Commit to get Fit & Lean January 2016 - 2024

Hey guys. Last night I went to Hot Yoga. It was very intense. I think I am gaining flexibility though.

Tuesday night ended up being a rest day. I convinced my dad to go with me to the Alzheimer's Caregivers Support Group. It was good. My dad is depressed with the holidays and the state my mom is in and I think the message of the night was good for him to hear. It was about viewing what you have for the holidays. I am going to host Christmas so that my dad does not have to stress over it. I think he appreciates it.

I am really tired. I did not work out today because I am backed up with grading. I cannot wait to get to the break!

Deb- YES IT IS! LOL. We only have a week off because of the way the holidays fall. I am exhausted and don't know if I will make it to Dec 23rd. I prefer for the holidays to fall on a weekday as well.

Belinda- You won't believe this but I have not bought one Christmas present yet! I am behind!!!! The onething I love about the 21 DF workouts is that you are in and out in 30 minutes.

Cookie- I always feel like the school year is flying by and then January hits and I feel like it doesn't move, lol. This winter is going to be a cold one and an artcic blast is heading our way. I should've booked a cruise this winter and not last, lol.

BB tomorrow.


Today I did ICE triceps meltdown it was a short one but just about all the energy I had left. We went to get our Christmas tree tonight but won't decorate it until the weekend. It's starting to feel like Christmas even the cold temps (brrrrrr).

Belinda - Do you help to install the floor?

Kristin - That is really great of you to host Christmas:) As much as I love the holidays it is sadness for a lot of people, it's great that you went to the support group. Someone told me the stores will be crazy on Christmas Eve because when it falls on a weekend people can't shop on their days off.

Cookie - It must feel strange to find a place for the Christmas tree in a new house. We have put it in the same spot for 25 years:)

Good afternoon,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday, had a doc appointment. Came home later. Besides walking over 10 miles, didn't get anything else done.

Today I did JMBR Phase3 D12, lots of jumping in that one. I had to take the intensity down. I also walked today plus did abs.

Debbie - yes, I will help with the flooring :) Aleisa is coming Sunday, she wants to help me decorate the tree :) Really don't want to decorate this year :( Not in the mood. It's so cold outside.

Kirstin - I can't find a gift for DH:( He can't find anything for me either, lol. We have everything! You are an amazing daughter :) So sorry about your mom (((HUGS)))

Great job everyone. Keep up the good work.
Good morning,

My workout for today was: JM BR Phase 3 Cardio 3 + walking. We picked up the flooring for the basement today, that was a workout too. Getting all the boxes in the basement. We will start putting the flooring in next week (the boxes need to stay in room temperature for at least 2 or 3 day's). I still have to pick out lighting for the basement. Thinking industrial look lightning? I have something in mind, but for some reason can't find it :(

That's it for me today. I am excited to do 21 DF on Monday :)

I took a rest day yesterday & today. I hope to get a workout in tomorrow.

Yesterday I went to the Dr. I had a umbilical hernia about 6 years ago. I knew about 5 years ago my stomach wasn't right but the last 6 months it has been painful. He said I need to have it repaired it's not in the same spot but he said he will put a mesh sheet in so that it will not happen again and I can lift and have no restrictions after I heal. He thinks the 2nd hernia may have been their all along. I wish I would have had the mesh sheet put in the 1st time so I wouldn't need a 2nd operation:rolleyes:. I scheduled it for after the holidays. He said I should do it before it get's any bigger because they can do it laparoscopic now.

Belinda - You will get a workout putting the floor in! I wish I could be so handy. That is so nice DD will come and help you with the tree. I bet once you have it up, you will be happy you did:)

Kristin & Cookie - Hopefully you are staying warm this weekend.

Hey guys! This month is flying way too fast for me. So much going on and I cannot wait for the week off so I can relax. Yesterday's workout was Cardio Supersets, plus the bonus step. I rarely do the Low Impact Series workouts because the music is "so-so," but I did Slide and Glide recently and this gem yesterday, I realized I need to incorporate them more because they really are good workouts. Today I did Butts and Guts. I have not done that one in a long time and my legs are fried.

Belinda- It's exciting that you are starting the flooring soon. Industrial lighting is cool too, especially for a workout space. Very much like the set of P90X, right?

Deb- I'm sorry to hear about the hernia. I never even heard of umbilical hernia before. When are you going to get the surgery. What a time of year to have to do that!

Waving hello to Cookie. I am sure you are crazy busy like me too! Two more weeks until break!

Debbie - I am sorry about your hernia. DH had a few hernia surgery. I know they are not fun. Don't lift anything heavy.

Kristin - I am going for the P90X industrial lightning look. I agree, about the Low Impact workouts. Love S&G. Good job on B&G!

I didn't get my workout in today:( Today I ended up food shopping and cooking most of the day. It was for Christmas so happy to have that off my list. I was happy DH decorated the tree because I am behind on decorating the house.

Belinda - I hope this is the last hernia operation, according to the Dr. it will be:confused: I thought it was a man thing but the nurse said lots of woman get them. My Mom & my son did too. I'll have to check out P90X not sure what industrial lighting is exactly.

Kristin - I won't get it until 1/9 and will be restricted especially the first 2 weeks and they will let me know after that. Not too happy about that:( They said the umbilical hernia may have been caused by giving birth (weakening my ab wall). They also said it could be genetic. I like all the workouts you did this weekend:)

Waves hi to Cookie

Good morning,

I did 21 DF Total Body Cardio + 1 mile walk + pilates.

