home, I stopped at my next door neighbors house. She convinced me to workout with her. We did LM Body Jam (dance). Holy molly!! That was tough. Don't give me wrong...I LOVE dancing, but this one was fun but very tough. It was hip hop (whatever the kids dance these day's, lol) The moves were difficult but not very difficult that you get lost. I did caught on very quickly, it's probably because I go with the music and let go :D The music was really good. I think in the future I will try one more BJ and see if it's for me? I know it would a dance style my DD likes :D I was sweating my butt off, lol. I also walked a few miles today.

Thank you, Debbie. She is actually in a Assistance Living facility. I talked to her yesterday, she isn't to happy. She kept saying only old people are there, lol. DH said today, what did she expect? " A bunch of 30 years old, that have no place to stay and just hang out ":p He cracked me up today. You are right, at least she is getting good care. OMG!!! that is so sad about your neighbors dog :( I can't imagine what that poor dog went through.

Kirstin - good job with your workout yesterday. You are doing great!

Thats it for me today. Good night. Need to unwind after my dance party :D
Hey guys. Friday was a rest day for me, if you can call it that. My younger DS was sick and when my older DS woke up he was sick as well. He was coughing and he had a fever. He didn't want to me sick because he had a fun night planned with his friends that he had been looking forward to all week. He cried and cried. I couldn't take off because I am taking off on the 27th, that is the day we are putting mom in the assisted living place. Luckily, DH was able to switch his days and stayed home yestefday. Turns out both boys have strep throat. When I got home from work, they both wanted me. We watched movies and I basically sat with them, giving meds and taking temps. I ended up sleeping on the couch with one son last night, while DH slept with the other. I am a little tired and groggy today, but I did push through my workout. My legs have been sore all week. I forgot how the Xtrain rotation had legs 2X a week.

Belinda- I am sorry to hear about your MIL. I am afraid it will be a hard adjustment for my mom as well. My dad wants to go to PR to visit family, her family, after we get her settled. This basically leaves me to make sure she gets situated and is okay. My brother and sister are still living in denial and are nowhere to be found as far as helping out.

Deb- it was a looooong week. Even though we had a snow day too, it was still long. Do you follow Autumn on facebook. I like her posts. She does Facebook Live often with different topics and themes. The one about why we quit really stayed with me, like I said to Karategirl. Since listening to that advice, I have had a good run. This week I had two cheats. Not bad. I definitely see a difference in my body. I am also making it a point of drinking lemon water. I drink it all weekend long. During the work day, I drink regular water, but when I get home I do lemon water again. It seems to be working.


Good evening,

Today I did JS Belly Blasting Walk :Belly Fat Blast Interval Walk + Intensity premix #5 + S90 Dynamic core.

Kirstin - I am so sorry you have to deal with all that. I hope your family eventually comes around. Good job with your workout despite not feeling well.

Waving Hi to Debbie and Karategirl!

Good night.

Yesterday I took a hot yoga class and it knocked me out. It was really nice to take a yoga class:). I have DOMS in my upper body from this weeks workouts so I just walked on the treadmill today.

Belinda - Your dance party with your neighbor sounded like fun! I saw the post of Brawler and his cart, that was amazing. I was surprised how young Brawler looks:)

Kristin - Maybe it was better both boy's were sick the same time, just hopefully you and your DH will be germ free. I will check out Autumn on facebook sounds really interesting.

Good morning,

Debbie - Brawler is 12 years old :( He acts like a young pup :) Good job on your hot yoga yesterday.

I will be back later.
Hey guys. I just finished my workout for today, Xtrain Burn Sets- Chest, Back and Shoulders. I also took Baxter for a walk today. Poor dog has been cooped up all week with this weather. I have work to do, but I have no desire to do it, lol.

Deb- I guess it is good to have both boys sick at once. My younger guy seems to be doing better. My older DS is still running a fever.

Belinda- Sometimes the workouts are what keep me sane, lol. So glad I found Cathe. Working out is a much healthier way to get out my frustrations. Otherwise I would turn to food and wine.



Today I did SandS Bootcamp, don't think I did that one before but liked it but thought it was tough. I also cooked my monthly sauce but happy it's all done.

Belinda - Brawler looks so much younger:)

Kristin - Your right workouts do keep us sane:eek:

Hi everyone,

Ended up taking a rest day yesterday.

Today I did Sands Ramped Up UB Mish Mosh Premix: Extreme #3 + 5 mile walk is done.

Debbie - thank you. Brawler is 12 years old :( I almost pulled out SandS BC today. Good job yesterday.

Kirstin - I hear you on the workouts. Working out is so good for your body and mind.

Good job everyone.

Today I walked on the treadmill. I had my hair cut today and it needed it didn't realize how long it was getting.

Belinda - Good job with your workout!

Kristin - I forget to say how sorry I am your siblings aren't helping out with your Mom:( I think someday they will regret it.

Waves hi to Karategirl & Cookie


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