Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hey girls,

Today I did? JS Walk On: 5 Day Fat Burn - Toning walk = 30 min + Bonus workout: Healthy back = 15 min. I also did Kathy Smith Project You: Power Push. The Power Push was identical to the cardio portion from yesterday's workout (TB circuit). I do like the cardio a lot, easy no complex stuff. Wasn't in the mood to do the same today again :p Not sure, what I will do next week? Have to pick different dvd's.

Kirstin - good job! Take advantage of the beautiful weather/sunshine. It's in the 70's here.

Good job, everyone.
PHA Training done! I love how fast this one goes and that my heart rate stays up the entire time.

Belinda- 70s! This weather is amazing. I love it.

Waving hello to everyone!

Hi everyone,

Today I did JS Cardio Core + Low Impact HiiT walk from her 21 Day Weight loss DVD. I also did my own TB workout, which kicked my butt :)

Kirstin - not sure, what happened to the weather? This morning it was very nice outside, now we it's raining and very windy :(

Good job, everyone.
Hi everyone,

Sorry I have been MIA. We have been traveling and in lots of Florida traffic:(. We did enjoy the beach today:). One more visit tomorrow to see friends and a couple of days of beach before we come home. We have been doing a lot of walking, not going to the gym this time.

I can't believe the beautiful weather you guys are having:cool:

Belinda - Great job with your workouts!! Is your DH still working out with you?

Kristen - You had great weather for your vacation:). I hope to start hot yoga when we get back. Do you have the same instructor each week?

Hey guys. Today's workout was SandS Bootcamp. I was a little sluggish today, but I got the workout done. Last night DH and I had a romantic dinner without the kids, which was great. I cannot believe the week is over and it is back to the grind tomorrow. I have so much work to do as I procrastinated all week. I am going to lock myself in the office for the rest of the day.

Deb- I do have the same instructor every week and I love her. She was on vacation a few weeks ago and I went to the class anyway. It was not the same. As for the weather. . . back to the cold :(. I was actually looking at my spring clothes trying to plan for the week yesterday, lol. Silly me!

Belinda- the nice weather was short-lived, but it gives us something to look forward to. I cannot believe we are heading into March!


Well, ladies, I fell off the wagon this week with exercise and diet. Motivation is an ongoing problem for me. I always feel like it is one step forward and ten steps back. :confused: I am a master at self-sabotage.

Anyway, climbing back on the wagon today with PHA training.

Fantastic job with your workouts, everyone!
Good afternoon,

Yesterday turned out to be a work day for DH and me. My wash machine & dryer is on the second floor. Although I like the connivance of the washer & dryer upstairs, it's a pain in the $%^ when something breaks. I have a front load washer & dryer, the laundry room is very tight, overtime something goes wrong with the washer we have to push the washer & dryer in the hallway. My washer leaked yesterday :( I didn't even noticed that until DH came and told me. The wire ring on the door got loose, the water leaked all the way through the ceiling. We have a guest bathroom downstairs. Of course, since everything was out the laundry room , I did some spring cleaning :) My laundry room wasn't scheduled until next week. Now it's nice and clean and I also got rid of things I don't use anymore. DH and I did fix the wire on the door. No leaks. I ended up having 21 K yesterday :) All this running around, lol.

Supreme 90 Back & Biceps is done. I forgot how good these workouts were. I also walked for 40 min.

Karate girl - don't beat yourself up :) Jump back on that wagon. You got this! Good job yesterday.

Kirstin - I really thought that was it:( Can't believe how cold it got again. WTH? Good job yesterday.

Debbie - sometimes you have to take a break from exercise. When you came back you will be stronger. Enjoy the rest of your stay.

Cookie - we miss you :( Come back!!!!!!

I am so tired today. That's it for me today.
Hey guys. Today's workout was SandS Ramped Up Upper Body. That one really burns, especially the shoulders.

It was tough getting up this morning before sunrise to get to work. The day seemed long too.

