Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Good morning,

Strong & Sweaty Cardio Slam Mish Mosh Premixes Scrambled #1 = 49 min + 4 mile walk is done.

Great job, everyone. I will be back tomorrow.

I am feeling better each day, go to the Dr. on Monday so will find out what/ when I can do things. Today I did calf raises, and some leg exercises with the loop my core wasn't involved so I feel fine.

They said I could start driving last Friday (day 4) but didn't feel confident until today. I didn't realize you use your core so much for driving. I prefer to turn around and not rely on my mirrors.

Belinda - I returned a bunch of things that I bought at Christmas that wouldn't work and it felt good! It's rare that I do Mish Mosh's but they look like they would be fun!

Kristin - How are you feeling?

Karate girl - Listen to your body, switching things to work is a good thing:)

Have a great weekend!
Good morning,

Ramped Up Upper Body Mish Mosh Premixes Scrambled #1 = 44 min + walk is done.

Debbie - good for you for feeling better and returning thing you don't need/want:) Those premixes change the order of exercises, that's all.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me. Alesia and I are going to an wine & chocolate tasting today. That should be fun :)
Hey guys. My sinuses are still stuffed, but I am feeling a bit better. I am hoping I will feel "normal" again soon. Friday was my scheduled rest day and I kept it that way. I was not in a very good mood yesterday, just tired and worn down. Today I did a bit of cleaning and then I did PHA Training. Tomorrow I am starting the fourth week of my five week SandS rotation. I feel like I am seeing some more muscle tone and getting slimmer, although I got on the scale Friday and I have not lost any more weight. Still the same as last week. At least it didn't go back up though, right?

Deb- I am so glad you are feeling better and are able to move around more. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that theDr. Give you the go ahead to do more.

Belinda- wine and chocolate are my favorite! What a great way to spend a Saturday. Let us know if there were any good combinations, ;).

Karategirl- I agree with Deb- listening to your body is always the most important thing.

I am getting dinner ready. I am making Spanish seasoned roasted chicken with Spanish rice and some green beans. Gotta get to it. My parents are coming over for dinner.

Have a great day guys!


Today I did walked on the treadmill for 25 min. low speed with a big incline to use more of my legs and not core. It felt fine.

Belinda - Wine & chocolate sounds really good!! Have fun:)

Kristin - Your dinner sounds yummy:) It sounds like sinus infections are going around:( I hope you can rest this weekend.

Waves hi to karate girl & Cookie

Hi, everyone. :)

Deb - Glad to hear that your core felt okay after your treadmill workout. That's great!

Belinda - Wine and chocolate, yum! Hope you had a great time.

Decided to change my workout plan. I'm going to do a 5 day SANDS rotation for 4 to 6 weeks, like this:
Sunday: Total Body Giant Sets and bonus abs
Monday: Cardio Slam
Tuesday: Yoga
Wednesday: PHA training
Thursday: Bootcamp
Friday: Ramped up upper body
Saturday: Rest

Completed Total body giant sets today with bonus abs. I really enjoyed giant sets; very challenging , but no dread factor. Bonus abs is tough! Love Cathe's outfit in that one.
Hey guys. Quick check in for me. Today I did Cardio Slam premix timesaver #7. I then added bonus abs 1 from RWH. Week 4 of the rotation started today. I fell off the clean eating bandwagon but I plan on getting back on it tomorrow.

I will be back with personals tomorrow.


Today I also did the treadmill for 25 min. I also cooked my monthly sauce so it took a lot out of me. I should sleep good tonight:)

Belinda - I was wondering how the kids were doing with all the demonstrations in DC?

Kristin - It's so much easier to start clean eating on a Monday.

Karategirl - I haven't done all the dvds in the new series but I did do Giant sets and that is a good one!

Good morning.

Sorry for not checking in yesterday. My nephew 27 years in Germany got diagnosed with cancer :( He was my son's best man at this wedding last year. Please, keep him in your prayers. Been talking to my family since I found out Saturday.

Alesia and I went a day early for the wine, cheese & chocolate tasting :D Alesia had the date wrong, lol. The owner was so amazing, she gave us both a free chocolate and wine tasting. She sent us to her chocolate & wine tasting store in Little Washington in town. It was only like 3 min away from the winery. She also chanced the date and let us take the cheese, chocolate & wine tour at another time. That was amazing for the owner, IMO! Alesia and I ended up having a blast on Saturday. The chocolate and wine was amazing :) We also ate lunch in Little Washington and we also walked around. George Washington designed the little town when he was 17 years old. The town was so pretty! We decided to go back with DH, DS and Christina.

Today I will start Strong & Sweaty week 4. I will do BC today.

Debbie - how are you doing? Sounds like you still need to take it easy. Good job on cooking and walk.

Kirstin - the combination was amazing. The handmade the chocolate :)

Karate girl - your plan looks great :) Nothing wrong making the workouts work for you.

Hallo Cookie!

I will be back later.
I am back to report my workouts: I did Strong & Sweaty BC Mish Mosh Scrambled #2 = 44 min + JS Cardio Abs + Concentrated abs.

Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Hey guys. I just finished my workout for today. I did SandS Ramped Up Upper Body and I added on TTM Step Tabata Premix. I felt like I needed a little cardio.

We are getting hit with a Nor'easter storm right now. I am hoping the power stays on. The power actually went out at work otday. I was teaching in the dark the last two periods of the day. Craziness, lol.

Deb- I totally did a reset on my diet after this weekend, lol. Monday is easier for clean eating, lol. Nice job easing your way into your active lifestyle.