Christmas tree is up :) glad that is done. I didn't put a lot of decorations out, not like last year. We decorated the entire downstairs. I only decorated my living room. That's it. Tonight we putting down the floor in my basement/gym :)

Debbie - I hope it's your last surgery :( I should cook for the week too. You are always so prepared with your food prep :)

Have a great Monday, everyone.
Hey Guys. I just finished Hard Strikes a little while ago. Feeling good. I am hoping this week goes by quickly as I am ready to be on Christmas break, lol. I am taking next Monday off because I have my son's parent/teacher conference. My goal is to wrap and hide the gifts, which means I have to get the gifts by then, lol. I did some shopping and ordering last night online.

Belinda- I think the living room is really the most important room to decorate. I love having the tree lit up at night. It is my favorite Christmas decoration, lol. So exciting to be starting your floor!

Deb- I am thinking it is better to do the surgery after the holidays. You will be able to take it easy more after then before the holiday. I actually did some food prepping too Sunday. Hopefully I can stick to my plan this week.



Today I did Great Glutes. Tomorrow I am going to NY Macy's to meet with the girl I will cover for Christmas so she can show me anything that has changed.

Belinda - I decorate my living room and dinning room but that's about it for me. You started 21 DF:)

Kristin - I just want to be finished with Christmas shopping . . . hopefully soon. It's the last minute things that always get me:( Believe it or not in Kohls and Macy's you can order online and they will have it ready in the store for you to pick-up.

Waves hi to Cookie

Hey girls,

Did my workouts this morning before work :) DH and I did 21 DF Upper Fix and walking.

Debbie - I just don't have time to decorate the entire house this year. It's hard to get to my xmas decorations, had to empty the basement. Hope you have fun in NY Macy's :)

Kirstin - totally agree with you on the living room decorations. I am very excited about the flooring, looks amazing. We will lay more planks down tonight. If it makes you feel better, I still don't have any xmas gifts for DH and DS:( Very hard to shop for!

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout.

Today I did ICE Meltdown shoulders & back. I ran into my next door neighbor at the train station, we sat together and talked on the ride to NY. It wasn't too cold today so walking in the city was nice.

Belinda - I sure your basement/workout room will look awesome. Kudos on getting your workout in 1st.

Waves hi to Kristin & Cookie

Good morning,

My workout is done for today: DH and I did 21DF Lower Fix + 1 Mile walk with Jessica. I also did Jessica Smith Brain Fusion from her 6WTR.

Gym floor update: I am posting a pic of the flooring in the gym/basement. We had we had a lot of damage boxes of planks :( We have to return them this week. That will probably hold us up for another week or so :( Last night we did a lot of cutting to make the planks fit around the corners/stairs. It's looking really amazing. Once we are done with the flooring, I will try to post a sort video of the entire basement. This way you get an idea what we had to deal with:( I know you can't see it in the pic, but we are done on the other side of the stairs too.

Debbie - good job yesterday. We still have a lot to do in the basement.

Have a great day, everyone.


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    gym flooring 2.JPG
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Today I took a rest day. I was sore all over, too much running around LOL. The next 2 weeks will be tough but after that a big break:)

Belinda - I love your floor & the color too. I'm sure you may have said it before but what type of floor is it? In the Spring need to replace my kitchen floor looking for some ideas.

Waves hi to Kristin & Cookie

Good morning,

21DF Pilates and walk is done :)

Last night DH and I had to take Brawler to the emergency vet clinic :( His paw was bleeding from the knocking sock :( We bought the knocking sock 2 or 3 weeks ago. Last week I noticed the was getting blisters. He hasn't worn the sock since last week, but the blisters started to bleed. The sock was rapping him bloody. The sock was a wast of my $$. Not to mention the vet last night cost us over $224:( The only reason we took him last night his paw had a bad oder. Oh well! Poor dog can't get a brake!

Debbie - I posted the name and color here : We did requested from the company samples for the flooring.

Good job ladies.

Today I did ICE Meltdown bi's & tri's. It was so cold today & it snowed about an inch:( I kept trying to daydream about the beach to stay warm.

Belinda - I love your workout room colors! I have vinyl floor in my kitchen but it is worn. I thought about tile but I really like the look of the vinyl planks also much better on your feet too. Do you have mirrors?

Kristin & Cookie - Hop you are staying warm:cool:

Good evening,

Did my workout early this morning, just getting around to post. Been working in the basement. DH and I did 21 DF Cardio Fix. Forgot how tough this one was, lol. I also walked a few miles today and did JS Dynamic stretch from her 6WTR.

Debbie - thank you! I love the color. Looks great. You can't put down tiles on concrete. I do have mirrors in my workout area.

Have a great evening.

I went to hot yoga today it was the perfect day since it was so cold outside. Almost didn't go but happy I did.

Belinda - I didn't realize but the hot yoga studio has the vinyl planks. It really looks great even with all the heat & workouts that is done on them. Great job with 21 DF cardio fix.

Waves hi to Kristin & Cookie

Good morning,

21 DF Dirty 30 + walk is done.

Debbie - wow, your hot yoga studio has the vinyl planks :) They are easy to clean, IMO! Good job on your yoga yesterday.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me. See you all tomorrow.

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