When I got home my dad called me to tell me that he has decided to put my mom in a nursing home. She is getting worse and has "accidents" every day, and not just number 1. He cried, but he cannot take care of her like this anymore. It is too much for him. He looks aged from this. I told him he had my support, but I couldn't speak for my brother and sister and he told me that if they dare say anything, he will put them in their place. I took that to mean he would call them out on being MIA all this time. He is going to check out a home near our town on Wednesday.

Belinda- I would love to have the washer and dryer upstairs, but I can see the downside of it from what happened to you yesterday. I am glad it is all fixed and that you got some spring cleaning done early.

Karategirl- ditto what Belinda said. Just jump back on the wagon and get back to it. We all stumble.

Waving hello to Deb!

Hi everyone,

We visited friends yesterday and it was fun. The weather has been unseasonably warm here. I think the weather is crazy everywhere!

Belinda - I remembering hearing about washer/dryer on 2nd floor but didn't think about repairs. I remember really liking the Supreme 90s too!

Kristin - I'm sorry your Dad has to go through this but in will work out for the best. Once you really like an instructor it's hard to like the sub.

Karate girl - Kudos on get back on track!

Hey girls,

Today I did: JS 5 Mile Mix (2, 3, 5 Mile) + Denise A. Blast Away the Pounds walk = 56 min + Supreme 90 Legs = 33 min.

Debbie - usually we get a repair man to fix whatever is wrong with the washer and dryer. I am sure they are cursing at us, lol. They always complain how heavy the washer & dryer is, lol. Since it was a Sunday and I really didn't wanted to wait a few days for someone to come out. Thank goodness DH knows what how to fix it. I hear you on the instructor. I haven't forgotten about the pic, I will sent it to you tomorrow.

Kirstin - I do like the washer & dyer upstair. At least I am getting all my spring cleaning done early, lol. I feel so sorry for your dad and mom (((HUGS))) Must be tough seeing his wife like this:( My heart goes out to your dad. I hope he finds a good nursing home for her and to to far so he can visit. How are you holing up?

That's it for me today. It's raining like crazy here. BBL!
Hey guys. I just finished Lower Body Circuit. I was tired, but got through it. I like this rotation, mixing RWH and SandS.

Not much else to report. I am dragging this week. Need motivation, not for working out, but for work.

Belinda- I'm a bit of an emotional mess. I knew this day was coming, but it is still a bit of a shock. I didn't want to see my mom end up in a home, but I cannot expect my dad to suffer like this in taking care of her, it is becoming too much. She barely speaks, cannot toilet herself, has had accidents, needs help with feeding herself. It is a tragedy. This has aged my dad so much. It is just awful. Maybe this is why I am dragging at work this week. Too much to deal with. . .

Deb- It was 62 degrees here today and they are saying we are going to get wicked Thunderstorms tomorrow and then possibly snow on Friday, weird.

Waving hello to karategirl and Cookie.

Short post today. Just wanted to thank you all for your support, it means a lot! :)

Yesterday, did Core de Force MMA Power
Today, CdF MMA Shred
Hey girls,

Busy day today. I did my workouts this morning, just getting around to post. I did JS Low Impact HiiT walk = 30 + JS Belly Fat Premix Strength & Intervals + 30 min pilates cardio.

Karate girl - good job yesterday.

Kirstin - I feel your pain :( I am so sorry for you and your family (((HUGS))) You guys have a lot on your plate! Hang in there!!

I will be back tomorrow.
Hey girls,

Workout for today: JS Mega walk + S90 Chest, Shoulder & Triceps + Project You: Yoga + inner tight workout.

Good night, everyone.
Hey guys. Last night was Hot Yoga and I really needed it. Today I did RWH UBC, plus bonus abs 1. I am pretty beat. Very happy tomorrow is Friday. This weekend I am taking my younger DS upstate for a swim meet competition. We are staying overnight. When I come home tomorrow we are packing up and then heading out. He is looking forward to it so much. I probably won't be checking in here until Sunday or Monday. I have worked out 16 days in a row, so I am thinking I am going to take advantage of being away this weekend and resting up. Then I will finish the last week of the RWH and SandS rotation.

Belinda- Thank you, I appreciate it. It turns out this home my dad was looking into would be double what they quoted him on the phone. However, he already has appointments to check out other places. I am keeping my fingers crossed we can find a good place and get things situated.