Belinda- The wine and chocolate tasting sounds amazing! I need to go!!! It is so great how close you are with your children, especially your daughter. I look at my boys and I hope we stay close when they get older.

Karategirl- I am doing something similar to you. I am following the SandS rotation, but I made it five weeks instead of four because I take a hot yoga class once a week. I am enjoying the rotation.

BB tomorrow,


Belinda - I am so sorry to hear about your nephew. I will certainly keep him in my thoughts and prayers. On a lighter note, it sounds like your wine/cheese/chocolate tasting was an amazing experience in spite of having the wrong date. Fun!!

Kristin - I love the idea of adding a tabata to Ramped Up Upper body. :cool: I am in the path of the Nor'easter as well. I'm just happy that it's warm enough to be a rainy Nor'easter instead of snowy.

Did Cardio Slam today, more jumping and less modification this time, hooray!

Today I walked on the treadmill. I went to the Dr. and he said I am healing very nicely. He said I can do lifting & yoga in 2 weekso_O I'm so happy but will listen to my body. The Dr. assured me with the mesh in place it will prevent a recurrence!

Belinda - So sorry for your nephew and will keep him in my prayers. That was awesome of the owner to do all that for you:) The town sounds like a great place to visit.

Kristin - I was worried about you and the storm. We aren't getting it as bad. I would have thought they would close the school if the lights were out:confused:

Karategirl - Stay safe from the storm as well. The weather man said if it was snow, we would be taking out the yard stick:eek:

Cookie - Wondering how you are?

Good afternoon.

I just got of the phone with my sister in Germany. My nephew has no cancer. They ran more test today and told him the good news :) We are all so relieved to hear the good news. Why did they tell him he had cancer? They should have waited and ran more tests instead everyone been worry sick over the weekend :) We are all so thankful it's not cancer. Thanks everyone for your kind words and payers!

Today I did Strong & Sweaty Ramped Up UB Basic premix = 60 min + walk.

Debbie - thanks for your kind words and prayers :) It was very nice what the owner did :) The town is small but beautiful. Great place to visit.
So glad everything went well with your doc yesterday. Please, don't overdue it for the next few weeks. You still need to rest. Wishing you a speedy recovery! BTW, the kids stayed on Saturday. It was a mad house in DC. People were marching until late that evening.

Kirstin - I am very close to both my kids. They both live in the same apartment building. We always hang out together when we are in DC. That was one of my xmas gift from Aleisa :) I do enjoy mother and daughter time. Alesia is also very close to her brother, they do a lot together. I am sure you will be as close to your kids when they get older. You are a good mom.

Karate girl - thanks for your kind words :) We all had a good laugh about the wrong date on Saturday, lol.

Have a wonderful day and workout everyone.

I walked on the treadmill today. I also worked today and the stores are so quiet. The managers/workers at Macy's are so worried, they were told that there will be a lot of cutbacks in February:( I'm surprised they told them but I guess it gives them a chance to start looking for jobs.

Belinda - I'm happy to hear the good news about your nephew. He seemed so young to have cancer, sorry you and your family had to worry so much. TG the kids stayed with you:)

Waves hi to everyone

Good morning,

Cardio Slam Basic premix #1 = 60 min + walking is done.

Debbie - so sorry to hear about the cutback at Macy's :( Glad you starting to feel better too. Thanks about my nephew. I am so glad it turned out to be nothing. Wished the doc wouldn't have said something in the first place :(

Happy Hump Day everyone.
Good evening!

Debbie - Glad to hear you are healing well and that you were given the green light to begin lifting again in a couple of weeks. (Insert imaginary thumbs-up emoticon here!)

Belinda - That is excellent news about your nephew! Very happy to hear that he is okay.

Yesterday was my easier workout day, I did a 30 minute Leslie Sansone walk, plus a 2o minute Rodney Yee yoga segment.

Today, I did PHA training. I saw that it was a relatively short workout and thought, "How hard can it possibly be?" :eek::eek: Well, I certainly found out! I really loved it, because I prefer strength training to cardio, and it was awesome to get my heart pumping so hard and sweat so much during a weight session. I think it is officially my favorite SANDS dvd.

I attempted to do Slim in 6 Tone-up and was skipping through the exercises I thought wouldn't work. In the end, I did about 10 minutes and did the treadmill instead because I didn't want to take any chances.

Belinda - Do you like the modifier in Cardio Slam, I haven't done that one yet?

Kristin - I hope everything is ok after the storm? I spoke to my brother and they lost power at his job.

Karate girl - I only did PHA training once it was really good but hard:)

Hey girls,

Brawlers K9 cart arrived yesterday. I was afraid he isn't gonna like it, it looks like he does. We took him for a small walk this morning. What a difference the cart makes. The last few weeks his strength in his back legs are getting worst. He can't hold him self up anymore. I had to carry him outside, carry him everywhere. I wished I ordered the cart before. The cart is worth every $$, IMO :) I will post a pic this weekend.

Today I did PHT Training Mish Mosh premix: Scrambled #2 = 43 min + Jessica Smith Barre Fitness DVD: Cardio Ballett = 20 min + Floor Barre = 20 min.

Debbie - I do my own modifications with Cardio Slam. I do like it. Glad you feeling much better.

That's it for me today.

Today I walked on the treadmill. It was a really nice day today, wish the weather could stay like this:)

Belinda - That is great that Brawler likes the K9 cart, would love to see a picture! Great job with your workouts:) I'm missing my workouts.

Waves hi to Kristin, Karate girl & Cookie


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