Have a good night everyone!


We are on our way back home on a 2 hour delay right now due to high winds. TG for free wi-fi:). So many charging stations too. The weather was really good but guess it was everywhere. Did lots of walking but looking forward to getting back to weights.

Belinda - Great job with your workouts this week, I like your mix!

Kristin - My thoughts are with you and your Dad during this difficult time:(. I hope you enjoy the break with your family this weekend.

Karate girl - Are you still loving Core de Force?

Good evening!

Belinda - I forgot about the Supreme 90 workouts. I remember drooling over them on the "old" Collage video site. I may have to look into those!

Kristin - I am so sorry to hear about your mom. Those are not easy decisions to make, and I wish the best to you and your dad.

Debbie - I really love Core de Force! Here is my mini review:

There are four cardio dvds. One is beginner with 6 rounds, one is intermediate with 9 rounds, and two are advanced with 12 rounds. The format reminds me of Cathe's IMAX videos, but kick box rather than step. So there are intervals of steady state kickboxing mixed with cardio blasts. There is one strength dvd based on body weight training. There is a dvd titled "Powersculpt", which is a mix of cardio and strength training. There are two short ab workouts which can be added to the end of any other dvd. There is a 20 minute "Active Recovery" dvd, which I didn't use. I thought it involved stretching, but it included the usual moves from the other dvds, done at a slower, easier pace.

Something that didn't bother me, but which might be considered a "con" by others was the warmup and cool down. The warmup is basically the same for every workout, and only a couple minutes long. For me, it was sufficient but, you might want to do something else if you prefer a longer warmup. The cool down is also basically the same for every workout. It annoyed me that they would go directly from a blast right into a static stretch. I would have to pause the dvd so I could do my own cool down, then follow their stretch, which is only a few minutes long. There is an additional 5 minute stretching dvd, which the program recommends to be done at night, but I added it to the end of the workouts for a more effective stretch.

For me, just getting back into the routine of exercising, this program presented a good challenge. If you are a dedicated exerciser who routinely completes Cathe's advanced dvds, I think Core de Force is more intermediate to high intermediate. I love that it is easy to customize. There is a modifier who presents "beginner" versions of the moves, and if you put more speed and power into the moves, the program verges on "advanced". Also, this is the perfect program to bring with you if you are vacationing. No equipment needed!

Bottom line, I don't think Core de Force will build strength or cardio endurance if you are already an advanced exerciser, but I think it will maintain your gains if you simply want to throw something different into the mix. I really enjoyed it, and will certainly keep it in my rotation .
Hey girls,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday. I did my workouts in the morning than DH and I took off shopping :)

Yesterday I did CIA Criss Cross Cardio w/Sherri Jacquelin = 60 min + JS 15 Min Cardio Blast and 15 min Standing abs.

Today I did S90 Cardio Challenge + Weight Watchers The Ultimate Dance Party TB Blast = 43 min (very fun workout!!) + JS Strong, Feet, Ankles = 15 min.

Karategirl - you should pull them out one of those day's. The workouts are really fun. Glad you like Core de Froce. Can't wait to give this one a whirl.

Debbie - hope you had a safe fight home yesterday. Get some rest!

Kirstin - you are welcome! I was wondering if your dad can't get a caregiver for the house? My mother in law been in and out the hospital since last year. She is living with her DD. They have a nurse, caregiver come a few times a day. Maybe your dad wants to look into something like that?

That is it for me today. Have a great weekend everyone.

Yesterday DH & I went to NYC to see the play Miss Saigon it was my birthday gift from September. It was a really good play but so cold out. I have been walking on the treadmill. I spent today food shopping and planning my meals for this week. I need to get back on track with eating.

Belinda - The dance party workout sounds like fun! Hope you had fun shopping this weekend:)

Kristin - It's great that you are fitting yoga in during this stressful time.

Karate girl - Thank you for the detailed review:) I didn't realize it doesn't use any equipment but agree it's nice to change it up that way.

Cookie - Come back and check-in we miss you:(


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